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Decoding an event log if you dont have the contract bindings. This example is the UniswapV3Pool Swap.
use ethers::{types::Address, abi::RawLog, contract::{EthLogDecode,EthEvent} };
#[derive(Debug, Default, EthEvent, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[ethevent(name = "Swap", abi = "Swap(address,address,int256,int256,uint160,uint128,int24)")]
pub struct SwapEventData {
sender: Address,
recipient: Address,
amount0: i128,
amount1: u128,
sqrt_price_x96: u128,
liquidity: u128,
tick: i32,
let event = <SwapEventData as EthLogDecode>::decode_log(&RawLog::from(event));