The time-series stream engine is created by function createTimeSeriesEngine
. It returns an abstract table object, which is the entry point of the stream engine. Ingesting data to this abstract table means that data enters the stream engine for calculation.
Function createTimeSeriesEngine
is generally used in conjunction with function subscribeTable
. Through function subscribeTable
, the stream engine subscribes to a stream table. After new data is ingested into the stream table, it will be pushed to the stream engine for calculation.
createTimeSeriesEngine(name, windowSize, step, metrics, dummyTable, outputTable, [timeColumn], [useSystemTime=false], [keyColumn], [garbageSize], [updateTime], [useWindowStartTime], [roundTime=true])
- name
The name of the stream engine. It is the unique identifier of the stream engine on a data node.
- useSystemTime
Type: BOOLEAN scalar
It indicates how the calculations are triggered. It is optional and the default value is false.
If useSystemTime=true, calculations are triggered at fixed-length intervals. Fixed-length windows are determined based on the time when each record enters the stream engine (with millisecond precision) instead of the temporal column in the data. If there is at least one record in this window, a calculation is triggered immediately after the window ends.
If useSystemTime=false, calculations are triggered when new data arrives after a window. Fixed-length windows are determined based on the temporal column specified by the parameter 'timeColumn'. Please note that the new record that triggers a calculation is not used in this calculation.
For example, let's consider a window from 10:10:10 to 10:10:19. If useSystemTime=true, as long as there is at least one record in the window, the calculation for this window is triggered at 10:10:20 right after the window ends. If useSystemTime=false, and the first record after 10:10:19 arrives at 10:10:25, the calculation of this window is triggered at 10:10:25.
- windowSize
Type: INT
The length of the windows.
A window includes its starting time but not its ending time.
- step
Type: INT
It defines the length between the end time of two adjacent windows. The value of 'windowSize' must be a multiple of 'step'.
The unit of 'windowSize' and 'step' depends on the value of 'useSystemTime'. If useSystemTime=true, the unit of 'windowSize' and 'step' is millisecond; if useSystemTime=false, the unit of 'windowSize' and 'step' is the same as the unit of 'timeColumn'.
To facilitate comparison of results, the system adjusts the starting time of the first window. For example, if the first record enters the stream engine at 2018.10.10T03:26:39.178 and step=100, the system will adjust the starting time of the first window to 2018.10.10T03:26:39.100. Please refer to Section 1.3.1 for more details.
If the stream engine conducts calculation in groups, the windows of all groups are adjusted so that overlapping windows of all groups share the same boundaries.
- metrics
Calculation formulas. It can be one or more built-in or user-defined aggregate functions such as <[sum(volume), avg(price)]>, or expressions of aggregate functions such as as <[avg(price1)-avg(price2)]>, or aggregate functions on operations involving multiple columns such as <[std(price1-price2)]>. A function can return multiple metrics. For example, if a user-defined function returns 2 results, 'metrics' can be written as <[func(price) as ['res1','res2']>.
If 'windowSize' is a vector, 'metrics' must be a tuple of the same size as 'windowSize'. For example, if windowSize=[3,6] and metrics=[<[sum(volume),avg(price)]>, <std(volume)>], sum(volume) and avg(price) use windowSize=3, whereas std(volume) uses windowSize=6.
The following aggregate functions are optimized in DolphinDB time-series stream engine.
Name | Description |
corr | correlation |
covar | covariance |
first | first element |
last | last element |
max | maximum |
med | median |
min | minimum |
percentile | percentile |
std | standard deviation |
sum | sum |
sum2 | sum of squares |
var | variance |
wavg | weighted average |
wsum | weighted sum |
- dummyTable
The system uses the schema of 'dummyTable' to determine the data type of each column in the streaming data. The schema of 'dummyTable' must be the same as that of the stream table. Whether 'dummyTable' contains data does not matter.
- outputTable
The output table for the calculation results.
