- make uniswap deps optional (31df18f)
- core: draft custom contract call (1ed947f)
- dist folder for publish (e8fa5a0)
- core: ensure CallDataBuilder exported (5cd2acd)
- core: encode execute function for custom call (dabcbaf)
- core: make interface similar to viem writeContract (5978473)
- global: codestyle (a573966)
- global: change theme to ditto (20cfd8f)
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- core: add create workflow step to the sandbox (7fc4a3b)
- core: add docs about actions and triggres (17642d8)
- core: add docs about all triggers (f8732d1)
- global: get predicted Smart Wallet Address (43e8c90)
- global: add hooks/use-local-storage (85deb17)
- global: add method to get next vault id (ec7862e)
- global: add getting started section for root README (62b0dd7)
- core: throw error if no address for chain (e6e0741)
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- global: remove --dry-run and start real publishing (68659b3)
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- global: set --dry-run options until access will be fixed (47086a3)
- global: remove NPM_CONFIG_PROVENANCE (c4158a6)
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- global: upd package-lock (e0d14c5)
- global: add CI for publish on tag (7ac13f5)
- global: run nx migrate [email protected] (2bf8c97)
- global: track global version in root of monorepo (8eeea42)
- global: remove unnecessary gh-release (5395a81)
- global: remove unnecessary nx from package.json (edcbd8e)
- global: update release command in package.json (7b5e55c)
- global: add skipLockFileUpdate option to nx release (a8b03ce)
- global: restore package-lock (972eca5)
- core: remove files prop from package.json (1751f5e)
- global: fix package-lock (a044869)
- global: ensure using prod config in core (267dec8)
- web3.js: add typecheck target (f0fdabe)
- global: fix package-lock (a044869)
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- global: run npm install to fix lock file (a82be53)
- global: add release command