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JSSEngine - Documentation

About JSSEngine

JSSEngine is JSS's implementation of the SSLEngine contract for non-blocking TLS. Unlike the SunJSSE provider's SSLEngine (when using the SunPKCS11-NSS provider for primitives), this is built directly on NSS's high-level SSL module. This is better for FIPS compliance and HSM support (as keys never leave the NSS cryptographic module) and also means that we don't need to reimplement the underlying state machine. This approach is consistent with our JSS SSLSocket.

Using JSSEngine

There are two ways to use the JSSEngine: via the JCA Provider interface, or constructing a JSSEngine instance directly. The former method is preferred out of the two.

Please refer to the [JSSEngine test cases][jss.jssengine.tests] or to the Oracle SSLEngine demo for information on using it. Usually a SSLEngine instance is asked by an external API (e.g., Tomcat) or used inside a SSLSocket implementation, such as the SSLSocket implementation provided by Mozilla-JSS's SSLContext`.

Via the JSSProvider

This is the preferred way of using the JSSEngine. To construct a new SSLEngine instance, first get Mozilla-JSS's SSLContext:

// First get the necessary KeyManagers and TrustManagers. Note that
// selecting KeyManagers and TrustManagers is discussed more below.
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("NssX509", "Mozilla-JSS");
KeyManager[] kms = kmf.getKeyManagers();

TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("NssX509", "Mozilla-JSS");
TrustManager[] tms = tmf.getTrustManagers();

// Then, initialize the SSLContext with the above information. Note that
// we don't utilize the SecureRandom parameter, as NSS internally handles
// generating random numbers for us.
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS", "Mozilla-JSS");
ctx.init(kms, tms, null);

// If we don't have any peer host/port information, use this form:
SSLEngine engine = ctx.createSSLEngine();

// Otherwise, use this form:
SSLEngine engine = ctx.createSSLEngine(peerHost, peerPort);

The SSLContext also provides methods helpful for configuring the SSLEngine. These are SSLContext.getDefaultSSLParameters() and SSLContext.getSupportedSSLParameters(). These provide the default parameters used by the SSLEngine and all supported SSLParameters, respectively.

For more information about configuring the JSSEngine, see the section below.

Note that the Mozilla-JSS provider's SSLContext instance also provides methods for creating SSLSocket factories which conform to the same interfaces. These sockets utilize the JSSEngine internally and expose many of the same configuration methods under the JSSSocket class namespace. The results of these factories can be directly cast to JSSSocket or JSSServerSocket as appropriate.

Direct Utilization

This is the less preferred way of using the JSSEngine. This requires understanding the class layout of JSSEngine. See the section below for more information.

First, get an instance of JSSEngine:

/* If no session resumption hints are provided: */
// JSSEngine engine = new JSSEngine<$Impl>();

/* If we already know the peer's host and port: */
// String peerHost;
// int peerPort;
// JSSEngine engine = new JSSEngine<$Impl>(peerHost, peerPort);

/* Or laastly, if we know the peer's host and port, and want to set
 * a certificate and key to use for our side of the connection: */
// X509Certificate localCert;
// PrivateKey localKey;
JSSEngine engine = new JSSEngine<$Impl>(peerHost, peerPort, localCert, localKey);

Replace JSSEngine<$Impl> with one of the implementing classes below.

Then, continue with configuring the JSSEngine below.

Configuring the JSSEngine

Configuring the JSSEngine is a multi-step process. Below are common configuration options grouped into categories.

Choosing Handshake Side

Configuring which side of the handshake this JSSEngine will use occurs via a call to setUseClientMode(boolean mode). When mode is true, this engine will handshake as if it was the client. Otherwise, this engine will handshake as a server. Note that calling setUseClientMode(...) after the handshake has started (either via calling beginHandshake(...), wrap(...), or unwrap(...)) isn't supported.

Checking the current mode can be done via getUseClientMode(...).

Choosing Key Material

Key material can be chosen in several ways. In every scenario, a JSSKeyManager instance needs to be passed to the JSSEngine:

// JSSEngine inst;
inst.setKeyManager(new JSSKeyManager());

For direct selection of key from an existing instance, call setKeyMaterials:

// JSSEngine inst;
inst.setKeyMaterials(myPK11Cert, myPK11PrivKey);

Note that these must be instances of PK11Cert and PK11PrivKey respectively. These can be obtained from the [CryptoManager][jss.cryptomanager] and casting X509Certificate to PK11Cert and PrivateKey to PK11PrivKey.

For selection of a key via an alias in the certificate database, call setCertFromAlias:

// JSSEngine inst;

Lastly, key material could've been provided when the JSSEngine was constructed; see the section on direct utilization above.

Note that SNI support isn't yet added so the key selection must occur prior to the initial handshake.

