- Fixed machine caffeination.
- Added GDBM Homebrew install.
- Added Key Codes to README App Store list.
- Added Leech to README App Store list.
- Added OpenSSL OSX CA Homebrew install.
- Added chruby Homebrew install.
- Added gpg-agent Homebrew install.
- Added libffi Homebrew install.
- Added libyaml Homebrew install.
- Added ruby-install Homebrew install.
- Updated Opera download URL.
- Updated to Alfred 2.8.4_437.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.16.
- Updated to Dotfiles 21.0.0.
- Updated to Firefox 46.0.0.
- Updated to Ruby 2.3.1.
- Updated to Ruby Setup 4.0.0.
- Updated to Tor Browser 5.5.5.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.18.
- Updated to Virtual Box 5.0.20.
- Updated to Vivaldi 1.1.453.47.
- Removed GHI Homebrew install.
- Removed hub Homebrew install.
- Removed launch process support during application setup.
- Removed rbenv support.
- Added Elasticsearch Homebrew install.
- Added RescueTime app install.
- Added Vivaldi app install.
- Added direnv Homebrew install.
- Updated GitHub issue and pull request templates.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.17.
- Fixed Homebrew install of OpenSSL.
- Fixed README broken links.
- Fixed contributing guideline links.
- Added GitHub issue and pull request templates.
- Added Elm Sublime Text Extension
- Added Elm Homebrew install.
- Added Medis to the README App Store section.
- Added SurfEasy VPN application install.
- Added htop Homebrew install.
- Updated README post install steps.
- Updated to Alfred 2.8.3.
- Updated to AppCleaner 3.3.
- Updated to Carbon Copy Cloner 4.1.7.
- Updated to CheatSheet 1.2.3.
- Updated to Code of Conduct, Version 1.4.0.
- Updated to Dotfiles 20.0.0.
- Updated to Firefox 45.0.1.
- Updated to HandBrake 0.10.5.
- Updated to NPM Setup 0.9.0.
- Updated to Opera 36.0.2130.
- Updated to PG Admin 1.22.1.
- Updated to Sequel Pro
- Updated to Sublime Text 3, Build 3103.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 4.0.0.
- Updated to TorBrowser 5.5.4.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.16.
- Updated to VLC 2.2.2.
- Updated to VirtualBox 5.0.16.
- Removed GIF Brewery from README App Store list.
- Removed GitUp application install.
- Removed IconJar application installer.
- Removed KeyCastr.
- Removed Screenhero application install.
- Removed Sequel Pro.
- Removed Speak application install.
- Fixed printing of application install downloads.
- Updated to Carbon Copy Cloner
- Updated to Dotfiles 19.0.0.
- Updated to Firefox 43.0.3.
- Updated to Go Setup 0.3.0.
- Updated to IconJar 0.81.
- Updated to KeyCaster 0.9.2.
- Updated to NPM Setup 0.8.0.
- Updated to Open Office 4.1.2.
- Updated to Opera 34.0.2036.25.
- Updated to Ruby 2.3.0.
- Updated to Ruby Setup 3.1.0.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 3.3.0.
- Updated to Tor Browser 5.0.6.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.11.
- Updated to Transmit 4.4.10.
- Updated to VirtualBox 5.0.12-104815.
- Fixed OS X reinstall command key README documentation.
- Added Patreon badge to README.
- Added HandBrake application install.
- Updated README post-install checklist.
- Updated README with Tocer generated Table of Contents.
- Updated to Alfred 2.8.1.
- Updated to AppCleaner 3.2.1.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.15.
- Updated to Code of Conduct 1.3.0.
- Updated to Dotfiles 18.1.0.
- Updated to Firefox 42.0.
- Updated to KeyCastr 0.9.0.
- Updated to Opera 33.0.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 3.2.0.
- Updated to Tor 5.0.4.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.10.
- Updated to VirtualBox 5.0.10.
- Fixed "gpg" binary verification error.
- Fixed PostgreSQL setup.
- Fixed Vim Pathogen extension URL.
- Fixed bug with single file install.
- Fixed export of repository settings.
- Fixed link to DoubleTake download.
- Fixed setup of default desktop background.
- Added GPG Homebrew install.
- Added HTTPie Homebrew install.
- Added KeyCastr app install.
- Added Rust Homebrew install.
- Added Sublime Text - Sublime SCSS Lint extension.
- Added Tor Browser install.
- Added Vim Homebrew install.
- Added Watchman Homebrew install.
- Added project name to README.
