@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ const CampaignUpdateSummary = (props) => {
cardHeader: { value: t("USER_DETAILS"), inlineStyles: { marginTop: 0, fontSize: "1.5rem" } },
cardSecondaryAction: noAction !== "false" && (
diff --git a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/components/DeliveryDetailsSummary.js b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/components/DeliveryDetailsSummary.js
index 266805bcf59..640acef3bb9 100644
--- a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/components/DeliveryDetailsSummary.js
+++ b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/components/DeliveryDetailsSummary.js
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { Button, EditIcon, Header, Loader, ViewComposer } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components";
-import { InfoBannerIcon, Toast , Card , Stepper , TextBlock } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-components";
+import { InfoBannerIcon, Toast, Card, Stepper, TextBlock } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-components";
import { DownloadIcon } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR, downloadExcelWithCustomName } from "../utils";
import getProjectServiceUrl from "../utils/getProjectServiceUrl";
+import getDeliveryConfig from "../utils/getDeliveryConfig";
function mergeObjects(item) {
const arr = item;
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ function loopAndReturn(dataa, t) {
return {
- };
+ };
return format;
@@ -85,45 +86,93 @@ function reverseDeliveryRemap(data, t) {
let currentCycleIndex = null;
let currentCycle = null;
- // data.forEach((item, index) => {
- // if (currentCycleIndex !== item.cycleNumber) {
- // currentCycleIndex = item.cycleNumber;
- // currentCycle = {
- // // cycleIndex: currentCycleIndex.toString(),
- // cycleIndex: item?.cycleIndex,
- // startDate: item?.startDate ? Digit.Utils.date.convertEpochToDate(item?.startDate) : null,
- // endDate: item?.endDate ? Digit.Utils.date.convertEpochToDate(item?.endDate) : null,
- // active: index === 0, // Initialize active to false
- // deliveries: [],
- // };
- // reversedData.push(currentCycle);
- // }
- // // const deliveryIndex = item.deliveryNumber.toString();
- // const deliveryIndex = item?.deliveryIndex;
- // let delivery = currentCycle.deliveries.find((delivery) => delivery.deliveryIndex === deliveryIndex);
- // if (!delivery) {
- // delivery = {
- // deliveryIndex: deliveryIndex,
- // active: item.deliveryNumber === 1, // Set active to true only for the first delivery
- // deliveryRules: [],
- // };
- // currentCycle.deliveries.push(delivery);
- // }
- // delivery.deliveryRules.push({
- // ruleKey: item.deliveryRuleNumber,
- // delivery: {},
- // attributes: loopAndReturn(item.conditions, t),
- // products: [...item.products],
- // });
- // });
- // return reversedData;
- return data;
+ const operatorMapping = {
+ "<": "LESS_THAN",
+ ">": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "==": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "!=": "NOT_EQUAL_TO",
+ };
+ const cycles = data?.[0]?.cycles || [];
+ const transformedCycles = cycles.map((cycle) => {
+ const deliveries = cycle.deliveries?.map((delivery, deliveryIndex) => {
+ const doseCriteria = delivery.doseCriteria?.flatMap((criteria, ruleKey) => {
+ const products = criteria.ProductVariants.map((variant, key) => ({
+ key: key + 1,
+ count: 1,
+ value: variant.productVariantId,
+ name: variant.name
+ }));
+ const condition = criteria.condition;
+ let conditionParts = condition.split("and").map(part => part.trim()); // Split by 'and' and trim spaces
+ let rules = [];
+ // Iterate over each part of the condition if split by 'and'
+ conditionParts.forEach((part) => {
+ const parts = part.split(' ').filter(Boolean); // Split by space and remove empty strings
+ let attributes = [];
+ if (parts.length === 5 && (parts[1] === "<=" || parts[1] === "<") && (parts[3] === "<" || parts[3] === "<=")) {
+ // Handle IN_BETWEEN case
+ const toValue = parts[0];
+ const fromValue = parts[4];
+ attributes.push({
+ key: 1, // Incrementing key for each attribute
+ operator: { code: operatorMapping["IN_BETWEEN"] },
+ attribute: { code: parts[2] },
