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Enabling Direct Query for an ODBC based connector


Using M's built-in Odbc.DataSource function is the recommended way to create custom connectors for data sources that have an existing ODBC driver and/or support a SQL query syntax. Wrapping the Odbc.DataSource function will allow your connector to inherit default query folding behavior based on the capabilities reported by your driver. This will enable the M engine to generate SQL statements based on filters and other transformations defined by the user within the Power Query experience, without having to provide this logic within the connector itself.

ODBC extensions can optionally enable Direct Query mode, allowing Power BI to dynamically generate queries at runtime without pre-caching the user's data model.

Note: Enabling Direct Query support raises the difficulty and complexity level of your connector. When Direct Query is enabled, Power BI will prevent the M engine from compensating for operations that cannot be fully pushed to the underlying data source.

This document builds on the concepts presented in the M Extensibility Reference, and assumes familiarity with the creation of a basic Data Connector.

Please refer to the SqlODBC sample for most of the code examples in the sections below. Additional samples can be found in the ODBC samples directory.

ODBC Extensibility Functions

The M engine provides two ODBC related data source functions: Odbc.DataSource, and Odbc.Query.

The Odbc.DataSource function provides a default navigation table with all databases, tables, and views from your system, supports query folding, and allows for a range of customization options. The majority of ODBC based extensions will use this as their primary extensibility function. The function accepts two arguments -- a connection string, and an options record to provide behavior overrides.

The Odbc.Query function allows you to execute SQL statements through an ODBC driver. It acts as a passthrough for query execution. Unlike the Odbc.DataSource function, it does not provide query folding functionality, and requires that SQL queries be provided by the connector (or end user). When building a custom connector, this function is typically used internally to run queries to retrieve metadata that might not be exposed through regular ODBC channels. The function accepts two arguments -- a connection string, and a sql query.

Parameters for your Data Source Function

Custom connectors can accept any number of function arguments, but to remain consistent with the built-in data source functions shipped with Power Query, the following guidelines are recommended:

  • Require the minimal set of parameters used to establish a connection to your server. The less parameters end users need to provide, the easier your connector will be to use.

  • Although you can define parameters with a fixed number of values (i.e. dropdown list in the UI), parameters are entered before the user is authenticated. Any values that can be discovered programmatically after the user is authenticated (such as catalog or database name) should be selectable through the Navigator. The default behavior for the Odbc.DataSource function will be to return a hierarchical navigation table consisting of Catalog (Database), Schema, and Table names, although this can be overridden within your connector.

  • If you feel your users will typically know what values to enter for items they would select from the Navigator (such as the database name), make these parameters optional. Parameters that can be discovered programmatically should not be made required.

  • The last parameter for your function should be an optional record called "options". This parameter typically allows advanced users to set common ODBC related properties (such as CommandTimeout), set behavior overrides specific to your connector, and allows for future extensibility without impacting backwards compatibility for your function.

  • Security/credential related arguments MUST never be part of your data source function parameters, as values entered in the connect dialog will be persisted to the user's query. Credential related parameters should be specified as part of the connector's supported Authentication methods.

By default, all required parameters for your data source function are factored into Data Source Path value used to identify user credentials.

Note that while the UI for the built-in Odbc.DataSource function provides a dropdown that allows the user to select a DSN, this functionality is not available via extensibility. If your data source configuration is complex enough to require a fully customizable configuration dialog, it is recommended you require your end users to pre-configure a system DSN, and have your function take in the DSN name as a text field.

Parameters for Odbc.DataSource

The Odbc.DataSource function takes two parameters -- a connectionString for your driver, and an options record which lets your override various driver behaviors. Through the options record you can override capabilities and other information reported by the driver, control the navigator behavior, and affect the SQL queries generated by the M engine.

The supported options records fields fall into two categories -- those that are public / always available, and those that are only available in an extensibility context.

The following table describes the public fields in the options record.

