This project is for bridging the worldcoin state (such as the merkle root) from ethereum to scroll.
note: for a working project please checkout the code from:
The task at hand was maintained in:
For this task we need to create and deploy the following contracts to scroll:
ScrollWorldID.sol - maintain the state of worldcoin merklet root
ScrollStateBridge.sol - Entry point for distributing the world id manager roots to scroll
These have already been implemented for optimism and have now been altered for scroll. unit test for the state bridge can be found in ScrollStateBridge.t.sol
The deployment script has been altered for scroll integration, details of the commit can be found in:
Ensure to install foundry ,node, yarn, make foundry: node: yarn: make:
make install
Build the contracts:
make build
Run the tests:
make test
Once the project is fully compiled and built, the abis and interfaces will be generated in the out dir. copy over the .env.example to .env and create a key pair wallet in metamask or through forge and update the PRIVATE_KEY env var DEPLOYER_ADDRESS.
Ensure to fund this wallet with sepolia eth and scroll sepolia eth to bridge and update the state of the worldcoin merkle root.
make deploy-testnet
Do you want to load configuration from prior runs? [Y/n]: Y