A machine learning project that utilizes Microsoft's ResNet-50 deep image recognition algorithm to arrange images onto a grid by visual similarity. Inspired by reddit user "sp-tron" from their post on r/dataisbeautiful.
First, the unicode characters are generated in Times New Roman font. This is done by creating matplotlib
plots that contain only an AnnotationBbox
containing a TextArea
with each letter and saving each of those plots to an image with a DPI resulting in a resolution of 224x224 (the resolution required for ResNet50 analysis). Then, As a means of saving these files in a more dataset-scalable fashion, I store them as NumPy matrices in h5
format. This gives me the liberty to delete the "letters" folder that contains the original images in order to cut down on potentially large storage if I so choose.
Next, I unpack the h5
file into NumPy matrices for mathematical analysis. I also import the ResNet50 model through Keras' Applications
utility. However, I remove the final layer of this model that classifies a 2048-dimensional vector into one of 1000 image classes. That way, I preserve the "deciding vectors" (as it were) that ResNet50 uses to classify so that I can use them for my own analysis. So now, the output of my modified ResNet50 algorithm simply spits out a 2048-dimensional vector on every image. I preprocess every letter image for use with ResNet and then save each of their resulting high-dimensional vectors.
Because I wish to arrange each of these vectors onto a two-dimensional grid, I use PCA (Principle Component Analysis) to "flatten" the vectors onto a plane that best preserves the variance relationships between each of the vectors. I use SKLearn's PCA
function for this. Now that I have each vector on a two-dimensional plane, I must arrange them into grid positions. To do this, I use SciPy's Linear Sum Assignment solver to assign each vector to a position on the grid that minimizes the distance that it must move from its original PCA-assigned position (minimizes "cost"). I then plot each vector's corresponding letter image on the grid to view the arrangement in MatPlotLib using OffsetImage
To separate each of these letters into three "classes of letters" by visual similarity, I go back to the 2048-dimensional vectors that ResNet50 gave us. I want to cluster on these vectors instead of on the two-dimensional projections because a lot of spatial information is lost through PCA, so my clusters would be less true to ResNet50's interpretation. I apply SKLearn's K-Means clustering to classify each of these high-dimensional vectors into three classes. Then, not similarly our original arrangement plot, I re-plot the letter images and plot over them an semi-transparent empty TextArea
whose color corresponds to their class.
Finally, I generate "pseudo-sentences" using each of these letter systems for the sole purpose of driving home the point about how these letter classes do look different from one another when compared side-by-side. This is done by randomly sampling from each class for 99-long "sentences."