diff --git a/Directory.Build.props b/Directory.Build.props
index f3b2b5a217d83..ad48dd6343fc0 100644
--- a/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/Directory.Build.props
@@ -255,9 +255,11 @@
$([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(LibrariesProjectRoot)', 'System.Private.CoreLib', 'src'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(LibrariesProjectRoot)', 'System.Private.CoreLib', 'ref'))
$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(CoreClrProjectRoot)', 'System.Private.CoreLib', 'System.Private.CoreLib.csproj'))
$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(MonoProjectRoot)', 'System.Private.CoreLib', 'System.Private.CoreLib.csproj'))
$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(CoreClrProjectRoot)', 'nativeaot', 'System.Private.CoreLib', 'src', 'System.Private.CoreLib.csproj'))
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(LibrariesProjectRoot)', 'System.Private.Uri', 'src', 'System.Private.Uri.csproj'))
diff --git a/docs/coding-guidelines/updating-ref-source.md b/docs/coding-guidelines/updating-ref-source.md
index 5b8bb9512a854..fa33fe51d7e02 100644
--- a/docs/coding-guidelines/updating-ref-source.md
+++ b/docs/coding-guidelines/updating-ref-source.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This document provides the steps you need to take to update the reference assemb
These steps can also be applied to some unique assemblies which depend on changes in System.Private.Corelib. (partial facades like System.Memory, for example).
-1) Run `dotnet build --no-incremental /t:GenerateReferenceSource` from the System.Runtime/src directory.
+1) Run `dotnet build --no-incremental /t:GenerateReferenceAssemblySource` from the System.Runtime/src directory.
2) Filter out all unrelated changes and extract the changes you care about (ignore certain attributes being removed). Generally, this step is not required for other reference assemblies.
## For Full Facade Assemblies implementation assemblies
diff --git a/eng/Version.Details.xml b/eng/Version.Details.xml
index 1f73bb1e416fd..cf83c138be984 100644
--- a/eng/Version.Details.xml
+++ b/eng/Version.Details.xml
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
- 11672d906390046e77a34b6406d9e02229fd7e45
+ aa90e21c63248b4d6d61e8de14a0d8e7a9275130
diff --git a/eng/Versions.props b/eng/Versions.props
index cec00875b841a..ddc562554c2e4 100644
--- a/eng/Versions.props
+++ b/eng/Versions.props
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
- 7.0.0-beta.22372.1
+ 7.0.0-beta.22401.3
diff --git a/eng/references.targets b/eng/references.targets
index 80eed8f9a3849..29cff247f0d0d 100644
--- a/eng/references.targets
+++ b/eng/references.targets
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@
Condition="'$(IsSourceProject)' == 'true' and '@(_coreLibProjectReference)' != ''" />
- None
+ <_resolvedCoreLibProjectReference Include="@(_ResolvedProjectReferencePaths->WithMetadataValue('MSBuildSourceProjectFile','$(CoreLibProject)'))" />
diff --git a/eng/resolveContract.props b/eng/resolveContract.props
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5360c9cf692ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/resolveContract.props
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(IsSourceProject)', 'false'))
+ $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(IsSourceProject)', 'false'))
+ true
diff --git a/eng/resolveContract.targets b/eng/resolveContract.targets
index 37ab1d299a6c3..4a2b0a5adfcbd 100644
--- a/eng/resolveContract.targets
+++ b/eng/resolveContract.targets
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)', '..', 'ref', '$(AssemblyName).cs'))
+ $(CoreLibProject)
@@ -21,6 +22,10 @@
@@ -60,11 +65,40 @@
ReferenceAssembly="" />
+ <_genAPILibPathForGenAPIDocIdGeneration Include="@(ReferencePath->'%(RootDir)%(Directory)'->Distinct())" />
+ <_genAPIResolvedProjectForGenAPIDocIdGeneration Include="@(_ResolvedProjectReferencePaths->WithMetadataValue('MSBuildSourceProjectFile','$(ProjectForGenAPIDocIdGeneration)'))" />
+ $(SymbolForGenAPIConditionalTypeLists)
- true
+ true
diff --git a/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt b/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0a2be8fdccd42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Compat issues with assembly System.Private.CoreLib:
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Console' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.InteropServices.ComActivationContextInternal' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.InteropServices.ComActivator' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.InteropServices.ComponentActivator' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.InteropServices.InMemoryAssemblyLoader' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_FirstChanceException(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_ProcessExit(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_UnhandledException(System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_FirstChanceException(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_ProcessExit(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_UnhandledException(System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Environment.FailFast(System.String, System.Exception, System.String)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected void System.WeakReference..ctor()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+CannotRemoveAttribute : Attribute 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeDependencyAttribute' exists on 'System.Collections.Generic.Comparer' in the implementation but not the reference.
