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Multiple Oracle Support


The Discreet Log Contract security model is entirely reliant on the existence of trustworthy oracles. However, even if an oracle appears trustworthy and has a good history of truth-telling, there is always some amount of risk associated with the oracle becoming unresponsive, or worse, corrupted. This risk is particularly worrisome for large value DLCs, as well as widely used DLC oracle events where the pool of funds that could profitably bribe or fund attacks on oracles is relatively larger. This specification aims to significantly reduce oracle risk by introducing mechanisms with which to construct DLCs where some threshold of multiple oracles is required for successful execution.

Using multiple oracles multiplies the cost of bribery and other attacks, while simultaneously offering protection against unresponsive and otherwise corrupted oracles.

Using multiple oracles also provides a better environment for contract updates to a new oracle should one of the oracles being used announce that it will become unresponsive or has lost control of its keys.

A key feature of this proposal is that no change in behavior is required of oracles when compared to single-oracle DLCs. All work is done by DLC participants using existing DLC oracles as they are.

This document begins by examining the case of enumerated outcome event DLCs, which can also be applied to numeric outcome DLCs in cases where all oracles are expected and required to produce exactly the same events. The majority of this document, however, is devoted to treating the numeric case where oracles are allowed to have bounded disagreements.

In any of these cases, using multiple oracles does introduce a multiplier on the total number of adaptor signatures needed. In general, the adaptor signature set grows exponentially with the number of oracles, but remains small enough for small numbers of oracles to enable the most common use cases (2-of-3 and 3-of-5) without much trouble. Larger numbers of oracles can still be used in cases where they are needed, but the adaptor signature cost incurred may be large.

Table of Contents

Multiple Oracles for Enumerated Outcome Events

In the case of enumerated outcome events, where there is no macroscopic structure to the set of outcomes and all oracles of a given event are expected to sign perfectly corresponding outcomes, little work is required to support multiple oracles.

The n-of-n case is accomplished by simple point addition in the same manner as is done to combine multiple digit signatures in numeric outcome DLCs from digit decomposition. This specification opts to reduce the threshold (t-of-n) case to a combination of many t-of-t constructions.

If two oracles for an enumerated outcome have similar, but not exactly equivalent enumerations of all possible outcomes, some care must be taken to ensure expected behavior. For example, if one weather oracle has only the events ["rainy", "sunny", "cloudy"] while a second oracle has more events, ["rainy", "sunny", "partly cloudy", "cloudy"], then the DLC participants must decide what should happen in the case that the second oracle signs the message "partly cloudy". They can either choose to not support that event (refund), or construct CETs for when the first party signs "sunny", "cloudy", or either (that is, two individual CETs).

n-of-n Oracles

In much the same way as we create adaptor points for oracles publishing multiple signatures, we can similarly compute aggregate adaptor points for multiple oracles' signatures by simply using s(1..n) * G = (s1 + s2 + ... + sn) * G = s1 * G + s2 * G + ... + sn * G where si is the ith oracle's signature scalar. When all oracles have broadcast their signatures, the corresponding adaptor secret s(1..n) = s1 + s2 + ... + sn can be used to broadcast the CET.

Thus, enumerated outcome DLCs constructed for some n-of-n oracles can be constructed just as it would be for a single oracle, but replacing that single oracle's adaptor points with aggregate ones.

For a more detailed rationale for this approach see this section's rationale.

t-of-n Oracles

To construct a DLC for an enumerated outcome event using some threshold t-of-n oracles, we construct adaptor signatures for all outcomes for all possible combinations of t-of-t oracles.

For example, say there are three oracles, Olivia, Oren, and Ollivander, who will be attesting to one of two outcomes, A or B. If we wish to construct a 2-of-3 DLC over these outcomes using these oracles, we will construct a total of 6 adaptor signatures:

  • Olivia and Oren sign A.
  • Olivia and Ollivander sign A.
  • Oren and Ollivander sign A.
  • Olivia and Oren sign B.
  • Olivia and Ollivander sign B.
  • Oren and Ollivander sign B.

In general, the resulting DLC will have as many adaptor signatures as it did in the single oracle case, with a multiplier of n C t.

Example Algorithm

def combinations(
    oracles: Vector[ECPublicKey],
    threshold: Int): Vector[Vector[ECPublicKey]] = {
  if (oracles.length == threshold) {
  } else if (threshold == 1) {
  } else {
    combinations(oracles.tail, threshold - 1).map(_.prepended(oracles.head)) ++
      combinations(oracles.tail, threshold)


There are many approaches that were considered for threshold oracle support. The above was chosen primarily for the sake of its simplicity as well as other scheme's failure to be extended to numeric outcome events where some bounded disagreement between oracles is expected and must be supported.

Other schemes considered included:

  • Using a t-of-n OP_CMS on-chain in conjunction with a 2p-ECDSA scheme (or in the future, 2p-Schnorr) where all n on-chain keys are aggregate ones.
    • This is too complicated and doesn't extend to numeric outcomes.
  • Let O be the set of oracles (of size n), and let O_t be the set of all subsets of O of size t. For each outcome, generate a scalar and point pair and verifiably encrypt the scalar using an aggregate signature for each element of O_t. Provide counter-party with an adaptor signature using the point generated, along with all encryptions of its scalar.
    • This requires verifiable encryption, such as is available with the infrastructure from MuSig-DN, and also doesn't extend to numeric outcomes.
  • Using an OP_CMSV and an OP_CMS on t-of-n keys from each of the two parties.
    • Huge on-chain footprint and doesn't extend to numeric outcomes.

