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114 lines (94 loc) · 6.87 KB


what sort of things do you have access to, as a drifter? (this documentation may be out of date, but is hopefully useful anyway)

  • Drifter

    • variables:
      • DirsOrthogonal - a constant list of Vector2s for the 4 orthogonal directions
      • DirsAdjacent - a constant list of Vector2s for the 8 adjacent directions
      • cell:Vector2 - where is the drifter on the grid
      • world:World - the garden world
      • dead:bool - is the drifter dead
      • script variables e.g. guts, major_element, evolve_skip_odds, immovable
      • target_scale:Vector2 - the scale factor to apply to the drifter (will slowly approach)
      • target_rotation_degrees:Vector2 - the rotation (0-360) to apply to the drifter (will slowly approach)
    • methods:
      • note that you don't directly do anything, you just register intents with the game system, which will resolve everyone's intents after everyone has a chance to evolve
      • drifter.intend_die() - die
      • drifter.intend_kill(dir:Vector2) - kill whatever is in the given direction
      • drifter.intend_spawn(respath:String, dir:Vector2) - spawn a drifter in a direction
      • drifter.intend_move(dir:Vector2) - move in a direction (swapping with whatever you run into)
      • drifter.intend_move_and_leave(dir:Vector2, respath:String) - move in a direction and leave the given drifter behind
      • drifter.intend_transmute(respath:String) - kill the drifter and replace it with another
      • drifter.intend_clone(dir:Vector2) - make a copy of the drifter in the given direction
      • drifter.vibiest_dir(dirs:Array,weights:Dictionary) -> Vector2 - find the vibiest direction, weighted by the given elemental weights
      • drifter.max_vibe_at_dir(dirs:Array,weights:Dictionary) -> Vector2 - an alias for vibiest_dir
      • drifter.max_vibe_nearby_dir(dirs:Array,weights:Dictionary) -> Vector2 - kind of like vibiest_dir/max_vibe_at_dir, except uses vibe_nearby to score each dir instead of vibe_at. basically, it's a bit more complicated
  • World

    • methods:
      • world.vibe_at(cell:Vector2) - the vibe at a single cell in particular
      • world.vibe_nearby(cell:Vector2) - a weighted sum of the vibes of the 8 nearby tiles
      • world.intend_kill_at(cell:Vector2)
      • world.intend_spawn_at(respath:String, cell:Vector2)
      • world.intend_move_to(drifter:Drifter, cell:Vector2)
      • world.intend_move_from_to(cell1:Vector2, cell2:Vector2) - move whatever is at cell1 to cell2
      • world.log(msg:String) - print a message for the player about what just happened
  • Vibe

    • methods:
      • vibe.get_guts() -> int
      • vibe.get_fire() -> int
      • vibe.get_water() -> int
      • vibe.get_earth() -> int
      • vibe.get_grass() -> int
      • vibe.get_wind() -> int
      • vibe.get_sand() -> int
      • vibe.get_gem() -> int
      • vibe.get_coal() -> int
      • vibe.get_element(typeid:Element) -> int - use one of the above instead, probably
      • vibe.max_element() -> String - the most present element
      • vibe.min_element() -> String - the least present element. note that this will probably be many elements with 0 vibe, and it just chooses the first one every time (usually "Fire")
      • vibe.weight_by(other:Vibe or Dictionary) -> float - basically a vector dot product. mulitply the vibe's elements by the other vibe's elements pairwise, and sum all those products together into a single score.


for example, if the othercell contains a drifter with major/minor elements Fire/Gem and guts 50, var vibe = world.vibe_at(othercell) will have:

  • vibe.get_fire() == 3 (3 points from major element)
  • vibe.get_gem() == 1 (1 point from minor element)
  • vibe.get_guts() == 50

it's a little strange that guts are returned as part of the vibe object, but that can be useful; see vibiest_dir

middle-click in-game to see vibe_at the mouse cursor


the weights are specifically like this; (a,b), where a scales the major element and b scales the minor element:

  (1,0) (3,1) (1,0)
  (3,1) (0,0) (3,1)
  (1,0) (3,1) (1,0)

(the (0,0) weight in the center there represents the center cell)

here's an example:


this is a 2D map where @ represents your drifter, A represents a drifter with major/minor elements Fire/Gem and guts 50, and B represents a drifter with major/minor elements Fire/Coal and guts 10. Then, if the current drifter (@) calls var vibe = world.vibe_nearby(cell), the returned vibe will have:

  • vibe.get_fire() == 4 (3 points from A and 1 point from B)
  • vibe.get_gem() == 1 (1 point from A)
  • vibe.get_guts() == 60

middle-click in-game to see vibe_nearby the mouse cursor


gets the vibe in each given direction, and then evaluates each vibe according to the weights you give it. then, returns the direction with the highest vibe score.

for example, to find a direction with high Fire and low Grass (and additionally avoid existing things via Guts), use this:

var dir:Vector2 = vibiest_dir(DirsAdjacent,{"Fire":1, "Grass":-1, "Guts":-0.01})

given the same example as above (with @, A and B), the algorithm works like this:

  • for each of the 8 dirs in DirsAdjacent:
    • evaluate var vibe = world.vibe_at(dir) . For example:
      • in the direction of A, vibe will have Fire: 3, Gem: 1, Guts: 50 (0 for other elements)
      • in the direction of B, vibe will have Fire: 3, Coal: 1, Guts: 10 (0 for other elements)
      • in the empty directions, vibe will have 0 for all elements.
    • mulitply this vibe pairwise with the given weights to get a score. For example:
      • in the direction of A, score will equal 3*1 (fire) + 1*0 (gem) + 0*-1 (grass) + 50*-0.01 (guts) which is 3+0+0-0.5 == 2.5
      • in the direction of B, score will equal 3*1 (fire) + 1*0 (coal) + 0*-1 (grass) + 10*-0.01 (guts) which is 3+0+0-0.1 == 2.9
      • in the empty directions, score will be 0.
    • each score gets randomly shifted by a value between 0.0 and 1.0. then, the maximum score is found and the direction is returned. In this example, that will likely be the direction of B, but will sometimes be the direction of A depending on how the random shifting goes


this is exactly the same as vibiest_dir (aka max_vibe_nearby_dir), except it evaluates var vibe = world.vibe_nearby(dir) instead of var vibe = world.vibe_at(dir) for each dir.

basically, this function looks for the direction where the drifter will enjoy their surroundings most, (by taking into account the surroundings tiles of the tile in that direction) rather than just looking at a single tile's vibe in each direction.