- Purchaser |
- In general, the purchaser will not be a sustainability expert!
- Sustainability is for him just an additional dimension (as cost, quality, ...).
- - He requests sustainability data for purchased (sub)products from his suppliers.
- - In the sourcing process he evaluates the incoming offers (which will include more and more sustainability data).
- - He negotiates PCF targets with his suppliers.
- - He checks compliance with agreements and targets and evaluates the supplier's performance.
- - He will be often the one, who detects incidents (e.g., non-fulfillment of targets, missing certificates, ...).
- Different responsibilities and views possible:
- - A part / components / materials-oriented view
- - A supplier / commodity-oriented view
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- We assume, that a SME will have a weaker negotiating position and assertiveness (as a large company), so it may be more difficult to …
- - request PCF data from (sub)suppliers.
- - forward customers' CO2 targets to (sub)suppliers.
- - negotiate own objectives/targets.
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- He requires sustainability data of parts/materials (e.g., PCF) for various purposes.
- He requires standardized data.
- He also requires product-unspecific sustainability data of suppliers (e.g., production site-specific certificates).
- He needs data in different phases (e.g., product development, procurement, industrialization, series production).
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- X defines standards for sustainability data.
- CX provides up-to-date and reliable sustainability data
- - of parts / materials
- - of suppliers
- CX provides phase-specific data.
- CX provides (standard) reports.
- CX provides apps and services for data exchange.
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- PCF Calculator |
- He is an expert for PCF calculation. He could be described as a “PCF Engineer,” analogous to the role of a “Cost Engineer” established in many companies.
- - He has in-depth knowledge of PCF-, CCF- and LCA-methods.
- - He is responsible for the calculation of the own scope-1 and -2 values of a PCF
- - From this data and with the scope-3 data reported by suppliers (or obtained from databases), he calculates the PCF of his own products.
- - He hands the result over to the PCF Controller
- - He is a consultant in "costs vs. PCF" discussions (with internal, but also with external partners)
- - He analyzes customer incident requests (on behalf of the PCF controller).
- - If there are any discrepancies in reported PCF data, he initiates incident requests at the respective supplier (via the PCF controller).
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- We assume, that at a SME there will be often a combined role: (Sustainability) Manager Product
- - He is no sustainability expert! So, he must draw on external expertise if necessary
- - He must handle internal and external topics
- Customer view:
- - He is a key account for sustainability data (PCF and ESS) and an “interface” in both directions: customers and suppliers.
- - He releases sustainability data (esp. PCF) to customers
- - He receives PCF data from suppliers.
- - He is the addressee for (PCF) incidents
- Internal View:
- - He knows the product BoM (bill of material)
- - He steers “PCF vs. Cost" objectives at product levels.
- - He collaborates with external auditors.
- - He analyzes incoming incident request of customers
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- Requires standardized PCF calculation method.
- Needs Scope 3 values from suppliers, to calculate own PCF with this data.
- May need a calculation tool for Scope 1 and 2 values.
- Requires access to eco-data (secondary data).
- Needs BoM (bill of material) data for calculation and analysis.
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- CX defines standards for PCF calculation.
- CX provides up-to-date and reliable sustainability data of parts / materials.
- CX provides apps and services for data exchange.
- CX provides calculation tools.
- CX provides access to eco-data(bases) for secondary data.
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- PCF Controller (product) |
- his is more of an operational role (as opposed to the Sustainability Manager). He is a PCF expert who works with many internal and external partners.
- He is the first point of contact for the purchaser on PCF topics.
- External/Customer view:
- - He is a key account for PCF data and, in this regard, the central interface to customers/suppliers.
- - He releases calculated PCF data to customer.
- - He receives PCF data from the suppliers.
- - He triggers incident management.
- - He initiates collaborative PCF optimization.
- Internal View:
- - He is the PCF data owner in the company.
- - He acts as a PCF data collector.
- - He receives PCF targets from the Sustainability Manager, evaluates them, and is consulted as a CO2 expert in negotiations.
- - He tracks PCF targets for purchased parts, and detects incidents in terms of non-fulfillment of targets.
- - He makes supplier performance reviews about PCF.
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- He requires up-to-date and reliable PCF data of parts / materials.
- He needs data in different phases of the product lifecycle (e.g., in product development, sourcing, industrialization, series production).
- He requires standardized data.
- He needs a tool to exchange PCF data with internal and external partners.
- He needs reports for tracking and monitoring of PCF data and targets.
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- CX defines standards for PCF data.
- CX provides apps and services for PCF data exchange.
- CX provides up-to-date and reliable PCF data of parts / materials.
- CX provides phase-specific data.
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- Sustainability Manager (product) |
- This is more of a strategic role than an operational role.
- He is responsible for the coordination and steering of PCF and cost objectives at product level
- He ensures the consistency of product objectives with corporate objectives.
- He defines PCF targets for products and breaks them down on part / components / materials level.
- He receives sustainability targets from customers.
- He takes care of how sustainability targets (especially PCF) can be implemented and achieved.
- He performs analyses in the context of sustainability.
- He collaborates with external auditors.
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- He collaborates with external auditors.
- He requires standardized data.
- He needs data in different phases of the product lifecycle (e.g., in product development, sourcing, industrialization, series production).
- He needs reports for tracking and monitoring of sustainability data.
- He needs a tool to exchange sustainability data with internal and external partners.
- He needs tools for:
- - PCF target breakdown.
- - PCF optimization (e.g., “what if analysis”).
- - Controlling of competing targets (sustainability vs. costs vs. quality …).
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- CX defines standards for sustainability data (esp. PCF).
- CX provides apps and services for data exchange.
- CX provides up-to-date and reliable sustainability data of parts / materials.
- CX provides phase-specific data.
- CX provides (standard) reports.
- CX provides analysis tools.
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- Sustainability Manager (corporate) |
- He has no active role in Catena-X (e.g.: getting reports is a passive, not an active role in this sense).
- He sets corporate goals and breaks them down for different sectors and functions in the company.
- He gets input from the Sustainability Manager Product.
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- The role exists in principle; it is rather the question of who will take it over (e.g., personal union with Management, or possibly Sust. Manager).
- Thesis: an SME does CCF rather than PCF.
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- He requires (aggregated) sustainability data.
- He requires “high level” (standard) reports.
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- CX provides up-to-date and reliable sustainability data. |
- Salespeople |
- He is the central interface to the customer.
- He is the owner of the customer quotation process.
- He negotiates PCF targets with customers (→purchaser).
- He presents sustainability data (esp. PCF) to customers.
- He is accountable for incident management with customers.
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- He needs sustainability data (e.g., PCF) of own products (parts / materials)
- He requires tools for information or data exchange (with both internal partners and external customers).
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- CX provides sustainability data of own products.
- CX provides apps and services for data exchange.
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- Auditor (external) |
- He does a yearly audit of conformity with Catena-X methodology.
- At the beginning (before go-live) there is a one-time audit of the use of the Catena-X network and methods in the company to be audited.
- The onboarding of suppliers requires a self-declaration of applying Catena-X methodology.
- The auditor has a clearing role in case of escalated incidents.
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- He needs additional infxormation and data to be able to verify the reported PCF data. |
- CX provides up-to-date and verifiable sustainability data.
- Catena-X provides access to metadata that allows the reported PCF data to be verified.
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- Sustainability Associations / Institutions |
- They provide industry-specific averages and benchmarks of PCF values. |
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