The Tops Methods Kata is a simple Code Kata with a set of tests that a developer can complete to quickly familiarize themselves with the top 25 methods available in Eclipse Collections. The kata was first shared as a blog here.
The top 25 methods that can be learned in this kata are:
- with - Collection factory method
- collect - Transform a collection from one type to another
- of - Alt collection factory method - Preposition Preference
- select - Filter a collection inclusively
- reject - Filter a collection exclusively
- count - Count elements based on a predicate
- anySatisfy - Return true if any elements match a predicate
- allSatisfy - Return true if all elements match a predicate
- noneSatisfy - Return true if no elements match a predicate
- groupBy - Group elements based on a Function
- countBy - Count elements by a Function
- makeString - Convert a collection to a String using separators
- toImmutable - Convert a collection to an immutable equivalent
- asLazy - Create a lazy view on the collection
- containsBy - Check containment of a value based on a Function
- detectWith - Find the first element that matches a Predicate
- detectWithIfNone - Same as detectWith, but handles case of none
- injectInto - Continuum Transfunctioner - Its mystery is only exceeded by its power
- partition - Splits a collection based on Predicate
- chunk - Breaks a collection into chunks based on a size
- sumByInt - Sums a collection by a key Function and int value
- collectInt - Eight primitive versions of collect
- flatCollectChar - Eight primitive versions of flatCollect
- asParallel - Returns a performant Lazy ParallelIterable
- distinct - Returns the distinct values in a List
The domain of the Top Methods Kata includes the Fruit
Complete the exercises in the tests folder.
The Person class is in the main folder.