diff --git a/src/Idris/Parser.idr b/src/Idris/Parser.idr
index 1dc002349..89a1b0d48 100644
--- a/src/Idris/Parser.idr
+++ b/src/Idris/Parser.idr
@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ export
 plhs : ParseOpts
 plhs = MkParseOpts False False
+leftArrow : Rule ()
+leftArrow = symbol "<-" <|> symbol "←"
+rightArrow : Rule ()
+rightArrow = symbol "->" <|> symbol "→"
+doubleRightArrow : Rule ()
+doubleRightArrow = symbol "=>" <|> symbol "⇒"
 atom : FileName -> Rule PTerm
 atom fname
     = do start <- location
@@ -436,12 +445,11 @@ mutual
   bindSymbol : Rule (PiInfo PTerm)
-      = do symbol "->"
+      = do rightArrow
            pure Explicit
-    <|> do symbol "=>"
+    <|> do doubleRightArrow
            pure AutoImplicit
   explicitPi : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
   explicitPi fname indents
       = do start <- location
@@ -461,7 +469,7 @@ mutual
            binders <- pibindList fname start indents
            symbol "}"
-           symbol "->"
+           rightArrow
            scope <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
            end <- location
            pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) AutoImplicit binders scope)
@@ -475,7 +483,7 @@ mutual
            t <- simpleExpr fname indents
            binders <- pibindList fname start indents
            symbol "}"
-           symbol "->"
+           rightArrow
            scope <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
            end <- location
            pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) (DefImplicit t) binders scope)
@@ -501,7 +509,7 @@ mutual
            symbol "{"
            binders <- pibindList fname start indents
            symbol "}"
-           symbol "->"
+           rightArrow
            scope <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
            end <- location
            pure (pibindAll (MkFC fname start end) Implicit binders scope)
@@ -511,7 +519,7 @@ mutual
       = do start <- location
            symbol "\\"
            binders <- bindList fname start indents
-           symbol "=>"
+           doubleRightArrow
            mustContinue indents Nothing
            scope <- expr pdef fname indents
            end <- location
@@ -614,7 +622,7 @@ mutual
   caseRHS : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo -> PTerm -> Rule PClause
   caseRHS fname start indents lhs
-      = do symbol "=>"
+      = do doubleRightArrow
            mustContinue indents Nothing
            rhs <- expr pdef fname indents
            atEnd indents
@@ -703,7 +711,7 @@ mutual
            -- If the name doesn't begin with a lower case letter, we should
            -- treat this as a pattern, so fail
            validPatternVar n
-           symbol "<-"
+           leftArrow
            val <- expr pdef fname indents
            atEnd indents
            end <- location
@@ -729,7 +737,7 @@ mutual
            (do atEnd indents
                end <- location
                pure [DoExp (MkFC fname start end) e])
-             <|> (do symbol "<-"
+             <|> (do leftArrow
                      val <- expr pnowith fname indents
                      alts <- block (patAlt fname)
                      atEnd indents
@@ -1196,7 +1204,7 @@ getRight (Right v) = Just v
 constraints : FileName -> IndentInfo -> EmptyRule (List (Maybe Name, PTerm))
 constraints fname indents
     = do tm <- appExpr pdef fname indents
-         symbol "=>"
+         doubleRightArrow
          more <- constraints fname indents
          pure ((Nothing, tm) :: more)
   <|> do symbol "("
@@ -1204,7 +1212,7 @@ constraints fname indents
          symbol ":"
          tm <- expr pdef fname indents
          symbol ")"
-         symbol "=>"
+         doubleRightArrow
          more <- constraints fname indents
          pure ((Just n, tm) :: more)
   <|> pure []
@@ -1218,7 +1226,7 @@ implBinds fname indents
          symbol ":"
          tm <- expr pdef fname indents
          symbol "}"
-         symbol "->"
+         rightArrow
          more <- implBinds fname indents
          pure ((n, rig, tm) :: more)
   <|> pure []
diff --git a/src/Parser/Lexer.idr b/src/Parser/Lexer.idr
index f2aa29d80..a3c385823 100644
--- a/src/Parser/Lexer.idr
+++ b/src/Parser/Lexer.idr
@@ -107,6 +107,39 @@ blockComment = is '{' <+> is '-' <+> toEndComment 1
 docComment : Lexer
 docComment = is '|' <+> is '|' <+> is '|' <+> many (isNot '\n')
+-- Symbols
+isOpChar : Char -> Bool
+isOpChar c = inLatin || inArrows || inMathematicalOperators
+  where
+    inRange : (Int, Int) -> Lazy Bool
+    inRange (lowerBound, upperBound) = (c >= chr lowerBound && c <= chr upperBound)
+    inLatin = c `elem` (unpack ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~")
+    inArrows = inRange (8592, 8703)
+    inMathematicalOperators = inRange (8704, 8959)
+nonOpCharUnicode : Char -> Bool
+nonOpCharUnicode c = (c > chr 160) && not (isOpChar c)
+validSymbol : Lexer
+validSymbol = some (pred isOpChar)
+||| Special symbols - things which can't be a prefix of another symbol, and
+||| don't match 'validSymbol'
+symbols : List String
+  = [".(", -- for things such as Foo.Bar.(+)
+     "@{",
+     "[|", "|]",
+     "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", ",", ";", "_",
+     "`(", "`"]
 -- Identifier Lexer
 -- There are multiple variants.
