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+![hetzner-logo-banner](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/5b3b5a63-33ae-41d6-bcff-6a25744db465 "Hetzner Logo")
+We've made the switch to `Hetzner`,
+we think you should too.
+# Why?
+After more than a decade using various "Cloud" providers
+including all the _Big_ Tech (`AWS`, `Azure`, `GCP`, `DigitalOcean`, `Linode`)
+and many PaaS such as Lambda, Fly.io, Heroku, Vercel, etc.
+we've finally bitten the bullet and gone _back_ to our roots; Servers!
+## Brief Aside on Motivation
+There two types of motivation: towards and away.
+**Toward** is the **_positive_** motivation such as getting fit/healthy.
+**Away** motivation is when we want to _avoid_ something, like being unfit.
+Both types of motivation have their place.
+Some people are exclusively motivated by loss/pain/risk aversion,
+while others are driven by gain/reward/returns and downplay the downside.
+I go through phases of being super risk averse
+and others when I'm happy to take calculated risks
+that others who haven't done the math think are _crazy_.
+In the case of self-hosting our web apps on barebones servers,
+we have _plenty_ of experience from the pre-AWS days.
+Yes, this ages us, but the experience was formative.
+And means I'm not afraid to dive in.
+I'm motivated _away_ from the
+[data loss]()
+we experienced on `Fly.io`
+and _toward_ the high availability/affordability of `Hetzner`.
+I know this will require some setup/config work,
+but I am not deterred
+## Recommended Reading
++ `Hetzner` sustainability report:
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