Before we use function createTimeSeriesEngine
, we need to create 'outputTable' and specify the names and data types of its columns. The stream engine inserts the results into it.
The following rules apply to the schema of 'outputTable':
(1) The data type of the first column must be temporal. It is TIMESTAMP if useSystemTime=true. It is the same as the data type of 'timeColumn' if useSystemTime=false.
(2) If 'keyColumn' is specified, the second column is 'keyColumn'.
(3) The remaining columns are calculation results.
- timeColumn
Type: STRING scalar
When useSystemTime=false, 'timeColumn' is the name of the temperal column of the stream table.
- keyColumn
Type: STRING scalar
The name of the grouping column. It 'keyColumn' is specified, the time-series stream engine conducts calculations in groups.
- garbageSize
Type: INT
As the subscribed data continues to accumulate in the stream engine, a machenism is needed to clear data in the memory that is no longer needed. When the number of rows of historical data in the memory exceeds 'garbageSize', the system will clear the historical data that is not needed for the current calculation. 'garbageSize' has a default value of 50,000.
If 'keyColumn' is specified, memory cleanup is performed independently within each group. When the number of rows of historical data in memory of a group exceeds 'garbageSize', the historical data that is not needed in the current calculation in this group will be cleared.
- updateTime
Type: INT
If 'updateTime' is not specified, calculation for a window will not occur before the ending time of the window. To conduct calculations for the current window before it ends, we can specify 'updateTime'. The unit of 'updateTime' is the same as the unit of 'step', and 'step' must be a multiple of 'updateTime'. To specify 'updateTime', 'useSystemTime' must be set to false.
If 'updateTime' is specified, multiple calculations may happen within the current window. These calculations are triggered with the following rules:
(1) Divide the current window into 'windowSize'/'updateTime' small windows. Each small window has a length of 'updateTime'. When a new record arrives after a small window finishes, if there is at least one record in the current window that is not used in a calculation (excluding the new record), a calculation is triggered. Please note that this calculation does not use the new record.
(2) If max(2*updateTime, 2 seconds) after a record arrives at the stream engine, it still has not been used in a calculation, a calculation is triggered. This calculation includes all data in the current window at the time.
If 'keyColumn' is specified, these rules apply within each group.
Please note that the timestamp of each calculation result within the current window is the current window starting time or starting time + 'windowSize' (depending on parameter 'useWindowStartTime') instead of a timestamp inside the current window.
If 'updateTime' is specified, 'outputTable' must be a keyed table (created with function keyedTable
). If 'keyColumn' is not specified, the primary key of the output table is 'timeColumn'; if 'keyColumn' is specified, the primary keys of the output table are 'timeColumn' and 'keyColumn'. If the output table is an ordinary in-memory table or a stream table, each calculation will add a record, which will produce a large number of results with the same timestamp. The output table cannot be a keyed stream table either, as the records of a keyed stream table cannot be updated.
For details, please refer to the example in section 1.3.6.
- useWindowStartTime
Type: INT
Indicates whether the first column in 'outputTable' is the starting time of the windows. The default value is false, which means that the first column in 'outputTable' is the starting time of the windows + 'windowSize'.
The system adjusts the starting time of the first window with a value 'alignmentSize' based on the precision of 'timeColumn' and the value of the parameter 'step'.
