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I've tried all solutions to avoid caching after a new web-futter build, especially using deferred components, which lead to many main.dart.partxyz.js.
Flutter does not add the version number to those URLs.
I ended up with the following script; I hope it helps someone.
dos2unix pubspec.yaml
echo "incrementing build version..."
perl -i -pe 's/^(version:\s+\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)\+(\d+)$/$1.($2+1)."+".($3+1)/e' pubspec.yaml
flutter clean
flutter packages get
flutter build web --release --web-renderer=canvaskit --pwa-strategy=none #--no-tree-shake-icons #--source-maps
#replace base href
echo Updating base href
sed -i "s|<base href=\"/\">|<base href=\"$baseHref\">|g" build/web/index.html
echo "reading version from pubspec.yaml without + sign"
version=$(grep version: pubspec.yaml | sed 's/version: //g' | sed 's/+//g')
echo "Patching version in js partial urls in main.dart.js"
sed -i "s/\"main.dart.js\"/\"main.dart.js?v=$version\"/g" build/web/flutter.js
sed -i "s/\"main.dart.js\"/\"main.dart.js?v=$version\"/g" build/web/flutter_bootstrap.js
sed -i "s/\"main.dart.js\"/\"main.dart.js?v=$version\"/g" build/web/index.html
echo "Patching assets loader with v=$version in main.dart.js"
sed -i "s/self\.window\.fetch(a),/self.window.fetch(a + '?v=$version'),/g" build/web/main.dart.js
echo "Adding v= to manifest.json"
sed -i 's/"manifest.json"/"manifest.json?v='"$version"'"/' build/web/index.html