- Added table of contents to README.
- Updated PSequel URL to always be the latest download.
- Updated README with El Capitan details.
- Updated application/extension installs to not show status.
- Updated ksdiff install to always download the latest version.
- Updated to Alfred 2.8.
- Updated to AppCleaner 3.0.2.
- Updated to Bartender 2.
- Updated to Carbon Copy Cloner 4.1.4.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.14.
- Updated to CloudApp 3.5.3.
- Updated to Code of Conduct 1.2.0.
- Updated to Dotfiles 18.0.0.
- Updated to Firefox 41.0.
- Updated to Go Setup 0.2.0.
- Updated to IconJar 0.7.
- Updated to Knox 2.3.2.
- Updated to Marked 2.
- Updated to NPM Setup 0.7.0.
- Updated to Opera 32.0.
- Updated to Ruby 2.2.3.
- Updated to Ruby Setup 3.0.0.
- Updated to Sequel Pro 1.1.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 3.1.0.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.9.
- Updated to VirtualBox 5.0.6.
- Updated to iTerm 2.1.4.
- Removed Acorn app install.
- Removed CloudApp install.
- Removed Google Chrome extensions.
- Removed JRuby support.
- Removed Snippets application install.
- Removed cleaning of download directory message during install.
- Removed verbose output from image mounts during install.
- Removed Atom (editor) support.
- Removed CoBook from App Store software list.
- Removed LittleSnapper from the App Store list.
- Removed Mackup Homebrew install.
- Removed SYSTEM_DOMAIN global variable.
- Removed Twitter from README App Store list (replaced by Tweetbot).
- Removed Witch from the README App Store list.
- Removed rbenv variable settings from setup script.
- Removed the Git Sublime Text extension.
- Removed the Homebrew peco tap.
- Removed the Rubinius install and related setup.
- Removed the Sublime Xiki extension.
- Fixed .gemrc setup.
- Fixed hanging script with invalid option.
- Fixed improper use of global repository variables in setup script.
- Updated EasyMotion extension for Sublime Text 3.
- Updated Sublime Linter extension for Sublime Text 3.
- Updated Sublime Color Highligher extension for Sublime Text 3.
- Updated
options so 'w' option is part of manage section. - Updated
options to use "Setup" instead of "Install". - Updated
work directory option description. - Updated default desktop image.
- Updated installing/installed application/extension messages.
- Updated to Alfred 2.6.374.
- Updated to AppCleaner 2.3.
- Updated to Carbon Copy Cloner
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.11.
- Updated to Dotfiles 16.0.0.
- Updated to Firefox 38.0.5.
- Updated to Go Setup 0.1.2.
- Updated to JRuby
- Updated to Knox 2.3.1.
- Updated to NPM Setup 0.6.0.
- Updated to Opera 29.0.1795.60.
- Updated to Rubinius 2.5.2.
- Updated to Ruby 2.2.2.
- Updated to Ruby Setup 2.0.0.
- Updated to Sublime Text 3.
- Updated to Sublime Text Setup 3.0.0.
- Updated to Trailer 1.3.4.
- Updated to VLC 2.2.1.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.28-100309.
- Updated to iTerm 2.1.1.
- Added Find My Mac to post install checklist.
- Added MoneyWell to the App Store list.
- Added CloudApp install.
- Added Colorized Cat Homebrew install.
- Added Ember to the README App Store list.
- Added FZF Homebrew install.
- Added Iconjar app install.
- Added Sketch to the README App Store list.
- Added Sublime Text - AutoFileName extension.
- Added Sublime Text - JSCS Formatter extension.
- Added Sublime Text - JSCS Linter extension.
- Added Sublime Text - Rubocop extension.
- Added asciinema Homebrew install.
- Added pgcli Homebrew install.
- Added basic .gemrc config for Ruby setup.
- Added code of conduct documentation.
- Added application reinstall support.
- Added extension reinstall support.
- Added repository settings support.
- Added the Gifsicle Homebrew install.
- Added the GitUp application install.
- Added the Speak app install.
- Added the ksdiff app install.
- Fixed VLC install.
- Updated to Ruby 2.2.0.
- Updated to JRuby 1.7.18.
- Updated to Firefox 34.0.5.
- Updated to Opera 26.0.1656.60.
- Updated to PG Admin 1.20.0.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.9.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.20.
- Updated to Trailer 1.1.5.
- Updated to Carbon Copy Cloner
- Updated to Dotfiles v14.1.0.
- Added PSequel install.
