This is a simple port of djboris88/twig-commented-include
to be used with
Timber for WordPress.
It helps debugging and navigating through
many Twig partials in your project. It outputs a HTML comments before and after each
statement while rendering the template. Comments look like this:
<!-- Begin output of "_partials/_navigation.twig" -->
<div class="navigation" role="navigation" data-navigation>...</div>
<!-- / End output of "_partials/_navigation.twig" -->
To install the latest stable version of this component, open a console and execute the following command:
composer require djboris88/timber-commented-include
To be able to see the commented output, WP_DEBUG
has to be defined and set as
in wp-config.php
The Twig Extension will automatically be registered and applied. If the WordPress add_filter function is not available when that happens, it will fail. In that case, you will need to call initialization yourself at an appropriate time after WordPress itself is initialized:
if (function_exists('\Djboris88\Timber\initialize_filters')) {