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Daniel Lew edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the joda-time-android wiki!

I'm currently using this wiki to organize my thoughts on the project.


I want to support all normal methods for Android libs:

  • Importing the project into Eclipse/IntelliJ
  • apklib
  • aar

The first is a normal use case but it unfortunately necessitates that I have semi-compiled source in the repo (in particular the tzdata resources). I want there to be a way to regularly update them so as a result it is necessary to create a script which takes the source tzdata and outputs it in the desired format.


  1. Create library project, import joda-time code
  2. Figure out where we want the tzdata
  3. Write script to generate tzdata
  4. Integrate existing tests with project
  5. Figure out how to generate apklib
  6. Figure out how to generate aar
  7. Upload apklib, aar
  8. (Optional) Add Parcelable support to data structures, add tests for it
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