- Updated to Ruby 2.1.5.
- Updated application uninstall process to use sudo.
- Added support for installation of OSX QuickLook extensions.
- Added QuickLook Plain Text install.
- Updated
to use new Sublime Text Setup repository.
- Removed the rbenv-default-gems Homebrew install.
- Removed the rbenv-gem-rehash Homebrew install.
- Removed the rbenv-binstubs Homebrew install.
- Removed the Delicious Library application.
- Removed the CodeKit application.
- Removed the Colloquy application.
- Removed the SSHFS Homebrew install.
- Removed the Slimer.js Homebrew install.
- Removed the Chrome Canary application install.
- Removed MySQL support.
- Removed the preferencs.sh (use setup.sh instead).
- Fixed installation of background image.
- Fixed rbenv setup.
- Fixed bug with dotfiles setup where default .bash_profile wasn't removed.
- Fixed setup and launch of PostgreSQL, Nginx, Memcached, and Redis processes.
- Added Mackup Homebrew install.
- Added Mecurial Homebrew install.
- Added Terminal Notifier Homebrew install.
- Added Go Setup to setup.sh script.
- Added CONTROL+SCROLL zoom defaults.
- Added defaults for disabled Safari search queries (normally sent to Apple).
- Added Mail COMMAND+ENTER shortcut for sending mail to defaults.
- Added App Store defaults that enable development tools.
- Added the ability to uninstall managed software applications.
- Added the ability to uninstall managed software extensions.
- Added Homebrew status checks.
- Added Atom setup for atom and apm CLI commands.
- Added guard check for previously installed brew command.
- Added option for machine caffeination.
- Added Slack Multi-Team Beta download link to README.
- Added Witch workaround for Yosemite to README.
- Updated setup.sh script to install, instead of link, Sublime Text settings.
- Updated setup.sh to install dotfiles last.
- Updated to Ruby 2.1.4.
- Updated to Alfred
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.8.
- Updated to Firefox 33.0.1.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.18-96516.
- Updated to Trailer 1.0.40.
- Updated Dropbox URL to always download latest version.
- Updated menu bar defaults to exclude Time Machine.
- Updated system defaults to disable smart quotes.
- Updated system defaults to disable smart dashes.
- Updated system label and name defaults.
- Updated README with Yosemite instructions.
- Updated option prompt descriptions.
- Refactored install_tar_app function so that decompression options are, in fact, optional.
- Refactored Pow install to setup.sh script.
- Removed the OmniFocus install (use App Store instead).
- Removed the Air Display install.
- Updated to iTerm 2.0.
- Updated to iStat Menus 4.22.
- Updated to Alfred 2.4.279.
- Updated to MRI 2.1.3.
- Updated to Rubinius 2.2.10.
- Updated to JRuby 1.7.16.
- Updated to TextExpander 4.3.2.
- Updated to VLC 2.1.5.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.7.
- Updated to Virtual Box 4.3.14.
- Updated to Trailer 1.0.38.
- Updated to PathFinder 7.
- Updated to Firefox 32.0.3.
- Updated to Opera 24.0.1558.64.
- Updated to Transmit 4.4.8.
- Updated to CodeKit 17908.
- Updated to OpenOffice 4.1.0.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.16-95972.
- Updated README post-install steps.
- Added Peco Homebrew install.
- Added ShellCheck homebrew install.
- Added Sonos install.
- Added Carbon Copy Cloner install.
- Added Sublime Text - Keymaps Extension extension.
- Added Sublime Text — Markdown Extended extension.
- Added Atom install.
- Added Atom - Project Manager extension.
- Added Atom - Git+ extension.
- Added Atom - Vim Mode extension.
- Added Atom - Ruby Test extension.
- Added Atom - CTags extension.
- Added Atom - Autocomplete Paths extension.
- Added Atom - Autocomplete Plus extension.
- Added Atom - Color Picker extension.
- Added Atom - Dash extension.
- Added Atom - Easy Motion extension.
- Added Atom - Emmet extension.
- Added Atom - IPlastic Syntax extension.
- Added Atom - Linter extension.
- Added Atom - Linter (CSS) extension.
- Added Atom - Linter (JSHint) extension.
- Added Atom - Linter (Rubocop) extension.
- Added Atom - Linter (Ruby) extension.
- Added Atom - Linter (SCSS).
- Added Atom - Linter(ShellCheck) extension.
- Added Atom - Local HIstory extension.
- Added Atom - Rails RSpec extension.
