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@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ you might want to look at the `DemARK
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+ :caption: Manual
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+Author: 'EconARK.org'
+generator: 'TeX4ht (http://www.tug.org/tex4ht/)'
+originator: 'TeX4ht (http://www.tug.org/tex4ht/)'
+src: 'HARKmanual.tex'
+title: 'A User''s Guide for HARK: Heterogeneous Agents Resources and toolKit'
+::: {.maketitle}
+A User's Guide for HARK: Heterogeneous Agents Resources and toolKit {#a-users-guide-for-hark-heterogeneous-agents-resources-and-toolkit .titleHead}
+::: {.date}
+May 21, 2018
+[ ]{.ecrm-0600}
+::: {.author}
+[Christopher D Carroll]{.ecrm-1440}^[1]{.ecrm-0600}^\
+[Johns Hopkins University ]{.ecrm-1095}\
+[Alexander M Kaufman]{.ecrm-1440}^[2]{.ecrm-0600}^\
+[Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ]{.ecrm-1095}\
+[David C Low]{.ecrm-1440}^[3]{.ecrm-0600}^\
+[Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ]{.ecrm-1095}\
+[Nathan M Palmer]{.ecrm-1440}^[4]{.ecrm-0600}^\
+[U.S.]{.ecrm-1095}[ Treasury Office of Financial Research ]{.ecrm-1095}\
+[Matthew N White]{.ecrm-1440}^[5]{.ecrm-0600}^\
+[University of Delaware ]{.ecrm-1095}
+::: {.center}
+^[1]{.ecrm-0600}^ [Carroll:
+[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[
+]{.ecrm-1000}^[2]{.ecrm-0600}^ [Kaufman:
+[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[
+]{.ecrm-1000}^[3]{.ecrm-0600}^ [Low:
+[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[
+]{.ecrm-1000}^[4]{.ecrm-0600}^ [Palmer:]{.ecrm-1000}
+[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[
+]{.ecrm-1000}^[5]{.ecrm-0600}^ [White:
+[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}[ ]{.ecrm-1000}
+[]{#x1-1000}Contents {#contents .likechapterHead}
+::: {.tableofcontents}
+ [0.1 [Introduction](#x1-20000.1){#QQ2-1-2}]{.sectionToc}\
+ [0.1.1 [Getting Started](#x1-30000.1.1){#QQ2-1-3}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.1.2 [Structure of HARK](#x1-40000.1.2){#QQ2-1-4}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.1.3 [Other Resources](#x1-50000.1.3){#QQ2-1-5}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2 [General Purpose Tools](#x1-60000.2){#QQ2-1-6}]{.sectionToc}\
+ [0.2.1 [HARKcore](#x1-70000.2.1){#QQ2-1-7}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2.2 [HARK.utilities](#x1-80000.2.2){#QQ2-1-8}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2.3 [HARK.interpolation](#x1-90000.2.3){#QQ2-1-9}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2.4 [HARK.simulation](#x1-100000.2.4){#QQ2-1-10}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2.5 [HARK.estimation](#x1-110000.2.5){#QQ2-1-11}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.2.6 [HARK.parallel](#x1-120000.2.6){#QQ2-1-12}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.3 [Microeconomics: the AgentType
+ [0.3.1 [Attributes of an
+ [0.3.2 [A Universal
+ [0.3.3 [The Flow of Time and Other
+ [0.3.4 [Sample Model: Perfect Foresight
+ [0.4 [Macroeconomics: the Market
+ [0.4.1 [Down on the
+ [0.4.2 [Attributes of a
+ [0.4.3 [Sample Model:
+ [0.5 [Contributing to HARK](#x1-220000.5){#QQ2-1-22}]{.sectionToc}\
+ [0.5.1 [What Does HARK
+ [0.5.2 [Git and GitHub](#x1-240000.5.2){#QQ2-1-24}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.5.3 [Submission Approval
+ [0.5.4 [Naming
+ [0.5.5 [Documentation
+ [0.6 [Future of HARK](#x1-280000.6){#QQ2-1-28}]{.sectionToc}\
+ [0.6.1 [Future Tools](#x1-290000.6.1){#QQ2-1-29}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.6.2 [Future Models](#x1-300000.6.2){#QQ2-1-30}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.6.3 [Bounty Hunting](#x1-310000.6.3){#QQ2-1-31}]{.subsectionToc}\
+ [0.6.4 [All Aboard the
+### [0.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-20000.1}Introduction {#introduction .sectionHead}
+If you are willing to risk some mild psychological trauma, conjure to
+mind your first experience of hand-coding a structural economic model.
+Your clunky effort probably built on legacy code provided by an adviser
+or colleague -- which itself came from who-knows-what apocryphal
+sources. Efforts to combine elements from one model with those from
+another were likely frustrated by the "Tower of Babel" problem: Code
+from one source could not "speak" to code from another without your own
+intermediation as a translator, possibly between two unfamiliar
+languages and aided only by oracular comments that, at best, made sense
+only in the context of other (now missing) code.
+After months of effort, you may have had the character-improving
+experience of proudly explaining to your adviser that not only had you
+grafted two ideas together, you also found a trick that speeded the
+solution by an order of magnitude, only to be told that your
+breathtaking insight had been understood for many years, as reflected in
+an appendix to a 2008 paper; or, worse, your discovery was something
+that "everybody knows" but did not exist at all in published form!
+Learning by doing has value, but only within limits. We do not require
+young drivers to design an internal combustion engine before driving a
+car, nor must graduate students write their own matrix inversion
+algorithms before running an OLS regression.
+In recent years, considerable progress has been made in addressing these
+kinds of problems in many areas of economic modeling. Macroeconomists
+using representative agent models can send Dynare model files to each
+other; reduced form econometricians can choose from a host of
+econometric packages. But modelers whose questions require explicit
+structural modeling involving nontrivial kinds of heterogeneity (that
+is, heterogeneity that cannot simply be aggregated away) are mostly
+still stuck in the bad old days.
+The ultimate goal of the HARK project is to fix these problems.
+Specifically, our aim is to produce an open source repository of highly
+modular, easily interoperable code for solving, simulating, and
+estimating dynamic economic models with heterogeneous
+Further, we seek to establish (with input from the community) standards
+for the description and specification of objects like discrete
+approximations to continuous distributions and interpolated function
+approximations, so that numeric methods can be quickly swapped without
+ugly "patching."
+We hope that HARK will make it much easier and faster for researchers to
+develop solution and estimation methods for new models. The open source
+nature of HARK will make it easier for other researchers to audit and
+verify new models and methods, and to collaborate on correcting
+deficiencies when found. As HARK expands to include more canonical
+models and more tools and utilities, we can all spend less time managing
+numerical minutiae and more time fretting about identification arguments
+and data accuracy.
+#### [0.1.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-30000.1.1}Getting Started {#getting-started .subsectionHead}
+If you want to get started using HARK right away, this section provides
+a very easy quickstart guide for getting HARK up and running on your
+computer in just a few minutes. More information can be found in the
+[README.md ]{.ectt-1200}file in the HARK repository (step 4), but here
+is a quick version for those who want to jump right in:
+1. [[Download Anaconda: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to
+ and download Anaconda for your
+ operating system; be sure to get the version for Python
+ 2.7.]{#x1-3002x1}
+2. [[Install Anaconda: ]{.ecbx-1200}Follow the easy instructions on
+ that page to install Anaconda.]{#x1-3004x2}
+3. [[Add extra packages: ]{.ecbx-1200}(optional) If you want to use
+ HARK's multithreading feature, you need to add two packages that
+ aren't part of the default Anaconda distribution. Simply open a
+ command prompt and do [conda install joblib ]{.ectt-1200}and [conda
+ install]{.ectt-1200} [dill]{.ectt-1200}, accepting defaults to
+ install.]{#x1-3006x3}
+4. [[Download HARK: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to
+ , the home of the HARK repository.
+ Click on the lime green button labeled "Clone or download" toward
+ the upper right of the main panel, and select "Download
+ ZIP".[[^3^](HARKmanual3.html#fn3x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-3009f3}]{#x1-3008x4}
+5. [[Unzip HARK: ]{.ecbx-1200}Unpack the [HARK.zip ]{.ectt-1200}file
+ using any archive utility, like [Peazip](http://www.peazip.org/).
+ Put the files anywhere you'd like, maintaining the internal
+ directory structure.]{#x1-3011x5}
+6. [[Run Spyder: ]{.ecbx-1200}Open a command prompt and do
+ [spyder]{.ectt-1200}. Spyder is an interactive development
+ environment (IDE) for iPython, a slightly prettier, more interactive
+ flavor of Python.]{#x1-3013x6}
+7. [[Open a HARK module: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to the directory where you put
+ HARK and open any file with the [.py ]{.ectt-1200}extension; we
+ recommend
+ [/Demos/ConsumptionSaving/ConsIndShockModel.py]{.ectt-1200}.]{#x1-3015x7}
+8. [[Run the module: ]{.ecbx-1200}Click on the green arrow "play"
+ button toward the right side of the toolbar of icons at the top of
+ the Spyder window (accept defaults if a dialogue box pops up).
+ Congratulations! HARK is now up and running on your
+ computer.]{#x1-3017x8}
+If you followed our recommendation to try
+[/Demos/ConsumptionSaving/ConsIndShockModel.py]{.ectt-1200}, you should
+see graphical representations of the solution to a few
+consumption-saving models with idiosyncratic shocks to permanent and
+transitory income (see [/Documentation/ConsumptionSavingModels.pdf
+]{.ectt-1200}for details of these models). If you chose a different
+module, you might get some examples of some other model, results of a
+structural estimation, a polite notification that this particular module
+doesn't do much on its own, or no output at all. See the [README.md
+]{.ectt-1200}for a full list of modules from which you can expect
+non-trivial output.
+#### [0.1.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-40000.1.2}Structure of HARK {#structure-of-hark .subsectionHead}
+HARK is written in Python, an object-oriented programming (OOP) language
+that has experienced increasing popularity in the scientific community
+in the past several years. A significant reason for the adoption of
+Python is the [numpy ]{.ectt-1200}and [scipy ]{.ectt-1200}packages,
+which offer a wide array of mathematical and statistical functions and
+tools; HARK makes liberal use of these libraries. Python's
+object-oriented nature allows models in HARK to be easily extended: more
+complex models can inherit functions and methods from more fundamental
+"parent" models, eliminating the need to reproduce or repurpose code.
+As implied in the previous section, we strongly encourage HARK users to
+use the Anaconda distribution of Python, which includes all commonly
+used mathematical and scientific packages, an interactive development
+environment for iPython (Spyder), and a package manager that allows
+users to quickly install or update packages not included in the default
+distribution (conda).