+ fromValue,
+ toValue
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Parse single conditions using regex
+ const match = part.match(/(.*?)\s*(<=|>=|<|>|==|!=)\s*(.*)/);
+ if (match) {
+ const attributeCode = match[1].trim();
+ const operatorSymbol = match[2].trim();
+ const value = match[3].trim();
+ attributes.push({
+ key: attributes.length + 1, // Incrementing key for each attribute
+ value,
+ operator: { code: operatorMapping[operatorSymbol] },
+ attribute: { code: attributeCode }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Add each part as a new delivery rule
+ rules.push({
+ ruleKey: ruleKey + 1,
+ delivery: {},
+ products,
+ attributes
+ });
+ });
+ return rules;
+ });
+ return {
+ active: true,
+ deliveryIndex: String(deliveryIndex + 1),
+ deliveryRules: doseCriteria
+ };
+ });
+ return {
+ active: true,
+ cycleIndex: String(cycle.id), // Include cycleIndex as string
+ deliveries: deliveries
+ };
+// Return the transformed cycles data
+return transformedCycles;
const fetchResourceFile = async (tenantId, resourceIdArr) => {
@@ -178,7 +227,7 @@ const DeliveryDetailsSummary = (props) => {
const [cycles, setCycles] = useState([]);
const [cards, setCards] = useState([]);
const isPreview = searchParams.get("preview");
- const [currentStep , setCurrentStep] = useState(1);
+ const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(1);
const currentKey = searchParams.get("key");
const [key, setKey] = useState(() => {
const keyParam = searchParams.get("key");
@@ -204,7 +253,6 @@ const DeliveryDetailsSummary = (props) => {
window.history.replaceState({}, "", url);
useEffect(() => {
updateUrlParams({ key: key });
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("checking"));
@@ -266,7 +314,7 @@ const DeliveryDetailsSummary = (props) => {
const target = data?.[0]?.deliveryRules;
const cycleData = reverseDeliveryRemap(target, t);
return {
cards: [
@@ -284,15 +332,15 @@ const DeliveryDetailsSummary = (props) => {
- data?.[0]?.deliveryRules && data?.[0]?.deliveryRules.map((item) => item.cycleIndex)?.length > 0
- ? Math.max(...data?.[0]?.deliveryRules.map((item) => item.cycleIndex))
+ data?.[0]?.additionalDetails?.cycleData?.cycleConfgureDate?.cycle ?
+ data?.[0]?.additionalDetails?.cycleData?.cycleConfgureDate?.cycle
- data?.[0]?.deliveryRules && data?.[0]?.deliveryRules?.flatMap((rule) => rule?.deliveries.map((delivery) => delivery?.deliveryIndex))?.length > 0
- ? Math.max(...data?.[0]?.deliveryRules?.flatMap((rule) => rule?.deliveries.map((delivery) => delivery?.deliveryIndex)))
+ data?.[0]?.additionalDetails?.cycleData?.cycleConfgureDate?.deliveries ?
+ data?.[0]?.additionalDetails?.cycleData?.cycleConfgureDate?.deliveries
@@ -361,23 +409,22 @@ const DeliveryDetailsSummary = (props) => {
const updatedObject = { ...data };
const onStepClick = (currentStep) => {
- if(currentStep === 0){
+ if (currentStep === 0) {
- }
- else if(currentStep === 2) setKey(9);
+ } else if (currentStep === 2) setKey(9);
else setKey(8);
return (
- {showToast && (
- )}
+ {showToast && (
+ )}
diff --git a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/SetupCampaign.js b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/SetupCampaign.js
index 6f44719ef90..24875e7e339 100644
--- a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/SetupCampaign.js
+++ b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/SetupCampaign.js
@@ -70,94 +70,80 @@ function cycleDataRemap(data) {
-// function reverseDeliveryRemap(data) {
-// if (!data) return null;
-// const reversedData = [];
-// let currentCycleIndex = null;
-// let currentCycle = null;
-// data.forEach((item, index) => {
-// if (currentCycleIndex !== item.cycleNumber) {
-// currentCycleIndex = item.cycleNumber;
-// currentCycle = {
-// cycleIndex: currentCycleIndex.toString(),
-// active: index === 0, // Initialize active to false
-// deliveries: [],
-// };
-// reversedData.push(currentCycle);
-// }
-// const deliveryIndex = item.deliveryNumber.toString();
-// let delivery = currentCycle.deliveries.find((delivery) => delivery.deliveryIndex === deliveryIndex);
-// if (!delivery) {
-// delivery = {
-// deliveryIndex: deliveryIndex,
-// active: item.deliveryNumber === 1, // Set active to true only for the first delivery
