每条Arbitrum链都包含了原生的、预编译的Address Table Registry合约。该合约允许用户注册一个地址,并将其映射至某些索引上,可用来检索地址,以节省calldata字节。
/** @title Precompiled contract that exists in every Arbitrum chain at 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000066.
* Allows registering / retrieving addresses at uint indices, saving calldata.
interface ArbAddressTable {
* @notice Register an address in the address table
* @param addr address to register
* @return index of the address (existing index, or newly created index if not already registered)
function register(address addr) external returns(uint);
* @param addr address to lookup
* @return index of an address in the address table (revert if address isn't in the table)
function lookup(address addr) external view returns(uint);
* @notice Check whether an address exists in the address table
* @param addr address to check for presence in table
* @return true if address is in table
function addressExists(address addr) external view returns(bool);
* @return size of address table (= first unused index)
function size() external view returns(uint);
* @param index index to lookup address
* @return address at a given index in address table (revert if index is beyond end of table)
function lookupIndex(uint index) external view returns(address);
* @notice read a compressed address from a bytes buffer
* @param buf bytes buffer containing an address
* @param offset offset of target address
* @return resulting address and updated offset into the buffer (revert if buffer is too short)
function decompress(bytes calldata buf, uint offset) external pure returns(address, uint);
* @notice compress an address and return the result
* @param addr address to compress
* @return compressed address bytes
function compress(address addr) external returns(bytes memory);
用例请见Arbiswap Demo。
arb-ts中有序列化的方法(以及与Address Table合约互动的方法)。
用例请见Arbiswap Demo:
合约 | 地址 |
ArbSys | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000064 |
ArbRetryableTx | 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006E |
ArbGasInfo | 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006C |
NodeInterface | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000C8 |
ArbStatistics | 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006F |
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