Choosing TLS protocol version

There are two ways to choose TLS protocol version. The first is via the Java Provider interface, selecting the TLS version directly. The Mozilla-JSS provider understands the following aliases:

  • SSL and TLS, enabling any allowed SSL and TLS protocol version,
  • TLSv1.1 to enable only TLS version 1.1 by default,
  • TLSv1.2 to enable only TLS version 1.2 by default, and
  • TLSv1.3 to enable only TLS version 1.3 by default.

Alternatively, the standard SSLEngine configuration method of passing a list of protocols to setEnabledProtocols is also allowed. Note that this will override any value passed via the Provider interface. Additionally, due to restrictions in NSS, a contiguous range of protocols will be enabled. For example, the following call:

// SSLEngine inst;
inst.setEnabledProtocols(new String[] { "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.3" });

will enable TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3.

Alternative methods are available that take JSS standard SSLVersion and SSLVersionRange values as parameters; see the JSSEngine javadoc for more information.

Choosing Cipher Suite

Configuring cipher suites is performed using the standard SSLEngine configuration method of passing a list of cipher suites to setEnabledCipherSuites. We filter the list of passed cipher suites to only those allowed by local policy. For example:

// SSLEngine inst;
inst.setEnabledCipherSuites(new String[] { "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" });

will enable only a single TLSv1.3 cipher suite.

Alternative methods are available that take JSS standard SSLCipher values as parameters; see the JSSEngine javadoc for more information.

Using JSSParameters

JSSParameters largely aligns with SSLParameters except that it allows two important introductions:

  1. Selection of key material, like above. See the javadocs on JSSParameters for more information.
  2. Setting the peer's hostname, for use with validation of certificates. This allows us to tie into NSS's hostname verification directly, instead of responding after the fact by closing the connection.

Generally, using SSLParameters should be sufficient for most applications. Two exceptions are when we wish to explicitly select key material (e.g., from a certificate nickname) or when using NSS for SSL hostname validation.

Session Control

The JSSEngine lacks many of the session control functions other SSLEngine implementations might have. In particular, we:

  • Always enable session resumption; this cannot be disabled.
  • Allow forced expiration of a session as long as the SSLEngine's connection isn't yet closed.
  • Report accurate creation/expiration/last accessed times.

However, other features of sessions (such as configuring location and size of the session cache) aren't yet configurable.

Design of the JSSEngine

Class Structuring

The below is a digram showing the structure of JSSEngine classes:

                      | JSSEngine |-------------------------
                       -----------                          \
                        /       \                            \
 ------------------------       ------------------------     ------
| JSSEngineReferenceImpl |     | JSSEngineOptimizedImpl |   | .... |
 ------------------------       ------------------------     ------

JSSEngine is an abstract class extending SSLEngine. This class implements some of the boilerplate required for implementing a SSLEngine, including handling cipher and protocol version configuration. Individual implementations implement wrap, unwrap, and whatever specifics are necessary to initialize and release the SSL-backed PRFileDesc.

We expect two primary implementations:

  • JSSEngineReferenceImpl, a reference implementation with more logging and debugging statements. This also includes port-based debugging, so situations where a SSLEngine isn't writing to the network can still be tracked and analyzed in Wireshark. Each call to wrap or unwrap makes several JNI calls, incurring lots of overhead.
  • JSSEngineOptimizedImpl, an optimized, production-ready implementation. This one is harder to debug due to fewer logging statements, but does improve performance significantly with fewer JNI calls.

Non-Blocking IO

In order to implement wrap and unwrap on the SSLEngine, we use NSPR sockets configured in non-blocking mode. Data is held in buffers rather than being written to the network; in this way, data is passed from a unwrap call to NSPR so that NSS can decrypt the wire data, with the result being returned from unwrap.

This is implemented as follows:

NSPR introduces a platform-independent abstraction over C's file descriptors (usually an int) in the form of the PRFileDesc structure. This is layer-able, allowing us to write our own and then have it be accepted by NSS's SSL PRFileDesc implementation as the underlying transport.

Our PRFileDesc is called BufferPRFD and lives next to the JSSEngine implementation in org/mozilla/jss/ssl/javax. Each BufferPRFD is backed by two j_buffer instances (located adjacent). A j_buffer is a circular ring buffer optimized to allow efficient access to the underlying data. One j_buffer is dedicated to the read end of this BufferPRFD (the data that is returned when recv(...) is called); the other is dedicated to the write end of this BufferPRFD (the data that is waiting to get sent on the wire). Note that the j_buffer instances exist independently from the BufferPRFD: the JSSEngine itself creates the j_buffers and hands them to the BufferPRFD to use, because it too needs to be able to read from them.