Field Description

A duration value which controls how long the server-side query is allowed to run before it is cancelled.

Default: 10 minutes


A duration value which controls how long to wait before abandoning and attempt to make a connection to the server.

Default: 15 seconds


A logical value that sets whether to generate navigation properties on the returned tables. Navigation properties are based on foreign key relationships reported by the driver, and show up as “virtual” columns that can be expanded in the query editor, creating the appropriate join.

If calculating foreign key dependencies is an expensive operation for your driver, you may want to set this value to false.

Default: true


A logical value that sets whether to view the tables grouped by their schema names. When set to false, tables will be displayed in a flat list under each database.

Default: false


A logical value that determines whether to produce a SQL Server compatible connection string when using Windows Authentication – Trusted_Connection=Yes.

If your driver supports Windows Authentication, but requires additional or alternate settings in your connection string, you should set this value to false and use the CredentialConnectionString option record field described below.

Default: true

The following table describes the options record fields that are only available via extensibility. Fields that are not simple literal values are described in subsequent sections.

Field Description

A record containing one or more overrides to control SQL query generation. The most common usage of this field is to provide logic to generate a LIMIT/OFFSET clause for drivers that do not support TOP.

Fields include:

  • Constant

  • LimitClause

Please see the AstVisitor section for more information.


A logical value which enables client-side connection pooling for the ODBC driver. Most drivers will want to set this value to true.

Default: false


A text or record value used to specify credential related connection string properties.

Please see the Credential section for more information.


A logical value that controls whether your connector allows native SQL statements to be passed in by a query using the Value.NativeQuery() function.

Note: this functionality is currently not exposed in the Power Query user experience. Users would need to manually edit their queries to take advantage of this capability.

Default: false


A table value containing implicit type conversions supported by your driver or backend server. Values in this table are additive to the conversions reported by the driver itself.

This field is typically used in conjunction with the SQLGetTypeInfo field when overriding data type information reported by the driver.

Please see the ImplicitTypeConversions section for more information.


An error handling function that receives an errorRecord parameter of type record.

Common uses of this function include handling SSL connection failures, providing a download link if your driver is not found on the system, and reporting authentication errors.

Please see the OnError section for more information.


Allows the M engine to select a compatible data type when conversion between two specific numeric types is not declared as supported in the SQL_CONVERT_* capabilities.

Default: false


A record providing various overrides of driver capabilities, and a way to specify capabilities that are not expressed through ODBC 3.8.

Please see the SqlCapabilities section for more information.


A function that allows you to modify column metadata returned by the SQLColumns function.

Please see the SQLColumns section for more information.


A record that allows you to override values returned by calls to SQLGetFunctions.

A common use of this field is to disable the use of parameter binding, or to specify that generated queries should use CAST rather than CONVERT.

Please see the SQLGetFunctions section for more information.


A record that allows you to override values returned by calls to SQLGetInfo.

Please see the SQLGetInfo section for more information.


A table, or function that returns a table, which overrides the type information returned by SQLGetTypeInfo.

When the value is set to a table, the value completely replaces the type information reported by the driver. SQLGetTypeInfo will not be called.

When the value is set to a function, your function will receive the result of the original call to SQLGetTypeInfo, allowing you to modify the table.

This field is typically used when there is a mismatch between data types reported by SQLGetTypeInfo, and SQLColumns.

Please see the SQLGetTypeInfo section for more information.


A function that allows you to modify the table metadata returned by a call to SQLTables.

Please see the SQLTables section for more information.


Allows conversion of numeric and text types to larger types if an operation would cause the value to fall out of range of the original type.

For example, when adding Int32.Max + Int32.Max, the engine will cast the result to Int64 when this setting is set to true. When adding a VARCHAR(4000) and a VARCHAR(4000) field on a system that supports a maximize VARCHAR size of 4000, the engine will cast the result into a CLOB type.

