New features, fixed bugs, known defects and other noteworthy changes to each release of the Simple Data Exchanger Frontend.
2.4.3 - 2024-07-31
- docker image updated to fix vulnerability.
2.4.2 - 2024-07-30
- dependabot issues fix for release 24.08.
- docker build image updated to latest.
2.4.1 - 2024-05-24
- Bumped version for release 24.05 to match with backend version .
2.4.0 - 2024-05-14
- Dedicated page to manage policies.
- Policies will be dynamically fetched from policy hub based on the selected/available use-cases.
- Frontend components will be dynamically rendered based on the policy type.
- New policies can be created and already created policies will be selected and modified while uploading a data.
- Re-usable page loading handlers for api calls.
- Notes and info texts added in create data page.
- Policy related documentations updated.
- Submodel version added in the select submodel dropdown
- Upload data api implementation moved to RTK query for better performance.
- Consumer: Fetching policy information from EDC for offer details overlay
- Changes needed for EDC v0.7
2.3.7 - 2024-05-09
- Bumped version for release 24.03 to match with backend version (hotfix issue in fixed backend).
2.3.6 - 2024-03-08
- Policy overlay descriptions.
- PCF Submodel support added
- Data table pagination not working - fixed
- Veracode vulnerability fixes
- Missing license headers added
- legal information added to docker image.
- trivy workflow steps updated.
- PCF Documentation update
- Download file functions code optimizations.
- Page layout css fixes.
- Policy table misses details of the usage policies.
- Data provider contracts overview should contain this information: kind of contracts, description, policies, information about the consumer.
- Data consumer contracts overview should contain this information: kind of contracts, description, policies, information about the provider.
2.3.5 - 2024-02-19
- Selected use cases section in manual upload and help page.
- Sub-model links in help page.
- New access and usage policies added.
- Documents updated.
- Bumped version to 2.3.5 for helm charts to match with backend release.
- Axios library issue fixed.
- Duration restriction removed.
- Purpose policy “ID 3.1 Trace” updated.
- Framework agreement added in Usage Policy.
- Help link linked to the release tag.
- Page blank issue during navigation fixed.
2.3.3 - 2023-12-06
- build base image security fix.
- Duration restriction need to be removed, this is not a valid policy rule.
- Purpose policy rule wrong. Instead of “ID 3.0 Trace” it must be “ID 3.1 Trace”.
- Usage Policy is missing the framework agreement, which is mandatorily needed for UseCase specific data offers.
- Help link navigates to GitHub documentation of the “main” branch. Shall be linked to the release tag.
2.3.2 - 2023-12-01
- Axios library issue fixed
- Bumped version to 2.3.2 for helm charts to match with backend release.
2.3.1 - 2023-11-30
- Bumped version to 2.3.1 for helm charts to match with backend release.
2.3.0 - 2023-11-29
- Bumped version to 2.3.0 for helm charts to match with backend release.
2.1.0 - 2023-08-30
- docker base image changed .
2.1.0 - 2023-08-30
- warning text in access policy section.
- warning text updates.
- removed catena -x from browser title.
- jar file added for dependencies check workflow.
- restricted, unrestricted notes removed from heading.
- german text updates.
2.0.11 - 2023-08-29
- Docker image name changed.
2.0.10 - 2023-08-24
- About page added.
- script added to generate values in about page.
- BPN validation enhancements in consumer data page.
- Add BPN flow enhancement in provider, access policy section.
- Documentation updated.
2.0.9 - 2023-08-11
- license dependency update.
- single and multiple data offer subscribe issues.
2.0.8 - 2023-08-03
- removed the older charts.
- contract end date from usage policy duration.
- updated the document.
- chart releaser workflow update.
- dockerhub image push workflow update.
- sonarcloud reliability bug fix.
2.0.2 - 2023-06-30
- German text updation.
- Collapsible submodel info table section.
- Adapting latest EDC changes.
- Contact history new status name updates.
- CSV header validation while upload.
- Export data issue in Provider & Consumer contracts fixed.
- Select dropdown value persisting issue fixes everywhere.
- Offer details popup: duration type added.
- Error logs table row height fixes for larger data.
2.0.1 - 2023-05-23
- Home page - Content and design update.
- Create data page - Submodel preview and help texts added.
- Help link for app user guide in nav bar.
- Create data page - JSON input upload option removed.
- Negative number entry in duration under usage policy restricted
2.0.0 - 2023-05-08
- Create data: Country list dropdown in manufacturing_country column.
- Descriptions for each page under title.
- Error logs of uploaded data in upload history.
- Error handling for all api calls.
- Unified BPN validation in access policy section.
- Decline contract option for provider contracts.
- App version and collapse button added in sidebar.
- Frontend document updates.
- Purpose restriction added in usage policies.
- Upload history page table component revamped.
- Role, custom usage policies removed.
- Table row design, titles and Status column design modified.
- German translation missing texts added.
- File extension validation while drag and drop.
- User guide link updated in home page.
- Persisting selected value in select submodel dropdown.
1.9.0 - 2023-03-16
- Dynamic help page with all available submodel details and download CSV sample and template options.
- Provider contract history tab.
- Consumer contract history tab.
- Multi language support (English & German).
- Table sort by date issues resolved.
- Error page for restricted user instead of blank screen.
1.8.1 - 2022-12-26
- Home page with usecase selection and app overview.
- Search and select BPN by company name in access policy section.
- Download csv sample and template in create data page.
- Download uploaded submodel data from upload history.
- i18n setup with english.
- Bug fixes and enhancements
1.8.0 - 2022-12-12
- Provider data upload tables and JSON will render dynamically based on the submodel selection.
- New submodels added: BoMAsPlanned and PartSiteInformationAsPlanned.
- CX components and styleguide implementation.
- Uploaded submodel data update/delete.
- Some pages and sections will be visible based on the permissions user have.
- Components will be rendered based on the permissions user have.
- Bug fixes and enhancements
1.7.0 - 2022-11-07
- Resource access validation for keycloak user.
- Restrict Log-in for C-X users only to valid SDE instance for the correct organization.
- Added new properties into application properties files.
- Changes in Date validation for all submodel.
- Changes for improve the exception handling.
- Removed existing api security to access API's(Provided Keycloak Security based Authentication).
- Fixed bugs.
- Created user guidance and installation documentation
- View existing contract agreements.
- Find connector instance by Company Name
- Subscribe and accept single and multiple contract offer.
- keycloack properties file changed.
- Integrated Keycloak
- Batch submodel upload implementation.
- Integrated contract offer listing.
- added usage policies
- Data is uploaded via two CSV-files and Parsing of CSV file for Parts and Relationships
- The DFT registers the data in the Digital Twin Registry and makes it accessible via an EDC
- Compliance with Catena-X Guidelines
- Integration with Digital Twin registry service.