- Secret Store
-There are all kinds of secrets used within EdgeX Foundry micro services,
-such as tokens, passwords, certificates etc. The secret store serves as
-the central repository to keep these secrets. The developers of other
-EdgeX Foundry micro services utilize the secret store to create, store
-and retrieve secrets relevant to their corresponding micro service. The
-communications the between secret store and other micro services are
-secured by TLS.
-Currently the EdgeX Foundry secret store is implemented with
-Vault, a HashiCorp open source software
-Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything
-that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords,
-database credentials, service credentials, or certificates. Vault
-provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access
-control and multiple authentication mechanisms (token, LDAP, etc.).
-Vault adds on key rolling, revocation rules, time-to-live access tokens,
-secure storage, Shamir Secret Sharing based unlocking mechanism, high
-availability and detailed auditing.
-Vault can use several backend systems (filesystem, databases, Consul,
-Etcd, S3, Azure, etc.) to securely store every sensitive asset. The
-current EdgeX Foundry implementation of Vault is using
-Consul, another HashiCorp open source software
-product. Consul is a distributed service mesh to connect, secure, and
-configure services across any runtime platform and public or private
-cloud. Consul uses a consensus protocol to provide Consistency as
-defined by CAP. The
-consensus protocol is based on "Raft: In search of an Understandable
-For a visual explanation of Raft, see The Secret Lives of
-The seamless integration of Vault and Consul provides a strong yet
-simple infrastructure to setup a reliable high availability architecture
-(Vault failover nodes, Consul Clustering) for the EdgeX Foundry Security
-services in production.
-The key features of Vault are:
-- Secure Secret Storage: Arbitrary key/value secrets can be
- stored in Vault. Vault encrypts these secrets prior to writing
- them to persistent storage, so gaining access to the raw storage
- isn't enough to access your secrets. Authentication mechanisms
- (internal and/or external) and authorizations based upon policies
- provide access management.
-- Dynamic Secrets: Vault can generate secrets on-demand for some
- systems, automatically revoking them after the lease is up.
-- Data Encryption: Vault can encrypt and decrypt data without
- storing it.
-- Leasing and Renewal: All secrets in Vault have a lease
- associated with them (automatic revocation). However, clients can
- renew leases via built-in renew APIs.
-- Revocation: Vault has built-in support for secret revocation.
- Single secrets, but also a tree of secrets. Revocation assists in
- key rolling as well as locking down systems in the case of an
- intrusion.
-Start the Secret Store
-Start the Secret Store with Docker Compose and a Docker Compose manifest
-file. The Docker Compose file named docker-compose-fuji.yml can be found
-at these two locations:
-This Compose file starts the entire EdgeX Foundry platform including the
-security services.
-The command to start EdgeX Foundry platform including the Secret Store
-and API gateway related services is:
-sh> docker-compose up -d
-For a pristine run, it is strongly recommended to thoroughly clean up
-any Docker artifacts remaining from the current run.
-sh> docker-compose down -v
-The "down" operation will remove containers, network and adding the -v
-option it will also remove persistent volumes:
-Stopping edgex-vault ... done
-Stopping edgex-core-consul ... done
-Stopping edgex-files ... done
-Removing edgex-vault-worker ... done
-Removing edgex-vault ... done
-Removing edgex-config-seed ... done
-Removing edgex-core-consul ... done
-Removing edgex-files ... done
-Removing network security-secret-store_edgex-network
-Removing volume security-secret-store_db-data
-Removing volume security-secret-store_log-data
-Removing volume security-secret-store_consul-config
-Removing volume security-secret-store_consul-data
-Removing volume security-secret-store_vault-config
-Removing volume security-secret-store_vault-file
-Removing volume security-secret-store_vault-logs
-Troubleshooting steps
-For debugging purpose, the Secret Store services can be started
-individually with these commands. A pre-requisite being to carefully
-follow the invocation sequence in order to avoid any dependency failure.