Default: false


(internal use): A logical value that controls whether the ODBC driver should be loaded from a local directory (using new functionality defined in the ODBC 4.0 specification). This is generally only set by connectors created by Microsoft, which ship with Power Query.

When set to false, the system ODBC driver manager will be used to locate and load the driver.

Most connectors should not need to set this field.

Default: false

Overriding AstVisitor

The AstVisitor field is set through the Odbc.DataSource options record. It is used to modify SQL statements generated for specific query scenarios.

Note: Drivers that support LIMIT and OFFSET clauses (rather than TOP) will want to provide a LimitClause override for AstVisitor.


Providing an override for this value has been deprecated and may be removed from future implementations.


This field is a function that receives two Int64.Type arguments (skip, take), and returns a record with two text fields (Text, Location).

LimitClause = (skip as nullable number, take as number) as record => ...

The skip parameter is the number of rows to skip (i.e. the argument to OFFSET). If an offset is not specified, the skip value will be null. If your driver supports LIMIT, but does not support OFFSET, the LimitClause function should return an unimplemented error (...) when skip is greater than 0.

The take parameter is the number of rows to take (i.e. the argument to LIMIT).

The Text field of the result contains the SQL text to add to the generated query.

The Location field specifies where to insert the clause. The following table describes supported values.

Value Description Example

LIMIT clause is put at the end of the generated SQL.

This is the most commonly supported LIMIT syntax.

SELECT a, b, c

FROM table

WHERE a > 10


BeforeQuerySpecification LIMIT clause is put before the generated SQL statement.


SELECT a, b, c

FROM table

WHERE a > 10

AfterSelect LIMIT goes after the SELECT statement, and after any modifiers (such as DISTINCT).


FROM table

WHERE a > 10

AfterSelectBeforeModifiers LIMIT goes after the SELECT statement, but before any modifiers (such as DISTINCT).


FROM table

WHERE a > 10

The following code snippet provides a LimitClause implementation for a driver that expects a LIMIT clause, with an optional OFFSET, in the following format: [OFFSET <offset> ROWS] LIMIT <row_count>

LimitClause = (skip, take) =>
        offset = if (skip > 0) then Text.Format("OFFSET #{0} ROWS", {skip}) else "",
        limit = if (take <> null) then Text.Format("LIMIT #{0}", {take}) else ""
            Text = Text.Format("#{0} #{1}", {offset, limit}),
            Location = "AfterQuerySpecification"

The following code snippet provides a LimitClause implementation for a driver that supports LIMIT, but not OFFSET. Format: LIMIT <row_count>.

LimitClause = (skip, take) =>
    if (skip > 0) then error "Skip/Offset not supported"
    else if (take <> null) then
        Text = Text.Format("LIMIT #{0}", {take}),
        Location = "AfterQuerySpecification"
    else ""

Overriding ImplicitTypeConversions


Providing an OnError handler


Overriding SqlCapabilities

Field Details

A number value ranging from 1 to 7 that indicates the number of decimal places supported for millisecond values. This value should be set by connectors that wish to enable query folding over datetime values.

Default: null


A logical value which indicates that statements should be prepared using SQLPrepare.

Default: false


A logical value which indicates the driver supports the TOP clause to limit the number of returned rows.

Default: false


A list of text values which specify the character(s) to use when escaping string literals and LIKE expressions.

Ex. {""}

Default: null


A logical value which indicates the driver supports derived tables (sub-selects).

This value is assumed to be true for drivers that set their conformance level to SQL_SC_SQL92_FULL (reported by the driver or overridden with the Sql92Conformance setting (see below)). For all other conformance levels, this value defaults to false.

If your driver does not report the SQL_SC_SQL92_FULL compliance level, but does support derived tables, set this value to true.

Note that supporting derived tables is required for many Direct Query scenarios.


A logical value which indicates whether the generated SQL should include numeric literals values. When set to false, numeric values will always be specified using Parameter Binding.

Default: false


A logical value which indicates whether the generated SQL should include string literals values. When set to false, string values will always be specified using Parameter Binding.