-// deliveryRules: [],
-// };
-// currentCycle.deliveries.push(delivery);
-// }
-// delivery.deliveryRules.push({
-// ruleKey: item.deliveryRuleNumber,
-// delivery: {},
-// deliveryType: item?.deliveryType,
-// attributes: loopAndReturn(item.conditions),
-// products: [...item.products],
-// });
-// });
-// return reversedData;
-// }
-// function restructureData(data) {
-// return data.map(cycle => ({
-// mandatoryWaitSinceLastCycleInDays: null,
-// id: parseInt(cycle.cycleIndex),
-// deliveries: cycle.deliveries.map(delivery => ({
-// id: parseInt(delivery.deliveryIndex),
-// mandatoryWaitSinceLastDeliveryInDays: null,
-// doseCriteria: delivery.deliveryRules.map(rule => ({
-// condition: parseCondition(rule.attributes),
-// ProductVariants: rule.products.map(product => ({
-// productVariantId: product.value,
-// name: product.name
-// }))
-// }))
-// }))
-// }));
-// }
-// function parseCondition(attributes) {
-// const conditions = attributes.map(attr => {
-// const attributeCode = attr.attribute.code;
-// const operator = attr.operator.code;
-// if (operator === "IN_BETWEEN") {
-// const fromValue = attr.fromValue;
-// const toValue = attr.toValue;
-// return `${fromValue} <= ${attributeCode} < ${toValue}`;
-// }
-// const value = attr.value;
-// return `${attributeCode}${convertOperator(operator)}${value}`;
-// });
-// // Join conditions into a single string
-// return conditions.join(' and ');
-// }
-// function convertOperator(operatorCode) {
-// const operators = {
-// "LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO": "<=",
-// "LESS_THAN": "<",
-// "GREATER_THAN": ">",
-// "EQUAL_TO": "=",
-// };
-// return operators[operatorCode] || "=";
-// }
+function getOperatorSymbol(operator) {
+ const operatorMapping = {
+ "LESS_THAN": "<",
+ "GREATER_THAN": ">",
+ "EQUAL_TO": "==",
+ "NOT_EQUAL_TO": "!=",
+ "IN_BETWEEN": "IN" // Map IN_BETWEEN to a keyword if needed
+ };
+ return operatorMapping[operator] || ""; // Default to empty if not found
+function restructureData(data, cycle, DeliveryConfig, projectType) {
+ const tt = DeliveryConfig?.find((e) => e.code === String(projectType));
+ if (tt) {
+ delete tt.cycles; // Remove old cycles
+ delete tt.resources; // Remove old resources
+ }
+ const resourcesMap = new Map();
+ const cycles = data.map(cycle => ({
+ mandatoryWaitSinceLastCycleInDays: null,
+ startDate: Digit.Utils.pt.convertDateToEpoch(cycle?.cycleData?.[0]?.fromDate),
+ endDate: Digit.Utils.pt.convertDateToEpoch(cycle?.cycleData?.[0]?.toDate),
+ id: parseInt(cycle.cycleIndex, 10),
+ deliveries: cycle.deliveries.map(delivery => ({
+ id: parseInt(delivery.deliveryIndex, 10),
+ deliveryStrategy: delivery.deliveryStrategy || "DIRECT",
+ mandatoryWaitSinceLastDeliveryInDays: null,
+ doseCriteria: delivery.deliveryRules.map(rule => {
+ // Consolidate product variants for the resources array
+ rule.products.forEach(product => {
+ if (resourcesMap.has(product.value)) {
+ resourcesMap.get(product.value).count += product.count;
+ } else {
+ resourcesMap.set(product.value, {
+ productVariantId: product.value,
+ isBaseUnitVariant: false,
+ name: product.name
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Build the condition string, handling IN_BETWEEN separately
+ const conditions = rule.attributes.map(attr => {
+ if (attr?.operator?.code === "IN_BETWEEN") {
+ return `${attr.toValue} <= ${attr.attribute.code} < ${attr.fromValue}`;
+ } else {
+ return `${attr?.attribute?.code}${getOperatorSymbol(attr?.operator?.code)}${attr?.value}`;
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ condition: conditions.join(" and "),
+ ProductVariants: rule.products.map(product => ({
+ productVariantId: product.value,
+ name: product.name
+ }))
+ };
+ })
+ }))
+ }));
+ const resources = Array.from(resourcesMap.values());
+ if (tt) {
+ tt.cycles = cycles;
+ tt.resources = resources;
+ }
+ return [tt];
function groupByTypeRemap(data) {
if (!data) return null;
@@ -245,6 +231,17 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
return hierarchyConfig?.["HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE"]?.hierarchyConfig?.find((item) => item.isActive)?.lowestHierarchy;
}, [hierarchyConfig]);