If column 'timeColumn' is of second precision, such as DATETIME or SECOND:
- If 'roundTime'=false:
step | alignmentSize |
0~2 | 2 |
3~5 | 5 |
6~10 | 10 |
11~15 | 15 |
16~20 | 20 |
21~30 | 30 |
30 |60 (1 minute)
- If 'roundTime'=true:
If step<=30, please use the table above for alignmentSize; if step>30, please use the table below for alignmentSize:
step | alignmentSize |
31~60 | 60 (1 minute) |
60~120 | 120 (2 minutes) |
121~180 | 180 (3 minutes) |
181~300 | 300 (5 minutes) |
301~600 | 600 (10 minutes) |
601~900 | 900 (15 minutes) |
901~1200 | 1200 (20 minutes) |
1201~1800 | 1800 (30 minutes) |
1800 |3600 (1 hour)
If column 'timeColumn' is of millisecond precision, such as TIMESTAMP or TIME:
- If 'roundTime'=false:
step | alignmentSize |
0~2 | 2 |
3~5 | 5 |
6~10 | 10 |
11~20 | 20 |
21~25 | 25 |
26~50 | 50 |
51~100 | 100 |
101~200 | 200 |
201~250 | 250 |
251~500 | 500 |
501~1000 | 1000 |
1001~2000 | 2000 (2 seconds) |
2001~5000 | 5000 (5 seconds) |
5001~10000 | 10000 (10 seconds) |
10001~15000 | 15000 (15 seconds) |
15001~20000 | 20000 (20 seconds) |
20001~30000 | 30000 (30 seconds) |
30000|60000 (1 minute)
- If 'roundTime'=true:
If step<=30000, please use the table above for alignmentSize; if step>30000, please use the table below for alignmentSize:
step | alignmentSize |
30001~60000 | 60000 (1 minute) |
60001~120000 | 120000 (2 minutes) |
120001~300000 | 300000 (5 minutes) |
300001~600000 | 600000 (10 minutes) |
600001~900000 | 900000 (15 minutes) |
900001~1200000 | 1200000 (20 minutes) |
1200001~1800000 | 1800000 (30 minutes) |
1800000 | 3600000 (1 hour)
Temporal values are stored as integers in DolphinDB. For example, 13:30:10 is stored as 136060+30*60+10=48610. The system adjusts the starting time of the first window to be the largest value that is divisible by alignmentSize before the time of the first record.
If the time of the first record is x with data type of TIMESTAMP, then the starting time of the first window is adjusted to be timestamp(x/alignmentSize*alignmentSize), where / produces only the integer part after division. For example, if the time of the first record is 2018.10.08T01:01:01.365 and step=60000, then alignmentSize=60000, and the starting time of the first window is timestamp(2018.10.08T01:01:01.365/60000*60000)=2018.10.08T01:01:00.000.
The following example explains in detail how the boundaries of windows are set and how the stream engine conducts calculations. We first create the stream table "trades" with 2 columns: time and volume. Then we create a time-series stream engine "streamAggr1" to calculate sum(volume) for the past 6 milliseconds every 3 milliseconds.
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`volume, [TIMESTAMP, INT]) as trades
outputTable = table(10000:0, `time`sumVolume, [TIMESTAMP, INT])
tradesAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<[sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="append_tradesAggregator", offset=0, handler=append!{tradesAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
Insert 10 records into the stream table "trades":
def writeData(t, n){
timev = 2018.10.08T01:01:01.001 + timestamp(1..n)
volumev = take(1, n)
insert into t values(timev, volumev)
writeData(trades, 10)
select * from trades;
time | volume |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.002 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.003 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.004 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.005 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.007 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.008 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.009 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.010 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.011 | 1 |
select * from outputTable;
time | sumVolume |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.003 | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | 4 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.009 | 6 |
Now we describe how the 3 calculations were conducted in details. For simplicity, in this paragraph regarding the "time" column we ignore the part of 2018.10.08T01:01:01 and only use the milliseconds part. As the first record's time is 002 and step=3, the beginning time of the first window is adjusted to be 000. As step=3, the first window ends at 002 and only contains the record of 002. The calculation is triggered by the record of 003 and the result is 1. The second window is from 000 to 005 with 4 records. The calculation is triggered by the record of 006 and the result is 4. The third window is from 003 to 008 with 6 records. The calculation is triggered by the record of 009 and the result is 6. Although the fourth window is from 006 to 011 with 6 records, there is no record after 011 so the calculation for this window is not triggered.
