This repository is the official implementation of Interferobot: aligning an optical interferometer by a reinforcement learning agent .
This repo contains the following four submodules:
- interf_game - the interactive user interface for both simulator and hardware interferometer
- gym_interf - gym environment for interferometer simulator
- iron_interf - gym environment for hardware interferometer
- interf_dqn - code to train double dueling dqn agent
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:dmitrySorokin/interferobotProject.git
pip3 install -e gym_interf
pip3 install -r interf_game/requirements.txt
Install drivers and python bindings for mirror mounts
apt-get install libusb-1.0-0
pip3 install pyusb (1.0.2)
Install drivers from here and python bindings for IDS camera
pip3 install pyueye
Run camera daemon
Install gym environment
pip3 install -e iron_interf
Pretrained models located in interf_game submodule:
model | description |
interf_game/ablation_models/all_random | model trained with all doman randomizations |
interf_game/ablation_models/no_brightness_random | model trained without brightness randomization |
interf_game/ablation_models/no_channel_shift | model trained without duty cycle randomization |
interf_game/ablation_models/no_noise | model trained without noise white nose |
interf_game/ablation_models/no_radius_random | model trained without radius randomization |
Run simulator in iteractive mode:
cd interf_game
python3 --model=path/to/model
You can try to align the interferometer manually by keyboard:
- w, a, s, d - controls mirror 1
- i, j, k, l - controls beam splitter 2
- r - reset the simulator to a random position
- q - move to an aligned state
- x - to change the step size
Or let the agent do this:
- press space to run/stop the agent
The same functionality is available for hardware interferometer in interf_game/
Train Interferobot with all domain randomizations:
cd interf_dqn
Evaluate the trained agent for 100 episodes:
cd interf_game
python3 --model=ablation_models/all_random --ngames=100 --log_dir=all_random
This will create directory all_random with files:
- log.txt - semicolon separated values igame, istep, visib_camera, visib_device
- game_{igame}_step_{istep}.npz - numpy arxieves with fields state, action, next_state, done, visib_device, visib_camera
Visualize episoge 0:
./ --game_id=0 --folder=all_random
Evaluation episodes collected at the physical interferometer for all trained models in the format described above are available at google drive.
Alignment videos generated for all_random model evaluated at the physical interferometer are available at google drive.
Our models trained entirely in simulation achieves the following performance in zero-shot Sim2Real transfer:
Model name | visibility | return |
all_random | 0.96 ± 0.02 | 221 ± 54 |
no_radius_random | 0.74 ± 0.20 | 85 ± 69 |
no_brightness_random | 0.91 ± 0.04 | 178 ± 39 |
no_noise | 0.82 ± 0.07 | 129 ± 43 |
no_channel_shift | 0.89 ± 0.07 | 200 ± 42 |