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Make union Is* properties available in namespace rec contexts
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chkn committed Apr 8, 2021
1 parent 0678c56 commit 470eb3d
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 141 deletions.
286 changes: 145 additions & 141 deletions src/fsharp/CheckDeclarations.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1473,6 +1473,137 @@ module IncrClassChecking =

ctorBody, cctorBodyOpt, methodBinds, reps

// Build augmentation declarations

module AddAugmentationDeclarations =
let tcaugHasNominalInterface g (tcaug: TyconAugmentation) tcref =
tcaug.tcaug_interfaces |> List.exists (fun (x, _, _) ->
match tryTcrefOfAppTy g x with
| ValueSome tcref2 when tyconRefEq g tcref2 tcref -> true
| _ -> false)

let AddGenericCompareDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) (scSet: Set<Stamp>) (tycon: Tycon) =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare g tycon && scSet.Contains tycon.Stamp then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let _, ty = if tcref.Deref.IsExceptionDecl then [], g.exn_ty else generalizeTyconRef tcref
let m = tycon.Range
let genericIComparableTy = mkAppTy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref [ty]

let hasExplicitIComparable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IComparable_ty
let hasExplicitGenericIComparable = tcaugHasNominalInterface g tcaug g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref
let hasExplicitIStructuralComparable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IStructuralComparable_ty

if hasExplicitIComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))

elif hasExplicitGenericIComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsGenericIComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
elif hasExplicitIStructuralComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIStructuralComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
let hasExplicitGenericIComparable = tycon.HasInterface g genericIComparableTy
let cvspec1, cvspec2 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForCompareAugmentation g tcref
let cvspec3 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForCompareWithComparerAugmentation g tcref

PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IStructuralComparable_ty
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IComparable_ty
if not tycon.IsExceptionDecl && not hasExplicitGenericIComparable then
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true genericIComparableTy
tcaug.SetCompare (mkLocalValRef cvspec1, mkLocalValRef cvspec2)
tcaug.SetCompareWith (mkLocalValRef cvspec3)
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec2
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec3

let AddGenericEqualityWithComparerDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) (seSet: Set<Stamp>) (tycon: Tycon) =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals g tycon && seSet.Contains tycon.Stamp then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let m = tycon.Range

let hasExplicitIStructuralEquatable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IStructuralEquatable_ty

if hasExplicitIStructuralEquatable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIStructuralEquatableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
let evspec1, evspec2, evspec3 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForEqualityWithComparerAugmentation g tcref
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IStructuralEquatable_ty
tcaug.SetHashAndEqualsWith (mkLocalValRef evspec1, mkLocalValRef evspec2, mkLocalValRef evspec3)
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec2
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec3

let AddGenericCompareBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if (* AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare cenv.g tycon && *) Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedCompareToValues then
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForCompareAugmentation cenv.g tycon

let AddGenericCompareWithComparerBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if (* AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare cenv.g tycon && *) Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedCompareToWithComparerValues then
(AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForCompareWithComparerAugmentation cenv.g tycon)

let AddGenericEqualityWithComparerBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals cenv.g tycon && Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedHashAndEqualsWithComparerValues then
(AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForEqualityWithComparerAugmentation cenv.g tycon)

let AddGenericHashAndComparisonDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) scSet seSet tycon =
AddGenericCompareDeclarations cenv env scSet tycon
AddGenericEqualityWithComparerDeclarations cenv env seSet tycon

let AddGenericHashAndComparisonBindings cenv tycon =
AddGenericCompareBindings cenv tycon @ AddGenericCompareWithComparerBindings cenv tycon @ AddGenericEqualityWithComparerBindings cenv tycon

// We can only add the Equals override after we've done the augmentation because we have to wait until
// tycon.HasOverride can give correct results
let AddGenericEqualityBindings (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) tycon =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals g tycon then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let _, ty = if tcref.Deref.IsExceptionDecl then [], g.exn_ty else generalizeTyconRef tcref
let m = tycon.Range

// Note: tycon.HasOverride only gives correct results after we've done the type augmentation
let hasExplicitObjectEqualsOverride = tycon.HasOverride g "Equals" [g.obj_ty]
let hasExplicitGenericIEquatable = tcaugHasNominalInterface g tcaug g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref

if hasExplicitGenericIEquatable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIEquatableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))

// Note: only provide the equals method if Equals is not implemented explicitly, and
// we're actually generating Hash/Equals for this type
if not hasExplicitObjectEqualsOverride &&
Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedHashAndEqualsWithComparerValues then

let vspec1, vspec2 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForEqualsAugmentation g tcref
tcaug.SetEquals (mkLocalValRef vspec1, mkLocalValRef vspec2)
if not tycon.IsExceptionDecl then
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true (mkAppTy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref [ty])
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding vspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding vspec2
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForEqualsAugmentation g tycon
else []
else []

let AddUnionAugmentationBindings (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) tycon =
let g = cenv.g
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let vals = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForUnionAugmentation g tcref
for v in vals do
PublishValueDefnMaybeInclCompilerGenerated cenv env true ModuleOrMemberBinding v
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForUnionAugmentation g tycon ( mkLocalValRef vals)