+For users unfamiliar with OOP, we strongly encourage you to review the
+background material on OOP provided by the good people at
+[QuantEcon](http://quant-econ.net/) (for more on them, see below) at
+this link: [Object Oriented
+Programming](http://quant-econ.net/py/python_oop.html). Unlike non-OOP
+languages, OOP bundles together data and functions into
+[objects]{.ecti-1200}. These can be accessed via: [object\_name.data
+]{.ectt-1200}and [object\_name.method\_name()]{.ectt-1200},
+respectively. For organizational purposes, definitions of multiple
+objects are stored in [modules]{.ecti-1200}, which are simply files with
+a [.py ]{.ectt-1200}extension. Modules can be accessed in Python via:\
+[import module\_name as import\_name ]{.ectt-1200}\
+This imports the module and gives it a local name of
+[import\_name]{.ectt-1200}. We can access a function within this module
+by simply typing: [import\_name.function\_name()]{.ectt-1200}. The
+following example will illustrate the usage of these commands.
+[CRRAutility ]{.ectt-1200}is the function object for calculating CRRA
+utility supplied by [HARK.utilities ]{.ectt-1200}module. [CRRAutility
+]{.ectt-1200}is called [attributes ]{.ecti-1200}of the module
+[HARK.utilities]{.ectt-1200}. In order to calculate CRRA utility with a
+consumption of 1 and a coefficient of risk aversion of 2 we run:\
+[import HARK.utilities as Hutil]{.ectt-1200}
+Python modules in HARK can generally be categorized into three types:
+tools, models, and applications. [Tool modules ]{.ecbx-1200}contain
+functions and classes with general purpose tools that have no inherent
+"economic content", but that can be used in many economic models as
+building blocks or utilities; they could plausibly be useful in
+non-economic settings. Tools might include functions for data analysis
+(e.g. calculating Lorenz shares from data, or constructing a
+non-parametric kernel regression), functions to create and manipulate
+discrete approximations to continuous distributions, or classes for
+constructing interpolated approximations to non-parametric functions.
+Tool modules generally reside in HARK's root directory and have names
+like [HARK.simulation ]{.ectt-1200}and [HARK.interpolation]{.ectt-1200};
+they do not necessarily do anything when run.
+[Model modules ]{.ecbx-1200}specify particular economic models,
+including classes to represent agents in the model (and the "market
+structure" in which they interact) and functions for solving the "one
+period problem" of those models. For example, [ConsIndShockModel.py
+]{.ectt-1200}concerns consumption-saving models in which agents have
+CRRA utility over consumption and face idiosyncratic shocks to permanent
+and transitory income. The module includes classes for representing
+"types" of consumers, along with functions for solving (several flavors
+of) the one period consumption-saving problem. When run, model modules
+might demonstrate example specifications of their models, filling in the
+model parameters with arbitrary values. When [ConsIndShockModel.py
+]{.ectt-1200}is run, it specifies an infinite horizon consumer with a
+particular discount factor, permanent income growth rate, coefficient of
+relative risk aversion (etc), who faces lognormal shocks to permanent
+and transitory income each period with a particular standard deviation;
+it then solves this consumer's problem and graphically displays the
+Model modules generally have [Model ]{.ectt-1200}in their name.
+[Application modules ]{.ecbx-1200}use tool and model modules to solve,
+simulate, and/or estimate economic models [for a particular
+purpose]{.ecti-1200}. While tool modules have no particular economic
+content and model modules describe entire classes of economic models,
+applications are uses of a model for some research purpose. For example,
+[/Demos/SolvingMicroDSOPs/StructEstimation.py ]{.ectt-1200}uses a
+consumption-saving model from [ConsIndShockModel.py]{.ectt-1200},
+calibrating it with age-dependent sequences of permanent income growth,
+survival probabilities, and the standard deviation of income shocks
+(etc); it then estimates the coefficient of relative risk aversion and
+shifter for an age-varying sequence of discount factors that best fits
+simulated wealth profiles to empirical data from the Survey of Consumer
+Finance. A particular application might have multiple modules associated
+with it, all of which generally reside in one directory.
+#### [0.1.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-50000.1.3}Other Resources {#other-resources .subsectionHead}
+In the incredibly unlikely scenario in which this document does not fill
+all of the gaps in your knowledge and answer any questions you might
+have while reading it, here is a collection of potentially helpful other
+- [Online documentation](https://econ-ark.github.io/HARK/) for HARK
+ tool and model modules, produced using Sphinx.
+- A [tutorial on Python 2.7](https://docs.python.org/2.7/tutorial/),
+ straight from the source.
+- [Wikipedia article on object-oriented
+ programming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming),
+ not the subject of an edit war.
+- [QuantEcon](http://quant-econ.net/), a collection of lectures on
+ quantitative economic modeling from a couple of economists, which
+ definitely in no way influenced HARK whatsoever.
+- A [tutorial on git](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/), the
+ repository management and tracking system used by the HARK project,
+ created by Linus Torvalds.
+- A [tutorial on
+ GitHub](https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/), a
+ website that provides a useful framework for git that makes it
+ significantly more user-friendly, despised by Linus Torvalds.
+- [Wikipedia article on Linus
+ Torvalds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds), just in
+ case.
+- The [homepage for NumPy](http://www.numpy.org/), a numerical package
+ extensively used by HARK.
+- The [homepage for Sphinx](http://www.sphinx-doc.org/), a tool for
+ producing HTML documentation.
+- A [collection of lecture
+ notes](http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/public/lecturenotes/Consumption/)
+ by Chris Carroll, to catch you up on the basics of
+ consumption-saving models.
+- A [particular set of lecture
+ notes](http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/SolvingMicroDSOPs/)
+ by Chris Carroll, explaining many of the numeric techniques used in
+ HARK and offering an example of a simple structural model that, in a
+ stunning coincidence, is implemented in HARK as an example.
+- A [deep
+ dive](http://www.econ2.jhu.edu/people/ccarroll/BufferStockTheory.pdf)
+ into the theoretical foundations of buffer stock saving. Warning:
+ dense.
+### [0.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-60000.2}General Purpose Tools {#general-purpose-tools .sectionHead}
+HARK's root directory contains six tool
+each containing a variety of functions and classes that can be used in
+many economic models-- or even for mathematical purposes that have
+nothing to do with economics. Some of the tool modules are very sparely
+populated at this time, while others are quite large. We expect that all
+of these modules will grow considerably in the near future, as new tools
+are "low hanging fruit" for contribution to the
+#### [0.2.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-70000.2.1}HARKcore {#harkcore .subsectionHead}
+A key goal of the project is to create modularity and interoperability
+between models, making them easy to combine, adapt, and extend. To this
+end, the [HARK.core ]{.ectt-1200}module specifies a framework for
+economic models in HARK, creating a common structure for them on two
+levels that can be called "microeconomic" and "macroeconomic".
+Microeconomic models in HARK use the [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}class to
+represent agents with an intertemporal optimization problem. Each of
+these models specifies a subclass of [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}; an
+instance of the subclass represents agents who are [ex-ante
+]{.ecti-1200}homogeneous-- they have common values for all parameters
+that describe the problem. For example, [ConsIndShockModel
+]{.ectt-1200}specifies the [IndShockConsumerType ]{.ectt-1200}class,
+which has methods specific to consumption-saving models with
+idiosyncratic shocks to income; an instance of the class might represent
+all consumers who have a CRRA of 3, discount factor of 0.98, etc. The
+[AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}class has a [solve ]{.ectt-1200}method that acts
+as a "universal microeconomic solver" for any properly formatted model,
+making it easier to set up a new model and to combine elements from
+different models; the solver is intended to encompass any model that can
+be framed as a sequence of one period problems. For a complete
+description, see section [0.3](#x1-130000.3).
+Macroeconomic models in HARK use the [Market ]{.ectt-1200}class to
+represent a market (or other aggregator) that combines the actions,
+states, and/or shocks (generally, outcomes) of individual agents in the
+model into aggregate outcomes that are "passed back" to the agents. For
+example, the market in a consumption-saving model might combine the
+individual asset holdings of all agents in the market to generate
+aggregate capital in the economy, yielding the interest rate on assets
+(as the marginal product of capital); the individual agents then learn
+the aggregate capital level and interest rate, conditioning their next
+action on this information. Objects that microeconomic agents treat as
+exogenous when solving (or simulating) their model are thus endogenous
+at the macroeconomic level. Like [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}, the [Market
+]{.ectt-1200}class also has a [solve ]{.ectt-1200}method, which seeks
+out a dynamic general equilibrium: a "rule" governing the dynamic
+evolution of macroeconomic objects such that if agents believe this rule
+and act accordingly, then their collective actions generate a sequence
+of macroeconomic outcomes that justify the belief in that rule. For a
+more complete description, see section [0.4](#x1-180000.4).
+Beyond the model frameworks, [HARK.core ]{.ectt-1200}also defines a
+"supersuperclass" called [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}. When solving a
+dynamic microeconomic model with an infinite horizon (or searching for a
+dynamic general equilibrium), it is often required to consider whether
+two solutions are sufficiently close to each other to warrant stopping
+the process (i.e. approximate convergence). It is thus necessary to
+calculate the "distance" between two solutions, so HARK specifies that
+classes should have a [distance ]{.ectt-1200}method that takes a single
+input and returns a non-negative value representing the (generally
+dimensionless) distance between the object in question and the input to
+the method. As a convenient default, [HARKobject ]{.ectt-1200}provides a
+"universal distance metric" that should be useful in many
+When defining a new subclass of [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}, the user
+simply defines the attribute [distance\_criteria ]{.ectt-1200}as a list
+of strings naming the attributes of the class that should be compared
+when calculating the distance between two instances of that class. For
+example, the class [ConsumerSolution ]{.ectt-1200}has
+[distance\_criteria = \['cFunc'\]]{.ectt-1200}, indicating that only the
+consumption function attribute of the solution matters when comparing
+the distance between two instances of [ConsumerSolution]{.ectt-1200}.
+See [here](https://econ-ark.github.io/HARK/generated/HARK.core.html) for
+online documentation.
+#### [0.2.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-80000.2.2}HARK.utilities {#hark.utilities .subsectionHead}
+The [HARK.utilities ]{.ectt-1200}module carries a double meaning in its
+name, as it contains both utility functions (and their derivatives,
+inverses, and combinations thereof) in the economic modeling sense as
+well as utilities in the sense of general tools. Utility functions
+included at this time are constant relative risk aversion and constant
+absolute risk aversion. Other functions in [HARK.utilities
+]{.ectt-1200}include some data manipulation tools (e.g. for calculating
+an average of data conditional on being within a percentile range of
+different data), functions for constructing discrete state space grids,
+convenience functions for retrieving information about functions, and
+basic plotting tools using [matplotlib.pyplot]{.ectt-1200}.
