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Example of using Text-Summarization in Jupyter
- textSummarizationExample.ipynb - A Jupyter notebook with examples of using Text-Summarization
- Import required library
import as ai
- Call
- input - Required
- Text you are trying to summarize with the Text-Summarization service
- chunking_configuration - Optional
ChunkingConfiguration(max_chunk_size, chunk_overlap, list_of_separators, separator_type, disallow_intermediate_chunks)
: Numberchunk_overlap
: Numberlist_of_separators
: List of Stringsseparator_type
: Stringdisallow_intermediate_chunks
: Boolean
- output_style - Optional
- output_word_length - Optional
- model - Optional
- Id of a specific model if using something other than default Domo model
- prompt_template - Optional
- Additional prompt template to use in request to Text-Summarization
- parameters - Optional
- Any variables to be used with prompt_template
- Requires prompt_template to use