-Lines starting with # (hashtag) are contextual comments to explicit the
-purpose of the above corresponding command:
-sh> cd <path-to-EdgeX-Foundry-Secret-Store>
-# <...>/security-secret-store/
-sh> docker-compose down -v
-sh> docker-compose ps
-# Check no previous container is running
-sh> docker volume ls
-# Check and remove any previous persistent and/or unused volumes
-sh> docker volume prune
-sh> docker volume rm <volume-name>
-sh> docker network ls
-# Check and remove the previous EdgeX Foundry Docker network
-sh> docker network rm edgex-network
-sh> docker-compose up -d volume
-Sample output:
-Creating network "security-secret-store_edgex-network" with driver "bridge"
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_db-data" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_log-data" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_consul-config" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_consul-data" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_vault-config" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_vault-file" with default driver
-Creating volume "security-secret-store_vault-logs" with default driver
-Creating edgex-files ... done
-Start the second service: consul (Consul is Vault store backend)
-sh> docker-compose up -d consul
-Sample output:
-edgex-files is up-to-date
-Creating edgex-core-consul ... done
-Display and inspect consul service logs: important lines are highlighted
-sh> docker-compose logs consul
-Sample output:
-Attaching to edgex-core-consul
-edgex-core-consul | ==> Starting Consul agent...
-edgex-core-consul | ==> Consul agent running!
-edgex-core-consul | Version: 'v1.1.0'
-edgex-core-consul | Node ID: '371cbce6-02a8-65f6-ddea-6df5c40a4c50'
-edgex-core-consul | Node name: 'edgex-core-consul'
-edgex-core-consul | Datacenter: 'dc1' (Segment: '<all>')
-edgex-core-consul | Server: true (Bootstrap: false)
-edgex-core-consul | Client Addr: [] (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, DNS: 8600)
-edgex-core-consul | Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
-edgex-core-consul | Encrypt: Gossip: false, TLS-Outgoing: false, TLS-Incoming: false
-edgex-core-consul |
-edgex-core-consul | ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
-edgex-core-consul |
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [DEBUG] agent: Using random ID "371cbce6-02a8-65f6-ddea-6df5c40a4c50" as node ID
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] raft: Initial configuration (index=1): [{Suffrage:Voter ID:371cbce6-02a8-65f6-ddea-6df5c40a4c50 Address:}]
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] raft: Node at [Follower] entering Follower state (Leader: "")
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: edgex-core-consul.dc1
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: edgex-core-consul
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server edgex-core-consul (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] consul: Handled member-join event for server "edgex-core-consul.dc1" in area "wan"
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (tcp)
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (udp)
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] agent: Started HTTP server on [::]:8500 (tcp)
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] agent: started state syncer
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [WARN] raft: Heartbeat timeout from "" reached, starting election
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state in term 2
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [DEBUG] raft: Votes needed: 1
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [DEBUG] raft: Vote granted from 371cbce6-02a8-65f6-ddea-6df5c40a4c50 in term 2. Tally: 1
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] raft: Election won. Tally: 1
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] raft: Node at [Leader] entering Leader state
-edgex-core-consul | 2019/01/13 13:25:06 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
-sh> docker-compose up -d config-seed
-Sample output:
-edgex-files is up-to-date
-edgex-core-consul is up-to-date
-Creating edgex-config-seed ... done
-Display and inspect the created container states: important lines are
-Sample output:
-Name Command State Ports
-/bin/sh -c /edgex/cmd/conf ... Exit 0 edgex-core-consul
-docker-entrypoint.sh agent ... Up 8300/tcp, 8301/tcp, 8301/udp,
-8302/tcp, 8302/udp,>8400/tcp,>8500/tcp,
->8600/tcp, 8600/udp edgex-files /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/tail
-- ... Up
Line 3: edgex-config-seed
service has exited after successful
-processing (exit code 0)
Vault will be uninitialized and unsealed upon success. The
service will process the initialization and unsealing
-sh> docker-compose up -d vault
-Sample output:
-edgex-files is up-to-date
-edgex-core-consul is up-to-date
-Creating edgex-vault ... done
-Display and inspect "vault" service logs: important lines are
-sh> docker-compose logs vault
-Sample output:
-Attaching to edgex-vault
-edgex-vault | ==> Vault server configuration:
-edgex-vault |
-edgex-vault | Api Address: https://edgex-vault:8200
-edgex-vault | Cgo: disabled
-edgex-vault | Cluster Address: https://edgex-vault:8201
-edgex-vault | Listener 1: tcp (addr: "edgex-vault:8200", cluster address: "edgex-vault:8201", tls: "enabled")
-edgex-vault | Log Level: info
-edgex-vault | Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
-edgex-vault | Storage: consul (HA available)
-edgex-vault | Version: Vault v0.10.2
-edgex-vault | Version Sha: 3ee0802ed08cb7f4046c2151ec4671a076b76166
-edgex-vault |
-edgex-vault | ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
-edgex-vault |
Line 4 & 7: Vault API endpoint on port 8200 (lines 4 and 7).
