Very early version - API WILL CHANGE!
If you happen to stumble upon this library, please provide any and all feedback through any means comfortable to you.
$ pipenv install aiocrypto-prices
$ pip install aiocrypto-prices --user
Behind the scenes we are (currently) using cryptocompare's API, which means all of the symbols need to be in their format and supported by them.
>> from aiocrypto_prices import currencies
>> await currencies.ETH.prices.get('USD')
Useful for loading things in parallel.
Careful, if you're not accessing the target price through get
it might not reload after cache expires
>> from aiocrypto_prices import currencies
>> currencies.add('BTC', 'ETH', 'IOT')
>> await currencies.load_all()
>> currencies.IOT.prices.USD
>>> from aiocrypto_prices import currencies
>>> currencies.cache = 120 # 2 minute cache
>>> currencies.target_currencies.append('EUR') # In addition to defaults, let's fetch EUR too.
>>> currencies.human = True # Get name and url of a logo
>>> from aiocrypto_prices import Currencies
>>> currencies = Currencies(cache=120, target_currencies=['USD', 'EUR'], human=True)
- extra_information parameter was renamed to human
- new paramter 'full' providing market cap and supply
- More data should be provided with 'full', but requires a redesign of Prices class
all the TODOs scattered around the code
All the available information cryptocompare offers
Assign amount in that currency? - perhaps aiocrypto_folio?
- Implement adding together currencies of the same symbol and possibly other interactions