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Releases: doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.9 Win64 & Linux

09 Mar 10:41
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15d2356ea81ff64a317809046994631a *
c716a27e159e59789d4433723bcf5eb9 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-9-Linux.tar.xz

  • Miner now works on older linux distributions ( Ubuntu 16.04 - glibc2.23 )
  • Small hashrate increase on 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm for some GPU's
  • Yescrypt algorithms hashrate increase on CPU if miner run with administrator/root privilege
  • Fixed GPU sensors reading on Linux
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes stopped hashing when connected to the pool after a long reconnect period
  • Renamed '--disable-randomx-tweaks' parameter to '--disable-msr-tweaks', '--disable-tweaking' to '--disable-gpu-tweaking', and '--randomx-use-tweaks' to '--msr-use-tweaks'
  • Minor bug fixes

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.8 Win64 & Linux

02 Mar 10:33
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80511074bdcab2e0cab22a59e1245f2d *
52892eea9352fccd5b9aae36668ba77f *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-8-Linux.tar.xz

  • Hashrate increased even more on 'kadena' algorithm, and at the same time lowered power usage
  • Small hashrate increase on 'yescrypt' CPU algorithms
  • Minor bug fixes

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.7 Win64 & Linux

01 Mar 21:17
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0056b57ed7c2da9d77bf49a5949b88af *
b5e452353f3605a19650b3b8cf063590 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-7-Linux.tar.xz

  • 'kadena' algorithm huge hashrate increase
  • Added 'gpu_' prefix to GPU related parameters in config file : gpu_intensity, gpu_raw_intensity, gpu_worksize, gpu_threads, gpu_tweak_profile, gpu_target_temperature, gpu_shutdown_temperature, gpu_off_temperature. 'gpu_conf' parameters naming stays the same.
  • Added new parameters in config file : cpu_threads, cpu_affinity, cpu_priority
  • Renamed 'pool_use_tls' in pool configuration file to 'tls'

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.6 Win64 & Linux

26 Feb 10:45
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c90ab8af8a16cc0ba0e39fc7da560bf2 *
ad72137c46a7705db3f6f4a190204e29 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-6-Linux.tar.xz

  • 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm updated (active from block 133060)
  • Added '--enable-opencl-cleanup' parameter to enable OpenCL resources freeing on miner exit/restart (default is disabled because it can hang miner if driver crashed)

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.5 Win64 & Linux

20 Feb 12:49
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0448236825902dd12d87e20591ad1a7f *
ff7c8a1b2e12f4db31415f544107292e *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-5-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added 'cryptonight_bbc' algorithm (BigBangCore) - DevFee 2.5%
  • Lowered devfee for 'bl2bsha3' to 2%
  • Some gpu's might get a tiny hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3'
  • Gpu sensors now available in Linux
  • --adl-disable parameter now available in Linux
  • --shutdown-temperature parameter (shutdown_temperature in config) now available in Linux
  • --gpu-off-temperature parameter (off_temperature in config) now available in Linux
  • Removed option to set difficulty for 'bl2bsha3' in password field
  • Removed notification for 6block stratum compatibility
  • Possibly fixed a bug where miner shows it's hashing (always shows exactly same hashrate), but gpu's are stalled

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.4 Win64 & Linux

17 Feb 09:07
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b017b9c38e5ef1a6dfcef7bc5c6d7366 *
8401e1a670c38469b6d525ea8ea8a4b2 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-4-Linux.tar.xz

  • Fixed share accepted/rejected display issue with 6block pool (HNS)
  • Fixed miner auto restarting issue on Linux
  • Tiny hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3' with some GPU's

Handshake node 2.0.2 changed the stratum messages for accepted/rejected shares, and because of this miner showed 'rejected' for every share, but they were accepted by the pool. It's just a display thing.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.3 Win64 & Linux

13 Feb 11:40
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cb1b1de2befcb83e0ff2e96914396e8e *
ed277655d0991dd5084a6e9679608c88 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-3_Linux.tar.xz

  • Hashrate increase on 'bl2bsha3' algorithm (~ 10-15% )
  • Added support for Navi (gfx1010) cards for 'bl2bsha3' (let's just say it works)
  • Added possibility to set difficulty for 'bl2bsha3' . Just enter it in the pool password field.
  • Miner can be now used on pools other than 6block if they implement the same stratum protocol as 6block

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.2 Win64 & Linux

12 Feb 17:25
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e639823afb3a06a634f9b46a2017a7ff *
cf157bf1b524ffe861fb77ad323242fb *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-2-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'bl2bsha3' (Handshake (HNS) coin - pool only) - Fee 3%
  • RandomX fixes
  • Added '--gpu-platform' parameter to cmd config, and 'gpu_platform' to configuration files to force opencl platform
  • Added '--randomx-use-1gb-pages' parameter to config, whiche enables 1GB sized page files if supported by CPU
  • When reading pools or algorithms configuration file, if invalid entry found it will be just skipped

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.1 Win64 & Linux

22 Jan 10:21
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MD5: 1ec8f2eef141f7befa18e259cc9ef819 *
MD5: 36c137b0c4a84f2cf39e1523fbe6eb74 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-1-Linux.tar.xz

  • Fixed ERROR 0x4002

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.3.0 Win64 & Linux

20 Jan 14:07
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!First Linux version!
Still needs some features ported from the Windows version, and probably a lot of bug fixes.

MD5: 2e03bda783bf765a51d3ff568fbddcd9 *
MD5: 6f01e45402cd03734dc093ead8949149 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-3-0-Linux.tar.xz

  • First version for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Removed RandomV (MoneroV) algorithm
  • Added 'defyx' algorithm (Scala)
  • Added 'yespoweritc' algorithm (Intercoin)
  • Added 'cryptonight_catalans' algorithm (CatalansCoin)
  • Added 'cryptonight_talleo' algorithm (Talleo)
  • --randomx-use-tweaks accepts now values from 0-4, [ 0 - Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 - AMD ]
  • Added parameter 'worker' to pools config and cmd parameters -> defines worker name for RPC2
  • a lot of bug fixes