To execute the script above again, we need to unsubscribe from the stream table and delete both the stream table and the stream engine with the following script:
unsubscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="append_tradesAggregator")
undef(`trades, SHARED)
The time-series stream engine supports a wide variety of calculation formulas.
- One or more aggregate functions
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<sum(ask)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
- Operations with aggregate function results
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<max(ask)-min(ask)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
- Aggregate functions on operations with columns
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<max(ask-bid)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
- Output multiple results
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<[max((ask-bid)/(ask+bid)*2), min((ask-bid)/(ask+bid)*2)]>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
- Aggregate functions with multiple parameters
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<corr(ask,bid)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<percentile(ask-bid,99)/sum(ask)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
- User-defined function
def spread(x,y){
return abs(x-y)/(x+y)*2
tsAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<spread(ask, bid)>, dummyTable=quotes, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
Note: Nested aggregate function calls are not supported, such as sum(spread(ofr,bid)).
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`volume, [TIMESTAMP, INT]) as trades
modelTable = table(1000:0, `time`volume, [TIMESTAMP, INT])
outputTable = table(10000:0, `time`sumVolume, [TIMESTAMP, INT])
tradesAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=5, step=5, metrics=<[sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=modelTable, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time)
subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="append_tradesAggregator", offset=0, handler=append!{tradesAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
def writeData(t,n){
timev = 2018.10.08T01:01:01.001 + timestamp(1..n)
volumev = take(1, n)
insert into t values(timev, volumev)
writeData(trades, 6)
select * from outputTable
Aggregation results can be output to an in-memory table or a stream table. Records in an in-memory table can be updated or deleted. Records in a stream table cannot be modified or deleted, but can be published as the data source of another stream engine.
In the following example, the stream engine "electricityAggregator1" subscribes to the stream table "electricity" and conducts moving average calculations. The results are output to a stream table "outputTable1". The aggregation engine "electricityAggregator2" subscribes to "outputTable1" and conducts moving max calculations.
share streamTable(1000:0,`time`voltage`current,[TIMESTAMP,DOUBLE,DOUBLE]) as electricity
share streamTable(10000:0,`time`avgVoltage`avgCurrent,[TIMESTAMP,DOUBLE,DOUBLE]) as outputTable1
electricityAggregator1 = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="electricityAggregator1", windowSize=10, step=10, metrics=<[avg(voltage), avg(current)]>, dummyTable=electricity, outputTable=outputTable1, timeColumn=`time, garbageSize=2000)
subscribeTable(tableName="electricity", actionName="avgElectricity", offset=0, handler=append!{electricityAggregator1}, msgAsTable=true)
outputTable2 =table(10000:0, `time`maxVoltage`maxCurrent, [TIMESTAMP,DOUBLE,DOUBLE])
electricityAggregator2 = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="electricityAggregator2", windowSize=100, step=100, metrics=<[max(avgVoltage), max(avgCurrent)]>, dummyTable=outputTable1, outputTable=outputTable2, timeColumn=`time, garbageSize=2000)
subscribeTable(tableName="outputTable1", actionName="maxElectricity", offset=0, handler=append!{electricityAggregator2}, msgAsTable=true);
Insert 500 records into the stream table "electricity":
def writeData(t, n){
timev = 2018.10.08T01:01:01.000 + timestamp(1..n)
voltage = 1..n * 0.1
current = 1..n * 0.05
insert into t values(timev, voltage, current)
writeData(electricity, 500);
The final results:
select * from outputTable2;
time | maxVoltage | maxCurrent |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.100 | 8.45 | 4.225 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.200 | 18.45 | 9.225 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.300 | 28.45 | 14.225 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.400 | 38.45 | 19.225 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.500 | 48.45 | 24.225 |
To execute the script above again, we need to unsubscribe from the stream tables and delete both the stream tables and the stream engines with the following script:
unsubscribeTable(tableName="electricity", actionName="avgElectricity")
undef(`electricity, SHARED)
unsubscribeTable(tableName="outputTable1", actionName="maxElectricity")
undef(`outputTable1, SHARED)
The following example conducts calculations within each 'sym' group.