+ const { data: DeliveryConfig } = Digit.Hooks.useCustomMDMS(
+ tenantId,
+ [{ name: "projectTypes" }],
+ {
+ select: (data) => {
+ return data?.["HCM-PROJECT-TYPES"]?.projectTypes;
+ },
+ }
+ );
const reqCriteria = {
url: `/boundary-service/boundary-hierarchy-definition/_search`,
changeQueryName: `${hierarchyType}`,
@@ -417,110 +414,6 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
}, [currentKey]);
- // function restructureData(data) {
- // const dateData = totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_CYCLE_CONFIGURE?.cycleConfigure?.cycleData;
- // const restructuredData = [];
- // data.forEach((cycle) => {
- // cycle.deliveries.forEach((delivery, index) => {
- // delivery.deliveryRules.forEach((rule) => {
- // const restructuredRule = {
- // startDate: Digit.Utils.pt.convertDateToEpoch(dateData?.find((i) => i.key == cycle.cycleIndex)?.fromDate, "daystart"), // Hardcoded for now
- // endDate: Digit.Utils.pt.convertDateToEpoch(dateData?.find((i) => i?.key == cycle?.cycleIndex)?.toDate), // Hardcoded for now
- // cycleNumber: parseInt(cycle.cycleIndex),
- // deliveryNumber: parseInt(delivery.deliveryIndex),
- // deliveryType: rule?.deliveryType,
- // deliveryRuleNumber: parseInt(rule.ruleKey), // New key added
- // products: [],
- // conditions: [],
- // };
- // rule.attributes.forEach((attribute) => {
- // if (attribute?.operator?.code === "IN_BETWEEN") {
- // restructuredRule.conditions.push({
- // attribute: attribute?.attribute?.code
- // ? attribute?.attribute?.code
- // : typeof attribute?.attribute === "string"
- // ? attribute?.attribute
- // : null,
- // operator: "LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO",
- // value: attribute.fromValue ? Number(attribute.fromValue) : null,
- // });
- // restructuredRule.conditions.push({
- // attribute: attribute?.attribute?.code
- // ? attribute?.attribute?.code
- // : typeof attribute?.attribute === "string"
- // ? attribute?.attribute
- // : null,
- // operator: "GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO",
- // value: attribute.toValue ? Number(attribute.toValue) : null,
- // });
- // } else {
- // restructuredRule.conditions.push({
- // attribute: attribute?.attribute?.code
- // ? attribute?.attribute?.code
- // : typeof attribute?.attribute === "string"
- // ? attribute?.attribute
- // : null,
- // operator: attribute.operator ? attribute.operator.code : null,
- // value:
- // attribute?.attribute?.code === "Gender" && attribute?.value?.length > 0
- // ? attribute?.value
- // : attribute?.attribute?.code === "TYPE_OF_STRUCTURE"
- // ? attribute?.value
- // : attribute?.value
- // ? Number(attribute?.value)
- // : null,
- // });
- // }
- // });
- // rule.products.forEach((prod) => {
- // restructuredRule.products.push({
- // value: prod?.value,
- // name: prod?.name,
- // count: prod?.count,
- // });
- // });
- // restructuredData.push(restructuredRule);
- // });
- // });
- // });
- // return restructuredData;
- // }
- function restructureData(inputData) {
- const result = {
- cycleIndex: inputData?.cycleIndex,
- active: inputData?.active,
- deliveries: inputData?.deliveries?.map((delivery) => ({
- deliveryIndex: delivery.deliveryIndex,
- active: delivery.active,
- deliveryRules: delivery.deliveryRules.map((rule) => ({
- ruleKey: rule.ruleKey,
- delivery: rule.delivery,
- attributes: rule.attributes.map((attr) => ({
- key: attr.key,
- attribute: attr.attribute.code, // Directly using code from attribute
- operator: attr.operator.code, // Directly using code from operator
- value: attr.value,
- })),
- products: rule?.products.map((product) => ({
- key: product.key,
- value: product.value,
- count: product.count,
- name: product.name,
- })),
- })),
- })),
- };
- return [result];
- }
function resourceData(facilityData, boundaryData, userData) {
const resources = [facilityData, boundaryData, userData].filter((data) => data !== null && data !== undefined);
@@ -561,8 +454,8 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
payloadData.additionalDetails.cycleData = {};
if (totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule) {
- const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule?.[0]);
- payloadData.deliveryRules = temp;
