Product details
- Dkron Pro contains the following functionality:
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Multi-region support
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Full SSL encryption
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Elasticsearch processor
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Docker executor
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AWS ECS executor
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Advanced email processor
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WebUI and API authorization
Detailed documentation about configuring and using each feature can be found in the Dkron docs site. Read the
- Commercial FAQ for further details.
Your subscription gives you priority email support for any issues which might arise.
Sales of Dkron Pro also benefit the community by ensuring that Dkron itself will remain well supported for the
- foreseeable future.
When you buy Dkron Pro, a custom URL associated with your email address will be sent to you. You use this URL
- to install the package corresponding to your architecture. You configure and use Dkron Pro exactly like you
- would Dkron.
Pro tip : use a mailing list for your email when purchasing to ensure you get critical email updates, even if
- employees leave the company.
Dkron Pro will receive bug fixes and new functionality over time. All upgrades will be free to subscribers
- with a simple package upgrade. See the changelog for more detail.
Dkron is available under the terms of the GNU LGPLv3 license.
In addition to its useful functionality, buying Dkron Pro grants your organization a Dkron commercial license
- instead of the GNU LGPL, avoiding any legal issues your lawyers might raise. Please see the Commercial
- FAQ for further detail on licensing including options for distributing Dkron Pro with your own products.