+CannotRemoveAttribute : Attribute 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeDependencyAttribute' exists on 'System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer' in the implementation but not the reference.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected void System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCounter.Flush()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+CannotMakeTypeAbstract : Type 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMoreVisible : Visibility of member 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener..ctor()' is 'protected' in the reference but 'public' in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMoreVisible : Visibility of member 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.EventSourceIndex(System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource)' is 'protected' in the reference but 'public' in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceLoggingEventTypes' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.Boolean System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Exists' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.String System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Name' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.Boolean System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Exists.get()' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.String System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Name.get()' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.ModuleHandle System.Reflection.Module.GetModuleHandleImpl()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.ModuleHandle System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetModuleHandleImpl()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.String System.String System.Resources.ResourceManager.BaseNameField' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.Resources.IResourceReader System.Resources.IResourceReader System.Resources.ResourceSet.Reader' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICastable' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute..ctor()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.Boolean System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.DeserializationInProgress.get()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.ThrowIfDeserializationInProgress()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.ThrowIfDeserializationInProgress(System.String, System.Int32)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.UpdateValue(System.String, System.Object, System.Type)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
diff --git a/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj b/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
index 78568b247224a..f408f011f0280 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
@@ -346,4 +346,12 @@
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..622a4708c17a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/MatchingRefApiCompatBaseline.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+Compat issues with assembly System.Private.CoreLib:
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Console' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.DeveloperExperience.DeveloperExperience' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ArraySignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ArraySignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.AssemblyFlags' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.AssemblyHashAlgorithm' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.BooleanCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ByReferenceSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ByReferenceSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ByteCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.CharCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBooleanArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBooleanArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBooleanValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBooleanValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBoxedEnumValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantBoxedEnumValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantByteArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantByteArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantByteValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantByteValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantCharArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantCharArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantCharValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantCharValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantDoubleArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantDoubleArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantDoubleValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantDoubleValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantEnumArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantEnumArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantHandleArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantHandleArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt16Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt16ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt16Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt16ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt32Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt32ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt32Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt32ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt64Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt64ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt64Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantInt64ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantReferenceValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantReferenceValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSByteArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSByteArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSByteValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSByteValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSingleArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSingleArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSingleValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantSingleValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantStringArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantStringArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantStringValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantStringValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt16Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt16ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt16Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt16ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt32Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt32ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt32Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt32ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt64Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt64ArrayHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt64Value' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ConstantUInt64ValueHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.CustomAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.CustomAttributeHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.CustomAttributeHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.DoubleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Event' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.EventHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.EventHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Field' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FieldHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FieldHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FieldSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FieldSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FunctionPointerSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.FunctionPointerSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.GenericParameter' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.GenericParameterHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.GenericParameterHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.GenericParameterKind' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Handle