Line 7: Vault has TLS enabled.
Line 10: Vault backend storage is Consul.
-Start the fifth service: vault-worker (Vault init/unseal process and setups)
-sh> docker-compose up -d vault-worker
-Sample output:
-edgex-files is up-to-date
-edgex-core-consul is up-to-date
-edgex-vault is up-to-date
-Creating edgex-vault-worker ... done
-Display and inspect "vault-worker" service logs: important lines are
-sh> docker-compose logs vault-worker
-Sample output:
-Attaching to edgex-vault-worker
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:42 successful loading the rootCA cert.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:43 {"keys":["564b9444eebe28b393c21a4dca1e32835b7dc27f5da03b73d22b666cb20224a9"],"keys_base64":["VkuURO6+KLOTwhpNyh4yg1t9wn9doDtz0itmbLICJKk="],"recovery_keys":null,"recovery_keys_base64":null,"root_token":"01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f"}
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:43 Vault has been initialized successfully.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:43 Vault has been unsealed successfully.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Vault Health Check HTTP Status: 200 OK (StatusCode: 200)
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Verifying Admin policy file hash (SHA256).
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Vault policy file checksum (SHA256): 5ce8d58cf7d931735f6532742f677c109a91a263bcefe9aef73ab2a69f4b43d3
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Reading Admin policy file.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Importing Vault Admin policy.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Import Policy Successfull.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Reading Kong policy file.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Importing Vault Kong policy.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Import Policy Successfull.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Creating Vault Admin token.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Create Token Successfull.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Creating Vault Kong token.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Create Token Successfull.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Successful on reading certificate from v1/secret/edgex/pki/tls/edgex-kong.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Cert&key are not in the secret store yet, will need to upload them.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Load cert&key pair from volume successfully, now will upload to secret store.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Trying to upload cert&key to secret store.
-edgex-vault-worker | INFO: 2019/01/13 13:35:48 Successful to add certificate to the secret store.
-Display and inspect "vault" service logs: important lines are
-sh> docker-compose logs vault
-Sample output:
-Attaching to edgex-vault
-edgex-vault | ==> Vault server configuration:
-edgex-vault |
-edgex-vault | Api Address: https://edgex-vault:8200
-edgex-vault | Cgo: disabled
-edgex-vault | Cluster Address: https://edgex-vault:8201
-edgex-vault | Listener 1: tcp (addr: "edgex-vault:8200", cluster address: "edgex-vault:8201", tls: enabled")
-edgex-vault | Log Level: info
-edgex-vault | Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
-edgex-vault | Storage: consul (HA available)
-edgex-vault | Version: Vault v0.10.2
-edgex-vault | Version Sha: 3ee0802ed08cb7f4046c2151ec4671a076b76166
-edgex-vault |
-edgex-vault | ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
-edgex-vault |
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.549Z [INFO ] core: security barrier not initialized
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.551Z [INFO ] core: security barrier not initialized
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.554Z [INFO ] core: security barrier initialized: shares=1 threshold=1
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.575Z [INFO ] core: post-unseal setup starting
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.583Z [INFO ] core: loaded wrapping token key
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.583Z [INFO ] core: successfully setup plugin catalog: plugin-directory=
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.584Z [INFO ] core: no mounts; adding default mount table
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.585Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=kv path=secret/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.586Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=cubbyhole path=cubbyhole/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.586Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=system path=sys/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.586Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=identity path=identity/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.593Z [INFO ] core: restoring leases
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.593Z [INFO ] rollback: starting rollback manager
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.594Z [INFO ] expiration: lease restore complete
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.596Z [INFO ] identity: entities restored
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.597Z [INFO ] identity: groups restored