Default: false


A logical value which indicates whether the generated SQL should include date literals values. When set to false, date values will always be specified using Parameter Binding.

Default: false


A logical value which indicates whether the generated SQL should include time literals values. When set to false, time values will always be specified using Parameter Binding.

Default: false


A logical value which indicates whether the generated SQL should include timestamp literals values. When set to false, timestamp values will always be specified using Parameter Binding.

Default: false

Overriding SQLColumns

SQLColumns is a function handler that receives the results of an ODBC call to SQLColumns. The source parameter contains a table with the data type information. This override is typically used to fix up data type mismatches between calls to SQLGetTypeInfo and SQLColumns.

For details of the format of the source table parameter, please see:

Overriding SQLGetFunctions

This field is used to override SQLFunctions values returned by an ODBC driver. It contains a record whose field names are equal to the FunctionId constants defined for the ODBC SQLGetFunctions function. Numeric constants for each of these fields can be found in the ODBC specification.

Field Details
SQL_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS Indicates which function(s) are supported when doing type conversions. By default, the M Engine will attempt to use the CONVERT function. Drivers that prefer the use of CAST can override this value to report that only SQL_FN_CVT_CAST (numeric value of 0x2) is supported.

A logical (true/false) value that indicates whether the Mashup Engine should use the SQLBindCol API when retrieving data. When set to false, SQLGetData is used instead.

Default: false

The following code snippet provides an example explicitly telling the M engine to use CAST rather than CONVERT.

SQLGetFunctions = [

Overriding SQLGetInfo

This field is used to override SQLGetInfo values returned by an ODBC driver. It contains a record whose fields are names are equal to the InfoType constants defined for the ODBC SQLGetInfo function. Numeric constants for each of these fields can be found in the ODBC specification. The full list of InfoTypes that are checked can be found in the Mashup Engine trace files.

The following table contains commonly overridden SQLGetInfo properties:

Field Details

An integer value that indicates the level of SQL-92 supported by the driver:

(1) SQL_SC_SQL92_ENTRY = Entry level SQL-92 compliant.

(2) SQL_SC_FIPS127_2_TRANSITIONAL = FIPS 127-2 transitional level compliant.

(4) SQL_SC_ SQL92_INTERMEDIATE = Intermediate level SQL-92 compliant.

(8) SQL_SC_SQL92_FULL = Full level SQL-92 compliant.

Note that in Power Query scenarios, the connector will be used in a Read Only mode. Most drivers will want to report a SQL_SC_SQL92_FULL compliance level, and override specific SQL generation behavior using the SQLGetInfo and SQLGetFunctions properties.


A bitmask enumerating the predicates supported in a SELECT statement, as defined in SQL-92.

Please see the SQL_SP_* constants in the ODBC specification.


A bitmask enumerating support for aggregation functions.








Please see the SQL_AF_* constants in the ODBC specification.


A integer value that specifies the relationship between the columns in the GROUP BY clause and the non-aggregated columns in the select list:

SQL_GB_COLLATE = A COLLATE clause can be specified at the end of each grouping column.

SQL_GB_NOT_SUPPORTED = GROUP BY clauses are not supported.

SQL_GB_GROUP_BY_EQUALS_SELECT = The GROUP BY clause must contain all non-aggregated columns in the select list. It cannot contain any other columns. For example, SELECT DEPT, MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT.

SQL_GB_GROUP_BY_CONTAINS_SELECT = The GROUP BY clause must contain all non-aggregated columns in the select list. It can contain columns that are not in the select list. For example, SELECT DEPT, MAX(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT, AGE.

SQL_GB_NO_RELATION = The columns in the GROUP BY clause and the select list are not related. The meaning of non-grouped, non-aggregated columns in the select list is data source–dependent. For example, SELECT DEPT, SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPT, AGE.

Please see the SQL_GB_* constants in the ODBC specification.