// Checking of mutually recursive types, members and 'let' bindings in classes
// Technique: multiple passes.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2442,7 +2573,7 @@ let TcMutRecDefns_Phase2 (cenv: cenv) envInitial bindsm scopem mutRecNSInfo (env
// The rest should have been removed by splitting, they belong to "core" (they are "shape" of type, not implementation)
| _ -> error(Error(FSComp.SR.tcDeclarationElementNotPermittedInAugmentation(), mem.Range))))

let extraBindings = Dictionary(HashIdentity.Reference)
let binds: MutRecDefnsPhase2Info =
(envMutRec, mutRecDefns) ||> MutRecShapes.mapTyconsWithEnv (fun envForDecls tyconData ->
let (MutRecDefnsPhase2DataForTycon(tyconOpt, _, declKind, tcref, _, _, declaredTyconTypars, _, _, _, fixupFinalAttrs)) = tyconData
Expand All @@ -2451,8 +2582,11 @@ let TcMutRecDefns_Phase2 (cenv: cenv) envInitial bindsm scopem mutRecNSInfo (env
// Does not need to be hidden behind a lang version as it needs to be possible to
// implement protected interface methods in lower F# versions regardless if it's a DIM or not.
match tyconOpt with
| Some _ when declKind = DeclKind.ModuleOrMemberBinding ->
MakeInnerEnvForTyconRef envForDecls tcref false
| Some tycon when declKind = DeclKind.ModuleOrMemberBinding ->
let envForDecls = MakeInnerEnvForTyconRef envForDecls tcref false
if tycon.IsUnionTycon then
extraBindings.Add(tycon, AddAugmentationDeclarations.AddUnionAugmentationBindings cenv envForDecls tycon)
| _ ->
let obinds = tyconBindingsOfTypeDefn tyconData
Expand All @@ -2462,142 +2596,16 @@ let TcMutRecDefns_Phase2 (cenv: cenv) envInitial bindsm scopem mutRecNSInfo (env
(intfTypes, slotImplSets) ||> List.map2 (interfaceMembersFromTypeDefn tyconData) |> List.concat
MutRecDefnsPhase2InfoForTycon(tyconOpt, tcref, declaredTyconTypars, declKind, obinds @ ibinds, fixupFinalAttrs))

MutRecBindingChecking.TcMutRecDefns_Phase2_Bindings cenv envInitial tpenv bindsm scopem mutRecNSInfo envMutRec binds
let withBindings, env = MutRecBindingChecking.TcMutRecDefns_Phase2_Bindings cenv envInitial tpenv bindsm scopem mutRecNSInfo envMutRec binds
(env, withBindings) ||> MutRecShapes.expandTyconsWithEnv (fun _ (tyconOpt, _) ->

This comment has been minimized.

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dsyme Jun 29, 2021


Could you please add a description of what's going on here with an example, as a // comment in the code I guess, also write it in the PR

Also add more extensive testing for the namespace rec case.

let mutable binds = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
match tyconOpt with
| Some tycon when extraBindings.TryGetValue(tycon, &binds) -> binds, []
| _ -> [], []
), env

with e -> errorRecovery e scopem; [], envMutRec

// Build augmentation declarations

module AddAugmentationDeclarations =
let tcaugHasNominalInterface g (tcaug: TyconAugmentation) tcref =
tcaug.tcaug_interfaces |> List.exists (fun (x, _, _) ->
match tryTcrefOfAppTy g x with
| ValueSome tcref2 when tyconRefEq g tcref2 tcref -> true
| _ -> false)

let AddGenericCompareDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) (scSet: Set<Stamp>) (tycon: Tycon) =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare g tycon && scSet.Contains tycon.Stamp then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let _, ty = if tcref.Deref.IsExceptionDecl then [], g.exn_ty else generalizeTyconRef tcref
let m = tycon.Range
let genericIComparableTy = mkAppTy g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref [ty]

let hasExplicitIComparable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IComparable_ty
let hasExplicitGenericIComparable = tcaugHasNominalInterface g tcaug g.system_GenericIComparable_tcref
let hasExplicitIStructuralComparable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IStructuralComparable_ty

if hasExplicitIComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))

elif hasExplicitGenericIComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsGenericIComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
elif hasExplicitIStructuralComparable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIStructuralComparableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
let hasExplicitGenericIComparable = tycon.HasInterface g genericIComparableTy
let cvspec1, cvspec2 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForCompareAugmentation g tcref
let cvspec3 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForCompareWithComparerAugmentation g tcref

PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IStructuralComparable_ty
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IComparable_ty
if not tycon.IsExceptionDecl && not hasExplicitGenericIComparable then
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true genericIComparableTy
tcaug.SetCompare (mkLocalValRef cvspec1, mkLocalValRef cvspec2)
tcaug.SetCompareWith (mkLocalValRef cvspec3)
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec2
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding cvspec3

let AddGenericEqualityWithComparerDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) (seSet: Set<Stamp>) (tycon: Tycon) =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals g tycon && seSet.Contains tycon.Stamp then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let m = tycon.Range

let hasExplicitIStructuralEquatable = tycon.HasInterface g g.mk_IStructuralEquatable_ty

if hasExplicitIStructuralEquatable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIStructuralEquatableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))
let evspec1, evspec2, evspec3 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForEqualityWithComparerAugmentation g tcref
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true g.mk_IStructuralEquatable_ty
tcaug.SetHashAndEqualsWith (mkLocalValRef evspec1, mkLocalValRef evspec2, mkLocalValRef evspec3)
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec2
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding evspec3

let AddGenericCompareBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if (* AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare cenv.g tycon && *) Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedCompareToValues then
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForCompareAugmentation cenv.g tycon

let AddGenericCompareWithComparerBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if (* AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithCompare cenv.g tycon && *) Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedCompareToWithComparerValues then
(AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForCompareWithComparerAugmentation cenv.g tycon)

let AddGenericEqualityWithComparerBindings (cenv: cenv) (tycon: Tycon) =
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals cenv.g tycon && Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedHashAndEqualsWithComparerValues then
(AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForEqualityWithComparerAugmentation cenv.g tycon)

let AddGenericHashAndComparisonDeclarations (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) scSet seSet tycon =
AddGenericCompareDeclarations cenv env scSet tycon
AddGenericEqualityWithComparerDeclarations cenv env seSet tycon

let AddGenericHashAndComparisonBindings cenv tycon =
AddGenericCompareBindings cenv tycon @ AddGenericCompareWithComparerBindings cenv tycon @ AddGenericEqualityWithComparerBindings cenv tycon

// We can only add the Equals override after we've done the augmentation because we have to wait until
// tycon.HasOverride can give correct results
let AddGenericEqualityBindings (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) tycon =
let g = cenv.g
if AugmentWithHashCompare.TyconIsCandidateForAugmentationWithEquals g tycon then
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let tcaug = tycon.TypeContents
let _, ty = if tcref.Deref.IsExceptionDecl then [], g.exn_ty else generalizeTyconRef tcref
let m = tycon.Range

// Note: tycon.HasOverride only gives correct results after we've done the type augmentation
let hasExplicitObjectEqualsOverride = tycon.HasOverride g "Equals" [g.obj_ty]
let hasExplicitGenericIEquatable = tcaugHasNominalInterface g tcaug g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref

if hasExplicitGenericIEquatable then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcImplementsIEquatableExplicitly(tycon.DisplayName), m))

// Note: only provide the equals method if Equals is not implemented explicitly, and
// we're actually generating Hash/Equals for this type
if not hasExplicitObjectEqualsOverride &&
Option.isSome tycon.GeneratedHashAndEqualsWithComparerValues then

let vspec1, vspec2 = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForEqualsAugmentation g tcref
tcaug.SetEquals (mkLocalValRef vspec1, mkLocalValRef vspec2)
if not tycon.IsExceptionDecl then
PublishInterface cenv env.DisplayEnv tcref m true (mkAppTy g.system_GenericIEquatable_tcref [ty])
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding vspec1
PublishValueDefn cenv env ModuleOrMemberBinding vspec2
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForEqualsAugmentation g tycon
else []
else []

let AddUnionAugmentationBindings (cenv: cenv) (env: TcEnv) tycon =
let g = cenv.g
let tcref = mkLocalTyconRef tycon
let vals = AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeValsForUnionAugmentation g tcref
for v in vals do
PublishValueDefnMaybeInclCompilerGenerated cenv env true ModuleOrMemberBinding v
AugmentWithHashCompare.MakeBindingsForUnionAugmentation g tycon ( mkLocalValRef vals)

/// Infer 'comparison' and 'equality' constraints from type definitions
module TyconConstraintInference =

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4879,11 +4887,7 @@ module TcDeclarations =
// in, and there are code generation tests to check that.
let binds = AddAugmentationDeclarations.AddGenericHashAndComparisonBindings cenv tycon
let binds3 = AddAugmentationDeclarations.AddGenericEqualityBindings cenv envForDecls tycon
let unionBinds =
if tycon.IsUnionTycon then
AddAugmentationDeclarations.AddUnionAugmentationBindings cenv envForDecls tycon
else []
binds, binds3 @ unionBinds)
binds, binds3)

// Check for cyclic structs and inheritance all over again, since we may have added some fields to the struct when generating the implicit construction syntax
EstablishTypeDefinitionCores.TcTyconDefnCore_CheckForCyclicStructsAndInheritance cenv tycons
Expand Down

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