+ const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule , totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_CYCLE_CONFIGURE?.cycleConfigure , DeliveryConfig);
+ payloadData.deliveryRules = temp?.[0];
// payloadData.deliveryRules = totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule;
} else {
payloadData.deliveryRules = [];
@@ -633,7 +526,7 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
userId: dataParams?.userId,
if (totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule) {
- const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule?.[0]);
+ const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule, totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_CYCLE_CONFIGURE?.cycleConfigure , DeliveryConfig , totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_TYPE?.projectType?.code);
payloadData.deliveryRules = temp;
// payloadData.deliveryRules = totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule;
@@ -698,8 +591,8 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
userId: dataParams?.userId,
if (totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule) {
- const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule?.[0]);
- payloadData.deliveryRules = temp;
+ const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule , totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_CYCLE_CONFIGURE?.cycleConfigure ,DeliveryConfig ,totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_TYPE?.projectType?.code);
+ payloadData.deliveryRules = temp?.[0];
// payloadData.deliveryRules = totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule;
@@ -762,8 +655,8 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
payloadData.additionalDetails.cycleData = {};
if (totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule) {
- const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule?.[0]);
- payloadData.deliveryRules = temp;
+ const temp = restructureData(totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule , totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_CYCLE_CONFIGURE?.cycleConfigure , DeliveryConfig ,totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_TYPE?.projectType?.code);
+ payloadData.deliveryRules = [temp?.[0]];
// payloadData.deliveryRules = totalFormData?.HCM_CAMPAIGN_DELIVERY_DATA?.deliveryRule;
} else {
payloadData.deliveryRules = [];
@@ -1551,8 +1444,6 @@ const SetupCampaign = ({ hierarchyType, hierarchyData }) => {
{showToast && (
- cycle.deliveries.flatMap((delivery) => delivery.deliveryRules.flatMap((rule) => rule.attributes.map((attribute) => attribute.value)))
+ cycle?.deliveries?.flatMap((delivery) => delivery?.deliveryRules?.flatMap((rule) => rule?.attributes?.map((attribute) => attribute?.value)))
const filteredStructureConfig = structureConfig?.filter((structure) => !selectedStructureCodes.includes(structure?.code));
diff --git a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/deliveryRule/index.js b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/deliveryRule/index.js
index 09d31117a2f..8c374479448 100644
--- a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/deliveryRule/index.js
+++ b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/pages/employee/deliveryRule/index.js
@@ -301,13 +301,13 @@ function DeliverySetup({ onSelect, config, formData, control, tabCount = 2, subT
saved.forEach((cycle) => {
// Remove deliveries if there are more deliveries than the specified number
- if (cycle.deliveries.length > subTabs) {
- cycle.deliveries.splice(subTabs);
+ if (cycle?.deliveries?.length > subTabs) {
+ cycle?.deliveries.splice(subTabs);
// Add deliveries if there are fewer deliveries than the specified number
- if (subTabs > cycle.deliveries.length) {
- for (let i = cycle.deliveries.length + 1; i <= subTabs; i++) {
+ if (subTabs > cycle?.deliveries?.length) {
+ for (let i = cycle?.deliveries.length + 1; i <= subTabs; i++) {
const newIndex = i.toString();
deliveryIndex: newIndex,
diff --git a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/utils/getDeliveryConfig.js b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/utils/getDeliveryConfig.js
index fff1d939ec5..5777535e130 100644
--- a/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/utils/getDeliveryConfig.js