@@ -114,14 +147,14 @@ data Flavour = Capitalised | AllowDashes | Normal
 isIdentStart : Flavour -> Char -> Bool
 isIdentStart _           '_' = True
-isIdentStart Capitalised  x  = isUpper x || x > chr 160
-isIdentStart _            x  = isAlpha x || x > chr 160
+isIdentStart Capitalised  c  = isUpper c || nonOpCharUnicode c
+isIdentStart _            c  = isAlpha c || nonOpCharUnicode c
 isIdentTrailing : Flavour -> Char -> Bool
 isIdentTrailing AllowDashes '-'  = True
 isIdentTrailing _           '\'' = True
 isIdentTrailing _           '_'  = True
-isIdentTrailing _            x   = isAlphaNum x || x > chr 160
+isIdentTrailing _            c   = isAlphaNum c || nonOpCharUnicode c
 isIdent : Flavour -> String -> Bool
@@ -160,6 +193,10 @@ recField = is '.' <+> ident Normal
 pragma : Lexer
 pragma = is '%' <+> ident Normal
+-- Literal Lexers
 doubleLit : Lexer
     = digits <+> is '.' <+> digits <+> opt
@@ -194,32 +231,13 @@ keywords = ["data", "module", "where", "let", "in", "do", "record",
 special : List String
 special = ["%lam", "%pi", "%imppi", "%let"]
--- Special symbols - things which can't be a prefix of another symbol, and
--- don't match 'validSymbol'
-symbols : List String
-    = [".(", -- for things such as Foo.Bar.(+)
-       "@{",
-       "[|", "|]",
-       "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", ",", ";", "_",
-       "`(", "`"]
-isOpChar : Char -> Bool
-isOpChar c = c `elem` (unpack ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~")
-validSymbol : Lexer
-validSymbol = some (pred isOpChar)
 -- Valid symbols which have a special meaning so can't be operators
 reservedSymbols : List String
     = symbols ++
-      ["%", "\\", ":", "=", "|", "|||", "<-", "->", "=>", "?", "!",
-       "&", "**", ".."]
+      ["%", "\\", ":", "=", "|", "|||", "?", "!", "&", "**",
+       "..", "<-", "->", "=>", "←", "→", "⇒"]
 fromHexLit : String -> Integer
 fromHexLit str
diff --git a/tests/Main.idr b/tests/Main.idr
index 4ac00006b..c81e1f3be 100644
--- a/tests/Main.idr
+++ b/tests/Main.idr
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ idrisTests
        "literate001", "literate002", "literate003", "literate004",
        "literate005", "literate006", "literate007", "literate008",
        "literate009", "literate010", "literate011", "literate012",
+       -- Unicode
+       "unicode001",
        -- Interfaces
        "interface001", "interface002", "interface003", "interface004",
        "interface005", "interface006", "interface007", "interface008",
diff --git a/tests/idris2/unicode001/Unicode.idr b/tests/idris2/unicode001/Unicode.idr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..caea1bd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/idris2/unicode001/Unicode.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Unicode
+infix 6 ≡, ≢
+public export
+interface UnicodeEq a where
+    (≡) : a → a → Bool
+    (≢) : a → a → Bool
diff --git a/tests/idris2/unicode001/expected b/tests/idris2/unicode001/expected
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0143f0f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/idris2/unicode001/expected
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+1/1: Building Unicode (Unicode.idr)
diff --git a/tests/idris2/unicode001/run b/tests/idris2/unicode001/run
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6a0124a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/idris2/unicode001/run
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+$1 -c Unicode.idr
+rm -rf build/