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159 lines (119 loc) · 2.79 KB

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159 lines (119 loc) · 2.79 KB

Day 12

  • Optional

Handling missing data

var age: Int? = nil
age = 38

Unwrapping optionals

var name: String? = nil

if let unwrapped = name {
  print("\(unwrapped.count) letters")
} else {
  print("Missing name.")

Unwrapping with guard

func greet(_ name: String?) {
  guard let unwrapped = name else {
    print("You didn't provide a name!")
  print("Hello, \(unwrapped)!")

Force unwrapping

let str = "5"
let num = Int(str)!

Implicitly unwrapped optionals

let age1: Int! = nil

Nil coalescing

func username(for id: Int) -> String? {
  if id == 1 {
    return "Taylor Swift"
  } else {
    return nil

let user = username(for: 15) ?? "Anonymous"

Optional chaining

let names = ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"]
let beatle = names.first?.uppercased()

Optional try

enum PasswordError: Error {
  case obvious

func checkPassword(_ password: String) throws -> Bool {
  if password == "password" {
    throw PasswordError.obvious
  return true

do {
  try checkPassword("password")
  print("That password is good!")
} catch {
  print("You can't use that password.")

if let result = try? checkPassword("password") {
  print("Result was \(result)")
} else {

try! checkPassword("sekrit")

Failable initializers

let str1 = "5"
let num2 = Int(str)

struct Person {
  var id: String
  init?(id: String) {
    if id.count == 9 { = id
    } else {
      return nil


class Animal { }
class Fish: Animal { }

class Dog: Animal {
  func makeNoise() {

let pets = [Fish(), Dog(), Fish(), Dog()]

for pet in pets {
  if let dog = pet as? Dog {

Optionals summary

  • Optionals let us represent the absence of a value in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • Swift won’t let us use optionals without unwrapping them, either using if let or using guard let.
  • You can force unwrap optionals with an exclamation mark, but if you try to force unwrap nil your code will crash.
  • Implicitly unwrapped optionals don’t have the safety checks of regular optionals.
  • You can use nil coalescing to unwrap an optional and provide a default value if there was nothing inside.
  • Optional chaining lets us write code to manipulate an optional, but if the optional turns out to be empty the code is ignored.
  • You can use try? to convert a throwing function into an optional return value, or try! to crash if an error is thrown.
  • If you need your initializer to fail when it’s given bad input, use init?() to make a failable initializer.
  • You can use typecasting to convert one type of object to another.