- Added Atom - Reveal Active File Context extension.
- Added Atom - Ruby Slim extension.
- Added Atom - Tab Move Key extension.
- Added Atom - Toggle Quotes extension.
- Added Atom - Trailing Spaces extension.
- Added Atom - Wrap Lines extension.
- Added Atom - Yosemite Unity UI extension.
- Added Atom - Open Last Project extension.
- Added Atom - TODO Show extension.
- Added Atom - Pain Split extension.
- Added Atom - Inline Autocomplete extension.
- Added Atom - File Icons extension.
- Added Atom - Git Tab Status extension.
- Added Atom - Git History extension.
- Added Atom - Key Peek extension.
- Added Atom - Live Archive extension.
- Refactored the download_installer() function to accept full URL (including file name) and file name as the second parameter.
- Fixed Doxie download and install.
- Fixed Air Display install.
- Fixed SSHFS setup.
- Fixed bug with export of RUBIES array since Bash arrays can't be exported at the moment.
- Fixed configuration options for rbenv VM installs.
- Fixed readline install and added Ruby MRI 2.1.1 patch for rbenv as a temporary install solution.
- Fixed MySQL setup steps.
- Fixed PostgreSQL setup steps.
- Removed Flint from the App Store section of the README.
- Removed Grunt install for Ember Inspector Extension setup.
- Removed the Wedge app.
- Removed CCMenu from install list and added to App Store section of README instead.
- Updated to Hazel 3.2.7.
- Updated to Trailer 1.0.21.
- Updated to MRI 2.1.1.
- Updated to Rubinius 2.2.6.
- Updated to JRuby 1.7.12.
- Updated to Alfred 2.2.243b.
- Updated to VLC 2.1.4.
- Updated to Cloak 2.0.3.
- Updated to Dropbox 2.6.31.
- Updated to iStat Menus 4.21.
- Updated to CheatSheet 1.2.2.
- Updated to Firefox 29.0.
- Updated to Opera 20.0.1387.91.
- Updated to Transmit 4.4.6.
- Updated to CodeKit 16903.
- Updated to OpenOffice 4.1.0.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.10-93012.
- Updated to AppCleaner 2.2.3.
- Updated Chrome setup steps for README.
- Added the rbenv-ctags Homebrew install.
- Added Paw to the README App Store list.
- Added WiFi Explorer to the App Store section of the README.
- Added the Sublime Text - Gutter Color extension.
- Added FLAC homebrew install.
- Added retry (3 attempts) and retry delay (5 seconds) for all installer downloads.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Table Editor extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Ruby Slim Extension.
- Added the Readline Homebrew install.
- Added Homebrew bin folder to PATH for Homebrew install.
- Added the JDK as a requirement to the README.
- Added the Sublime Text - Ruby Extract Method extension.
- Refactored scripts to enable better error checking.
- Refactored scripts to explicitly define local variables where appropriate.
- Refactored scripts to use double backets [[...]] instead of single brackets [...] for if statements.
- Refactored scripts to use
instead of backticks\
`` for command substitution. - Refactored scripts to use printf instead of echo.
- Refactored Ruby VM installs to use array as defined in settings.sh.
- Refactored setup.sh steps (mostly syntax uniformity).
- Fixed bug with Air Display install check.
- Fixed deprecation warning regarding RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS.
- Fixed install bug with Sublime Text - Change Quotes extension.
- Removed the Espresso install.
- Updated to MRI 2.1.0.
- Updated to JRuby 1.7.9.
- Updated to Rubinius 2.2.5.
- Updated to Hazel 3.2.3.
- Updated to Dropbox 2.6.2.
- Updated to OmniOutliner 4.0.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.6.
- Updated to VLC 2.1.2.
- Updated to CodeKit 8403.
- Updated to Snippets 1.4.3.
- Updated to Transmit 4.4.5.
- Updated to Opera 18.0.1284.68.
- Updated to Firefox 26.0.
- Updated to TextExpander 4.2.1.
- Updated to iStat Menus 4.20.
- Updated to AppCleaner 2.2.1.
- Updated Ruby GC environment settings for Ruby 2.1.0.
- Updated Nginx install to use local user settings instead of root settings.
- Updated preferences script to use new Ruby Gem Setup project install process.
- Added Google Chrome Ember Inspector setup automation.
- Added the Mosh Homebrew install.
- Added Witch to the App Store list.
- Added openssl Homebrew install.
- Added the cloc Homebrew install.
- Added the Vim - Git Gutter extension.