The following helper function can be used to create bitmask values from a list of integer values:

Flags = (flags as list) =>
        Loop = List.Generate(
                  ()=> [i = 0, Combined = 0],
                  each [i] < List.Count(flags),
                  each [i = [i]+1, Combined =*Number.BitwiseOr([Combined], flags{i})],
                  each [Combined]),
        Result = List.Last(Loop, 0)

Overriding SQLGetTypeInfo

SQLGetTypeInfo can be specified in two ways:

  1. A fixed table value that contains the same type information as an ODBC call to SQLGetTypeInfo
  2. A function that accepts a table argument, and returns a table. The argument will contain the original results of the ODBC call to SQLGetTypeInfo. Your function implementation can modify/add to this table.

The first approach is used to completely override the values returned by the ODBC driver. The second approach is used if you want to add to or modify these values.

For details of the format of the types table parameter and expected return value, please see:

SQLGetTypeInfo using a static table

The following code snippet provides a static implementation for SQLGetTypeInfo.

SQLGetTypeInfo = #table(

    { "char",           1,          65535,          "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "char",            null,            null,            -8,              null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "int8",           -5,         19,             "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    10,                 0,                   "int8",            0,               0,               -5,              null,               2,                0,                    0                },
    { "bit",            -7,         1,              "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "bit",             null,            null,            -7,              null,               null,             0,                    0                },
    { "bool",           -7,         1,              "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "bit",             null,            null,            -7,              null,               null,             0,                    0                },
    { "date",           9,          10,             "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "date",            null,            null,            9,               1,                  null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "numeric",        3,          28,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    0,                   0,                  "numeric",         0,               0,               2,               null,               10,               0,                    0                },
    { "float8",         8,          15,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    0,                   0,                  "float8",          null,            null,            6,               null,               2,                0,                    0                },
    { "float8",         6,          17,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    0,                   0,                  "float8",          null,            null,            6,               null,               2,                0,                    0                },
    { "uuid",           -11,        37,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "uuid",            null,            null,            -11,             null,               null,             0,                    0                },
    { "int4",           4,          10,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    0,                   0,                  "int4",            0,               0,               4,               null,               2,                0,                    0                },
    { "text",           -1,         65535,          "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "text",            null,            null,            -10,             null,               null,             0,                    0                },
    { "lo",             -4,         255,            "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "lo",              null,            null,            -4,              null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "numeric",        2,          28,             null,           null,             "precision, scale",       1,          0,                2,            0,                    10,                 0,                   "numeric",         0,               6,               2,               null,               10,               0,                    0                },
    { "float4",         7,          9,              null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    10,                 0,                   "float4",          null,            null,            7,               null,               2,                0,                    0                }, 
    { "int2",           5,          19,             null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    10,                 0,                   "int2",            0,               0,               5,               null,               2,                0,                    0                }, 
    { "int2",           -6,         5,              null,           null,             null,                     1,          0,                2,            0,                    10,                 0,                   "int2",            0,               0,               5,               null,               2,                0,                    0                }, 
    { "timestamp",      11,         26,             "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "timestamp",       0,               38,              9,               3,                  null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "date",           91,         10,             "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "date",            null,            null,            9,               1,                  null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "timestamp",      93,         26,             "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "timestamp",       0,               38,              9,               3,                  null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "bytea",          -3,         255,            "'",            "'",              null,                     1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "bytea",           null,            null,            -3,              null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "varchar",        12,         65535,          "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          0,                2,            null,                 0,                  null,                "varchar",         null,            null,           -9,               null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "char",           -8,         65535,          "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "char",            null,            null,           -8,               null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "text",           -10,        65535,          "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "text",            null,            null,           -10,              null,               null,             0,                    0                }, 
    { "varchar",        -9,         65535,          "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "varchar",         null,            null,           -9,               null,               null,             0,                    0                },
    { "bpchar",         -8,         65535,           "'",            "'",              "max. length",            1,          1,                3,            null,                 0,                  null,                "bpchar",          null,            null,            -9,               null,               null,            0,                    0                } }

SQLGetTypeInfo using a function

The following code snippets append the bpchar type to the existing types returned by the driver.