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`sym`volume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT]) as trades
outputTable = table(10000:0, `time`sym`sumVolume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT])
tradesAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="streamAggr1", windowSize=3, step=3, metrics=<[sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time, useSystemTime=false, keyColumn=`sym, garbageSize=50)
subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="append_tradesAggregator", offset=0, handler=append!{tradesAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
def writeData(t, n){
timev = 2018.10.08T01:01:01.001 + timestamp(1..n)
symv =take(`A`B, n)
volumev = take(1, n)
insert into t values(timev, symv, volumev)
writeData(trades, 6)
select * from trades order by sym;
time | sym | volume |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.002 | A | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.004 | A | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | A | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.003 | B | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.005 | B | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.007 | B | 1 |
The final results:
select * from outputTable;
time | sym | sumVolume |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.003 | A | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | A | 1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | B | 2 |
The starting time of the first window is adjusted to be 000. As windowSize=3 and step=3, the windows are [000,003), [003,006), [006,009), etc.
- (1) The record of group A at 004 triggers the calculation of [000,003) for group A. - (2) The record of group A at 006 triggers the calculation of [003,006) for group A. - (3) The record of group B at 007 triggers the calculation of [003,006) for group B.
If 'keyColumn' is specified, 'timeColumn' values must be increasing within each group and does not have to be increasing across groups. If 'keyColumn' is not specified, 'timeColumn' values must be increasing. Otherwise unexpected results may occur.
The following 2 examples illustrate the role of 'updateTime'.
First, create a stream table "trades" and insert 10 records:
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`sym`volume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT]) as trades
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:01:01.785,`A,10)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:01:02.125,`B,26)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:01:10.263,`B,14)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:01:12.457,`A,28)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:02:10.789,`A,15)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:02:12.005,`B,9)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:02:30.021,`A,10)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:04:02.236,`A,29)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:04:04.412,`B,32)
insert into trades values(2018.10.08T01:04:05.152,`B,23);
- Do not specify 'updateTime':
output1 = table(10000:0, `time`sym`sumVolume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT])
agg1 = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="agg1", windowSize=60000, step=60000, metrics=<[sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=output1, timeColumn=`time, useSystemTime=false, keyColumn=`sym, garbageSize=50, useWindowStartTime=false)
subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="agg1", offset=0, handler=append!{agg1}, msgAsTable=true)
select * from output1;
time | sym | sumVolume |
2018.10.08T01:02:00.000 | A | 38 |
2018.10.08T01:03:00.000 | A | 25 |
2018.10.08T01:02:00.000 | B | 40 |
2018.10.08T01:03:00.000 | B | 9 |
- Set updateTime=1000:
output2 = keyedTable(`time`sym,10000:0, `time`sym`sumVolume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, INT])
agg2 = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="agg2", windowSize=60000, step=60000, metrics=<[sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=trades, outputTable=output2, timeColumn=`time, useSystemTime=false, keyColumn=`sym, garbageSize=50, updateTime=1000, useWindowStartTime=false)
subscribeTable(tableName="trades", actionName="agg2", offset=0, handler=append!{agg2}, msgAsTable=true)
select * from output2;
time | sym | sumVolume |
2018.10.08T01:02:00.000 | A | 38 |
2018.10.08T01:03:00.000 | A | 25 |
2018.10.08T01:02:00.000 | B | 40 |
2018.10.08T01:03:00.000 | B | 9 |
2018.10.08T01:05:00.000 | B | 55 |
2018.10.08T01:05:00.000 | A | 29 |
Next, we will explain the calculations triggered in the last window from 01:04:00.000 to 01:05:00.000. For simplicity, regarding the "time" column we ignore the part of "2018.10.08T" and only use the "hour:minute:second.millisecond" part.