- Added the Vim - Commentary extension.
- Added the CCMenu install.
- Added the Sublime Text - HTML Prettify extension.
- Added the Trailer install.
- Added the hr Homebrew install.
- Added Slack to the App Store section of the README.
- Added OmniOutliner to App Store list (it is no longer an automated install by this project).
- Added NPM Setup project install to preferences script.
- Added git clone options support for git installs.
- Fixed broken Homebrew links (site moved with no redirection support).
- Updated to Ruby v2.0.0-p353.
- Updated Hazel to 3.2.2.
- Added the Reattach to User Namespace Homebrew install.
- Fixed bug with Bash setup script.
- Fixed bug where software setup was not performed as part of the install process.
- Removed iTerm perferences from preferences.sh.
- Removed Mouse Pointer from the README.
- Removed OmniDazzle.
- Removed SourceTree.
- Removed GitHub.
- Removed Induction.
- Removed Pastebot Sync.
- Removed the Skype application.
- Removed the Eye-Fi install.
- Removed the Billings app.
- Removed boot startup sounds.
- Updated to CheatSheet 1.2.
- Updated to TextExpander 4.1.1.
- Updated to iStatMenus 4.10.
- Updated to Firefox 25.0.
- Updated to Opera 17.0.1241.53.
- Updated to Transmit 4.4.4.
- Updated to CodeKit 8376.
- Updated to VLC 2.1.0.
- Updated to pgAdmin3 1.18.1.
- Updated to OpenOffice 4.0.1.
- Updated to VirtualBox 4.3.2.
- Updated to Hazel 3.2.1.
- Updated to OmniFocus 1.10.6.
- Updated to Dropbox v2.5.35.
- Updated to Alfred v2.1.1_227.
- Updated to iTerm v1_0_0_20131116.
- Updated the Namebench install to be a Homebrew install instead of a standard application install.
- Updated defaults to expand print panel by default.
- Updated default settings to properly echo out system updates.
- Updated Finder defaults to show path bar.
- Updated system defaults to wipe all default app icons from the dock and symlink the iOS Simulator app to the /Applications folder.
- Updated Safari defaults to load the about:blank page for faster load times.
- Updated Mail.app defaults to disable send and reploy animations.
- Updated Disk Utility defaults to enable debug mode.
- Updated Bluetooth defaults to have increased sound quality for headphones/headsets.
- Updated README post install security and privacy settings.
- Added Prepo to the README (App Store section).
- Added Dash to the README (App Store section).
- Added Keymo to the README (App Store section).
- Added Name Mangler to the README (App Store section).
- Added Kaleidoscope to the README (App Store section).
- Added Day One app to the README (App Store section).
- Added the Kindle to the README.
- Added the Bash Homebrew install (ensures the latest version is installed).
- Added the SSHFS Homebrew install.
- Added the Tag Homebrew install.
- Added the Pipe Viewer Homebrew install.
- Added the Ioping Homebrew install.
- Added the Go Homebrew install.
- Added the Nginx Homebrew install.
- Added the Memcached Homebrew install.
- Added the Slimer.js Homebrew install.
- Added the Rubinius rbenv install.
- Added the JRuby rbenv install.
- Added the rbenv-ctags plugin.
- Added the lnav Homebrew install.
- Added the Sublime Text - DashDoc Extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Wrap+ Extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - CSScomb Extension.
- Added the Vim Pathogen extension.
- Added the Vim Fugitive extension.
- Added the Vim Unimpaired extension.
- Added the Vim Bundler extension.
- Added the Vim Ruby extension.
- Added the Vim Text Object User extension.
- Added the Vim Text Object Ruby Block extension.
- Added the Vim Rails extension.
- Added the App Cleaner install.
- Added multi-Ruby CTag support for all installed gems.
- Added Google setup steps to enable canvas inspection for dev tools.
- Added steps for enabling experimental web platform features in Chrome to the README.
- Added Bash and Bash Completion setup to the setup.sh.
- Added support for installation of a single file.
- Added OSX Mavericks bootdisk and upgrade instructions to the README.
- Added default for revealing IP address, hostname, OS version, etc. when clicking the login window clock.
- Added default for auto-restart of system if it freezed.
- Added OSX Mavericks reinstallation notes to README.
- Fixed bug with wrong disk image name for VLC DMG mount.
- Fixed typo when checking applications to say 'applications' instead of 'installs'.
- Fixed PostgreSQL and MySQL setup steps.
- Upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0-p247.