+The module also includes functions for constructing discrete
+approximations to continuous distributions (e.g. [approxLognormal()
+]{.ectt-1200}to approximate a log-normal distribution) as well as
+manipulating these representations (e.g. appending one outcome to an
+existing distribution, or combining independent univariate distributions
+into one multivariate distribution). As a convention in HARK, continuous
+distributions are approximated as finite discrete distributions when
+solving models; an ![N ](HARKmanual1x.png){.math}-dimensional random
+variable is formatted as a length ![N + 1 ](HARKmanual2x.png){.math}
+list of 1D arrays, with the first element representing event
+probabilities and all other elements are realizations of the
+![N](HARKmanual3x.png){.math} component RVs. This both simplifies solution
+methods (reducing numeric integrals to simple dot products) and allows
+users to easily test whether their chosen degree of discretization
+yields a sufficient approximation to the full distribution. See
+for online documentation.
+#### [0.2.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-90000.2.3}HARK.interpolation {#hark.interpolation .subsectionHead}
+The [HARK.interpolation ]{.ectt-1200}module defines classes for
+representing interpolated function approximations. Interpolation methods
+in HARK all inherit from a superclass such as [HARKinterpolator1D
+]{.ectt-1200}or [HARKinterpolator2D]{.ectt-1200}, wrapper classes that
+ensures interoperability across interpolation methods. For example,
+[HARKinterpolator1D ]{.ectt-1200}specifies the methods [\_\_call\_\_
+]{.ectt-1200}and [derivative ]{.ectt-1200}to accept an arbitrary array
+as an input and return an identically shaped array with the interpolated
+function evaluated at the values in the array or its first derivative,
+respectively. However, these methods do little on their own, merely
+reshaping arrays and referring to the [\_evaluate ]{.ectt-1200}and
+[\_der ]{.ectt-1200}methods, which are [not actually defined
+in]{.ecti-1200} [HARKinterpolator1D]{.ectt-1200}. Each subclass of
+[HARKinterpolator1D ]{.ectt-1200}specifies their own implementation of
+[\_evaluate ]{.ectt-1200}and [\_der ]{.ectt-1200}particular to that
+interpolation method, accepting and returning only 1D arrays. In this
+way, subclasses of [HARKinterpolator1D ]{.ectt-1200}are easily
+interchangeable with each other, as all methods that the user interacts
+with are identical, varying only by "internal" methods.
+When evaluating a stopping criterion for an infinite horizon problem, it
+is often necessary to know the "distance" between functions generated by
+successive iterations of a solution procedure. To this end, each
+interpolator class in HARK must define a [distance ]{.ectt-1200}method
+that takes as an input another instance of the same class and returns a
+non-negative real number representing the "distance" between the two. As
+each of the [HARKinterpolatorXD ]{.ectt-1200}classes inherits from
+[HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}, all interpolator classes have the default
+"universal" distance method; the user must simply list the names of the
+relevant attributes in the attribute [distance\_criteria ]{.ectt-1200}of
+the class.
+Interpolation methods currently implemented in HARK include
+(multi)linear interpolation up to 4D, 1D cubic spline interpolation,
+(multi)linear interpolation over 1D interpolations (up to 4D total),
+(multi)linear interpolation over 2D interpolations (up to 4D total),
+linear interpolation over 3D interpolations, 2D curvilinear
+interpolation over irregular grids, and a 1D "lower envelope"
+interpolator. See
+for online documentation.
+#### [0.2.4]{.titlemark} []{#x1-100000.2.4}HARK.simulation {#hark.simulation .subsectionHead}
+The [HARK.simulation ]{.ectt-1200}module provides tools for generating
+simulated data or shocks for post-solution use of models. Currently
+implemented distributions include normal, lognormal, Weibull (including
+exponential), uniform, Bernoulli, and discrete. As an example of their
+use, these tools are used in the consumption-saving models of
+[ConsIndShockModel.py ]{.ectt-1200}to simulate permanent and transitory
+income shocks as well as unemployment events. See
+for online documentation.
+#### [0.2.5]{.titlemark} []{#x1-110000.2.5}HARK.estimation {#hark.estimation .subsectionHead}
+Methods for optimizing an objective function for the purposes of
+estimating a model can be found in [HARK.estimation]{.ectt-1200}. As of
+this writing, the implementation includes only minimization by the
+Nelder-Mead simplex method, minimization by a derivative-free Powell
+method variant, and two small tools for resampling data (i.e. for a
+bootstrap); the minimizers are merely convenience wrappers (with result
+reporting) for optimizers included in [scipy.optimize]{.ectt-1200}.
+Future functionality will include more robust global search methods,
+including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and differential
+evolution. See
+for full documentation.
+#### [0.2.6]{.titlemark} []{#x1-120000.2.6}HARK.parallel {#hark.parallel .subsectionHead}
+By default, processes in Python are single-threaded, using only a single
+CPU core. The [HARK.parallel]{.ectt-1200} module provides basic tools
+for using multiple CPU cores simultaneously, with minimal
+effort.[[^8^](HARKmanual8.html#fn8x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-12001f8} In
+particular, it provides the function [multiThreadCommands]{.ectt-1200},
+which takes two arguments: a list of [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s and a list
+of commands as strings; each command should be a method of the
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s. The function simply distributes the
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s across threads on different cores and executes
+each command in order, returning no output (the [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s
+themselves are changed by running the commands). Equivalent results
+would be achieved by simply looping over each type and running each
+method in the list. Indeed, [HARK.parallel ]{.ectt-1200}also has a
+function called [multiThreadCommandsFake ]{.ectt-1200}that does just
+that, with identical syntax to [multiThreadCommands]{.ectt-1200};
+multithreading in HARK can thus be easily turned on and
+off.[[^9^](HARKmanual9.html#fn9x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-12002f9} The
+module also has functions for a parallel implementation of the
+Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, as described in Wiswall and Lee (2011).
+See [here](https://econ-ark.github.io/HARK/generated/HARK.parallel.html)
+for full documentation.
+### [0.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-130000.3}Microeconomics: the AgentType Class {#microeconomics-the-agenttype-class .sectionHead}
+The core of our microeconomic dynamic optimization framework is a
+flexible object-oriented representation of economic agents. The
+[HARK.core ]{.ectt-1200}module defines a superclass called
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}; each model defines a subclass of
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}, specifying additional model-specific features
+and methods while inheriting the methods of the superclass. Most
+importantly, the method [solve]{.ectt-1200} acts as a "universal solver"
+applicable to any (properly formatted) discrete time model. This section
+describes the format of an instance of [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}as it
+defines a dynamic microeconomic
+#### [0.3.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-140000.3.1}Attributes of an AgentType {#attributes-of-an-agenttype .subsectionHead}
+A discrete time model in our framework is characterized by a sequence of
+"periods" that the agent will experience. A well-formed instance of
+[AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}includes the following attributes:
+- [solveOnePeriod]{.ectt-1200}: A function, or a list of functions,
+ representing the solution method for a single period of the agent's
+ problem. The inputs passed to a [solveOnePeriod
+ ]{.ectt-1200}function include all data that characterize the agent's
+ problem in that period, including the solution to the subsequent
+ period's problem (designated as [solution\_next]{.ectt-1200}). The
+ output of these functions is a single [Solution ]{.ectt-1200}object,
+ which can be passed to the solver for the previous period.
+- [time\_inv]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings containing all of the
+ variable names that are passed to at least one function in
+ [solveOnePeriod ]{.ectt-1200}but do [not ]{.ecti-1200}vary across
+ periods. Each of these variables resides in a correspondingly named
+ attribute of the [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}instance.
+- [time\_vary]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming the attributes of
+ this instance that vary across periods. Each of these attributes is
+ a list of period-specific values, which should be of the same
+ length. If the solution method varies across periods, then
+ ['solveOnePeriod' ]{.ectt-1200}is an element of
+ [time\_vary]{.ectt-1200}.[[^11^](HARKmanual11.html#fn11x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-14001f11}
+- [solution\_terminal]{.ectt-1200}: An object representing the
+ solution to the "terminal" period of the model. This might represent
+ a known trivial solution that does not require numeric methods, the
+ solution to some previously solved "next phase" of the model, a
+ scrap value function, or an initial guess of the solution to an
+ infinite horizon model.
+- [pseudo\_terminal]{.ectt-1200}: A Boolean flag indicating that
+ [solution\_terminal ]{.ectt-1200}is not a proper terminal period
+ solution (rather an initial guess, "next phase" solution, or scrap
+ value) and should not be reported as part of the model's solution.
+- [cycles]{.ectt-1200}: A non-negative integer indicating the number
+ of times the agent will experience the sequence of periods in the
+ problem. For example, [cycles = 1 ]{.ectt-1200}means that the
+ sequence of periods is analogous to a lifecycle model, experienced
+ once from beginning to end; [cycles = 2 ]{.ectt-1200}means that the
+ agent experiences the sequence twice, with the first period in the
+ sequence following the last. An infinite horizon problem in which
+ the sequence of periods repeats indefinitely is indicated with
+ [cycles = 0]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [tolerance]{.ectt-1200}: A positive real number indicating
+ convergence tolerance, representing the maximum acceptable
+ "distance" between successive cycle solutions in an infinite horizon
+ model; it is irrelevant when [cycles \> 0]{.ectt-1200}. As the
+ distance metric on the space of solutions is model-specific, the
+ value of [tolerance ]{.ectt-1200}is generally dimensionless.
+- [time\_flow]{.ectt-1200}: A Boolean flag indicating the direction
+ that time is "flowing." When [True]{.ectt-1200}, the variables
+ listed in [time\_vary ]{.ectt-1200}are listed in ordinary
+ chronological order, with index 0 being the first period; when
+ [False]{.ectt-1200}, these lists are in reverse chronological order,
+ with index 0 holding the last period.
+An instance of [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}also has the attributes named in
+[time\_vary ]{.ectt-1200}and [time\_inv]{.ectt-1200}, and may have other
+attributes that are not included in either (e.g. values not used in the
+model solution, but instead to construct objects used in the solution).