This forms the following data path once the initial handshake is complete:

| Application |
     |  ^
app  |  | wire  SSLEngine.wrap(data, result)
data |  | data
     V  |
  -----------  jb_read(write, result) ----------
 | JSSEngine | <-------------------- | j_buffer |
  -----------                         ----------
      |                                   ^
      | PR.Write(ssl_fd, data)            | jb_write(write, enc_data)
      v                                   |
    -----                            -----------
   | NSS | -----------------------> | PRFileDesc|
    -----                            -----------
         PR.Write(buffer_fd, enc_data)

The application creates application data it wants to send to its peer. It invokes SSLEngine.wrap(data, result), where data is the application data and result is an empty buffer large enough to store the resulting wire data. The JSSEngine passes this data (via a call to PR.Write) to NSS along the SSL PRFileDesc (ssl_fd) associated with this JSSEngine. NSS encrypts this data and writes it to the underlying BufferPRFD. If the BufferPRFD has sufficient space in its write j_buffer, it can accept all the data. This occurs in the PR.Write call on the BufferPRFD. At this point, the call stack returns to JSSEngine.wrap(...). When it sees that there is data in the underlying write j_buffer, JSSEngine reads from the write j_buffer, thereby freeing space in it for the next PR.Write(...) invocation, and adds this to the application's result (wire data) buffer.

A similar process (with the bottom loop reversed) occurs for the application decrypting data from its peer. In this case, encrypted wire data is written to the read j_buffer, a call to jb_read(read) from PR.Read(buffer_fd) occurs inside NSS when a call to PR.Read(ssl_fd) is made from the SSLEngine. The unencrypted result is then passed to the caller of SSLEngine.unwrap(...).


The data flow described above in the section on Non-Blocking IO applies to the initial TLS Handshake as well, except there's no initial application data and the JSSEngine doesn't call PR.Write(...). TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 both have state machines at the core of their handshake mechanism. However, NSS doesn't expose the current state of the handshake or whether or not we can continue without any additional information from the remote peer.

When a JSSEngine is initialized, the first thing it expects to do is begin a handshake with a peer. The TLS handshake begins with the client sending a Client Hello message to the server. When the SSLEngine is initialized as a client, it sets the handshake state to NEED_WRAP (so we can send the outbound Client Hello); when initialized as a server, it gets set to NEED_UNWRAP so we can receive the inbound Client Hello from the peer.

When SSL.ForceHandshake is called, NSS steps the internal state machine. This results in a call to PR.Read(...) to read any inbound data, and if this client needs to write a message, a call to PR.Write(...). In this way, all inbound data on the wire is consumed, and if a message needs to be transmitted, we can check the amount of data in the write j_buffer. This gives us the following heuristic for handshaking:

  1. Get the Security Status prior to handshaking via SSL.SecurityStatus(...)
  2. Perform SSL.ForceHandshake(...)
  3. Get the Security Status again
  4. Determine our next step:
    • If we need to send data to the client (and this wasn't a wrap call), change status to NEED_WRAP
    • If the handshake status reports security is on (and there is no more data to send in a wrap call!), we've just finished handshaking and have sent the last commit message, so change status to FINISHED.
    • If we have no more data to read from the client (and no outbound data either), we assume we need more data from the client so we change the status to NEED_UNWRAP.
    • Otherwise, we keep the status the same. We increment a unknown state counter -- this flips the value from its previous value to the opposite of what it was (e.g., NEED_WRAP to NEED_UNWRAP). This helps to ensure we don't ever get stuck.

This heuristic is wrapped in updateHandshakeState, which is called from wrap, unwrap, and getHandshakeStatus; the unknown state counter gets incremented in all three places.

Post-Handshake Auth (PHA) and Re-Handshaking

Prior to TLS 1.3, clients and servers could initiate another handshake, allowing clients the chance to specify authentication that wasn't provided at the initial handshake. This also allowed the client and server to negotiate a new key. Because this poses a security risk, a TLS extension modifies the behavior to improve security. However, this behavior was removed in TLS 1.3 and replaced with two separate steps: one mechanism to provide authentication post-handshake and another to rekey the handshake.

By default, renegotiation and PHA support are both enabled for a JSSEngine. In order to issue such a renegotiation, change the status of client authentication after the initial handshake:

// SSLEngine inst;

Then call beginHandshake() in order to re-handshake:


Complete a handshake as usual. Note that this will detect if TLS 1.3 or a previous version was negotiated and choose between a rehandshaking and PHA as appropriate for the selected TLS version.

Disabling Post-Handshake Auth (PHA)

In order to disable PHA support, cast SSLEngine to a JSSEngine instance prior to the initial handshake and remove the PHA configuration option, SSL.ENABLE_POST_HANDSHAKE_AUTH or set it to 0 to disable it:

import org.mozilla.jss.ssl.javax.JSSEngine;
import org.mozilla.jss.nss.SSL;

// JSSEngine inst;
inst.addConfiguration(SSL.ENABLE_POST_HANDSHAKE_AUTH, 0);

Note that this must be done before beginHandshake(), wrap(), or unwrap() is called.