- Upgraded to iStat Menus 4.06.
- Upgraded to VLC 2.0.7.
- Upgraded to Sublime Text 2.0.2.
- Upgraded to OmniGraffle Pro 5.4.4.
- Upgraded to Skype
- Upgraded to Alfred 2.0.7_205.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 2.0.26.
- Upgraded to Firefox 23.0.1.
- Upgraded to Opera 15.0.1147.153.
- Upgraded to SourceTree
- Upgraded to GitHub July 18th, 2013.
- Upgraded to Espresso 2.1.3.
- Upgraded to CodeKit 8317.
- Upgraded to CheatSheet 1.1.2.
- Upgraded to OpenOffice 4.0.0.
- Upgraded to Cloak 1.2.3.
- Upgraded to Virtual Box 4.2.16-86992.
- Upgraded to Hazel 3.1.5.
- Added Marked to the App Store section of the README.
- Added the Transmit installer.
- Added Flint to the AppStore section of the README.
- Added the tmux homebrew installer: http://tmux.sourceforge.net.
- Added the GitHub Issues (ghi) homebrew install.
- Added the Parallel Homebrew install.
- Added the Sublime Text URL Handler install.
- Added the Sublime Text - Local History Extension
- Added the Sublime Text - Autoprefixer Extension
- Added the Sublime Text - SCSS Extension
- Added the Sublime Text - Emmet LiveStyle Extension
- Removed duplicate functionality from the download_only function (calls download_installer instead).
- Removed 3Hub from the README in favor of Transmit.
- Updated scripts to use sub-shells when traversing directories.
- Added a Versioning section to the README.
- Converted from RDoc to Markdown documentation.
- Cleaned up the instructions for configuring Google Chrome with better instructions for SASS source maps.
- Converted CheatSheet to an automated install since it is no longer recommended to be installed via the App Store.
- Added Enable file system folders in Sources Panel to README.
- Updated README to match GitHub project description.
- Switched to brew install for rbenv-binstubs.
- Updated option for full install of default Ruby gems.
- Fixed README typo with install.sh (is now run.sh).
- Upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0-p195.
- Upgraded to Delicous Library 3.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 2.0.16.
- Upgraded to iTerm 1.0.0-20130319.
- Upgraded to Alfred
- Upgraded to Firefox 21.0.
- Upgraded to Skype 6.4.0.
- Upgraded to Source Tree
- Upgraded to GitHub 20147.
- Added instructions for configuring lock screen message.
- Added instructions for enabling snippets support in Chrome.
- Added default desktop background image customization.
- Added the Cloak install.
- Added the Screenhero install.
- Added the Sequel Pro install.
- Added the Sublime Text Color Highlighter extension.
- Added the Sublime Text Move Tab extension.
- Added the Sublime Text Alignment extension.
- Added the FFmpeg Homebrew install.
- Added the Wry Homebrew install.
- Renamed Move Tab, Apply Syntax, Change Quotes, Bracket Highlighter, Trailing Spaces, and Color Highlighter extension variables.
- Removed the /usr/bin path from ruby when installing Homebrew.
- Switched Google Chrome Extension install root path from ~/Cache to ~/Apps.
- Cleaned up the ruby gem and dotfile project installs to use relative paths and new install options.
- Updated shell script documentation.
- Removed the Expand Drive installer.
- Switched install order of dotfiles and ruby gem projects.
- Extracted preference install code from homebrew.sh script to separate preference.sh script.
- Added iTerm and Sublime Text preference.sh support.
- Renamed software preferences option text.
- Updated work path to use symbolic link to /tmp.
- Added setup script and associated command prompt option.
- Extracted Homebrew application setup to the setup.sh script.
- Moved application setup instructions to the setup.sh script.
- Updated script descriptions to match options prompt.
- Fixed Eye-Fi install.
- Fixed link to Sublime Text - Bracket Highlighter in README.
- Removed the Caffeine install (using the native OSX caffeinate CLI app via Alfred instead).
- Updated the dotfiles install to use the run.sh script instead of install.sh.
- Upgraded to Alfred 2.0.3_187.
- Upgraded to Opera 12.15.
- Upgraded to iStat Menus 4.05.
- Upgraded to GitHub 20134.
- Upgraded to VLC 2.0.6.
- Upgraded to Virtual Box 4.2.12-84980.
- Upgraded to Hazel 3.0.18.
- Updated installer to bypass options prompt with option choice from command line.
- Renamed install.sh to run.sh.
- Removed the Caffeine install from the App Store list (using the OSX caffeinate CLI tool now).
- Refactored all scripts in the functions folder.
- Fixed install issues with Xiki extension.
- Upgraded to Alfred 2.0.2_178.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 2.0.6.
- Upgraded to Firefox 20.0.
- Upgraded to VirtualBox 4.2.10.
- Added the Z Homebrew install.
- Added the CTags homebrew install.
- Added the rbenv-binstubs plugin install.
- Added the Sublime Text - Change Quotesextension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Sublime Linter extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Trailing Spaces extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Git extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Coffee Script extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - Sidebar Enhancements.
- Added the Sublime Text - Apply Syntax extension.
- Added the Sublime Text - CTags extension.
- Added the Google Chrome - Ember Inspector extension.
- Added the Google Chrome - Chrome Logger extension.
- Added the Google Chrome Canary install.
- Added steps for Google Chrome setup.
- Added Mouse Pointer to the README. Thanks Eric.
- Fixed Eye-Fi install to download and install the package from the DMG.
- Added application extension check and installation support.
- Removed the Code Climate badge from the README.
- Added Google Chrome RailsPanel extension install.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Web Inspector extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Emmet extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Xiki extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Advanced New File extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Gist extension.
- Added the Sublime Text 2 Bracket Highlighter extension.
- Added the Tree Homebrew install. Thanks Eric.
- Added the Source Tree application install.
- Added the Hazel application install.
- Clarified the install options documentation.
- Added additional project documentation for scripts, functions, and README.
- Upgraded to Firefox 19.0.
- Upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0-p0.
- Upgraded to iStats Menus 4.04.
- Upgraded to CodeKit 8283.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 2.0.0.
- Upgraded to Skype
- Upgraded to Alfred 2.0.
- Updated the Google Chrome and Opera download URLs.
- Added the Wedge installer.
- Added the Silver Searcher Homebrew install.
- Added the MySQL install.
- Added GIF Brewery to the README.
- Removed the GitX install.
- Removed 'rbenv rehash' as part of the Ruby install.
- Installs Redis before the DBs.
- Added Twitter to the Apple App Store list.
- Fixed system label and name settings.
- Fixed the Homebrew install.
- Fixed the TextExpander install.
- Fixed the Path Finder install.
- Fixed the OpenOffice install.
- Fixed the Doxie install.
- Fixed permission issues with package installs and fixed the extracting of zip files for packakge install.
- Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p385.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 1.6.16.
- Upgraded to Knox 2.2.0.
- Upgraded to iTerm2 1_0_0_20130122.
- Upgraded to TextExpander 4.0.5.
- Upgraded to Firefox 18.0.2.
- Upgraded to Opera 12.14.
- Upgraded to iStat Menus 4.03.
- Upgraded to GitHub 107.
- Upgraded to Snippets 1.4.1.
- Upgraded to Espresso 2.0.5.
- Upgraded to CodeKit 8248.
- Upgraded to VLC 2.0.5.
- Upgraded to PGAdmin 1.16.1.
- Upgraded to Open Office 3.4.1.
- Upgraded to VirtualBox 4.2.6-82870.
- Upgraded to Billings 376.
- Upgraded to Skype
- Upgraded to Alfred 1.3.2_265.
- Defaults - Enable keyboard access for all controls.
- Defaults - Don’t show Dashboard as a Space.
- Defaults - Hide the Time Machine and Volume icons by default.
- Defaults - Save to disk (not iCloud) by default.
- Defaults - Automatically quit printer app once the print jobs complete by default.
- Defaults - Disable automatic termination of inactive apps by default.
- Defaults - Applied better low light keyboard illumination defaults.
- Defaults - Grouped all the finder defaults together.
- Defaults - Show hidden files in Finder by default.
- Defaults - Show status bar, full POSIX path, and list views in Finder by default.
- Defaults - Grouped Dock options together and removed hot corner defaults.
- Defaults - Grouped Safari defaults and improved default settings for debugging purposes.
- Defaults - Enabled Address Book and iCal debug menus by default.
- Defaults - Added TextEdit defaults.
- Defaults - Cleaned up default setting groupings.
- Defaults - Removed Battery and Clock from menu, show only Bluetooth and Airport instead.
- Added the rbenv-gem-rehash Homebrew install.
- Added the rbenv-default-gems Homebrew install.
- Added the rbenv-vars Homebrew install.
- Added the GitX install.
- Added the Bartender install.
