Think of the todos as just ideas I would like to optimistically work to, and not actual roadmapped features
- add new book (without needing calibre)
- use calibre (if possible) to convert from epub etc to txt file
- write dev install guide
- unflag anki cards on edit
- Import from multiple anki decks
- more control over what voice is used for which purpose
- 90% test coverage for go code
- linux scrollbars dont work in webview
- create bootstrap flow that installs free books
- Support ways outside of anki for importing words
- use forvo for term audio [unclear if possible]
- get example sentences from some online service [if free ones exist]
- track book progress (eg 15% read)
- Export user data somehow
- support frequency lists
- free edit of card fields
- import learnedOn data from anki
- View and edit known words
- chinese voice picker
- more compact library table view
- interactive workflow for importing from calibre
- update image / audio when editing card
- card maintenance (search for missing image, audio, etc)
- push premade card format to anki for new users
- allow mapping output to arbitrary anki note / deck format
- create startup health checks that prepares user for starting to mine
- store our own copy of image cover, book text, etc
- Import wordlist from csv
- unified pinyin generation (or at least fixed cc-cedicts ugly format)
- allow cc-cedict to be installed from internet
- Move from naive-ui to daisyui
- Rewrite using golang /
- Segment text only using words in user dictionary
- Speed up storage and loading of segmented text
- Generate audio for sentences using Azure
- Load images for cards from web
- Manage api-keys for image and tts services
- Manage dictionaries
- Start rewrite as electron application