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integrate cleanup with fsharp4
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dsyme committed Apr 10, 2015
2 parents c6ffdb6 + bb09bb3 commit 31777c7
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Showing 90 changed files with 4,481 additions and 4,781 deletions.
51 changes: 23 additions & 28 deletions src/absil/il.fs
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Expand Up @@ -215,22 +215,18 @@ module SHA1 =
else k60to79

type chan = SHABytes of byte[]
type sha_instream =
{ stream: chan;
type SHAStream =
{ stream: byte[];
mutable pos: int;
mutable eof: bool; }

let rot_left32 x n = (x <<< n) ||| (x >>>& (32-n))
let rotLeft32 x n = (x <<< n) ||| (x >>>& (32-n))

let inline sha_eof sha = sha.eof

(* padding and length (in bits!) recorded at end *)
let sha_after_eof sha =

// padding and length (in bits!) recorded at end
let shaAfterEof sha =
let n = sha.pos
let len =
(match with
| SHABytes s -> s.Length)
let len =
if n = len then 0x80
let padded_len = (((len + 9 + 63) / 64) * 64) - 8
Expand All @@ -245,22 +241,21 @@ module SHA1 =
elif (n &&& 63) = 63 then (sha.eof <- true; int32 (int64 len * int64 8) &&& 0xff)
else 0x0

let sha_read8 sha =
let b =
match with
| SHABytes s -> if sha.pos >= s.Length then sha_after_eof sha else int32 s.[sha.pos]
sha.pos <- sha.pos + 1;
let shaRead8 sha =
let s =
let b = if sha.pos >= s.Length then shaAfterEof sha else int32 s.[sha.pos]
sha.pos <- sha.pos + 1

let sha_read32 sha =
let b0 = sha_read8 sha
let b1 = sha_read8 sha
let b2 = sha_read8 sha
let b3 = sha_read8 sha
let shaRead32 sha =
let b0 = shaRead8 sha
let b1 = shaRead8 sha
let b2 = shaRead8 sha
let b3 = shaRead8 sha
let res = (b0 <<< 24) ||| (b1 <<< 16) ||| (b2 <<< 8) ||| b3

let sha1_hash sha =
let sha1Hash sha =
let mutable h0 = 0x67452301
let mutable h1 = 0xEFCDAB89
let mutable h2 = 0x98BADCFE
Expand All @@ -272,21 +267,21 @@ module SHA1 =
let mutable d = 0
let mutable e = 0
let w = Array.create 80 0x00
while (not (sha_eof sha)) do
while (not sha.eof) do
for i = 0 to 15 do
w.[i] <- sha_read32 sha
w.[i] <- shaRead32 sha
for t = 16 to 79 do
w.[t] <- rot_left32 (w.[t-3] ^^^ w.[t-8] ^^^ w.[t-14] ^^^ w.[t-16]) 1
w.[t] <- rotLeft32 (w.[t-3] ^^^ w.[t-8] ^^^ w.[t-14] ^^^ w.[t-16]) 1
a <- h0
b <- h1
c <- h2
d <- h3
e <- h4
for t = 0 to 79 do
let temp = (rot_left32 a 5) + f(t,b,c,d) + e + w.[t] + k(t)
let temp = (rotLeft32 a 5) + f(t,b,c,d) + e + w.[t] + k(t)
e <- d
d <- c
c <- rot_left32 b 30
c <- rotLeft32 b 30
b <- a
a <- temp
h0 <- h0 + a
Expand All @@ -297,7 +292,7 @@ module SHA1 =

let sha1HashBytes s =
let (_h0,_h1,_h2,h3,h4) = sha1_hash { stream = SHABytes s; pos = 0; eof = false } // the result of the SHA algorithm is stored in registers 3 and 4
let (_h0,_h1,_h2,h3,h4) = sha1Hash { stream = s; pos = 0; eof = false } // the result of the SHA algorithm is stored in registers 3 and 4 byte [| b0 h4; b1 h4; b2 h4; b3 h4; b0 h3; b1 h3; b2 h3; b3 h3; |]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/absil/ilascii.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Extensions.ILX.Types
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL

// set to the proper value at build.fs (BuildFrameworkTcImports)
// set to the proper value at CompileOps.fs (BuildFrameworkTcImports)
let parseILGlobals = ref EcmaILGlobals

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/absil/illib.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -465,6 +465,7 @@ module Dictionary =

// FUTURE CLEANUP: remove this adhoc collection
type Hashset<'T> = Dictionary<'T,int>

module Hashset =
let create (n:int) = new Hashset<'T>(n, HashIdentity.Structural)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,6 +499,28 @@ type ResultOrException<'TResult> =
| Result of 'TResult
| Exception of System.Exception

module ResultOrException =

let success a = Result a
let raze (b:exn) = Exception b

// map
let (|?>) res f =
match res with
| Result x -> Result(f x )
| Exception err -> Exception err

let ForceRaise res =
match res with
| Result x -> x
| Exception err -> raise err

let otherwise f x =
match x with
| Result x -> success x
| Exception _err -> f()

// Library: extensions to flat list (immutable arrays)
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