Disabling Re-Handshaking

In order to disable or configure secure renegotiation, the following configuration options can be modified:

  • SSL.ENABLE_RENEGOTATION - set to SSL.RENEGOTIATE_NEVER to disable all attempts at renegotation; set to SSL.RENEGOTIATE_UNRESTRICTED to always renegotiation even in unsafe scenarios; set to SSL.RENEGOTIATE_REQUIRES_XTN to only allow secure renegotiation; set to SSL.RENEGOTIATE_TRANSITIONAL to require the renegotiation extension when this is a server connection, but allowing clients to handshake with vulnerable servers.
  • SSL.REQUIRE_SAFE_NEGOTIATION - set to 1 by default, can be set to 0 to enable unsafe renegotiation.
  • SSL.ENABLE_FALLBACK_SCSV - set to 1 by default to send the fallback SCSV pseudo-ciphersuite; can be set to 0 to disable sending the option.

For example, to disable renegotiation completely:

import org.mozilla.jss.ssl.javax.JSSEngine;
import org.mozilla.jss.nss.SSL;

// JSSEngine inst;

Note that this must be done before beginHandshake(), wrap(), or unwrap() or called.

SSL Alert Handling

NSS exposes access to protocol-level alerts via the two callback functions, SSL_AlertReceivedCallback (for when an alert was received from the remote peer) and SSL_AlertSentCallback (for when NSS sends an alert to the remote peer). When attempting non-blocking IO, there's a weird quirk about how these callbacks function: the only execute when a NSPR PR_Read(...) or PR_Write(...) call executes on the SSL PRFileDesc. In particular, it isn't sufficient to simply call SSL_ForceHandshake(...)! The callbacks strictly occur when the alerts are on the wire, and don't execute for future alerts we're expecting to send. This convolutes our exception handling slightly.

JSS takes the following approach to handling SSL Alerts and exposing them to callers via exceptions:

  1. SSLFDProxy contains separate queues of inbound and outbound SSLAlerts.
  2. checkSSLAlert verifies whether or not a fatal alert was received and/or sent.
  3. The first such fatal alert that was received or sent is converted into an SSLException instance; this is saved to the JSSEngine's state and returned.
  4. updateHandshakeState() checks to see if a SSL alert occurred prior to calling SSL_ForceHandshake(...)` -- if so, it does no work.
  5. wrap and unwrap also check SSL alerts after all work is done. This ensures we always trigger a call into NSPR's PR_Write(...) or PR_Read(...).
  6. When an alert occurs in unwrap (especially during a handshake), we make sure to set the state to wrap so our response (either the alert itself or our confirmation of it) is recorded.
  7. Lastly, we make sure to throw an exception only once and not multiple times.

wrap/unwrap with large Buffers

While SSLSession indiciates the size of its internal buffers (via SSLSession.getApplicationBufferSize()), we might get src and dst buffers large enough to overflow our internal buffer multiple times. While we could indicate this via returning a short read (bytesConsumed() or bytesProduced() on SSLEngineResult from a wrap or unwrap respectively), this could make the application allocate multiple buffers or invoke wrap()/unwrap() multiple times. This overhead isn't necessary, as we can detect this ourselves within JSSEngine.

For a wrap() call, there's two places data could be produced: in updateHandshakeState() when we're handshaing or in writeData(). There's only one place wire data is placed: write_buf. Because write_buf is limited to BUFFER_SIZE bytes, we could produce bytes (up to the capacity of write_buf), write them to dst, and then be able to produce more bytes. We stop when we are no longer producing or consuming any bytes. This leaves us with one extra invocation of updateHandshakeState(), writeData(), and reading from write_buf, but this is necessary to flush the internal NSS buffer.

A similar description applies to unwrap. To accomplish handling large buffers, we simply wrap the core body of wrap() and unwrap() in a loop, stopping when no more data is being produced and consumed. This will stop because: the input and output buffers we're given are bounded in size and if an exception occurs, after writting the appropriate alert to the wire, NSS will quit reading/writing data. This means these loops are bound to terminate eventually.

Future Improvements

Currently we've only implemented the JSSEngineReferenceImpl; the optimized implementation still needs to be written. In particular, the performance of multiple JNI calls per step (wrap or unwrap) needs to be evaluated. We could replace this with a copy of the contents of the underlying ByteBuffer, perform a PR_Read or PR_Write operation, and then (in the event of a write), copy the modified data back. This would give us better performance for large buffers.

We only have a single JSSKeyManager that doesn't understand SNI; we should make sure we support SNI from a client and server perspective.

We need to make sure we can interact with external (non-JSS) X509TrustManagers and use them to validate the peer's certificates.