+++ b/health/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/campaign-manager/src/utils/getDeliveryConfig.js
@@ -47,59 +47,6 @@ const getDeliveryConfig = ({ data, projectType }) => {
return { operatorValue, value };
- const generateMRDNConfig = (deliveries, projectType) => {
- return deliveries?.map((delivery) => {
- return {
- delivery: delivery.id,
- conditionConfig: delivery.doseCriteria.map((criteria, index) => {
- const conditions = criteria.condition.split("and");
- const attributeConfig = conditions.map((conditionStr, conditionIndex) => {
- const { operatorValue, value } = parseCondition(conditionStr);
- let fromValue = null;
- let toValue = null;
- if (operatorValue === "IN_BETWEEN") {
- fromValue = Number(value.minValue);
- toValue = Number(value.maxValue);
- } else {
- fromValue = Number(value.comparisonValue);
- toValue = null;
- }
- return {
- key: index + conditionIndex + 1,
- label: "Custom",
- attrType: criteria.attrType || "dropdown",
- attrValue: value?.variable,
- operatorValue: operatorValue,
- fromValue: fromValue,
- toValue: toValue ? toValue - 1 : null,
- };
- });
- const productConfig = criteria.ProductVariants.map(async (variant, i) => {
- const productName = await useProductVariantSearch({ variantId: variant.productVariantId, tenantId: "mz" });
- return {
- key: i + 1,
- count: variant.quantity,
- value: variant.productVariantId,
- name: productName || "Product Name",
- };
- });
- return {
- disableDeliveryType: delivery.deliveryStrategy === "DIRECT",
- deliveryType: delivery.deliveryStrategy,
- attributeConfig: attributeConfig,
- productConfig: productConfig,
- };
- }),
- };
- });
- };
const generateBednetConfig = (deliveries, projectType) => {
return deliveries?.map((delivery) => {
const productSet = new Set();
@@ -150,10 +97,54 @@ const getDeliveryConfig = ({ data, projectType }) => {
+ const generateMRDNConfig = (deliveries) => {
+ const deliveryConfig = deliveries.map((delivery, deliveryIndex) => {
+ return {
+ delivery: delivery.id,
+ conditionConfig: delivery.deliveries.map((deliveryItem, conditionIndex) => {
+ return {
+ disableDeliveryType: deliveryItem.deliveryStrategy === "DIRECT",
+ deliveryType: deliveryItem.deliveryStrategy,
+ attributeConfig: deliveryItem.doseCriteria.map((criteria, attrIndex) => {
+ const { operatorValue, value } = parseCondition(criteria.condition);
+ return {
+ key: `${conditionIndex + 1}-${attrIndex + 1}`,
+ label: "Custom",
+ attrType: criteria.attrType || "dropdown",
+ attrValue: value.variable,
+ operatorValue,
+ fromValue: Number(value.minValue),
+ toValue: Number(value.maxValue) - 1
+ };
+ }),
+ productConfig: deliveryItem.doseCriteria.flatMap((criteria, prodIndex) => {
+ return criteria.ProductVariants.map((variant, varIndex) => {
+ // if(variant?.productVariantId){
+ // productName = useProductVariantSearch({ variantId: variant.productVariantId, tenantId: "mz" });
+ // }
+ // const productName = useProductVariantSearch({ variantId: variant.productVariantId, tenantId: "mz" });
+ return {
+ key: `${conditionIndex + 1}-${varIndex + 1}`,
+ count: variant.quantity,
+ value: variant.productVariantId,
+ name: "Product Name"
+ };
+ });
+ })
+ };
+ })
+ };
+ });
+ return deliveryConfig;
+ };
const deliveryConfig = ({ data, projectType }) => {
switch (projectType) {
case "MR-DN":
- return generateMRDNConfig(data?.cycles?.[0]?.deliveries, projectType);
+ return generateMRDNConfig(data?.cycles, projectType);
case "LLIN-mz":
case "IRS-mz":
return generateBednetConfig(data?.cycles?.[0]?.deliveries, projectType);
@@ -164,11 +155,17 @@ const getDeliveryConfig = ({ data, projectType }) => {
function convertToConfig(data) {
return {
+ beneficiaryType: data?.beneficiaryType,
+ code: data?.code,
projectType: data?.code,
attrAddDisable: data?.attrAddDisable || false,
deliveryAddDisable: data?.deliveryAddDisable || false,
customAttribute: data?.customAttribute || true,
productCountHide: data?.productCountHide || false,
+ eligibilityCriteria: data?.eligibilityCriteria,
+ dashboardUrls: data?.dashboardUrls,
+ taskProcedure: data?.taskProcedure,
+ resources: data?.resources,
cycleConfig: {
cycle: data?.cycles?.length || 1,
deliveries: data?.cycles?.[0]?.deliveries?.length || 1,