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.597Z [INFO ] core: post-unseal setup complete
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.597Z [INFO ] core: core/startClusterListener: starting listener: listener_address=
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.597Z [INFO ] core: core/startClusterListener: serving cluster requests: cluster_listen_address=
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.600Z [INFO ] core: root token generated
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.600Z [INFO ] core: pre-seal teardown starting
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.600Z [INFO ] core: stopping cluster listeners
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.600Z [INFO ] core: shutting down forwarding rpc listeners
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:42.600Z [INFO ] core: forwarding rpc listeners stopped
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.099Z [INFO ] core: rpc listeners successfully shut down
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.099Z [INFO ] core: cluster listeners successfully shut down
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.100Z [INFO ] rollback: stopping rollback manager
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.100Z [INFO ] core: pre-seal teardown complete
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.105Z [INFO ] core: vault is unsealed
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.105Z [INFO ] core: entering standby mode
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.109Z [INFO ] core: acquired lock, enabling active operation
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.134Z [INFO ] core: post-unseal setup starting
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.135Z [INFO ] core: loaded wrapping token key
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.135Z [INFO ] core: successfully setup plugin catalog: plugin-directory=
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.137Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=kv path=secret/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.137Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=system path=sys/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.137Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=identity path=identity/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.137Z [INFO ] core: successfully mounted backend: type=cubbyhole path=cubbyhole/
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.141Z [INFO ] core: restoring leases
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.142Z [INFO ] rollback: starting rollback manager
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.142Z [INFO ] expiration: lease restore complete
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.143Z [INFO ] identity: entities restored
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.143Z [INFO ] identity: groups restored
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.144Z [INFO ] core: post-unseal setup complete
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.144Z [INFO ] core: core/startClusterListener: starting listener: listener_address=
-edgex-vault | 2019-01-13T13:35:43.144Z [INFO ] core: core/startClusterListener: serving cluster requests: cluster_listen_address=
Line 18: Vault initialization successful.
Line 35: Vault root token generated.
Line 44: Vault unsealing successful.
Line 50: Vault key/value store secret successfully mounted.
Line 60 & 61: Vault successfully started.
-Display and inspect the created container states: important lines are
-Sample output:
-Name Command State Ports
-/bin/sh -c /edgex/cmd/conf ... Exit 0 edgex-core-consul
-docker-entrypoint.sh agent ... Up 8300/tcp, 8301/tcp, 8301/udp,
-8302/tcp, 8302/udp,>8400/tcp,>8500/tcp,
->8600/tcp, 8600/udp edgex-files /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/tail
-- ... Up edgex-vault docker-entrypoint.sh serve ... Up
->8200/tcp edgex-vault-worker ./edgex-vault-worker --ini
-... Exit 0
Line 9: edgex-vault-worker
service has exited after successful
-processing (exit code 0)
-Display and inspect the created container volumes: important lines are
-sh> docker volume ls
-local security-secret-store_consul-config
-local security-secret-store_consul-data
-local security-secret-store_db-data
-local security-secret-store_log-data
-local security-secret-store_vault-config
-local security-secret-store_vault-file
-local security-secret-store_vault-logs
-Display and inspect the container network
): important lines are highlighted
-sh> docker network ls
-63227826fbc7 bridge bridge local
-60763abffde3 host host local
-1d236ab1dbbd none null local
-0a7f7266d102 security-secret-store_edgex-network bridge local
-Using Consul Web UI
-For learning and verification purposes one might use the Consul Web UI
-interface to gather and double check specific Vault informations.
-Consul Web UI endpoint port is exposed by the Docker compose file. EdgeX
-Foundry platform uses the Consul default port number 8500. It is
-normally not recommended to expose Consul UI port number in production,
-at least the UI should not be accessible from outside the platform
-environment. However, because all the Vault secrets are encrypted before
-being transmitted and stored in the Consul backend, having access to
-Consul is not sufficient to access any secrets, the vault data
-encryption/decryption key would be absolutely necessary.