+#### [0.3.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-150000.3.2}A Universal Solver {#a-universal-solver .subsectionHead}
+When an instance of [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}invokes its [solve
+]{.ectt-1200}method, the solution to the agent's problem is stored in
+the attribute [solution]{.ectt-1200}. The solution is computed by
+recursively solving the sequence of periods defined by the variables
+listed in [time\_vary ]{.ectt-1200}and [time\_inv ]{.ectt-1200}using the
+functions in [solveOnePeriod]{.ectt-1200}. The time-varying inputs are
+updated each period, including the successive period's solution as
+[solution\_next]{.ectt-1200}; the same values of time invariant inputs
+in [time\_inv ]{.ectt-1200}are passed to the solver in every period. The
+first call to [solveOnePeriod ]{.ectt-1200}uses [solution\_terminal
+]{.ectt-1200}as [solution\_next]{.ectt-1200}. In a finite horizon
+problem, the sequence of periods is solved [cycles ]{.ectt-1200}times
+over; in an infinite horizon problem, the sequence of periods is solved
+until the solutions of successive cycles have a "distance" of less than
+The output from a function in [solveOnePeriod ]{.ectt-1200}is an
+instance of a model-specific solution class. The attributes of a
+solution to one period of a problem might include behavioral functions,
+(marginal) value functions, and other variables characterizing the
+result. Each solution class must have a method called
+[distance()]{.ectt-1200}, which returns the "distance" between itself
+and another instance of the same solution class, so as to define
+convergence as a stopping criterion; for many models, this will be the
+"distance" between a policy or value function in the solutions. If the
+solution class is defined as a subclass of [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}, it
+automatically inherits the default [distance ]{.ectt-1200}method, so
+that the user must only list the relevant object attributes in
+The [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}also has methods named [preSolve
+]{.ectt-1200}and [postSolve]{.ectt-1200}, both of which take no
+arguments and do absolutely nothing. A subclass of [AgentType
+]{.ectt-1200}can overwrite these blank methods with its own model
+specific methods. [preSolve ]{.ectt-1200}is automatically called near
+the beginning of the [solve ]{.ectt-1200}method, before solving the
+sequence of periods. It is used for specifying tasks that should be done
+before solving the sequence of periods, such as pre-constructing some
+objects repeatedly used by the solution method or finding an analytical
+terminal period solution. For example, the [IndShockConsumerType
+]{.ectt-1200}class in [ConsIndShockModel ]{.ectt-1200}has a [preSolve
+]{.ectt-1200}method that calls its [updateSolutionTerminal
+]{.ectt-1200}method to ensure that [solution\_terminal ]{.ectt-1200}is
+consistent with the model parameters. The [postSolve ]{.ectt-1200}method
+is called shortly after the sequence of periods is fully solved; it can
+be used for "post-processing" of the solution or performing a step that
+is only useful after solution convergence. For example, the
+[TractableConsumerType ]{.ectt-1200}in [TractableBufferStockModel
+]{.ectt-1200}has a [postSolve ]{.ectt-1200}method that constructs an
+interpolated consumption function from the list of stable arm points
+found during solution.
+Our universal solver is written in a very general way that should be
+applicable to any discrete time optimization problem-- because Python is
+so flexible in defining objects, the time-varying inputs for each period
+can take any form. Indeed, the solver does no "real work" itself, but
+merely provides a structure for describing models in the HARK framework,
+allowing interoperability among current and future modules.
+#### [0.3.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-160000.3.3}The Flow of Time and Other Methods {#the-flow-of-time-and-other-methods .subsectionHead}
+Because dynamic optimization problems are solved recursively in our
+framework, it is natural to list time-varying values in reverse
+chronological order-- the [solve() ]{.ectt-1200}method loops over the
+values in each time-varying list in the same direction that a human
+would read them. When simulating agents after the solution has been
+obtained, however, it is much more convenient for time-varying
+parameters to be listed in ordinary chronological order-- the direction
+in which they will be experienced by simulated agents. To allow the user
+to set the order in which "time is flowing" for an instance of
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}, the HARK framework includes functionality to
+easily change ordering of time-varying values.
+The attribute [time\_flow ]{.ectt-1200}is [True ]{.ectt-1200}if
+variables are listed in ordinary chronological order and [False
+]{.ectt-1200}otherwise. [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}has the following
+methods for manipulating time:
+- [timeReport()]{.ectt-1200}: Prints to screen a description of the
+ direction that time is flowing, for interactive convenience and as a
+ reminder of the functionality.
+- [timeFlip()]{.ectt-1200}: Flips the direction of time. Each
+ attribute listed in [time\_vary ]{.ectt-1200}is reversed in place,
+ and the value of [time\_flow ]{.ectt-1200}is toggled.
+- [timeFwd()]{.ectt-1200}: Sets the direction of time to ordinary
+ chronological order.
+- [timeRev()]{.ectt-1200}: Sets the direction of time to reverse
+ chronological order.
+These methods are invoked to more conveniently access time-varying
+objects. When a new time-varying attribute is added, its name should be
+appended to [time\_vary]{.ectt-1200}, particularly if its values are
+used in the solution of the model (or is part of the solution itself).
+For example, the [solve() ]{.ectt-1200}method automatically adds the
+string ['solution' ]{.ectt-1200}to [time\_vary ]{.ectt-1200}if it is not
+already present. Note that attributes listed in [time\_vary
+]{.ectt-1200}[must ]{.ecti-1200}be lists if [solve() ]{.ectt-1200}or
+[timeFlip()]{.ectt-1200} are used. Some values that could be considered
+"time varying" but are never used to solve the model are more
+conveniently represented as a [numpy.array ]{.ectt-1200}object
+(e.g. the history of a state or control variable from a simulation);
+because the [numpy.array]{.ectt-1200} class does not have a [reverse()
+]{.ectt-1200}method, these attributes should not be listed in
+The base [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}is sparsely defined, as most "real"
+methods will be application-specific. Two final methods bear mentioning.
+First, the [\_\_call\_\_ ]{.ectt-1200}method points to
+[assignParameters()]{.ectt-1200}, a convenience method for adding or
+adjusting attributes (inherited from [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}). This
+method takes any number of keyword arguments, so that code can be
+parsimoniously written as, for example, [AgentInstance(attribute1 =
+value1, attribute2 =]{.ectt-1200} [value2)]{.ectt-1200}. Using Python's
+dictionary capabilities, many attributes can be conveniently set with
+minimal code. Second, the [resetRNG ]{.ectt-1200}method simply resets
+the [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}'s random number generator (as the attribute
+[RNG]{.ectt-1200}) using the value in the attribute
+This method is useful for ([inter alia]{.ecti-1200}) ensuring that the
+same underlying sequence of shocks is used for every simulation run when
+a model is solved or estimated.
+#### [0.3.4]{.titlemark} []{#x1-170000.3.4}Sample Model: Perfect Foresight Consumption-Saving {#sample-model-perfect-foresight-consumption-saving .subsectionHead}
+To provide a concrete example of how the [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}class
+works, consider the very simple case of a perfect foresight
+consumption-saving model. The agent has time-separable, additive CRRA
+preferences over consumption, discounting future utility at a constant
+rate; he receives a particular stream of labor income each period, and
+knows the interest rate on assets that he holds from one period to the
+next. His decision about how much to consume in a particular period can
+be expressed in Bellman form as:
+::: {.pic-eqnarray-star}
+![Vt(Mt ) = max u(Ct) + β//Dt E\[Vt+1(Mt+1 )\], Ct At = Mt - Ct, Mt+1 = RAt + Yt+1, Yt+1 = Γ t+1Yt, C1- ρ u(C ) = \-\-\-\--. 1 - ρ](HARKmanual4x.png)
+An agent's problem is thus characterized by values of
+![ρ](HARKmanual5x.png){.math}, ![R ](HARKmanual6x.png){.math}, and
+![β](HARKmanual7x.png){.math} plus sequences of survival probabilities
+![//Dt ](HARKmanual8x.png){.math} and income growth factors
+![Γ t](HARKmanual9x.png){.math} for ![t = 0,⋅⋅⋅,T](HARKmanual10x.png){.math}.
+This problem has an analytical solution for
+both the value function and the consumption function.
+The [ConsIndShockModel ]{.ectt-1200}module defines the class
+[PerfForesightConsumerType]{.ectt-1200} as a subclass of [AgentType
+]{.ectt-1200}and provides solver functions for several variations of a
+consumption-saving model, including the perfect foresight
+A HARK user could specify and solve a ten period perfect foresight model
+with the following commands:
+[MyConsumer = PerfForesightConsumerType(time\_flow=True,
+[CRRA = 2.7, Rfree = 1.03, DiscFac = 0.98,]{.ectt-1200}
+[LivPrb =
+[PermGroFac =
+The first line makes a new instance of [ConsumerType]{.ectt-1200},
+specifying that time is currently "flowing"
+and that the sequence of periods happens exactly once; the next three
+lines (all part of the same command) set the time invariant
+([CRRA]{.ectt-1200}, [Rfree]{.ectt-1200}, [DiscFac]{.ectt-1200}) and
+time varying parameters ([LivPrb]{.ectt-1200},
+[PermGroFac]{.ectt-1200}). Note that [dir(MyConsumer) ]{.ectt-1200}shows
+all the attributes of [MyConsumer]{.ectt-1200}. After running the [solve
+]{.ectt-1200}method, [MyConsumer ]{.ectt-1200}will have an attribute
+called [solution]{.ectt-1200}, which will be a list with eleven
+[ConsumerSolution ]{.ectt-1200}objects, representing the
+period-by-period solution to the
+Each [ConsumerSolution ]{.ectt-1200}has several attributes:
+- [cFunc]{.ectt-1200}: Optimal consumption function for this period as
+ a function of (normalized) market resources
+ ![m = M ∕Y t t t](HARKmanual11x.png){.math}. Can be called like
+ any other function:
+ [MyConsumer.solution\[0\].cFunc(5) ]{.ectt-1200}returns consumption
+ at ![mt = 5 ](HARKmanual12x.png){.math}.
+- [vFunc]{.ectt-1200}: Value function (over market resources
+ ![mt](HARKmanual13x.png){.math}); can be evaluated like
+ [cFunc]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [mNrmMin]{.ectt-1200}: Minimum value of normalized market resources
+ ![mt ](HARKmanual14x.png){.math} such that [cFunc ]{.ectt-1200}and
+ [vFunc ]{.ectt-1200}are defined.
+- [hNrm]{.ectt-1200}: Normalized human wealth-- the PDV of future
+ income (ignoring mortality) divided by current period income
+ ![Yt](HARKmanual15x.png){.math}.
+- [MPC]{.ectt-1200}: The constant marginal propensity to consume
+ (linear consumption function).
+The following command generates the plot for the perfect foresight
+consumption function:
+[mMin = MyConsumer.solution\[0\].mNrmMin]{.ectt-1200}
+[plotFuncs(MyConsumer.solution\[0\].cFunc, mMin, mMin+10)]{.ectt-1200}
+To solve a version of this problem in which the sequence of ten periods
+happens three times (yielding a [solution ]{.ectt-1200}attribute with
+thirty-one elements), the user can do:
+[MyConsumer(cycles = 3)]{.ectt-1200}
+To solve an infinite horizon problem in which the agent experiences the
+same one period problem indefinitely, the user can do:
+[OtherConsumer = PerfForesightConsumerType(cycles=0, CRRA=3.5,
+[DiscFac=0.95, LivPrb = \[0.99\], PermGroFac = \[1.01\],
+This instance is specified as being infinite horizon by setting
+[cycles=0]{.ectt-1200}. Note that the time-varying inputs are still
+specified as (one element) lists, even though they take on the same
+value in every period; this is because an infinite horizon model might
+consist of a multi-period sequence repeated indefinitely, rather than
+just one repeated period. The [solution ]{.ectt-1200}attribute of
+[OtherConsumer ]{.ectt-1200}will be a list containing one instance of
+[ConsumerSolution]{.ectt-1200}, representing the solution to every
+period of the model.
+### [0.4]{.titlemark} []{#x1-180000.4}Macroeconomics: the Market Class {#macroeconomics-the-market-class .sectionHead}
+The modeling framework of [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}is deemed
+"microeconomic" because it pertains only to the dynamic optimization
+problem of agents, treating all inputs of the problem as exogenously
+fixed. In what we label as "macroeconomic" models, some of the inputs
+for the microeconomic models are endogenously determined by the
+collective states and controls of agents in the model. In a dynamic
+general equilibrium, there must be consistency between agents' beliefs
+about these macroeconomic objects, their individual behavior, and the
+realizations of the macroeconomic objects that result from individual
+The [Market ]{.ectt-1200}class in [HARK.core ]{.ectt-1200}provides a
+framework for such macroeconomic models, with a [solve
+]{.ectt-1200}method that searches for a dynamic general equilibrium. An
+instance of [Market ]{.ectt-1200}includes a list of
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s that compose the economy, a method for
+transforming microeconomic outcomes (states, controls, and/or shocks)
+into macroeconomic outcomes, and a method for interpreting a history or
+sequence of macroeconomic outcomes into a new "dynamic rule" for agents
+to believe. Agents treat the dynamic rule as an input to their
+microeconomic problem, conditioning their optimal policy functions on
+it. A dynamic general equilibrium is a fixed point dynamic rule: when
+agents act optimally while believing the equilibrium rule, their
+individual actions generate a macroeconomic history consistent with the
+equilibrium rule.
+#### [0.4.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-190000.4.1}Down on the Farm {#down-on-the-farm .subsectionHead}
+The [Market ]{.ectt-1200}class uses a farming metaphor to conceptualize
+the process for generating a history of macroeconomic outcomes in a
+model. Suppose all [AgentTypes ]{.ectt-1200}in the economy believe in
+some dynamic rule (i.e. the rule is stored as attributes of each
+[AgentType]{.ectt-1200}, which directly or indirectly enters their
+dynamic optimization problem), and that they have each found the
+solution to their microeconomic model using their [solve
+]{.ectt-1200}method. Further, the macroeconomic and microeconomic states
+have been reset to some initial orientation.
+To generate a history of macroeconomic outcomes, the [Market
+]{.ectt-1200}repeatedly loops over the following steps a set number of
+1. [[sow]{.ectt-1200}: Distribute the macroeconomic state variables to
+ all [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s in the market.]{#x1-19002x1}
+2. [[cultivate]{.ectt-1200}: Each [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}executes
+ their [marketAction ]{.ectt-1200}method, likely corresponding to
+ simulating one period of the microeconomic model.]{#x1-19004x2}
+3. [[reap]{.ectt-1200}: Microeconomic outcomes are gathered from each
+ [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}in the market.]{#x1-19006x3}
+4. [[mill]{.ectt-1200}: Data gathered by [reap ]{.ectt-1200}is
+ processed into new macroeconomic states according to some "aggregate
+ market process".]{#x1-19008x4}
+5. [[store]{.ectt-1200}: Relevant macroeconomic states are added to a
+ running history of outcomes.]{#x1-19010x5}
+This procedure is conducted by the [makeHistory ]{.ectt-1200}method of
+[Market ]{.ectt-1200}as a subroutine of its [solve]{.ectt-1200} method.
+After making histories of the relevant macroeconomic variables, the
+market then executes its [calcDynamics ]{.ectt-1200}function with the
+macroeconomic history as inputs, generating a new dynamic rule to
+distribute to the [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s in the market. The process
+then begins again, with the agents solving their updated microeconomic
+models given the new dynamic rule; the [solve]{.ectt-1200} loop
+continues until the "distance" between successive dynamic rules is
+sufficiently small.
+#### [0.4.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-200000.4.2}Attributes of a Market {#attributes-of-a-market .subsectionHead}
+To specify a complete instance of [Market]{.ectt-1200}, the user should
+give it the following
+- [agents]{.ectt-1200}: A list of [AgentType]{.ectt-1200}s,
+ representing the agents in the market. Each element in [agents
+ ]{.ectt-1200}represents an [ex-ante ]{.ecti-1200}heterogeneous type;
+ each type could have many [ex-post]{.ecti-1200} heterogeneous
+ agents.
+- [sow\_vars]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming variables that are
+ output from the aggregate market process, representing the
+ macroeconomic outcomes. These variables will be distributed to the
+ [agents ]{.ectt-1200}in the [sow ]{.ectt-1200}step.
+- [reap\_vars]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming variables to be
+ collected from the [agents ]{.ectt-1200}in the [reap
+ ]{.ectt-1200}step, to be used as inputs for the aggregate market
+ process.
+- [const\_vars]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming variables used
+ by the aggregate market process that [do not ]{.ecti-1200}come from
+ [agents]{.ectt-1200}; they are constant or come from the [Market
+ ]{.ectt-1200}itself.
+- [track\_vars]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming variables
+ generated by the aggregate market process that should be tracked as
+ a history, to be used when calculating a new dynamic rule. Usually a
+ subset of [sow\_vars]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [dyn\_vars]{.ectt-1200}: A list of strings naming the variables that
+ constitute a dynamic rule. These will be stored as attributes of the
+ [agents ]{.ectt-1200}whenever a new rule is calculated.
+- [millRule]{.ectt-1200}: A function for the "aggregate market
+ process", transforming microeconomic outcomes into macroeconomic
+ outcomes. Its inputs are named in [reap\_vars ]{.ectt-1200}and
+ [const\_vars]{.ectt-1200}, and it returns a single object with
+ attributes named in [sow\_vars ]{.ectt-1200}and/or
+ [track\_vars]{.ectt-1200}. Can be defined as a method of a subclass
+ of [Market]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [calcDynamics]{.ectt-1200}: A function that generates a new dynamic
+ rule from a history of macroeconomic outcomes. Its inputs are named
+ in [track\_vars]{.ectt-1200}, and it returns a single object with
+ attributes named in [dyn\_vars]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [act\_T]{.ectt-1200}: The number of times that the [makeHistory
+ ]{.ectt-1200}method should execute the "farming loop" when
+ generating a new macroeconomic history.
+- [tolerance]{.ectt-1200}: The minimum acceptable "distance" between
+ successive dynamic rules produced by [calcDynamics ]{.ectt-1200}to
+ constitute a sufficiently converged solution.
+Further, each [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}in [agents ]{.ectt-1200}must have
+two methods not necessary for microeconomic models; neither takes any
+input (except [self]{.ectt-1200}):
+- [marketAction]{.ectt-1200}: The microeconomic process to be run in
+ the [cultivate ]{.ectt-1200}step. Likely uses the new macroeconomic
+ outcomes named in [sow\_vars]{.ectt-1200}; should store new values
+ of relevant microeconomic outcomes in the attributes (of
+ [self]{.ectt-1200}) named in [reap\_vars]{.ectt-1200}.
+- [reset]{.ectt-1200}: Reset, initialize, or prepare for a new
+ "farming loop" to generate a macroeconomic history. Might reset its
+ internal random number generator, set initial state varibles, clear
+ personal histories, etc.
+When solving macroeconomic models in HARK, the user should also define
+classes to represent the output from the aggregate market process in
+[millRule ]{.ectt-1200}and for the model-specific dynamic rule. The
+latter should have a [distance ]{.ectt-1200}method to test for solution
+convergence; if the class inherits from [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}, the
+user need only list relevant attributes in
+#### [0.4.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-210000.4.3}Sample Model: FashionVictim {#sample-model-fashionvictim .subsectionHead}
+To illustrate the [Market ]{.ectt-1200}class, consider a simple example
+in the emerging economic subfield of aesthemetrics, the
+[[^18^](HARKmanual18.html#fn18x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-21002f18} This
+module defines a subclass of [AgentType ]{.ectt-1200}called
+[FashionVictimType]{.ectt-1200}. Each period, fashion victims make a
+binary choice of style ![s ](HARKmanual16x.png){.math}: to dress as a
+jock (0) or punk (1). They receive utility directly from the outfit they
+wear and as a function of the proportion of the population who
+[just]{.ecti-1200} [wore ]{.ecti-1200}the same style; they also pay
+switching costs (![cpj ](HARKmanual17x.png){.math},
+![cjp](HARKmanual18x.png){.math}) if they change styles rather than keep the
+same as the previous period. Moreover, they receive an idiosyncratic
+type 1 extreme value (T1EV) preference shock to each style in each
+period. Defining the population punk proportion as
+![p](HARKmanual19x.png){.math} and the conformity utility function as
+![f : \[0,1\] → ℝ ](HARKmanual20x.png){.math}, the current period utility
+function is thus:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ![u(s ;s ,p) = s f(p )+ (1- s )f(1- p )+s U + (1- s )U - c s (1- s )- c (1 - s )s . t t- 1 t t t t t t p t j pj t-1 t jp t-1 t ](HARKmanual21x.png){.math-display}
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Fashion victims are forward looking and discount future utility at a
+constant rate of ![β ](HARKmanual22x.png){.math} per period. To simplify
+the analysis, we assume they believe that the population punk proportion
+in the next period is a linear function of the punk proportion in the
+current period, subject to a uniformly distributed shock. No
+restrictions are put on the function ![f ](HARKmanual23x.png){.math};
+fashion victims might be conformists who like to dress the same as
+others (![f′(p) \> 0 ](HARKmanual24x.png){.math}) or hipsters who like
+to style themselves in the minority
+(![f′(p) \< 0](HARKmanual25x.png){.math}).[[^19^](HARKmanual19.html#fn19x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-21003f19}
+A fashion victim's problem can be written in Bellman form as:
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ![ \[ \] V(st-1,pt) = E smt∈a{x0,1}u (st;st-1,pt) + ηst + βE \[V (st,pt+1)\] , ](HARKmanual27x.png){.math-display}
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ![pt+1 = apt + b + πt+1, πt+1 \~ U\[- w,w \], η0,η1 \~ T 1EV. ](HARKmanual28x.png){.math-display}
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+An instance of [FashionVictimType ]{.ectt-1200}is thus characterized by
+values of ![Up ](HARKmanual29x.png){.math},
+![Uj](HARKmanual30x.png){.math}, ![cpj ](HARKmanual31x.png){.math},
+![cjp](HARKmanual32x.png){.math} and a function
+![f](HARKmanual33x.png){.math}, as well as beliefs about
+![pt+1](HARKmanual34x.png){.math} as a function of
+![pt](HARKmanual35x.png){.math} (summarized by slope
+![a](HARKmanual36x.png){.math}, intercept ![b ](HARKmanual37x.png){.math},
+and uniform shock width ![w ](HARKmanual38x.png){.math}). Given this
+information, a [FashionVictimType]{.ectt-1200}'s infinite horizon
+microeconomic model can be solved by backward induction in a few lines;
+the "one period solver" is given by [solveFashion]{.ectt-1200}. However,
+while individual agents treat the dynamics of
+![pt](HARKmanual39x.png){.math} as exogenous, they are in fact endogenously
+determined by the actions of all the fashion victims in the
+A dynamic general equilibrium of the "macroeconomic fashion model" is
+thus characterized by a triple of ![(a,b,w) ](HARKmanual40x.png){.math}
+such that when fashion victims believe in this "punk evolution rule" and
+act optimally, their collective fashion choices exhibit this same rule
+when the model is simulated.
+The search for a dynamic general equilibrium is implemented in HARK's
+[Market ]{.ectt-1200}class with the following definitions:
+[sow\_vars = \['pNow'\] ]{.ectt-1200}(macroeconomic outcome is
+[reap\_vars = \['sNow'\] ]{.ectt-1200}(microeconomic outcomes are
+![st](HARKmanual42x.png){.math} for many agents)
+[track\_vars = \['pNow'\] ]{.ectt-1200}(must track history of
+[dyn\_vars = \['pNextSlope','pNextIntercept','pNextWidth'\]
+]{.ectt-1200}(dynamic rule ![(a,b,w ) ](HARKmanual44x.png){.math})
+[millRule = calcPunkProp ]{.ectt-1200}(aggregate process: average the
+style choices of all agents)
+[calcDynamics = calcFashionEvoFunc ]{.ectt-1200}(calculate new
+![(a,b,w)](HARKmanual45x.png){.math} with autoregression of
+[act\_T = 1000 ]{.ectt-1200}(simulate 1000 periods of the fashion
+[tolerance = 0.01 ]{.ectt-1200}(terminate solution when
+![(a,b,w )](HARKmanual47x.png){.math} changes by less than 0.01)
+The [agents ]{.ectt-1200}attribute has a list of 22
+[FashionVictimType]{.ectt-1200}s, which vary in their values of
+![Up](HARKmanual48x.png){.math} and ![U j ](HARKmanual49x.png){.math}, and
+their ![f ](HARKmanual50x.png){.math} functions. The
+[marketAction]{.ectt-1200}method of [FashionVictimType]{.ectt-1200} simulates one
+period of the microeconomic model: each agent receives style preference
+shocks ![η0 ](HARKmanual51x.png){.math} and
+![η1](HARKmanual52x.png){.math}, sees the current proportion of punks
+![pt](HARKmanual53x.png){.math} (sown to them as [pNow]{.ectt-1200}), and
+chooses which style to wear, storing it in the binary array
+[sNow]{.ectt-1200}, an attribute of [self]{.ectt-1200}.
+The [millRule ]{.ectt-1200}for this market is extremely simple: it
+flattens the list of binary arrays of individual style choices (gathered
+in the [reap ]{.ectt-1200}step) and averages them into a new value of
+![pt ](HARKmanual54x.png){.math}, to be tracked as a history and
+[sow]{.ectt-1200}n back to the [agents ]{.ectt-1200}to begin the cycle
+again. Once a history of 1000 values of ![pt ](HARKmanual55x.png){.math}
+has been generated with the [makeHistory]{.ectt-1200} method, we can
+calculate a new dynamic fashion rule with [calcFashionEvoFunc
+]{.ectt-1200}by regressing ![p t ](HARKmanual56x.png){.math} on
+![p t- 1](HARKmanual57x.png){.math}, approximating
+![w](HARKmanual58x.png){.math} as twice the standard deviation of
+The new fashion rule is an instance of the simple FashionEvoFunc class,
+whose only methods are inherited from [HARKobject]{.ectt-1200}.
+When the [solve ]{.ectt-1200}method is run, the solver successively
+solves each agent's microeconomic problem, runs the [makeHistory
+]{.ectt-1200}method to generate a 1000 period history of
+![pt](HARKmanual60x.png){.math}, and calculates a new punk evolution rule
+based on this history; the solver terminates when consecutive rules
+differ by less than 0.01 in any dimension.
+### [0.5]{.titlemark} []{#x1-220000.5}Contributing to HARK {#contributing-to-hark .sectionHead}
+This section provides an overview of how users can contribute new code
+to HARK, what sort of contributions are most desired, and style
+conventions for the toolKit. Before attempting to extend HARK, we
+strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with its features and
+models by looking at the source code.
+#### [0.5.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-230000.5.1}What Does HARK Want? {#what-does-hark-want .subsectionHead}
+The easiest and most straightforward way to contribute to HARK is by
+writing new general purpose tools for inclusion in one of the top-level
+modules. This might be a commonly known data analysis technique (e.g. a
+kernel density estimator) for [HARK.utilities]{.ectt-1200}, an
+optimization method (local or global) for [HARK.estimation]{.ectt-1200},
+an interpolation method for [HARKinterpolation]{.ectt-1200}, etc. If
+you've found a technique useful in your own research and believe it
+could be of use to others on entirely different projects, then it
+probably belongs in HARK. Likewise, if you read through a HARK module
+expecting to find a certain tool or function (because of similar
+functions that are present, or merely because [it's very
+useful]{.ecti-1200}) but don't, this is a good sign that HARK has a hole
+that you can
+Secondly, the development team wants to expand HARK to include more
+canonical models. Most of the models available in the toolKit at the
+time of its public beta release concern agents with (geometrically
+discounted) CRRA utility over a unitary consumption good, who receive
+permanent and transitory shocks to income and have access to a single
+risk free asset. This is an important class of models, but that
+description has an awful lot of qualifiers. In short, there are many
+more common features of dynamic household models that are not yet in
+HARK, but would be very valuable for the toolKit. New model
+contributions should "play nicely" with existing models and tools,
+following HARK style guidelines (see sections 5.4 and 5.5) to the
+greatest extent possible. For ideas of potential model extensions for
+HARK, see section
+Finally, contributions to HARK are not restricted to entirely new
+functionality. While we have done our best to provide flexible
+frameworks and useful tools, we have almost certainly overlooked an
+unexpected case that would not be (properly) handled by the toolKit as
+is. Moreover, there might even be flaws in our solution or simulation
+methods. If you find a mistake or error, we strongly encourage you to
+contribute a fix for the problem, or at least to flag it as an Issue on
+GitHub so that someone else might. The "mistake" you find might not even
+be in the code itself, but a deficiency in the documentation: a misnamed
+(or incorrectly typed) parameter or return variable in the docstring, an
+incorrect (or missing) comment, even a grammatical or spelling error. No
+matter how niggling, we want your fix.
+For those who want to contribute to the HARK project without programming
+a new model or digging through the code for errors and omissions,
+consider reading through the Issues page on GitHub to see what other
+users have flagged for development. You might find several pieces of
+"low hanging fruit" for you to quickly fix.
+#### [0.5.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-240000.5.2}Git and GitHub {#git-and-github .subsectionHead}
+Git is a distributed version control system that has gained increasing
+popularity in the decade since its creation; it is designed to enable
+collaboration and "non-linear workflow" among a (potentially disperse)
+programming team. As HARK is to be developed by volunteer researchers
+all around the world, git is an excellent fit for the toolKit.
+Originally designed by Linus Torvalds as a command line tool, others
+have since extended git with further functionality and a user interface
+more friendly to those more familiar with GUIs. Foremost among these
+tools is GitHub.com, where the HARK project is hosted. This section
+provides a brief overview of how to use GitHub to interact with (and
+potentially contribute to) HARK.
+To prepare to contribute to HARK, follow these simple steps:
+1. [[Make a GitHub account: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to
+ [github.com](https://www.github.com); the homepage should prompt you
+ to choose a username and password. Signing up is quick, easy, and
+ free.[[^24^](HARKmanual24.html#fn24x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-24003f24}]{#x1-24002x1}
+2. [[Install GitHub Desktop]{.ecbx-1200}: Go to
+ [desktop.github.com](https://desktop.github.com/) and download the
+ Desktop application for your operating system, then install it.
+ After opening Desktop for the first time, enter your GitHub login to
+ connect it to your account.]{#x1-24005x2}
+3. [[Fork the HARK repository: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to the [HARK repository
+ page](https://github.com/econ-ark/HARK), click on the Fork button in
+ the upper right, and choose to fork HARK to your own GitHub account.
+ This creates a new repository identical to the one hosted by
+ Econ-Ark at the moment you fork it, but hosted on your account
+ instead.]{#x1-24007x3}
+4. [[Add the repository to Desktop: ]{.ecbx-1200}Open GitHub Desktop,
+ click on the ![+ ](HARKmanual61x.png){.math} icon in the upper left,
+ and select clone. Find the repository named
+ [yourusername/HARK]{.ectt-1200}, click the Clone button at the
+ bottom of the dialogue window, and choose a directory on your local
+ machine.]{#x1-24009x4}
+You now control a "fork" of the main HARK repository, hosted by GitHub,
+and have a clone of this fork on your local machine. You are free to
+edit your fork of HARK in any way you'd like; other GitHub users can
+view your fork (and fork it themselves), but they cannot make changes to
+your fork unless you give them permission by adding them as a
+contributor. Changes made to the local copy of your fork do not get
+automatically sent to the remote copy on GitHub for public viewing. To
+make changes to your fork on GitHub, follow these steps:
+1. [[Make local changes: ]{.ecbx-1200}Edit your local copy of the
+ repository in any way you'd like: add or delete lines from existing
+ files; add, delete, or rename entire files or
+ directories.]{#x1-24011x1}
+2. [[Commit local changes: ]{.ecbx-1200}Open the repository in GitHub
+ Desktop and click on the Changes tab. In the lower left, provide a
+ short description of the changes made in the Summary field, and
+ (optionally) longer comments about these changes in the Description
+ field. Click the check-mark Commit button.]{#x1-24013x2}
+3. [[Push the commit: ]{.ecbx-1200}Click on the Sync button near the
+ upper right to "push" your local commits to the remote server; this
+ will also pull down remote commits from other contributors to your
+ fork that were made since the last time you synced.]{#x1-24015x3}
+The left hand panel of the Changes tab has a summary of the files that
+have been changed, added, or removed since your last commit; the right
+hand panel shows the specific changes made to each changed file. After
+step 2, a record of your changes has been stored locally by the git
+system, but is not yet reflected in the public remote copy on
+The "timeline" summary of the repository at the top of the Desktop
+window shows the history of commits for the repository: each dot
+represents a commit that was pushed to the remote server, and each open
+ring represents a local commit that has not been pushed to the remote
+server; the large broken ring on the far right represents changes that
+have not been locally
+The History tab lists all previous commits, including the timestamp,
+contributor, and a record of changes made.
+Suppose you have mucked about in your fork for a while and have made
+changes to HARK that you think should be included in the main repository
+hosted by Econ-Ark. To make your dream a reality, follow these steps:
+1. [[Isolate the changes: ]{.ecbx-1200}If you mucked around for quite a
+ while, making various changes here and there, and then later made
+ some contribution that you want to include in the main repository,
+ you should [isolate the desired changes in a new branch of
+ your]{.ecti-1200} [fork]{.ecti-1200}. Make a new branch by clicking
+ the button toward the upper left of GitHub Desktop, revert that
+ branch to the commit just before you forked from the main
+ repository,[[^27^](HARKmanual27.html#fn27x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-24020f27}
+ then edit this branch to include [only the changes you want to push
+ to the main]{.ecti-1200} [repository]{.ecti-1200}.]{#x1-24019x1}
+2. [[Issue a pull request: ]{.ecbx-1200}Go to [HARK's GitHub
+ page](https://github.com/econ-ark/HARK) and click the "New pull
+ request" button. Click the text that says "compare across forks",
+ and select [econ-ark/HARK]{.ectt-1200} as the base fork,
+ [master]{.ectt-1200}as the base, your fork as the head fork, and the branch
+ to be merged as the "compare". In the boxes below, give a name to
+ your pull request and provide sufficient comments about your
+ contribution so that a development team member can understand what
+ you've done. Click the "Create pull request" button.]{#x1-24022x2}
+3. [[Be patient: ]{.ecbx-1200}Someone from the development team will
+ look at your contribution and either merge it into the main
+ repository or return it with comments. See section
+ [0.5.3](#x1-250000.5.3) for procedures followed by the HARK team
+ when evaluating outside contributions.]{#x1-24024x3}
+#### [0.5.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-250000.5.3}Submission Approval Process {#submission-approval-process .subsectionHead}
+Before submitting to HARK, the development team would like you to make
+sure that your intended contribution is listed as an Issue on the GitHub
+page. If you are going to fix or address an Issue that is already
+posted, reply to that post with a note indicating that you are about to
+work on it and an estimate of when you will make a pull request for it.
+If you want to do something that no one has mentioned yet as an Issue,
+make a new Issue on GitHub (briefly) describing what you intend to
+This will both help prevent two people from working on the same thing
+(and one of them potentially wasting time on it), and lets the
+development team know what's coming. Moreover, if you propose a
+contribution that is (a) already in HARK, (b) not in the spirit of HARK,
+or (c) a fix for something that's not actually broken, this gives the
+team a chance to let you know not to spend effort on it.
+After creating a pull request to submit your contribution, it will be
+evaluated by one or more members of the HARK team. Criteria that the
+HARK team will consider when choosing whether to accept a submission
+1. [[Does the contribution break previous code? ]{.ecbx-1200}If you
+ change or expand an existing function, you should make sure that
+ this does not cause some models or applications to work incorrectly.
+ In the near future, HARK will have a core set of tests to run to
+ check for full compatibility.]{#x1-25003x1}
+2. [[Is the code well documented? ]{.ecbx-1200}Code submissions should
+ have properly formatted docstrings for each new function, class,
+ method, and module (see section [0.5.5](#x1-270000.5.5)) and enough
+ comments for a reader to follow the algorithm.]{#x1-25005x2}
+3. [[Is the contribution relevant? ]{.ecbx-1200}The development team
+ intends for HARK to be diverse, but not everything goes in HARK. If
+ your submission concerns a representative agent model or a method
+ for estimating a reduced form model, then it probably doesn't belong
+ in HARK.]{#x1-25007x3}
+4. [[Is the code demonstrated with an example? ]{.ecbx-1200}If your
+ solve a new model in HARK, you should include a set of example
+ parameters for other users to easily test. If you've contributed a
+ new function, consider providing a snippet of code demonstrating its
+ use.[[^29^](HARKmanual29.html#fn29x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-25010f29}]{#x1-25009x4}
+5. [[Is the code correct? ]{.ecbx-1200}Your code should actually do
+ what it claims to do.]{#x1-25012x5}
+6. [[Does the code use HARK conventions? ]{.ecbx-1200}To the best of
+ your ability, contributions to HARK should follow the style
+ guidelines in section [0.5.4](#x1-260000.5.4). We don't demand
+ perfection, as these are guidelines rather than rules.]{#x1-25014x6}
+7. [[Is the code well integrated in HARK? ]{.ecbx-1200}In the beta
+ release of HARK, we have tried to present a "taxonomy" of
+ consumption-saving models that build up from each other. When
+ possible, new models in HARK should try to continue this pattern. A
+ submission that introduces a model in a new module that could have
+ easily been made as an extension of an existing module might be
+ rejected. However, we acknowledge that there is value in providing a
+ solver for a new model, and that a future contributor might make her
+ mark by integrating it into the existing hierarchy.]{#x1-25016x7}
+8. [[Is this already in HARK? ]{.ecbx-1200}If your contribution is
+ already in HARK, then it will almost certainly be rejected. Of
+ course, if you submit a version that dominates the existing
+ implementation (or even one that works better in a well described,
+ non-trivial set of circumstances), it belongs in HARK.]{#x1-25018x8}
+The HARK team intends to release more specific guidelines in the near
+future, so that contributors are better able to judge their submissions
+before issuing a pull request. We are in the process of recruiting
+"czars" to oversee particular aspects of HARK, providing their knowledge
+While czars might directly evaluate submissions as a HARK team member,
+their more important role is to help establish these guidelines for
+their domain, more specifically nailing down what we mean by "correct"
+or "well integrated".
+#### [0.5.4]{.titlemark} []{#x1-260000.5.4}Naming Conventions {#naming-conventions .subsectionHead}
+Object naming conventions in HARK are fairly different than existing
+standards, and differ somewhat between tool modules vs model or
+application modules. The following conventions apply throughout HARK:
+- Functions and methods are always in "camel case": no underscores,
+ first letter is lower case, first letter of each subsequent word is
+ capitalized. E.g. [approxLognormal]{.ectt-1200}.
+- Function and method names should accurately and concisely describe
+ what the function does; the first word in the name [must be a
+ verb]{.ecti-1200}.[[^31^](HARKmanual31.html#fn31x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-26001f31}
+- Variable and class names [should not ]{.ecti-1200}have a verb as
+ their first word.
+- Class names should use no underscores and capitalize the first
+ letter of each word; moreover, a class name [must include a
+ noun]{.ecti-1200}. E.g. [ConsPerfForesightSolver]{.ectt-1200}.
+When naming variables in model modules, the HARK team strongly
+discourages using single letter names, like [c ]{.ectt-1200}for
+consumption. Instead, we encourage contributors to use longer, more
+descriptive variable names using additional words and common
+abbreviations to specify the variable more precisely. In
+[/Documentation/NARK.pdf]{.ectt-1200}, we list standard single letter
+variable "bases" and an array of prefixes and suffixes to adjust them.
+Economic variables in model modules should (usually) not use
+underscores, instead using camel case to the greatest extent
+The development team prefers this standard so that users can translate
+between Python code and LaTeX script with minimal work.
+Conventions for naming variables in HARK's tool modules are
+significantly closer to more commonly used standards. Variable names
+should be in all lower case, with underscores between words,
+e.g. [data\_to\_match]{.ectt-1200}. The functions and classes in these
+modules are more general and almost surely do not have any inherent
+"economic content"; they are numerical or algorithmic objects, not
+variables that might appear in an equation in an article for a
+(non-computational) economics journal. Variable names in application
+modules (e.g. the files that execute the [cstwMPC
+]{.ectt-1200}estimations) are a mix of the conventions for tool and
+model files, as appropriate for each variable. That is, variables that
+are directly related to "economic variables" in model modules should
+follow those conventions, while objects created solely for data
+manipulation or reporting should use the style of tool modules.
+#### [0.5.5]{.titlemark} []{#x1-270000.5.5}Documentation Conventions {#documentation-conventions .subsectionHead}
+The HARK team wants the toolKit to be as accessible to users as
+possible; our greatest
+is that a new user will open up our code, get hopelessly confused trying
+to read it, and then never look at HARK again. To prevent this tragic
+outcome, we have tried hard to provide comprehensive, accurate
+documentation and comments within the code describing our
+Moreover, HARK uses the Sphinx utility to generate a website with
+[online documentation](https://econ-ark.github.io/HARK/) for all of our
+tool and model modules, so that users can learn about what's available
+in HARK without digging through the source code. When making
+contributions to HARK, the development team asks users to format their
+inline documentation to work with Sphinx by following a few simple
+- The top of every module should begin with a "docstring" providing a
+ clear description of the contents of the module. The first sentence
+ should concisely summarize the file, as it may appear in an index or
+ summary of all modules without the remaining sentences. A docstring
+ at the top of a module should be formatted
+ as:[[^35^](HARKmanual35.html#fn35x0)]{.footnote-mark}[]{#x1-27003f35}
+ [\"\"\"]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Specifies an economic model and provides methods for solving it.
+ More]{.ectt-1200} [specific description of the key features of the
+ model and variations]{.ectt-1200} [of it in this module. Maybe some
+ comments about the solution method]{.ectt-1200} [or limitations of
+ the model. Your bank account routing number.]{.ectt-1200}
+ [\"\"\"]{.ectt-1200}
+- The line directly below the declaration of a function, method or
+ class should begin a docstring describing that object. As with
+ modules, the first sentence should concisely summarize the function
+ or class, as it might be included in an index or summary. For
+ functions and methods, the docstring should be formatted as:
+ [def functionName(input1,input2):]{.ectt-1200}
+ [\"\"\"]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Concise description of the function. More details about
+ what]{.ectt-1200}
+ [the function does, options or modes available, and
+ maybe]{.ectt-1200} [mathematical]{.ectt-1200}
+ [methods used. Credit to a source if you poached
+ their]{.ectt-1200} [algorithm.]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Parameters]{.ectt-1200}
+ [--------------------]{.ectt-1200}
+ [input1: type]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Description of what input1 represents.]{.ectt-1200}
+ [input2: type]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Description of what input2 represents.]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Returns]{.ectt-1200}
+ [--------------]{.ectt-1200}
+ [output\_name: type]{.ectt-1200}
+ [Description of the output(s) of the function. Might
+ have]{.ectt-1200}
+ [multiple entries. If no output, this is just
+ \"None\".]{.ectt-1200}
+ [\"\"\"]{.ectt-1200}
+- Provide ample comments within a function or method so that a
+ relatively intelligent reader can follow along with your algorithm.
+ Short comments can follow at the end of a line, longer comments (or
+ descriptions of the step or task about to be performed) should
+ precede a block of code on the line(s) above it.
+Finally, if you write a new model module, the HARK team asks that you
+also provide a short mathematical writeup of the model as a PDF. This
+document does not need to go into great detail about the solution method
+for the model or the functions and classes included in the module,
+merely specify the economic model and provide a summary of how it is
+solved. See [/Documentation/ConsumptionSavingModels.pdf ]{.ectt-1200}for
+an example of this.
+### [0.6]{.titlemark} []{#x1-280000.6}Future of HARK {#future-of-hark .sectionHead}
+HARK is in a state of perpetual incompleteness, always expanding to
+include more tools and more models. As an open source project in the
+hands of many contributors around the world, the HARK team cannot fully
+predict future features of the toolKit. This section provides an
+overview of what we would like to see in the near future, as well as
+potential mechanisms to encourage researchers to contribute their code
+to the project.
+#### [0.6.1]{.titlemark} []{#x1-290000.6.1}Future Tools {#future-tools .subsectionHead}
+The current frameworks in [HARK.core ]{.ectt-1200}concern agents who
+have "isolated" dynamic problems or interact with each other only
+through aggregate outcomes to which they contribute atomically. We hope
+to eventually provide a framework for models in which agents directly
+interact with each other; this may include a system for specifying the
+state of networks and how connections are formed and broken. [HARK.core
+]{.ectt-1200}might also develop a framework more suited to industrial
+organization models and dynamic
+The [HARK.estimation ]{.ectt-1200}module in particular is very sparsely
+populated, with its functions mostly serving as wrappers for "off the
+shelf" optimization methods from [scipy.optimize]{.ectt-1200}. There are
+plenty of non-standard or more complex optimization techniques
+available, including global and/or stochastic search methods. We believe
+that additional optimizers are "low hanging fruit" as straightforward
+contributions to HARK and thus will be added in the near future.
+Moreover, there are plenty of distributions that have no approximator in
+[HARK.utilities ]{.ectt-1200}(or data generator in
+[HARK.simulation]{.ectt-1200}), and these functions are among the
+easiest for new contributors to write. The data analysis tools in
+[HARK.utilities ]{.ectt-1200}only include functions that we happened to
+use for our current research projects, and we expect that this will be
+the mode of growth for future tools. There are some obvious holes that
+we believe will be filled quite quickly; for example, we provide a
+rudimentary non-parametric kernel regression function, but have not
+written a kernel density estimator to generate PDFs from data.
+The classes currently in [HARK.interpolation ]{.ectt-1200}are all
+variations on linear (or cubic) spline interpolation, and each is
+specifically written for a fixed number of dimensions. As these methods
+use full tensor grids, they are highly impractical for representing
+functions in higher dimensions, suffering greatly from the curse of
+We are quite confident that [HARK.interpolation ]{.ectt-1200}will soon
+include techniques more applicable to high dimensional state spaces,
+including Smolnyak interpolation, other (adaptive) sparse grid methods,
+and regression-based interpolation. For lower-dimensional spaces, HARK
+will also soon provide Delaunay interpolation classes.
+The [HARK.parallel ]{.ectt-1200}module currently provides a simple
+interface for handling [ex-ante]{.ecti-1200} heterogeneity among agents.
+While useful for speeding up moderately-sized problems, the libraries
+used are only able to access the CPU of the local machine running the
+code. In the very near future, the HARK team will provide an interface
+(and example) for using Apache Spark, which bills itself as a "fast and
+general engine for large-scale data processing". Specifically, users
+will be able to easily scale up their computing resources and run HARK
+code on an Amazon EC2 session or other cluster.
+#### [0.6.2]{.titlemark} []{#x1-300000.6.2}Future Models {#future-models .subsectionHead}
+The economics models currently included in HARK mostly concern
+consumption-saving problems with constant relative risk aversion
+consumers who experience fully permanent and fully transitory shocks to
+income. This is obviously a very small subset of all consumption-saving
+models (which are themselves a small subset of all dynamic models
+economists might be interested in). Consider some examples of variants,
+features, and extensions that are not included in HARK, but could be in
+the future:
+- Consumers with other utility functions, such as CARA or expo-power.
+- Consumers with time-inconsistent preferences, e.g. hyperbolic
+ discounting.
+- Income shocks that are neither fully transitory nor fully permanent.
+- Consumers with a bequest motive or terminal utility function.
+- Utility from leisure and endogenous labor supply.
+- Investment in a durable consumption good such as housing.
+- Exogenous shocks to expenses.
+- Multiple consumption goods, as with endogenous medical care.
+- Portfolio allocation between a risky and riskless asset.
+- Job search intensity as a control variable.
+- Endogenous health evolution and health investment.
+The HARK team is currently developing a module for mixing discrete and
+continuous choice models, in the style of Jorgensen, Rust, Iskhakov, and
+Schjerning (2015). Among many other models, this framework will enable
+HARK users to easily develop features like:
+- Labor supply on the extensive margin: the timing of retirement.
+- Selection of job type or sector (by riskiness, specific human
+ capital, etc).
+- Choice of medical insurance contract.
+- Decision to rent or own housing.
+- Endogenous default on debt (with "macroeconomic" pricing of debt).
+- Household formation, dissolution, and reproduction.
+Finally, we hope to provide a generic solver for any discrete choice
+model with T1EV shocks. The scope of HARK is limited only by what users
+choose to put in it. We hope that within a year of its debut, HARK will
+include a significant number of canonical models, providing more
+building blocks for future researchers to create novel combinations and
+new extensions.
+#### [0.6.3]{.titlemark} []{#x1-310000.6.3}Bounty Hunting {#bounty-hunting .subsectionHead}
+While HARK users are free to write and contribute any tools and models
+that they believe could be helpful, building the toolKit in a "bottom
+up" style, the HARK team hopes to provide mechanisms for targeted "top
+down" development. The team is working to secure grant funding for HARK
+so as to offer "bounties" for particular models, tools, applications, or
+frameworks. Suppose the team decides that the model in Important Paper X
+should be included as part of HARK; we will issue a call for
+contributions to fill this hole, offering a modest prize of, say,
+\$20,000 to the programmer who submits the best implementation of the
+model, as judged by clearly stated
+The bounty would be announced as an Issue on HARK's GitHub page, as well
+as in a potential electronic digest of HARK news.
+Bounties might be placed on items as small as a single data analysis
+tool or as large as a complex estimation of a large general equilibrium
+model, with prizes scaling accordingly. We hasten to emphasize that we
+cannot guarantee funding for HARK, so the bounties (like everything else
+in this section) are purely speculative. As economists, the HARK team
+understands the incentive compatibility problems associated with asking
+researchers to contribute significant amounts of their time, effort, and
+unique skills in service of a tenuous concept like the Greater Good in
+exchange for even more tenuous Glory. We acknowledge that economic
+researchers are also optimizing agents with their own preferences over
+leisure and consumption, and agree that Greed is a valid mechanism to
+expand HARK.
+#### [0.6.4]{.titlemark} []{#x1-320000.6.4}All Aboard the Ark {#all-aboard-the-ark .subsectionHead}
+As observant readers may have noticed, the HARK repository is hosted by
+a GitHub account named Econ-Ark, with no explanation as to what this
+might mean. Looking a few years into the future, the development team
+believes that HARK might be the first piece of a broader collection of
+computational economics resources. HARK is open source but somewhat akin
+to an exclusive club: contributions are required to adhere to standards
+and norms so as to foster modularity and interoperability among models
+and tools. Consistent with its namesake ship, the Econ-Ark has a
+significantly lower bar for admission, with a place on board for
+On one level, the Ark might serve as a warehouse for any and all
+quantitative models and tools, for any economic purpose, in any
+subfield, and written in any language. Through nearly unanimous
+feedback, the HARK team understands that many economists are willing to
+share code that they have already written, but are reluctant to expend
+the considerable effort to translate and format it for HARK. In the
+future, we will set up a mechanism for code like this to be hosted on
+the Ark, with minimal requirements imposed on its authors (and
+correspondingly minimal warranty for potential users). Relevant projects
+on the Ark might become bounty targets for HARK, with users incentivized
+to port the original code into Python and to meet HARK standards; direct
+access to the original source code will significantly expedite the
+translation process, and provide a suitable benchmark for testing and
+verifying the contribution to HARK.
+On a different level, the Ark might also include cohesive toolkits like
+HARK, but geared toward purposes other than heterogeneous agents
+macroeconomics models. For example, the previously mentioned modules for
+networks among agents (and other agent-based modeling), industrial
+organization and dynamic games, and traditional discrete choice models
+might become their own toolkits, with some interoperability with HARK.
+In support of this, some of the tool modules currently in HARK might be
+"promoted" and become universally shared across all Econ-Ark toolkits.
+The dark secret of HARK is that it is named for heterogeneous agents
+macroeconomics, but designed and written by structural microeconomists.
+The development team believes these subfields to have considerable
+overlap in terms of methods and techniques, and that HARK might not be
+noticed by half of its potential audience due to its name. In a general
+sense, the Econ-Ark gives us cover to expand the scope of our efforts
+and/or rebrand the toolKit for an alternative audience.