- Added the Namebench install.
- Added quiet option to unzip operations.
- Added install options prompt.
- Added file existence check to downloads.
- Added the functions.sh script.
- Added the clean_work_path function.
- Added preference pane install support.
- Added functions for getting install root, install path, and file extension.
- Added verify_install function.
- Added UTF8 support to PostgreSQL install.
- Added Boxen to the README.
- Updated the Ruby Gem Setup project install.
- Replaced ~ with $HOME in scripts.
- Moved all settings into a single file.
- Renamed run.sh to install.sh.
- Prefixed all *URL, *FILE, and *NAME variables with APP for better dynamic lookup.
- Separated the Homebrew and application install scripts.
- Quoted all install parameters to prevent issues with spaces.
- Converted iStats Menus to an install instead of download only.
- Cleaned up install and download messages for already installed/downloaded apps.
- Renamed installers.sh to functions.sh.
- Conditionally symbolic link Sublime Text 2 binary if it doesn't exist.
- Refactored mounting/unmounting of disk images into separate functions.
- Removed PostgreSQL version dependency.
- Removed Redis version dependency.
- Removed the brew update command from install actions.
- Removed the ImageAlpha installer.
- Removed Growl and Firefox (setup) from README.
- Removed the GitBox mention from the README.
- Upgraded to Sublime Text 2.0.1.
- Upgraded to iStat Menus 3.24.
- Upgraded to Alfred 1.3.1_261.
- Upgraded to pgAdmin 1.16.0.
- Upgraded to Dropbox 1.6.5.
- Upgraded to OmniFocus 1.10.4
- Upgraded to OmniOutliner 3.10.6.
- Upgraded to OmniGraffle 5.4.2.
- Upgraded to OmniDazzle 1.2.
- Upgraded to PathFinder 6.1.2.
- Upgraded to Firefox 18.0.
- Upgraded to Skype
- Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p374.
- Added Moom to the App Store section of the README.
- Added Cocoa JSON Editor to the App Store section of the README.
- Added the Eye-Fi installer.
- Added pigz brew installer.
- Added the jq installer.
- Added the network grep install.
- Added the Phantom.js brew install.
- Added installer for the Bartender app.
- Added install for the Induction app.
- Added Homebrew installer for bash-completion.
- Added the rbenv-vars installer and template (with Ruby GC settings).
- Added the rbenv-gem-rehash installer.
- Added defaults that disable the Chrome print dialog.
- Added Code Climate support.
- Removed jsonpp.
- Converted/detailed the CONTRIBUTING guidelines per GitHub requirements.
- Modified the dotfiles installer to use shell script instead of ruby script.
- Moved default install after software installation.
- Upgraded the OmniFocus installer.
- Upgraded the Firefox installer.
- Upgraded OmniGraffle installer.
- Upgraded Skype installer.
- Upgraded to TextExpander 4.0 and moved installer from App Store to automated script install.
- Upgraded to Sublime Text 2, Version 2.0.
- Added the Namebench install.
- Added CheatSheet to the App Store README list.
- Added Cobook to the App Store README list.
- Added JSON pretty print installer via HomeBrew.
- Added AquaPath app to README.
- Cleaned up the README.
- Fixed PostgreSQL install steps.
- Fixed Redis install steps.
- Fixed the Air Display download.
- Fixed README typo and extra forward slash in VLC URL.
- Fixed iTerm file type and switched to iTerm beta download.
- Fixed work path for install_tar_app function.
- Fixed mount points and quoted them to account for paths with spaces.
- Fixed mention of run.sh in README.
- Upgraded to Ruby 1.9.3-p194.
- Added rbenv rehash after default Ruby global setup.
- Switched to sourcing the ~/.bashrc script after the dotfiles project install.
- Added Sublime Text 2 setup for the CLI.
- Updated the Redis version.
- Added the Doxie installer.
- Added the Caffeine install since it appears to no longer be provided via the App Store.
- Added Homebrew formulas to README.
- Added the list of apps and post-install steps to the README.
- Removed tar install verbosity.
- Removed duplicate ExpanDrive install.
- Added no finder reveal option to hdiutil attach.
- Removed the brew bash installer.
- Removed the GCC installer and added requirements for Xcode and Xcode command line tools.
- Removed Growl Notify formula since it no longer exists.
- Added bash functions for downloading and installing packages.
- Added install instructions for software that isn't in the App Store to the README.
- Added more OSX defaults and credited Mathias Bynens for his work in the README.
- Initial version.