-Open a Web browser on http://<EdgeX Consul Server>:8500/ui
-On the screenshot below, after selecting SERVICES
and Vault
, the UI
-will show the various Vault status (heartbeat and init/unseal states),
-coloring the boxes in green, orange or red depending on the level of
-importance (info, warning, error). By clicking each of the right side
-status indicators, more information will be accessible in order to
-better inspect any situation.
-As a practical example, we are going to navigate the Consul structure
-for Vault in order to check if the API Gateway (Kong) TLS certificate
-and private key were fetched and stored accordingly during the
-First select KEY/VALUE
menu, and then select vault
root structure:
-We are now going to navigate deeper in the vault
tree structure to
-reach and display the EdgeX Kong TLS assets. Continue by selecting
-{.align-center width="348px"
-Then select d7809b...
an arbitrary UID generated and created by Consul
-during Vault registration:
-{.align-center width="377px"
-Select edgex/
-{.align-center width="419px"
-Select pki/
-{.align-center width="417px"
-Select tls/
-{.align-center width="418px"
-Select edgex-kong/
-{.align-center width="423px"
-And we are now finally able to display the encrypted Vault secret
-containing the API Gateway (Kong) TLS server certificate and its
-corresponding private key. As you can see on the screenshot below the
-Vault key/value is encrypted and totally opaque to Consul, the Vault
-data encryption key (DEK) would be necessary to decrypt these secrets.
-Each Vault secret is encrypted before being transmitted to Consul
-Shell Access to Consul Container and Using Consul CLI
-sh> docker exec -it -e PS1='\u@\h:\w \$ ' edgex-core-consul sh
-root@edgex-core-consul:/ # consul members
-Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segment
-edgex-core-consul alive server 1.1.0 2 dc1 <all>
-root@edgex-core-consul:/ # consul catalog nodes
-Node ID Address DC
-edgex-core-consul e49af36a dc1
-root@edgex-core-consul:/ # consul catalog services
Line 5: Shows the Consul node status alive
(1 node in EdgeX default
Line 9: Shows the Consul nodes (1 node in EdgeX default configuration).
Lines 12-14: Show the Consul registered services.
-Configuring the Secret Store
-Vault server configuration is essentially concentrated in one JSON file
-named local.json
. This file was prepared during the Vault Docker image
-build process. In the eventuality of a change, the Vault server
-container should be accessed to then modify the JSON file. The absolute
-path being /vault/config/local.json
. To reload the new configuration
-simply send Vault PID a HUP signal to trigger a configuration reload.
-Sample Vault server configuration file:
-listener "tcp" {
-address = "edgex-vault:8200"
-tls_disable = "0"
-cluster_address = "edgex-vault:8201"
-tls_min_version = "tls12"
-tls_client_ca_file ="/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem"
-tls_cert_file ="/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/edgex-vault.pem"
-tls_key_file = "/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/edgex-vault.priv.key"
-backend "consul" {
-path = "vault/"
-address = "edgex-core-consul:8500"
-scheme = "http"
-redirect_addr = "https://edgex-vault:8200"
-cluster_addr = "https://edgex-vault:8201"
-default_lease_ttl = "168h"
-max_lease_ttl = "720h"
-The listener
clause refers to Vault server process (port, TLS and
-server name), the backend
clause refers to the storage backend (i.e.
-To modify this configuration file, execute a shell session in the
-running Vault container:
-sh> docker exec -it -e PS1='\u@\h:\w \$ ' -e VAULT_CAPATH='/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem' edgex-vault sh
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # ls -l
-total 12
-drwxr-xr-x 4 vault vault 4096 Jan 13 13:34 config
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vault vault 4096 Jun 7 2018 file
-drwxr-xr-x 2 vault vault 4096 Jun 7 2018 logs
-Pay attention to the VAULT_CAPATH
environment variable passed to the
-session. This is necessary in order to run succesful Vault CLI command.