SQLGetTypeInfo = (types as table) as table =>
       newTypes = #table(
            // we add a new entry for each type we want to add
                    "max. length",
        append = Table.Combine({types, newTypes})

Overriding SQLTables


Creating Your Connector

Checklist: TODO

Setting the Connection String

The connection string for your ODBC driver is set using the first argument to the Odbc.DataSource and/or Odbc.Query functions. The value can be text, or an M record. When using the record, each field in the record will become a property in the connection string. All connection strings will require a Driver field (or DSN field if you require users to pre-configure a system level DSN). Credential related properties will be set separately (see below). Other properties will be driver specific.

The code snippet below shows the definition of a new data source function, creation of the ConnectionString record, and invocation of the Odbc.DataSource function.

[DataSource.Kind="SqlODBC", Publish="SqlODBC.Publish"]
shared SqlODBC.Contents = (server as text) =>
        ConnectionString = [
            Driver = "SQL Server Native Client 11.0",
            Server = server,
            MultiSubnetFailover = "Yes",
            ApplicationIntent = "ReadOnly",
            APP = "PowerBICustomConnector"
        OdbcDatasource = Odbc.DataSource(ConnectionString)

Setting credentials


Disable Parameter Binding (if required)


Troubleshooting and Testing

To enable tracing in Power BI Desktop:

  1. Go to File | Options and settings | Options
  2. Click on the Diagnostics tab
  3. Click the Enable tracing option
  4. Click the Open traces folder link (should be %LOCALAPPDATA%/Microsoft/Power BI Desktop/Traces)
  5. Delete existing trace files
  6. Perform your tests
  7. Close Power BI Desktop to ensure all log files are flushed to disk

Here are steps you can take for initial testing in Power BI Desktop:

  1. Close Power BI Desktop
  2. Clear your trace directory
  3. Open Power BI desktop, and enable tracing
  4. Connect to your data source, and select Direct Query mode
  5. Select a table in the navigator, and click Edit
  6. Manipulate the query in various ways, including:
  • Take the First N rows (i.e. 10)
  • Set equality filters on different data types (int, string, bool, etc)
  • Set other range filters (greater than, less than)
  • Filter on NULL / NOT NULL
  • Select a sub-set of columns
  • Aggregate / Group By different column combinations
  • Add a column calculated from other columns ([C] = [A] + [B])
  • Sort on one column, multiple columns
  1. Expressions that fail to fold will result in a warning bar. Note the failure, remove the step, and move to the next test case. Details about the cause of the failure should be emitted to the trace logs.
  2. Close Power BI Desktop
  3. Copy the trace files to a new directory
  4. Use the recommend Power BI workbook to parse and analyze the trace files

Once you have simple queries working, you can then try Direct Query scenarios (i.e. building reports in the Report Views). The queries generated in Direct Query mode will be significantly more complex (i.e. use of sub-selects, COALESCE statements, and aggregations).

Common Problems


  • In query editor, filter on each data type
  • Filter on missing data types -- SEARCHABLE
  • Filter on date -- timestamp precision incorrect

Concatenation of strings in Direct Query mode

The M engine does basic type size limit validation as part of its query folding logic. If you are receiving a folding error when trying to concatenate two strings that potentially overflow the maximum size of the underlying database type:

  1. Ensure that your database can support up-conversion to CLOB types when string concat overflow occurs
  2. Set the TolerateConcatOverflow option for Odbc.DataSource to true

The DAX CONCATENATE function is currently not supported by Power Query/ODBC extensions. Extension authors should ensure string concatenation works through the query editor by adding calculated columns ([stringCol1] & [stringCol2]). When the capability to fold the CONCATENATE operation is added in the future, it should work seamlessly with existing extensions.