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- 🤔perspective docs
- By adjusting the perspective of the parent container you are setting the vanishing point relative to the parent container.
Create a lot of boxes.
- Use 🤔Array.from, set a length to create an array.
- Use 🤔.map() to create the div elements from the array.
- .forEach then allows you to set a class of box on each div, and append it to the document.body.
- These methods can all be chained together, as shown below.
- You can now add the animation, and you can add this inside the forEach().
Array.from({length: 30}) .map(() => document.createElement("div")) .forEach(box => { box.setAttribute("class", "box") document.body.appendChild(box) box.addEventListeners("click", () => { TweenMax.to(box, 1, { rotationY: "+=180" }) }) })
Restyle in the css.
- on the body
- remove justify-content and align-items
- add
flex-wrap: wrap;
- add
overflow: hidden;
- on .box class
- add a border so that we can see the individual boxes
- on the body
Check it out . . .
- As you click on different boxes you can see the perspective change based on the parent element.
- Remember that a lower perspective will be more dramatic than a larger perspective.
- At times animations will get 'stuck' because they weren't finished before they were activated again.
- Use the 🤔.isTweening() method, which will return true if an animation is still running.
- Use a conditional to check if the animation is still running, and only run the animation if it is not.
if(!TweenMax.isTweening(box)) {
TweenMax.to(box, 1, { rotationY: "+=180" })