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.HandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.HandleType' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Int16Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Int32Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Int64Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MemberReference' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MemberReferenceHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MetadataReader' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Method' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodInstantiation' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodInstantiationHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSemantics' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSemanticsAttributes' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSemanticsHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSemanticsHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodTypeVariableSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.MethodTypeVariableSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ModifiedType' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ModifiedTypeHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamedArgument' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamedArgumentHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamedArgumentHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamedArgumentMemberKind' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamespaceDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamespaceDefinitionHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamespaceDefinitionHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamespaceReference' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NamespaceReferenceHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.NativeFormatReaderExtensions' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Parameter' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ParameterHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ParameterHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PInvokeAttributes' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PointerSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PointerSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.Property' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PropertyHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PropertyHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PropertySignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.PropertySignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.QualifiedField' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.QualifiedFieldHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.QualifiedMethod' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.QualifiedMethodHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.SByteCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ScopeDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ScopeDefinitionHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ScopeDefinitionHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ScopeReference' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.ScopeReferenceHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.SingleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.SZArraySignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.SZArraySignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeDefinitionHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeDefinitionHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeForwarder' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeForwarderHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeForwarderHandleCollection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeInstantiationSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeInstantiationSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeReference' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeReferenceHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeSpecification' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeSpecificationHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeVariableSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.TypeVariableSignatureHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.UInt16Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.UInt32Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Metadata.NativeFormat.UInt64Collection' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Augments.ReflectionAugments' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Augments.ReflectionCoreCallbacks' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.AssemblyBinder' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.AssemblyBindResult' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.QScopeDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.ReflectionDomainSetup' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.Execution.ExecutionDomain' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.Execution.ExecutionEnvironment' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.Execution.FieldAccessor' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.Execution.MethodInvoker' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Core.Execution.ReflectionCoreExecution' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Extensions.NonPortable.CustomAttributeInheritanceRules' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Reflection.Extensions.NonPortable.CustomAttributeInstantiator' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CanonTypeKind' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.ReadyToRunSectionType' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.TypeManagerHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.Augments.DynamicDelegateAugments' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.Augments.ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.Augments.RuntimeAugments' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.Augments.StackTraceMetadataCallbacks' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.Augments.TypeLoaderCallbacks' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.MathHelpers' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.StartupCodeHelpers' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.ThrowHelpers' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixupRuntimeTypeHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.FunctionPointerOps' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.GenericMethodDescriptor' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodNameAndSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.OpenMethodResolver' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFieldHandleInfo' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeMethodHandleInfo' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeSignature' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.Runtime.InteropServices.ComponentActivator' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.TypeSystem.ExceptionStringID' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'Internal.TypeSystem.LockFreeReaderHashtable' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_FirstChanceException(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_ProcessExit(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.add_UnhandledException(System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_FirstChanceException(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_ProcessExit(System.EventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.AppContext.remove_UnhandledException(System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Array' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.InvokeUtils' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.MDArray' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.ModuleHandle..ctor(System.Reflection.Module)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.RuntimeExceptionHelpers' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.RuntimeType' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.String System.Type.InternalNameIfAvailable.get()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.Boolean System.TypedReference.IsNull.get()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Diagnostics.DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected void System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCounter.Flush()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+CannotMakeTypeAbstract : Type 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMoreVisible : Visibility of member 