diff --git a/metrics/sentry/cron.py b/metrics/sentry/cron.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08b92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics/sentry/cron.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import os
+import sentry_sdk
+from sentry_sdk.crons import capture_checkin
+from sentry_sdk.crons.consts import MonitorStatus
+class Cron:
+    def __init__(self):
+        sentry_sdk.init(
+            dsn=os.environ.get("SENTRY_DSN"),
+        )
+    _monitor_config = {
+        "schedule": {"type": "crontab", "value": "@daily"},
+        "timezone": "Etc/UTC",
+        # If an expected check-in doesn't come in `checkin_margin`
+        # minutes, it'll be considered missed
+        "checkin_margin": 30,
+        # The check-in is allowed to run for `max_runtime` minutes
+        # before it's considered failed
+        "max_runtime": 10,
+        # It'll take `failure_issue_threshold` consecutive failed
+        # check-ins to create an issue
+        "failure_issue_threshold": 1,
+        # It'll take `recovery_threshold` OK check-ins to resolve
+        # an issue
+        "recovery_threshold": 1,
+    }
+    def get_monitor(self, modname):
+        monitor_slug = f"metrics-{modname}"
+        return self.Monitor(monitor_slug, self._monitor_config)
+    class Monitor:
+        def __init__(self, monitor_slug, monitor_config):
+            self.monitor_slug = monitor_slug
+            self.monitor_config = monitor_config
+            self.check_in_id = None
+        def _checkin(self, status):
+            check_in_id = capture_checkin(
+                monitor_slug=self.monitor_slug,
+                monitor_config=self.monitor_config,
+                status=status,
+                check_in_id=self.check_in_id,
+            )
+            if not self.check_in_id:
+                self.check_in_id = check_in_id
+        def in_progress(self):
+            self._checkin(status=MonitorStatus.IN_PROGRESS)
+        def ok(self):
+            self._checkin(status=MonitorStatus.OK)
+        def error(self):
+            self._checkin(status=MonitorStatus.ERROR)
diff --git a/metrics/sentry/sentry.py b/metrics/sentry/sentry.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a713bc..0000000
--- a/metrics/sentry/sentry.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sentry_sdk
-def init():
-    sentry_sdk.init(
-        dsn=os.environ.get("SENTRY_DSN"),
-    )
-monitor_config = {
-    "schedule": {"type": "crontab", "value": "@daily"},
-    "timezone": "Etc/UTC",
-    # If an expected check-in doesn't come in `checkin_margin`
-    # minutes, it'll be considered missed
-    "checkin_margin": 30,
-    # The check-in is allowed to run for `max_runtime` minutes
-    # before it's considered failed
-    "max_runtime": 10,
-    # It'll take `failure_issue_threshold` consecutive failed
-    # check-ins to create an issue
-    "failure_issue_threshold": 1,
-    # It'll take `recovery_threshold` OK check-ins to resolve
-    # an issue
-    "recovery_threshold": 1,
diff --git a/metrics/tasks/__main__.py b/metrics/tasks/__main__.py
index bb9f7d4..43256aa 100644
--- a/metrics/tasks/__main__.py
+++ b/metrics/tasks/__main__.py
@@ -1,39 +1,26 @@
 import pkgutil
 import structlog
-from sentry_sdk.crons import capture_checkin
-from sentry_sdk.crons.consts import MonitorStatus
 import metrics.tasks
-from metrics.sentry import sentry
+from metrics.sentry.cron import Cron
 log = structlog.get_logger()
+sentry_cron = Cron()
 for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(metrics.tasks.__path__):
     if modname != "__main__":
         log.info(f"Found {modname}")
-        monitor_slug = f"metrics-{modname}"
-        status = MonitorStatus.IN_PROGRESS
-        check_in_id = capture_checkin(
-            monitor_slug=monitor_slug,
-            status=status,
-            monitor_config=sentry.monitor_config,
-        )
+        monitor = sentry_cron.get_monitor(modname)
+        monitor.in_progress()
-            status = MonitorStatus.OK
+            monitor.ok()
         except AttributeError as error:
             log.error(f"Skipping {modname} because {error}")
-            status = MonitorStatus.ERROR
+            monitor.error()
         except Exception as exc:
             log.error(f"Failed to run {modname} because because an error occurred.")
-            status = MonitorStatus.ERROR
-        finally:
-            capture_checkin(
-                monitor_slug=monitor_slug,
-                status=status,
-                monitor_config=sentry.monitor_config,
-            )
+            monitor.error()