NOTE: Dear private sale participants with IRIS tokens in locking term, if you want to participate in the VIL(Validating while In Locking Period), please send following email from your email address, which you used for receiving the sale letter, to : [email protected] also cc [email protected] to authorize IRIS Foundation delegate your locked tokens to your trusted validator(s), please make sure to have title as "VIL:[201-*-T*-your reference Number]" for your request to get speedy process. It is a good practice to select muliple validators if you want to hedge the delegation risk
请从您接受私募协议的邮箱地址给基金会发如下信件, 注意其中验证人的地址以iva 开始,你必须选择你信任的验证人。接受收益的地址是常规帐户地址以 iaa 开始,这必须是你自己拥有私钥的地址,否者收益你将没法直接拥有。如果你将收益地址指定为验证人的帐户地址,虽然所有收益都在链上有记录,如果验证人也有其他收益来源的话,你将很难让验证人准确剥离哪部分收益来自于你的委托。所以请一定将收益地址设置为一个你自己拥有私钥的地址。
请将你的邮件标题设置为 VIL:[201*-**-T*-你的私募书中的号码]
Title: VIL:[201*-**-T*-your reference Number]
Dear IRIS Foundation,
My IRIS Token Private Sale reference number is [201*--T*-*], and I have a total of # IRIS tokens which are locked for ?? months starting from the IRIS Betanet launch date.
I hereby authorize IRIS Foundation to delegate total [#] of my locked IRIS tokens to following validator(s):
| Validator Name | Validator Adress | Delegation Amount
| 'e.g cats' | [iva***] | #
| 'e.g another name' | [iva***] | ...
I shall take immediate title to the reward tokens as a result of my authorized delegation action, if executed successfully, and shall receive the reward tokens at the account address [iaa***] which I own and have private key to operate.
I certify that I understand the fact and take full responsibility that: 1) I might lose my delegation tokens, in part or whole, due to risk factors that include but are not limited to protocol flaws, security holes, and byzantine attacks; 2) my delegation tokens might get slashed by the protocol, in part or whole, due to malicious,compromised and/or negligent validator operations.
When the locking period of my delegation tokens expires, the IRIS Foundation shall unbond my delegation tokens immediately, and transfer them to my account address [iaa***] (unless I specify another address at unlocking time), after the unbonding period then in effect in the network. I understand and accept that the unbonded delegation tokens might be less than the original amount of [#].
I certify that I own the account addresses for receiving reward tokens as well as unlocked tokens mentioned in this letter, and I have the private keys to operate them at my own discretion.
I have read through and understood the concepts and risks mentioned in the following documents provided on the IRISnet webside:
[Your name here]
You can do it now with the CLI interface: 1)Install the software: 2) Create address:
We also have a mobile wallet Rainbow which is planned to release on March 8th, which you can run from your mobile device with cold and watch wallet support. Please bookmark where you can download Rainbow when it is released.