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139 lines (105 loc) · 4.82 KB



  • Linux (Windows is not officially supported)
  • Python 3.5+
  • PyTorch 1.1 or higher
  • CUDA 9.0 or higher
  • NCCL 2
  • GCC 4.9 or higher
  • mmcv 0.2.16

We have tested the following versions of OS and softwares:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 and CentOS 7.2
  • CUDA: 9.0/9.2/10.0/10.1
  • NCCL: 2.1.15/2.2.13/2.3.7/2.4.2
  • GCC(G++): 4.9/5.3/5.4/7.3

Install SOLO

a. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

conda create -n solo python=3.7 -y
conda activate solo

b. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the official instructions, e.g.,

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

c. Clone the SOLO repository.

git clone

d. Install build requirements and then install SOLO. (We install pycocotools via the github repo instead of pypi because the pypi version is old and not compatible with the latest numpy.)

pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install "git+"
pip install -v -e .  # or "python develop"


  1. The git commit id will be written to the version number with step d, e.g. 0.6.0+2e7045c. The version will also be saved in trained models. It is recommended that you run step d each time you pull some updates from github. If C++/CUDA codes are modified, then this step is compulsory.

  2. Following the above instructions, SOLO is installed on dev mode, any local modifications made to the code will take effect without the need to reinstall it (unless you submit some commits and want to update the version number).

  3. If you would like to use opencv-python-headless instead of opencv-python, you can install it before installing MMCV.

  4. Some dependencies are optional. Simply running pip install -v -e . will only install the minimum runtime requirements. To use optional dependencies like albumentations and imagecorruptions either install them manually with pip install -r requirements/optional.txt or specify desired extras when calling pip (e.g. pip install -v -e .[optional]). Valid keys for the extras field are: all, tests, build, and optional.

Another option: Docker Image

We provide a Dockerfile to build an image.

# build an image with PyTorch 1.1, CUDA 10.0 and CUDNN 7.5
docker build -t SOLO docker/

Prepare datasets

It is recommended to symlink the dataset root to $SOLO/data. If your folder structure is different, you may need to change the corresponding paths in config files.

├── mmdet
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── coco
│   │   ├── annotations
│   │   ├── train2017
│   │   ├── val2017
│   │   ├── test2017
│   ├── cityscapes
│   │   ├── annotations
│   │   ├── train
│   │   ├── val
│   ├── VOCdevkit
│   │   ├── VOC2007
│   │   ├── VOC2012

The cityscapes annotations have to be converted into the coco format using the cityscapesScripts toolbox. We plan to provide an easy to use conversion script. For the moment we recommend following the instructions provided in the maskrcnn-benchmark toolbox. When using this script all images have to be moved into the same folder. On linux systems this can e.g. be done for the train images with:

cd data/cityscapes/
mv train/*/* train/

A from-scratch setup script

Here is a full script for setting up SOLO with conda and link the dataset path (supposing that your COCO dataset path is $COCO_ROOT).

conda create -n solo python=3.7 -y
conda activate solo

conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision -y
conda install cython -y
git clone
pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install "git+"
pip install -v -e .

mkdir data
ln -s $COCO_ROOT data

Using multiple MMDetection versions

If there are more than one mmdetection on your machine, and you want to use them alternatively, the recommended way is to create multiple conda environments and use different environments for different versions.

Another way is to insert the following code to the main scripts (, or any other scripts you run)

import os.path as osp
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)), '../'))

Or run the following command in the terminal of corresponding folder to temporally use the current one.