Brackets theme update and MacOSX anti-aliasing fix.
Navigate to the www folder.
/Applications/Brackets Sprint
C:\Program Files (x86)\Brackets Sprint 23\www
Make a backup of your brackets.less and brackets_theme_default.less. Replace them with the files in this repository.
You can modify the font size at line 123 and 124. It may be to large for your screen size.
.code-font() {
color: @content-color;
// line-height must be specified in px not em because the code font and line number font sizes are different.
// Sizing via em will cause the code and line numbers to misalign
line-height: 22px;
font-size: 17px;
font-family: 'SourceCodePro', "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", monospace;