-Every Vault CLI command is a wrapper of the Vault HTTP API. The Vault
-server is configured with TLS using X.509 PKI materials generated and
-signed by a local self-signed CA (EdgeXFoundryCA). Therefore, in order
-for each Vault CLI command (or to that extent cURL commands) to verify
-the Vault server TLS certificate, the self-signing CA root certificate
-would have to be known by the CLI command interpreter. This
variable is checked by every Vault CLI commands,
-alternatively each Vault CLI command can specify an option with the same
-certificate path if the variable is not set.
-The self-signed Root CA certificate path can be found in the Vault
-configuration file (see above local.json), with parameter
-tls_client_ca_file ="/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem"
-The local.json
configuration file can be read and modified within the
-running container:
-<root@edgex-vault>:/vault \# cat config/local.json
-listener "tcp" {
- address = "edgex-vault:8200"
- tls\_disable = "0"
- cluster\_address ="edgex-vault:8201"
- tls\_min\_version = "tls12"
- tls\_client\_ca\_file="/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem"
- tls\_cert\_file="/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/edgex-vault.pem"
- tls\_key\_file = "/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/edgex-vault.priv.key"
-backend "consul" {
-path = "vault/"
-address = "edgex-core-consul:8500"
-scheme = "http"
-redirect\_addr ="<https://edgex-vault:8200>"
-cluster\_addr ="<https://edgex-vault:8201>"
-default\_lease\_ttl = "168h"
-max\_lease\_ttl = "720h"
-A sample Vault CLI command to check Vault status:
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault status
-Key Value
---- -----
-Seal Type shamir
-Sealed false
-Total Shares 1
-Threshold 1
-Version 0.10.2
-Cluster Name vault-cluster-57b3c4ed
-Cluster ID fe6d18bf-fa9c-0d52-3278-bca0390af023
-HA Enabled true
-HA Cluster https://edgex-vault:8201
-HA Mode active
-All the X.509 PKI materials including the self-signing CA are located
-under /vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # ls -l config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/
-total 24
--rw-r--r-- 1 vault vault 956 Dec 5 14:05 EdgeXFoundryCA.pem
--r-------- 1 vault vault 306 Dec 5 14:05 EdgeXFoundryCA.priv.key
--rw-r--r-- 1 vault vault 989 Dec 5 14:05 edgex-kong.pem
--rw------- 1 vault vault 306 Dec 5 14:05 edgex-kong.priv.key
--rw-r--r-- 1 vault vault 1001 Dec 5 14:05 edgex-vault.pem
--rw------- 1 vault vault 306 Dec 5 14:05 edgex-vault.priv.key
Line 3: self-signing root CA certificate.
Line 4: self-signing root CA private key.
Line 5: API Gateway (Kong) TLS server certificate.
Line 6: API Gateway (Kong) TLS server certificate private key.
Line 7: Vault TLS server certificate.
Line 8: Vault TLS server certificate private key.
-The CA name (EdgeXFoundryCA) was defined by the
-tool during the Vault image build process. This tool is also responsible
-for all the TLS server configuration and creation tasks.
-If you are willing to change any of the Vault X.509 PKI assets or
-configuration parameters you will have to modify the
-file and rebuild a new Vault Docker image.
-Similarly to Vault, each EdgeX Foundry service having a TLS server
-certificate and private key had its X.509 PKI assets generated and
-signed during the Vault Docker image build process. Therefore, the API
-Gateway (Kong) configuration file named
-would have to be modified accordingly. A new Vault Docker image would
-have to be built.
