- Fixed Event registry not notifying of an error in an event handler when the game was loaded, but no players were connected to the game
- Improved table.map, filter, and each to also include additional arguments and index.
- Added Event.core_events, allows registering Events for on_init, on_load, and on_configuration_changed
- Added options to Logger.new, adds option to modify the file extension and alter the timestamp format
- Added Chunk.get to calculate the chunk coordinates for a given tile position
- Added Chunk.get_data, retrieves mod data stored on a chunk position
- Added Chunk.set_data sets mod data on a chunk position
- Added Tile.from_position, calculates tile coordinates from a position
- Added Tile.to_area, returns the area that a single tile occupies
- Added Tile.get_data, retrieves mod data stored on a tile position
- Added Tile.set_data, sets mod data on a tile position
- Added Area.spiral_iterate, is an alternate iterator (compared to Area.iterate) that iterates the Area in an inside-out spiral fashion
- Added Area.center, returns the center position of an Area
- Added string.contains, tests if a string contains a substring
- Added Time contants, provides easy reference for Time.SECOND, Time.MINUTE, Time.HOUR, Time.DAY, and Time.WEEK in factorio tick time
- Improved the lua docs, so they share the same look and feel as the factorio lua docs
- Fixed Logger writing after one hour instead of one minute
- Fixed Event registry with Event.core_events.init not raising errors correctly
- Added string.trim(), which can remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
- Added string.starts_with(...), tests if a string starts with a given substring
- Added string.ends_with(...), tests if a string ends with a given substring
- Added Entity.get_data, retrieves persistent mod-data associated with an entity
- Added Entity.set_data, sets or removes persistent mod-data associated with an entity
- Added table.each, iterates a table and applies a function to each value in the table
- Added table.filter, iterates a table and returns a copy that contains all the elements that passed the filter
- Added table.first, returns the first item in the array
- Added table.last, returns the last item in the array
- Added table.map, returns a copy of the table transformed by the function
- Added table.merge, merges table b into table a, overwriting any duplicate entries in table a with values in table b
- Improved Event Registry
- Added access to the event handler reference (the function handling the event) in event._handler
- Added Event.remove, allows events to be de-registered
- Fixed incorrect parameters in Surface.find_all_entities
- Added Area.iterate function, allows iteration of the positions inside an area
- Added Entity.has function, can safely test if an entity has read access to a field
- Added Surface.lookup function, capable of converting strings, tables, or arrays to LuaSurface factorio object
- Added Surface.find_all_entities function, searches all loaded chunks on surface(s) for all entities that match criteria
- Added Event Registry, provides alternate Event registration from script.on_event.
- Event.register allows multiple event handlers to be registered for the same event
- Events that cause an error will not abort the game but print a warning to all players
- Events handlers cascade and can be aborted. Returning true in an event handler prevents any later handlers from being executed.
- Clarified documentation for Logger.log
- Added Area.expand function, expands an area by a given amount
- Added Area.shrink function, shrinks an area by a given amount
- Correct documentation for Area.offset
- Added Position.distance_squared for Euclidean distances between two points
- Added Position.distance for Euclidean distances between two points
- Added Position.manhattan_distance for calculating the manhattan distance between two points
- Added Entity.to_selection_area, creates an area that surrounds an entity selection box
- Added Entity.to_collision_area, creates an area that surrounds an entity collision box
- Added Area.inside function, tests if a position is inside an area
- Added Area.offset function, offsets an area by a position
- Added Area.round_to_integer function, rounds are to integer
- Added Area.to_table function, converts area to x/y, left_top/right_bottom format
- Majority of functions now give error messages for missing arguments
- Added Inventory.copy_inventory function
- Added Position.add function
- Added Position.subtract function
- Added Position.translate function
- Added Position.tostring function
- Unit testing with busted lua library
- Initial release