Terraform module that creates an application gateway with the following features:
- Public endpoint with a static IP
- Listeners defined on ports 443/80
- Configurable health probe
- Generates a self-signed certificate inside a dedicate Key Vault
module "my_appgw" {
source = "[email protected]:dominodatalab/terraform-azure-application-gateway.git"
location = "westus2"
resource_group_name = "my-resource-group"
subnet_id = "my-subnet"
# a password-protected ssl cert in pfx formwat is required
ssl_cert_pfx_data = data.external.cert.result["my-cert-data"]
ssl_cert_pfx_password = "mycertpassword"
# you can target the NICs of your VMs to add them to the backend pool for
# this gateway. alternatively, you can pass "${module.my_appgw.backend_address_pool_id}"
# to a VMSS.
targets = ["${azurerm_network_interface.my_vms.*.name}"]
# or you can provide one or more IP addresses to target, useful if you
# have reserved an ip address in terraform but won't have it setup as
# a target until later (ie given to a k8s loadbalancer):
backend_pool_ip_addresses = [""]