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener..ctor()' is 'protected' in the reference but 'public' in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMoreVisible : Visibility of member 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.EventSourceIndex(System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource)' is 'protected' in the reference but 'public' in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.PropertyValue' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceLoggingEventTypes' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.Boolean System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Exists' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.String System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Name' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.Boolean System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Exists.get()' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+CannotMakeMemberAbstract : Member 'public System.String System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Name.get()' is abstract in the reference but is not abstract in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.AssemblyRuntimeNameHelpers' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.BinderBundle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.DelegateDynamicInvokeInfo' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.EnumInfo' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetParametersNoCopy()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.Reflection.MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase.MetadataDefinitionMethod.get()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.MissingMetadataException' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.ModuleHandle System.Reflection.Module.GetModuleHandleImpl()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.RuntimeAssemblyName' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.MetadataReaderExtensions' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.NativeFormatMetadataReaderExtensions' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QGenericParameter' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QMethodDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QSignatureTypeHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QTypeDefinition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Reflection.Runtime.General.QTypeDefRefOrSpec' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.String System.String System.Resources.ResourceManager.BaseNameField' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'protected System.Resources.IResourceReader System.Resources.IResourceReader System.Resources.ResourceSet.Reader' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.ExceptionIDs' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.RhFailFastReason' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.RuntimeImportAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.RuntimeImports' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.RuntimeObjectFactory' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.TypeLoaderExports' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.EagerStaticClassConstructionAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ForceDictionaryLookupsAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ForceLazyDictionaryAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICastable' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReflectionBlockedAttribute' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StaticClassConstructionContext' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.InteropExtensions' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeFunctionPointerWrapper' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.PInvokeMarshal' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute..ctor()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnsafeGCHandle' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public System.Boolean System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.DeserializationInProgress.get()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.ThrowIfDeserializationInProgress()' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.ThrowIfDeserializationInProgress(System.String, System.Int32)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+MembersMustExist : Member 'public void System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.UpdateValue(System.String, System.Object, System.Type)' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Threading.Condition' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Threading.Lock' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
+TypesMustExist : Type 'System.Threading.LockHolder' does not exist in the reference but it does exist in the implementation.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
index 3a5a4df522a94..000acdd2ea4e9 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
@@ -615,4 +615,12 @@
+ true
+ true
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ThreadPool.Windows.cs b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ThreadPool.Windows.cs
index 391148cf1cd07..ba38ba5286011 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ThreadPool.Windows.cs
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/ThreadPool.Windows.cs
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ namespace System.Threading
// Windows-specific implementation of ThreadPool
+ [System.Runtime.Versioning.UnsupportedOSPlatformAttribute("browser")]
public sealed class RegisteredWaitHandle : MarshalByRefObject
private readonly Lock _lock;
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.DisabledReflection/src/System.Private.DisabledReflection.csproj b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.DisabledReflection/src/System.Private.DisabledReflection.csproj
index 4e84ebfc35dda..163f809979cc4 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.DisabledReflection/src/System.Private.DisabledReflection.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.DisabledReflection/src/System.Private.DisabledReflection.csproj
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ false
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.Reflection.Execution/src/System.Private.Reflection.Execution.csproj b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.Reflection.Execution/src/System.Private.Reflection.Execution.csproj
index d7883b5f2ebe7..d2c2c954dcf0a 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.Reflection.Execution/src/System.Private.Reflection.Execution.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.Reflection.Execution/src/System.Private.Reflection.Execution.csproj
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+ false
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata/src/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata.csproj b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata/src/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata.csproj
index 0b0589e507a09..87b0de7f2205f 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata/src/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata/src/System.Private.StackTraceMetadata.csproj
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+ false
diff --git a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.TypeLoader/src/System.Private.TypeLoader.csproj b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.TypeLoader/src/System.Private.TypeLoader.csproj
index b9532d1de4c51..9c3fc10a655e4 100644
--- a/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.TypeLoader/src/System.Private.TypeLoader.csproj
+++ b/src/coreclr/nativeaot/System.Private.TypeLoader/src/System.Private.TypeLoader.csproj
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
+ false
diff --git a/src/libraries/Directory.Build.props b/src/libraries/Directory.Build.props
index 25649e492d9cd..392e6ba80664c 100644
--- a/src/libraries/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/src/libraries/Directory.Build.props
@@ -57,18 +57,6 @@
- $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(IsSourceProject)', 'false'))
- $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(IsSourceProject)', 'false'))
- true
@@ -76,6 +64,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libraries/Directory.Build.targets b/src/libraries/Directory.Build.targets
index 98698918cde52..5aac733a85e85 100644
--- a/src/libraries/Directory.Build.targets
+++ b/src/libraries/Directory.Build.targets
@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/ref/System.Collections.Concurrent.cs b/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/ref/System.Collections.Concurrent.cs