(1) At 01:04:04.236, 2000 milliseconds after the first record of group A arrived, a group A calculation is triggered. The result (01:05:00.000, `A, 29) is written to the output table.
(2) The record of group B at 01:04:05.152 is the first record after the small window of [01:04:04.000, 01:04:05.000) that contains the group B record at 01:04:04.412. It triggers a group B calculation. The result (01:05:00.000,"B",32) is written to the output table.
(3) 2000 milliseconds later, at 01:04:07.152, as the B group record at 1:04:05.152 has not been used in a calculation, a group B calculation is triggered. The result is (01:05:00.000,"B",55). As the output table's keys are columns 'time' and 'sym', the record of (01:05:00.000,"B",32) in the output table is updated and becomes (01:05:00.000,"B",55).
The subscribed streaming data can be filtered out by specifying the parameter 'handler' of function subscribeTable
In the following example, records with voltage<=122 or current=NULL are filtered out before entering the stream engine.
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`voltage`current, [TIMESTAMP, DOUBLE, DOUBLE]) as electricity
outputTable = table(10000:0, `time`avgVoltage`avgCurrent, [TIMESTAMP, DOUBLE, DOUBLE])
def append_after_filtering(inputTable, msg){
t = select * from msg where voltage>122, isValid(current)
insert into inputTable values(t.time,t.voltage,t.current)
electricityAggregator = createTimeSeriesEngine(name="electricityAggregator", windowSize=6, step=3, metrics=<[avg(voltage), avg(current)]>, dummyTable=electricity, outputTable=outputTable, timeColumn=`time, garbageSize=2000)
subscribeTable(tableName="electricity", actionName="avgElectricity", offset=0, handler=append_after_filtering{electricityAggregator}, msgAsTable=true)
def writeData(t, n){
timev = 2018.10.08T01:01:01.001 + timestamp(1..n)
voltage = 120+1..n * 1.0
current = take([1,NULL,2]*0.1, n)
insert into t values(timev, voltage, current);
writeData(electricity, 10);
Records in the stream table:
select * from electricity;
time | voltage | current |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.002 | 121 | 0.1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.003 | 122 | |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.004 | 123 | 0.2 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.005 | 124 | 0.1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | 125 | |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.007 | 126 | 0.2 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.008 | 127 | 0.1 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.009 | 128 | |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.010 | 129 | 0.2 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.011 | 130 | 0.1 |
The aggregation results:
select * from outputTable;
time | avgVoltage | avgCurrent |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.006 | 123.5 | 0.15 |
2018.10.08T01:01:01.009 | 125 | 0.15 |
As the records with voltage<=122 or electric=NULL have been filtered out, the first window [000,003) has no records and therefore no calculation is triggered for this window.
The parameter 'outputTable' can also be another streaming engine.
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`sym`price`volume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, DOUBLE, INT]) as trades
share streamTable(1000:0, `time`sym`open`close`high`low`volume, [TIMESTAMP, SYMBOL, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, INT]) as kline
outputTable=table(1000:0, `sym`factor1, [SYMBOL, DOUBLE])
Rengine=createReactiveStateEngine(name="reactive", metrics=<[mavg(open, 3)]>, dummyTable=kline, outputTable=outputTable, keyColumn="sym")
Tengine=createTimeSeriesEngine(name="timeseries", windowSize=6000, step=6000, metrics=<[first(price), last(price), max(price), min(price), sum(volume)]>, dummyTable=trades,, outputTable=Rengine, timeColumn=`time, useSystemTime=false, keyColumn=`sym)
// The results of a time-series engine are fed into a reactive state engine
subscribeTable(server="", tableName="trades", actionName="timeseries", offset=0, handler=append!{Tengine}, msgAsTable=true)
To get a list of existing stream engines, use function
To get the handle of a stream engine, use function
To delete a stream engine, use command