-The Vault
-contains the pkisetup
executions, see below for a corresponding
-excerpt (highlighted lines):
-# Create assets folder (needed for unseal key/s, root token and tmp)
-# Run CA/Vault and Kong PKI/TLS setups and peform housekeeping tasks
-RUN mkdir /vault/config/assets && \
- chown -R vault:vault /vault && \
- chmod 644 /vault/config/local.json && \
- chmod 744 pkisetup* && \
- ./pkisetup --config pkisetup-vault.json && \
- echo "" && \
- ./pkisetup --config pkisetup-kong.json && \
- chown -R vault:vault /vault/config/pki && \
-rm -f /vault/pkisetup /vault/pkisetup-vault.json /vault/pkisetup-kong.json
-EdgeX Foundry Docker environment implements a basic Vault/Consul
-architecture that does not provide high availability guaranties. Only
-one Consul server and one Vault server will be running. In a more
-sophisticated production environment it would be possible to build a
-reliable high availability infrastructure regarding Consul and Vault. To
-facilitate the setup of a minimal failover architecture the
repository provides a sample folder named
-that contains necessary materials (scripts, helpers, configurations,
-etc.) to achieve that goal.
-These samples describe an architecture design with two Vault servers in
-failover mode (active/standby), using each one a Consul client, which
-subsequently connects to a Consul cluster of 3 nodes (minimal Raft
-concensus quorum). The Consul clients and servers (nodes) have redundant
-Using the Secret Store
-1st alternative: executing a shell session in the active Vault container to run Vault CLI commands.
-See paragraph Configuring the Secret Store to have more details on
environment variable.
-See HashiCorp Vault API documentation for further details on syntax and
-usage (https://www.vaultproject.io/api/).
-Execute a shell session in the running Vault container:
-sh> docker exec -it -e PS1='\u@\h:\w \$ ' -e VAULT_CAPATH='/vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem' edgex-vault sh
-Locate the assets
folder, and the resp-init.json
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # ls -l config/assets/
-total 12
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 366 Jan 13 13:35 admin-token.json
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 365 Jan 13 13:35 kong-token.json
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 241 Jan 13 13:35 resp-init.json
-Inspect the resp-init.json
file to grab the Vault Root Token:
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # cat config/assets/resp-init.json
-Login to Vault using Vault CLI and the gathered Root Token:
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault login 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f
-Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
-is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
-again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.
-Key Value
---- -----
-token 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f
-token_accessor 4d5eabf7-8710-81b1-b6a4-9ba17fdfdeb7
-token_duration ∞
-token_renewable false
-token_policies [root]
-Perform an introspection lookup
on the current token login:
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault token lookup
-Key Value
---- -----
-accessor 4d5eabf7-8710-81b1-b6a4-9ba17fdfdeb7
-creation_time 1547386542
-creation_ttl 0
-display_name root
-entity_id n/a
-expire_time <nil>
-explicit_max_ttl 0
-id 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f
-meta <nil>
-num_uses 0
-orphan true
-path auth/token/root
-policies [root]
-ttl 0
Lines 9 & 10: the Root Token is the only token that has no expiration
-enforcement rules (Time to Live TTL counter).
-Perform a check on the current token login to display the corresponding
-capabilities (policies):
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault token capabilities 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f
-Perform a list
request to display the currently mounted secret
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault secrets list
-Path Type Accessor Description
----- ---- -------- -----------
-cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_ad070930 per-token private secret storage
-identity/ identity identity_5397dc2f identity store
-secret/ kv kv_2362c227 key/value secret storage
-sys/ system system_410e4276 system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging
Line 5: EdgeX Foundry platform is using the Key/Value secret storage
-named secret
-Let's drill down into the secret
k/v storage and walk through a
-predefined hierarchical tree structure (path).
the pkisetup
tool used during the Vault Docker image build process
-generates all the related X.509 TLS materials. The vault-worker
-service is storing each service materials into Vault using arbitrary
-paths, setting up access policies accordingly.
-For example, the API Gateway (Kong) service X.509 TLS materials:
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault list secret
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault list secret/edgex
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault list secret/edgex/pki
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault list secret/edgex/pki/tls
-Displaying the API gateway (Kong) service X.509 TLS materials (TLS
-certificate cert
& corresponding private key key
-root@edgex-vault:/vault # vault read secret/edgex/pki/tls/edgex-kong
-Key Value
---- -----
-refresh_interval 168h
-cert -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-key -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
------END PRIVATE KEY-----
These two key values are in PEM format.
-2nd alternative: using the Vault Web UI.
-Open a browser session on https://<EdgeX Vault Server>:8200
, accept
-the self-signed TLS server certificate and sign-in with the Root Token
-(see above 1st alternative to learn how to fetch this token):
-{.align-center width="606px"
-Upper left corner of the current Vault UI session, the sign-out menu
-displaying the current token name:
-{.align-center width="275px"
-Select the Vault secret backend:
-Navigate the API Gateway (Kong) service X.509 TLS materials path
-The Vault UI also allows entering Vault CLI commands (see above 1st
-alternative) using an embedded console:
-3rd alternative: directly using the Vault HTTP API with cURL commands.
-See paragraph Configuring the Secret Store to have more details on
-the --cacert
option (identical purpose as the VAULT_CAPATH
-environment variable for Vault CLI).
-See paragraph Using the Secret Store to have more details on
-gathering the Vault Root Token (ref:
-See HashiCorp Vault API documentation for further details on syntax and
-usage (https://www.vaultproject.io/api/).
-Displaying (GET) the API gateway (Kong) service X.509 TLS materials (TLS
-certificate cert & corresponding private key key):
-curl -s --cacert /vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem \
- --location \
- --header "X-Vault-Token: 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f" \
- --request GET \
- https://edgex-vault:8200/v1/secret/edgex/pki/tls/edgex-kong | jq
Line 2: the --location
option allows following a redirection
-(necessary when using a Vault cluster)
Line 5: the Vault API path prefix /v1/secret
and the API Gateway X.509
-TLS materials k/v /edgex/pki/tls/edgex-kong
Line 5: the jq
tool is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON
-processor (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) allowing JSON pretty
-printing in the terminal.
-Sample JSON returned:
-"request_id": "eaa80a1b-0d31-8d11-6ce1-8d9aa3ac6a19",
-"lease_id": "",
-"renewable": false,
-"lease_duration": 604800,
-"data": {
- "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIG2AgEAMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAiBIGeMIGbAgEBBDC6BRUXqkJbey765+8b\nOib2qG/jbai2rzp0+NQyJv4ijAyYjJlxhVGggZqPPBy8baqhZANiAATZ2dsRuhcR\nPVOPOZYoW/cDTCSXA1uz230ktPR5ylCvrhrbvtSdMBCGAK/Z7b/H0Q/h61qBKXPk\n8Kp0DKRZbRREgQ9LBQpabHjHUMHDJQPagM4+wWvLAhUQLcOWpAAvqG4=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
-"wrap_info": null,
-"warnings": null,
-"auth": null
-Displaying (LIST) the root key path in the Vault secret
backend for
-the EdgeX Foudry platform (edgex
-curl -s --cacert /vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem \
- --location \
- --header "X-Vault-Token: 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f" \
- --request LIST \
- https://edgex-vault:8200/v1/secret | jq
-Sample JSON returned:
- "request_id": "0e0ea024-176d-21b3-73cb-99f17729b230",
- "lease_id": "",
- "renewable": false,
- "lease_duration": 0,
- "data": {
- "keys": [
- "edgex/"
- ]
- },
- "wrap_info": null,
- "warnings": null,
- "auth": null
-Displaying (GET) the Vault seal status
-(API path: /v1/sys/seal-status
-curl -s --cacert /vault/config/pki/EdgeXFoundryCA/EdgeXFoundryCA.pem \
- --location \
- --header "X-Vault-Token: 01dbbae4-353a-8cdf-8189-4d50e5535a6f" \
- --request GET \
- https://edgex-vault:8200/v1/sys/seal-status | jq
-Sample JSON returned:
- "type": "shamir",
- "sealed": false,
- "t": 1,
- "n": 1,
- "progress": 0,
- "nonce": "",
- "version": "0.10.2",
- "cluster_name": "vault-cluster-57b3c4ed",
- "cluster_id": "fe6d18bf-fa9c-0d52-3278-bca0390af023"
Line 3: Vault is unsealed therefore available and ready for
Line 4 & 5: Vault Shamir Secret Sharing default configuration for EdgeX
-Foundry: 1 share with threshold 1 (no sharding).
-See also
-Some of the command used in implementing security services have
-man-style documentation: