This helm chart installs the Catena-X Portal application which consists of
- portal-frontend (v1.6.0),
- portal-frontend-registration (v1.5.0),
- portal-assets (v1.6.0) and
- portal-backend (v1.6.0).
The Catena-X Portal is designed to work with the Catena-X IAM. This version is compatible with the 1.2.0 version of the IAM instances:
For information on how to upgrade from previous versions please refer to Version Upgrade.
For further information please refer to Technical Documentation.
The referenced container images are for demonstration purposes only.
To install the chart with the release name portal
$ helm repo add tractusx-dev
$ helm install portal tractusx-dev/portal
To install the helm chart into your cluster with your values:
$ helm install -f your-values.yaml portal tractusx-dev/portal
To use the helm chart as a dependency:
- name: portal
version: 1.6.0
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | postgresql | 11.9.13 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | "portal" |
portalAddress | string | "" |
Provide portal base address. |
portalBackendAddress | string | "" |
Provide portal-backend base address. |
centralidpAddress | string | "" |
Provide centralidp base address (CX IAM), without trailing '/auth'. |
sharedidpAddress | string | "" |
Provide sharedidp address (CX IAM), without trailing '/auth'. |
semanticsAddress | string | "" |
Provide semantics base address. |
bpdmPartnersPoolAddress | string | "" |
Provide bpdm partners pool base address. |
bpdmPortalGateAddress | string | "" |
Provide bpdm portal gate base address. |
custodianAddress | string | "" |
Provide custodian base address. |
sdfactoryAddress | string | "" |
Provide sdfactory base address. |
clearinghouseAddress | string | "" |
Provide clearinghouse base address. |
clearinghouseTokenAddress | string | "" |
Provide clearinghouse token address. |
frontend.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Portal frontend ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for portal frontend. |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "nginx" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "/$1" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "https://*" |
Provide CORS allowed origin. |
frontend.ingress.tls[0] | object | {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} |
Provide tls secret. |
frontend.ingress.tls[0].hosts | list | [""] |
Provide host for tls secret. |
frontend.ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"portal"},"path":"/(.*)","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"registration"},"path":"/registration/(.*)","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"assets"},"path":"/((assetsORdocumentation)/.*)","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Provide default path for the ingress record. | | string | "portal" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-frontend" |
frontend.portal.image.portaltag | string | "v1.6.0" |
frontend.portal.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. | | string | "registration" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-frontend-registration" |
frontend.registration.image.registrationtag | string | "v1.5.0" |
frontend.registration.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. | | string | "assets" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-assets" |
frontend.assets.image.assetstag | string | "v1.6.0" |
frontend.assets.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
frontend.assets.path | string | "/assets" |
frontend.centralidpAuthPath | string | "/auth" |
frontend.bpdmPartnersPoolApiPath | string | "/api" |
backend.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Portal-backend ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for portal-backend. | | string | "portal-backend" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "nginx" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "8m" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "https://*" |
Provide CORS allowed origin. |
backend.ingress.tls[0] | object | {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} |
Provide tls secret. |
backend.ingress.tls[0].hosts | list | [""] |
Provide host for tls secret. |
backend.ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"registration-service"},"path":"/api/registration","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"administration-service"},"path":"/api/administration","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"notification-service"},"path":"/api/notification","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"provisioning-service"},"path":"/api/provisioning","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"marketplace-app-service"},"path":"/api/apps","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"services-service"},"path":"/api/services","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Provide default path for the ingress record. |
backend.dbConnection.schema | string | "portal" |
backend.dbConnection.sslMode | string | "Disable" |
backend.portalHomePath | string | "/home" |
backend.userManagementPath | string | "/usermanagement" |
backend.keycloak.secret | string | "secret-backend-keycloak" |
Secret containing the database-password and the client-secret for the connection to the centralidp (CX IAM) and the client-secret for the connection to the sharedidp (CX-IAM). |
backend.keycloak.central.clientId | string | "central-client-id" |
Provide centralidp client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.keycloak.central.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for centralidp client-id. Secret-key 'central-client-secret'. |
backend.keycloak.central.authRealm | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.metadataPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central/.well-known/openid-configuration" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validIssuerPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validAudiencePortal | string | "Cl2-CX-Portal" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validAudienceRegistration | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.refreshInterval | string | "00:00:30" |
backend.keycloak.central.tokenPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central/protocol/openid-connect/token" |
| | string | "centralidp-postgresql-primary" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.port | int | 5432 |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.user | string | "kccentral" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.database | string | "iamcentralidp" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.password | string | "" |
Password for the kccentral username. Secret-key 'central-db-password'. |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.schema | string | "public" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.sslMode | string | "Disable" |
backend.keycloak.shared.clientId | string | "shared-client-id" |
Provide sharedidp client-id from CX IAM sharedidp. |
backend.keycloak.shared.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for sharedidp client-id. Secret-key 'shared-client-secret'. |
backend.keycloak.shared.authRealm | string | "master" |
backend.mailing.secret | string | "secret-backend-mailing" |
Secret containing the passwords for backend.mailing and backend.provisioning.sharedRealm. | | string | "" |
Provide host. |
backend.mailing.port | string | "587" |
Provide port. |
backend.mailing.user | string | "smtp-user" |
Provide user. |
backend.mailing.password | string | "" |
Password for the smtp username. Secret-key 'password'. |
backend.interfaces.secret | string | "secret-backend-interfaces" |
Secret containing the client-secrets for the connection to custodian, bpdm, sdFactory, clearinghouse and offer provider. |
backend.healthChecks.startup.path | string | "/health/startup" |
backend.healthChecks.liveness.path | string | "/healthz" |
backend.healthChecks.readyness.path | string | "/ready" |
| | string | "registration-service" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-registration-service" |
backend.registration.image.registrationservicetag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.registration.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.registration.logging.bpdmLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.registration.logging.registrationService | string | "Information" |
backend.registration.logging.default | string | "Information" |
backend.registration.healthChecks | object | {"startup":{"tags":[]}} |
Healthchecks to be enabled for startupProbe, enable by removing the brackets after 'tags:' and uncommenting the following lines. |
backend.registration.portalRegistrationPath | string | "/registration" |
backend.registration.keycloakClientId | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status0 | string | "SUBMITTED" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status1 | string | "DECLINED" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status2 | string | "CONFIRMED" |
backend.registration.documentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
backend.registration.documentTypeIds.type1 | string | "COMMERCIAL_REGISTER_EXTRACT" |
backend.registration.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.registration.registrationDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
backend.registration.submitDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "COMMERCIAL_REGISTER_EXTRACT" |
| | string | "administration-service" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-administration-service" |
backend.administration.image.administrationservicetag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.administration.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.administration.logging.businessLogic | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.logging.sdfactoryLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.logging.bpdmLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.logging.custodianLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.logging.default | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.healthChecks | object | {"startup":{"tags":[]}} |
Healthchecks to be enabled for startupProbe, enable by removing the brackets after 'tags:' and uncommenting the following lines. |
backend.administration.companyData.useCaseParticipationMediaTypes.type0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.administration.companyData.ssiCertificateMediaTypes.type0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type0 | string | "application/x-pem-file" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type1 | string | "application/x-x509-ca-cert" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type2 | string | "application/pkix-cert" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type3 | string | "application/octet-stream" |
backend.administration.connectors.selfDescriptionDocumentPath | string | "/api/administration/documents/selfDescription" |
backend.administration.keycloakClientId | string | "Cl2-CX-Portal" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.fileName | string | "identityproviderlinks.csv" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.contentType | string | "text/csv" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.charset | string | "UTF-8" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.separator | string | "," |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerUserId | string | "UserId" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerFirstName | string | "FirstName" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerLastName | string | "LastName" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerEmail | string | "Email" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderAlias | string | "ProviderAlias" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderUserId | string | "ProviderUserId" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderUserName | string | "ProviderUserName" |
backend.administration.invitation.invitedUserInitialRoles.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.administration.invitation.initialLoginTheme | string | "catenax-shared" |
backend.administration.registration.documentTypeIds.type0 | string | "COMMERCIAL_REGISTER_EXTRACT" |
backend.administration.userManagement.companyUserStatusIds.status0 | string | "ACTIVE" |
backend.administration.userManagement.companyUserStatusIds.status1 | string | "INACTIVE" |
backend.administration.userManagement.userAdminRoles.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.administration.userManagement.userAdminRoles.role1 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.administration.serviceAccount.clientId | string | "technical_roles_management" |
backend.administration.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.administration.frameDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
backend.provisioning.centralRealm | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.provisioning.centralRealmId | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.provisioning.invitedUserInitialRoles.registration | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.provisioning.serviceAccountClientPrefix | string | "sa" |
backend.provisioning.centralIdentityProvider.clientId | string | "central-idp" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealmClient.clientId | string | "central-idp" |
| | string | "" |
Provide host. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.port | string | "587" |
Provide port. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.user | string | "smtp-user" |
Provide user. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.password | string | "" |
Password for the smtp username. Secret-key 'provisioning-sharedrealm-password'. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.ssl | string | "" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.startTls | string | "true" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.auth | string | "true" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.from | string | "[email protected]" |
Provide from. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.replyTo | string | "[email protected]" |
Provide replyTo. | | string | "marketplace-app-service" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-marketplace-app-service" |
backend.appmarketplace.image.appmarketplaceservicetag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.appmarketplace.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.appmarketplace.logging.default | string | "Information" |
backend.appmarketplace.logging.offersLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.appmarketplace.healthChecks | object | {"startup":{"tags":[]}} |
Healthchecks to be enabled for startupProbe, enable by removing the brackets after 'tags:' and uncommenting the following lines. |
backend.appmarketplace.appOverviewPath | string | "/appoverview" |
backend.appmarketplace.catenaAdminRoles.role0 | string | "CX Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.serviceAccountRoles.role0 | string | "App Tech User" |
backend.appmarketplace.salesManagerRoles.role0 | string | "Sales Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.serviceManagerRoles.role0 | string | "App Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppCompanyAdminRoles.role0 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppCompanyAdminRoles.role1 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppUserRoles.role0 | string | "Sales Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppUserRoles.role1 | string | "Service Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.ITAdminRoles.role0 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId0 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds0.mediaTypeId0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId1 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds1.mediaTypeId0 | string | "JPEG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds1.mediaTypeId1 | string | "PNG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds1.mediaTypeId2 | string | "SVG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId2 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds2.mediaTypeId0 | string | "JPEG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds2.mediaTypeId1 | string | "PNG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds2.mediaTypeId2 | string | "SVG" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId3 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds3.mediaTypeId0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId4 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds4.mediaTypeId0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.documentTypeId5 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.uploadAppDocumentTypeIds.mediaTypeIds5.mediaTypeId0 | string | "PDF" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type3 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type4 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type5 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.notificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_REQUEST" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_ROLE_ADDED" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_REQUEST" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_APPROVAL" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type3 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type4 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type5 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.offerStatusIds.status0 | string | "IN_REVIEW" |
backend.appmarketplace.offerStatusIds.status1 | string | "ACTIVE" |
backend.appmarketplace.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.appmarketplace.technicalUserProfileClient | string | "technical_roles_management" |
backend.appmarketplace.companyAdminRoles.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
| | string | "portal-migrations" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-portal-migrations" |
backend.portalmigrations.image.portalmigrationstag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.portalmigrations.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.portalmigrations.seeding.testDataEnvironments | string | "" |
backend.portalmigrations.seeding.testDataPaths | string | "Seeder/Data" |
when changing the testDataPath the processIdentity needs to be adjusted as well, or it must be ensured that the identity is existing within the files under the new path |
backend.portalmigrations.processIdentity.userEntityId | string | "090c9121-7380-4bb0-bb10-fffd344f930a" |
backend.portalmigrations.processIdentity.processUserId | string | "d21d2e8a-fe35-483c-b2b8-4100ed7f0953" |
backend.portalmigrations.processIdentity.identityTypeId | int | 2 |
backend.portalmigrations.processIdentity.processUserCompanyId | string | "2dc4249f-b5ca-4d42-bef1-7a7a950a4f87" |
backend.portalmigrations.logging.default | string | "Information" |
| | string | "portal-maintenance" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-maintenance-service" |
backend.portalmaintenance.image.portalmaintenancetag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.portalmaintenance.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.portalmaintenance.processIdentity.userEntityId | string | "090c9121-7380-4bb0-bb10-fffd344f930a" |
backend.portalmaintenance.processIdentity.processUserId | string | "d21d2e8a-fe35-483c-b2b8-4100ed7f0953" |
backend.portalmaintenance.processIdentity.identityTypeId | int | 2 |
backend.portalmaintenance.processIdentity.processUserCompanyId | string | "2dc4249f-b5ca-4d42-bef1-7a7a950a4f87" |
backend.portalmaintenance.logging.default | string | "Information" |
| | string | "notification-service" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-notification-service" |
backend.notification.image.notificationservicetag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.notification.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.notification.healthChecks | object | {"startup":{"tags":[]}} |
Healthchecks to be enabled for startupProbe, enable by removing the brackets after 'tags:' and uncommenting the following lines. |
backend.notification.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.notification.logging.default | string | "Information" |
| | string | "services-service" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-services-service" |
| | string | "v1.6.0" |
| | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. | | string | "Information" |
| | string | "Information" |
| | object | {"startup":{"tags":[]}} |
Healthchecks to be enabled for startupProbe, enable by removing the brackets after 'tags:' and uncommenting the following lines. | | string | "/servicemarketplace" |
| | string | "CX Admin" |
| | string | "App Tech User" |
| | string | "Sales Manager" |
| | string | "Service Manager" |
| | string | "Sales Manager" |
| | string | "Service Manager" |
| | string | "IT Admin" |
| | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
| | string | "PDF" |
| | string | "SERVICE_LEADIMAGE" |
| | string | "JPEG" |
| | string | "PNG" |
| | string | "SVG" |
| | bool | false |
| | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
| | string | "SERVICE_LEADIMAGE" |
| | string | "IN_REVIEW" |
| | string | "ACTIVE" |
| | string | "SERVICE_LEADIMAGE" |
| | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
| | string | "technical_roles_management" |
| | string | "Company Admin" |
| | string | "provisioning-migrations" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-provisioning-migrations" |
backend.provisioningmigrations.image.provisioningmigrationstag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.provisioningmigrations.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.provisioningmigrations.logging.default | string | "Information" |
| | string | "processes-worker" |
| | string | "tractusx/portal-processes-worker" |
backend.processesworker.image.processesworkertag | string | "v1.6.0" |
backend.processesworker.resources | object | {} |
We recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
backend.processesworker.logging.default | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.processesLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.bpdmLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.clearinghouseLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.custodianLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.sdfactoryLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.logging.offerProvider | string | "Information" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.applicationApprovalInitialRoles.portal.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.applicationApprovalInitialRoles.registration.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.clientToRemoveRolesOnActivation.client0 | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "WELCOME" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type1 | string | "WELCOME_USE_CASES" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type2 | string | "WELCOME_SERVICE_PROVIDER" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type3 | string | "WELCOME_CONNECTOR_REGISTRATION" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type4 | string | "WELCOME_APP_MARKETPLACE" |
backend.processesworker.applicationActivation.loginTheme | string | "catenax-shared-portal" |
backend.processesworker.bpdm.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.processesworker.bpdm.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.processesworker.bpdm.clientId | string | "bpdm-client-id" |
Provide bpdm client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.processesworker.bpdm.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for bpdm client-id. Secret-key 'bpdm-client-secret'. |
backend.processesworker.custodian.membershipErrorMessage | string | "Credential of type MembershipCredential is already exists" |
backend.processesworker.custodian.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.processesworker.custodian.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.processesworker.custodian.clientId | string | "custodian-client-id" |
Provide custodian client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.processesworker.custodian.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for custodian client-id. Secret-key 'custodian-client-secret'. |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.selfdescriptionPath | string | "/api/rel3/selfdescription" |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.issuerBpn | string | "BPNDUMMY000DUMMY" |
Provide BPN for sdfactory. |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.clientId | string | "sdfactory-client-id" |
Provide sdfactory client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.processesworker.sdfactory.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for sdfactory client-id. Secret-key 'sdfactory-client-secret'. |
backend.processesworker.clearinghouse.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.processesworker.clearinghouse.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.processesworker.clearinghouse.clientId | string | "clearinghouse-client-id" |
Provide clearinghouse client-id from clearinghouse IAM. |
backend.processesworker.clearinghouse.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for clearinghouse client-id. Secret-key 'clearinghouse-client-secret'. |
backend.processesworker.clearinghouse.callbackPath | string | "/api/administration/registration/clearinghouse" |
backend.processesworker.processes.lockExpirySeconds | string | "300" |
backend.processesworker.offerSubscriptionProcess.serviceAccountRoles.role0 | string | "Digital Twin Management" |
backend.processesworker.offerSubscriptionProcess.serviceManagerRoles.role0 | string | "App Manager" |
backend.processesworker.offerSubscriptionProcess.itAdminRoles.role0 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.processesworker.offerprovider.serviceManagerRoles.role0 | string | "App Manager" |
backend.processesworker.offerprovider.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.processesworker.offerprovider.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.processesworker.offerprovider.clientId | string | "offerprovider-client-id" |
Provide offerprovider client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.processesworker.offerprovider.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for offer provider client-id. Secret-key 'offerprovider-client-secret'. |
backend.processesworker.processIdentity.userEntityId | string | "090c9121-7380-4bb0-bb10-fffd344f930a" |
backend.processesworker.processIdentity.processUserId | string | "d21d2e8a-fe35-483c-b2b8-4100ed7f0953" |
backend.processesworker.processIdentity.identityTypeId | int | 2 |
backend.processesworker.processIdentity.processUserCompanyId | string | "2dc4249f-b5ca-4d42-bef1-7a7a950a4f87" |
backend.clients.portal | string | "Cl2-CX-Portal" |
backend.clients.registration | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.clients.technicalRolesManagement | string | "technical_roles_management" |
backend.placeholder | string | "empty" |
postgresql.enabled | bool | true |
PostgreSQL chart configuration Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart |
postgresql.fullnameOverride | string | "portal-backend-postgresql" |
FullnameOverride to 'portal-backend-postgresql'. |
postgresql.auth.database | string | "postgres" |
Database name |
postgresql.auth.port | int | 5432 |
Database port number |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret | string | "secret-postgres-init" |
Secret containing the passwords for root usernames postgres and non-root usernames repl_user, portal and provisioning. |
postgresql.auth.password | string | "" |
Password for the root username 'postgres'. Secret-key 'postgres-password'. |
postgresql.auth.replicationPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'repl_user'. Secret-key 'replication-password'. |
postgresql.auth.portalUser | string | "portal" |
Non-root username for portal. |
postgresql.auth.provisioningUser | string | "provisioning" |
Non-root username for provisioning. |
postgresql.auth.portalPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'portal'. Secret-key 'portal-password'. |
postgresql.auth.provisioningPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'provisioning'. Secret-key 'provisioning-password'. |
postgresql.architecture | string | "replication" |
postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog | string | "write, ddl" |
postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix | string | "%m %u %d " |
postgresql.primary.extendedConfiguration | string | "" |
Extended PostgreSQL Primary configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100) |
postgresql.primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap | string | "configmap-postgres-init" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0].name | string | "PORTAL_PASSWORD" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0] | string | "{{ .Values.auth.existingSecret }}" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | "portal-password" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1].name | string | "PROVISIONING_PASSWORD" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1] | string | "{{ .Values.auth.existingSecret }}" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | "provisioning-password" |
postgresql.readReplicas.extendedConfiguration | string | "" |
Extended PostgreSQL read only replicas configuration (increase of max_connections recommended - default is 100) | | string | "portal-backend-postgresql-external-db" |
External PostgreSQL configuration IMPORTANT: init scripts ( and 02-init-db.sql) available in templates/configmap-backend-postgres-init.yaml need to be executed beforehand. Database host |
externalDatabase.database | string | "postgres" |
Database name |
externalDatabase.port | int | 5432 |
Database port number |
externalDatabase.secret | string | "secret-postgres-external-db" |
Secret containing the passwords non-root usernames portal and provisioning. |
externalDatabase.portalUser | string | "portal" |
Non-root username for portal. |
externalDatabase.provisioningUser | string | "provisioning" |
Non-root username for provisioning. |
externalDatabase.portalPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'portal'. Secret-key 'portal-password'. |
externalDatabase.provisioningPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'provisioning'. Secret-key 'provisioning-password'. |
portContainer | int | 8080 |
portService | int | 8080 |
replicaCount | int | 3 |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment |
tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for pod assignment |
affinity.podAntiAffinity | object | {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}]} |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
Update strategy type, rolling update configuration parameters, reference. |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | int | 1 |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | int | 0 |
startupProbe | object | {"failureThreshold":30,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
Autogenerated with helm docs