index 4afe5340d39b4..6c2b09321b7f9 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/ref/System.Collections.Concurrent.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/ref/System.Collections.Concurrent.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Changes to this file must follow the https://aka.ms/api-review process.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace System.Collections.Concurrent
@@ -126,26 +127,6 @@ void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object key) { }
public bool TryRemove(TKey key, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TValue value) { throw null; }
public bool TryUpdate(TKey key, TValue newValue, TValue comparisonValue) { throw null; }
- public partial class ConcurrentQueue : System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- public ConcurrentQueue() { }
- public ConcurrentQueue(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection) { }
- public int Count { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } }
- bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
- object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
- public void Clear() { }
- public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) { }
- public void Enqueue(T item) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- bool System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryAdd(T item) { throw null; }
- bool System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryTake([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T item) { throw null; }
- void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- public T[] ToArray() { throw null; }
- public bool TryDequeue([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T result) { throw null; }
- public bool TryPeek([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T result) { throw null; }
- }
public partial class ConcurrentStack : System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
public ConcurrentStack() { }
@@ -176,13 +157,6 @@ public enum EnumerablePartitionerOptions
None = 0,
NoBuffering = 1,
- public partial interface IProducerConsumerCollection : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
- T[] ToArray();
- bool TryAdd(T item);
- bool TryTake([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T item);
- }
public abstract partial class OrderablePartitioner : System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner
protected OrderablePartitioner(bool keysOrderedInEachPartition, bool keysOrderedAcrossPartitions, bool keysNormalized) { }
@@ -213,3 +187,34 @@ protected Partitioner() { }
public abstract System.Collections.Generic.IList> GetPartitions(int partitionCount);
+namespace System.Collections.Concurrent
+ public partial class ConcurrentQueue : System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
+ {
+ public ConcurrentQueue() { }
+ public ConcurrentQueue(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection) { }
+ public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
+ public void Clear() { }
+ public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) { }
+ public void Enqueue(T item) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ bool System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryAdd(T item) { throw null; }
+ bool System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryTake([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T item) { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public T[] ToArray() { throw null; }
+ public bool TryDequeue([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T result) { throw null; }
+ public bool TryPeek([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T result) { throw null; }
+ }
+ public partial interface IProducerConsumerCollection : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
+ {
+ void CopyTo(T[] array, int index);
+ T[] ToArray();
+ bool TryAdd(T item);
+ bool TryTake([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T item);
+ }
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/src/System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj b/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/src/System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj
index aecb5dfe3137e..9360971fac83a 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/src/System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Collections.Concurrent/src/System.Collections.Concurrent.csproj
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ true
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Collections/ref/System.Collections.cs b/src/libraries/System.Collections/ref/System.Collections.cs
index 7a15ca70fb3e5..1a994d70d7ff8 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Collections/ref/System.Collections.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Collections/ref/System.Collections.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Changes to this file must follow the https://aka.ms/api-review process.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace System.Collections
public sealed partial class BitArray : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.ICloneable
@@ -50,29 +51,117 @@ public static partial class CollectionExtensions
public static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection AsReadOnly(this IList list) { throw null; }
public static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary AsReadOnly(this IDictionary dictionary) where TKey : notnull { throw null; }
- public abstract partial class Comparer : System.Collections.Generic.IComparer, System.Collections.IComparer
+ public sealed partial class LinkedListNode
- protected Comparer() { }
- public static System.Collections.Generic.Comparer Default { get { throw null; } }
- public abstract int Compare(T? x, T? y);
- public static System.Collections.Generic.Comparer Create(System.Comparison comparison) { throw null; }
- int System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(object? x, object? y) { throw null; }
+ public LinkedListNode(T value) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList? List { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? Next { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? Previous { get { throw null; } }
+ public T Value { get { throw null; } set { } }
+ public ref T ValueRef { get { throw null; } }
- public partial class Dictionary : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable where TKey : notnull
+ public partial class LinkedList : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
- public Dictionary() { }
- public Dictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary) { }
- public Dictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- public Dictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> collection) { }
- public Dictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> collection, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- public Dictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- public Dictionary(int capacity) { }
- public Dictionary(int capacity, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- protected Dictionary(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
+ public LinkedList() { }
+ public LinkedList(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection) { }
+ protected LinkedList(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
+ public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? First { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? Last { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
+ public void AddAfter(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node, System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode newNode) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode AddAfter(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node, T value) { throw null; }
+ public void AddBefore(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node, System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode newNode) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode AddBefore(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node, T value) { throw null; }
+ public void AddFirst(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode AddFirst(T value) { throw null; }
+ public void AddLast(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode AddLast(T value) { throw null; }
+ public void Clear() { }
+ public bool Contains(T value) { throw null; }
+ public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? Find(T value) { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? FindLast(T value) { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
+ public virtual void OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
+ public void Remove(System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode node) { }
+ public bool Remove(T value) { throw null; }
+ public void RemoveFirst() { }
+ public void RemoveLast() { }
+ void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add(T value) { }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
+ {
+ private T _current;
+ private object _dummy;
+ private int _dummyPrimitive;
+ public T Current { get { throw null; } }
+ object? System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { throw null; } }
+ public void Dispose() { }
+ public bool MoveNext() { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
+ void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
+ void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class PriorityQueue
+ {
+ public PriorityQueue() { }
+ public PriorityQueue(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public PriorityQueue(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> items) { }
+ public PriorityQueue(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> items, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity) { }
+ public PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
+ public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.PriorityQueue.UnorderedItemsCollection UnorderedItems { get { throw null; } }
+ public void Clear() { }
+ public TElement Dequeue() { throw null; }
+ public void Enqueue(TElement element, TPriority priority) { }
+ public TElement EnqueueDequeue(TElement element, TPriority priority) { throw null; }
+ public void EnqueueRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> items) { }
+ public void EnqueueRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable elements, TPriority priority) { }
+ public int EnsureCapacity(int capacity) { throw null; }
+ public TElement Peek() { throw null; }
+ public void TrimExcess() { }
+ public bool TryDequeue([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TElement element, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TPriority priority) { throw null; }
+ public bool TryPeek([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TElement element, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TPriority priority) { throw null; }
+ public sealed partial class UnorderedItemsCollection : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)>, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
+ {
+ internal UnorderedItemsCollection(PriorityQueue queue) { }
+ public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
+ void ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.PriorityQueue.UnorderedItemsCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)>.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)>, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
+ {
+ (TElement Element, TPriority Priority) IEnumerator<(TElement Element, TPriority Priority)>.Current { get { throw null; } }
+ public void Dispose() { }
+ public bool MoveNext() { throw null; }
+ public (TElement Element, TPriority Priority) Current { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { throw null; } }
+ void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class SortedDictionary : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.IEnumerable where TKey : notnull
+ {
+ public SortedDictionary() { }
+ public SortedDictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public SortedDictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary) { }
+ public SortedDictionary(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
public int Count { get { throw null; } }
public TValue this[TKey key] { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.KeyCollection Keys { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.KeyCollection Keys { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
System.Collections.Generic.ICollection System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Keys { get { throw null; } }
System.Collections.Generic.ICollection System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Values { get { throw null; } }
@@ -85,20 +174,16 @@ protected Dictionary(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System
object? System.Collections.IDictionary.this[object key] { get { throw null; } set { } }
System.Collections.ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Keys { get { throw null; } }
System.Collections.ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Values { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.ValueCollection Values { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.ValueCollection Values { get { throw null; } }
public void Add(TKey key, TValue value) { }
public void Clear() { }
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key) { throw null; }
public bool ContainsValue(TValue value) { throw null; }
- public int EnsureCapacity(int capacity) { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- public virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
- public virtual void OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
+ public void CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[] array, int index) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
public bool Remove(TKey key) { throw null; }
- public bool Remove(TKey key, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TValue value) { throw null; }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { throw null; }
- void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[] array, int index) { }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { throw null; }
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
@@ -107,9 +192,6 @@ void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object key, object? value) { }
System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object key) { }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- public void TrimExcess() { }
- public void TrimExcess(int capacity) { }
- public bool TryAdd(TKey key, TValue value) { throw null; }
public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TValue value) { throw null; }
public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>, System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
@@ -126,13 +208,13 @@ void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
public sealed partial class KeyCollection : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- public KeyCollection(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary dictionary) { }
+ public KeyCollection(System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary dictionary) { }
public int Count { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
public void CopyTo(TKey[] array, int index) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.KeyCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.KeyCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add(TKey item) { }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Clear() { }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Contains(TKey item) { throw null; }
@@ -142,7 +224,6 @@ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
- private TKey _currentKey;
private object _dummy;
private int _dummyPrimitive;
public TKey Current { get { throw null; } }
@@ -154,13 +235,13 @@ void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
public sealed partial class ValueCollection : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- public ValueCollection(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary dictionary) { }
+ public ValueCollection(System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary dictionary) { }
public int Count { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
public void CopyTo(TValue[] array, int index) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.ValueCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.ValueCollection.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add(TValue item) { }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Clear() { }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Contains(TValue item) { throw null; }
@@ -170,7 +251,6 @@ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
- private TValue _currentValue;
private object _dummy;
private int _dummyPrimitive;
public TValue Current { get { throw null; } }
@@ -181,114 +261,106 @@ void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
- public abstract partial class EqualityComparer : System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer
+ public partial class SortedList : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.IEnumerable where TKey : notnull
- protected EqualityComparer() { }
- public static System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer Default { get { throw null; } }
- public abstract bool Equals(T? x, T? y);
- public abstract int GetHashCode([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DisallowNullAttribute] T obj);
- bool System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals(object? x, object? y) { throw null; }
- int System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(object obj) { throw null; }
+ public SortedList() { }
+ public SortedList(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public SortedList(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary) { }
+ public SortedList(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public SortedList(int capacity) { }
+ public SortedList(int capacity, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public int Capacity { get { throw null; } set { } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
+ public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ public TValue this[TKey key] { get { throw null; } set { } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IList Keys { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
+ System.Collections.Generic.ICollection System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Keys { get { throw null; } }
+ System.Collections.Generic.ICollection System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Values { get { throw null; } }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary.Keys { get { throw null; } }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary.Values { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.IDictionary.IsFixedSize { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.IDictionary.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
+ object? System.Collections.IDictionary.this[object key] { get { throw null; } set { } }
+ System.Collections.ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Keys { get { throw null; } }
+ System.Collections.ICollection System.Collections.IDictionary.Values { get { throw null; } }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IList Values { get { throw null; } }
+ public void Add(TKey key, TValue value) { }
+ public void Clear() { }
+ public bool ContainsKey(TKey key) { throw null; }
+ public bool ContainsValue(TValue value) { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator> GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public TKey GetKeyAtIndex(int index) { throw null; }
+ public TValue GetValueAtIndex(int index) { throw null; }
+ public int IndexOfKey(TKey key) { throw null; }
+ public int IndexOfValue(TValue value) { throw null; }
+ public bool Remove(TKey key) { throw null; }
+ public void RemoveAt(int index) { }
+ public void SetValueAtIndex(int index, TValue value) { }
+ void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { }
+ bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[] array, int arrayIndex) { }
+ bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection>.Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair keyValuePair) { throw null; }
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
+ void System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(object key, object? value) { }
+ bool System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(object key) { throw null; }
+ System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(object key) { }
+ System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ public void TrimExcess() { }
+ public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out TValue value) { throw null; }
- public partial class HashSet : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.Generic.ISet, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlySet, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
+ public partial class SortedSet : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection, System.Collections.Generic.ISet, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlySet, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
- public HashSet() { }
- public HashSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection) { }
- public HashSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- public HashSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- public HashSet(int capacity) { }
- public HashSet(int capacity, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? comparer) { }
- protected HashSet(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
+ public SortedSet() { }
+ public SortedSet(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ public SortedSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection) { }
+ public SortedSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collection, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer? comparer) { }
+ protected SortedSet(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IComparer Comparer { get { throw null; } }
public int Count { get { throw null; } }
+ public T? Max { get { throw null; } }
+ public T? Min { get { throw null; } }
bool System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } }
+ bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } }
+ object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } }
public bool Add(T item) { throw null; }
- public void Clear() { }
- public bool Contains(T item) { throw null; }
+ public virtual void Clear() { }
+ public virtual bool Contains(T item) { throw null; }
public void CopyTo(T[] array) { }
- public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { }
- public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex, int count) { }
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer> CreateSetComparer() { throw null; }
- public int EnsureCapacity(int capacity) { throw null; }
+ public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) { }
+ public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index, int count) { }
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer> CreateSetComparer() { throw null; }
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer> CreateSetComparer(System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer? memberEqualityComparer) { throw null; }
public void ExceptWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- public virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
- public void IntersectWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Enumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ protected virtual void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
+ public virtual System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet GetViewBetween(T? lowerValue, T? upperValue) { throw null; }
+ public virtual void IntersectWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { }
public bool IsProperSubsetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
public bool IsProperSupersetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
public bool IsSubsetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
public bool IsSupersetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
- public virtual void OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
+ protected virtual void OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
public bool Overlaps(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
public bool Remove(T item) { throw null; }
public int RemoveWhere(System.Predicate match) { throw null; }
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Reverse() { throw null; }
public bool SetEquals(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { throw null; }
public void SymmetricExceptWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { }
void System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add(T item) { }
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
+ void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- public void TrimExcess() { }
+ void System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(object? sender) { }
+ void System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
public bool TryGetValue(T equalValue, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute(false)] out T actualValue) { throw null; }
public void UnionWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable other) { }
- public partial struct Enumerator : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
- {
- private T _current;
- private object _dummy;
- private int _dummyPrimitive;
- public T Current { get { throw null; } }
- object? System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { throw null; } }
- public void Dispose() { }
- public bool MoveNext() { throw null; }
- void System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() { }
- }
- }
- public sealed partial class LinkedListNode
- {
- public LinkedListNode(T value) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList? List { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode? Next { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode