Template for Löve2D, to speed up game development
You'll want to draw your own icon, most likely.
It's there to show conf.lua syntax.
Includes a bunch'a 3-letter abbreviations. See inside for details.
You could type out 'love.graphics' everytime, or just 'gra' with this template.
Simply type out the first 3 letters of the Love module you wish to use.
To use this, you'll need Löve2d
Linux: enter dir, then type
love .
Win, Mac: drag folder on Love shortcut
for more info, see https://love2d.org/wiki/Getting_Started
Android: use any file manager that lets you Open As...
Open a .love file as other, complete action using Löve for Android.
Alternatively, open the folder, and do the same thing with main.lua
The spacing is so I can explain it to my kid.
'space space equals' accentuates the difference between = and ==
You'll see inside the code. It's not that hard to figure out.
Lua doesn't mind spacing, so you can do a
find 'space dot' and replace with 'dot' easily enough,
substitute 'space space equals' with 'equals' if you prefer.
The idea is to make Lua games easy.
If my kid can get it, you can too.
YouTube clips to help speed up the learning process.
I hate "Learn X programming language in an Hour" vids,
'cuz they skim over everything, to cram it all in.
That said, this one is decent.
Learn Lua in an Hour - by Tyler Neylon
CS50's Introduction to Game Development
Here's a playlist that breaks down the steps involved.
Make your own game - by goature
I got the simple gamestate-management from his vid 14.
Here's a cheat-sheet that's decent, easier than listening to the guy rattle on.
I've watched a ton of Lua vids, and that might be the best way,
'cuz you'll get something from one, and something else from another.
Obviously, you'll want to refer to the Love2D wiki, and Lua docs.
You might find useful source code examples in other GitHub projects,
or games at itch.io https://itch.io/games/tag-love2d
Reddit is a good source for info.
To try out code, you can type lua
in your comand prompt / console, to get an interactive interpreter.
No exit command, must tap (Linux, Mac) Ctrl-D or (Win) Ctrl-Z, to exit.
Can try out snippets of code online
If you're stumped, can look / ask at StackOverflow,
but their whole conversational ranking system sux.