Multiple Oracles for Numeric Outcome Events

There are two kinds of numeric outcome DLCs when it comes to using multiple oracles: those where there is no expectation or allowance for variance between oracles, and those where some small variance is acceptable and must be supported.

For example, if there is some numeric data feed which broadcasts a single number daily, and multiple DLC oracles attest to this number, then all of these oracles should be expected to sign exactly the same number, down to the last binary digit.

On the other hand if there is some less precise data source, such as a continuous price feed or multiple price feeds from different exchanges for the same asset, then oracles may differ by some small amount due to the non-deterministic nature of the data sampling as they may draw from the feed at slightly different times or from different exchanges entirely. In these kinds of DLCs, some amount of difference between oracles is expected and some larger difference is also acceptable.

When executing the first kind of DLC, where no variance is allowed, then one should simply follow the same procedure as was specified for enumerated outcomes above because no macroscopic structure of the numeric nature of the outcomes is used from a multi-oracle support perspective.

If instead the second kind of DLC is being executed, then a special, more intricate procedure detailed below must be used to ensure proper execution. This procedure differs from the simple enumerated or exact numeric case as it uses the numeric structure of related outcomes. Specifically distance is used so that outcomes are related if they are sufficiently near each other.


It turns out that there is an exceedingly large design space of approaches that can be taken to support multiple oracles with some acceptable variance. It seems to be generally true, however, that a trade-off exists between the precision of guarantees that a procedure can make, and the size of the multiplier on the number of adaptor signatures required for the DLC. This specification chooses to prioritize adaptor signature reduction at the expense of precise guarantees so as to more easily support more oracles, which should generally counteract some of the imprecision surrounding variance support. Although this resulting design is extremely opinionated in some sense, it does leave three parameters unspecified to be negotiated or chosen by DLC participants.

The first two parameters are the orders of magnitude of expected and of allowed difference between oracles. By expected difference we mean the differences for which support is required by users, and by allowed difference we mean the differences for which support is acceptable but not required so that they may or may not be covered by the multi-oracle DLC construction algorithm. These parameters will, from now on, be called minSupport and maxError as they also represent the lower bound on failure (non-support) and the upper bound on allowed (support) difference/error between oracles. When we say that the guarantees made by this proposal are not precise, we mean two things. First, that minSupport is strictly less than maxError so that while it is true that all differences less than minSupport and none greater than maxError are supported, there are no guarantees made for differences in between these two parameters. Second, that minSupport and maxError are required to be powers of 2 and not arbitrary numbers so that in reality, allowed variance is only expressed in terms of order of magnitude, which is a somewhat coarse measure. These two things together also imply that minSupport must be at most half of maxError so that the gap between minSupport and maxError where no strict guarantees can be made is of significant size.

The third parameter offers a minimal remedy to these lack of guarantees. It is a boolean flag (true or false) called maximizeCoverage. This parameter arises from the fact that there is a decision to be made when covering the minSupport variance to either cover as much as possible (up to maxError) or as little as possible, and this decision has no consequence on the number of adaptor signatures. That is to say that maximizing or minimizing the cases of variance between minSupport and maxError require exactly the same number of adaptor signatures, hence this choice is left to the DLC participants. While this flag does improve the probabilistic guarantees which can be made for the maxError-minSupport gap, it should be noted that these are still only probabilistic as even if maximizeCoverage is set to true, there can still be differences of minSupport + 1 which are unsupported in the worst case and likewise, differences of maxError - 1 may still succeed even if maximizeCoverage is set to false in the worst case. Yet in the average case this maximizing coverage will make it much more likely that cases in the maxError-minSupport gap will succeed and minimizing coverage will make it much more likely that these cases fail (are not supported).

Here is a diagram which illustrates how the error bounds minSupport and maxError are used to constrain the selection of secondary oracle intervals:


There exist many versions of this proposal which allow more exact guarantees, such as ones that lift either or both of the constraints on the variance parameters, but they all require significantly more adaptor signatures. This proposal can be thought of as defining the maximally coarse coverage algorithm which results in the fewest possible multiplier on the number of adaptor signatures.

At a high level the algorithm works as follows (many details and some special cases are omitted). Designate one oracle in every t-of-t grouping to be the primary oracle and generate the set of digit prefixes and corresponding adaptor points required for the DLC in question as would be done for a single oracle. This primary oracle functionally determines the execution price, meaning that the UX should be the same as if this primary oracle was used on its own. Then, for each of these digit prefixes representing the primary oracle's attested result, label the first and last outcome covered by this digit prefix as [start, end] and compute the largest allowed range (end - maxError, start + maxError) for secondary oracles where this is the largest allowed range because end - maxError is the smallest outcome within maxError of all outcomes in [start, end] and start + maxError is the greatest outcome within maxError of all outcomes (see diagram above). Compute the set of digit prefixes required to cover this range (using the CET compression algorithm) and discard all but the shortest prefixes (corresponding to the largest intervals) in this set, which by definition cover the vast majority of the range. This discarding is the primary opinion decidedly made from the design space by this proposal, and discarding any less leads to better guarantees at the expense of more adaptor signatures. The resulting digit prefix(es) can then either be used (in the case of maximize coverage) or shrunk until they cover as little as possible while still containing [start - minSupport, end + minSupport] by repeatedly cutting the interval(s) in half on either side. This process results in 1 or 2 secondary oracle digit prefixes for every digit prefix of the primary oracle (see algorithm below).

2-of-2 Oracles with Bounded Error

In the two oracle case, mark one oracle as primary and the other as secondary. First, generate all digit prefixes for the primary oracle as is done in the single-oracle case for numeric outcome DLCs. Then we shall construct a list of 1 or 2 secondary digit prefixes whose corresponding adaptor points will be combined with the adaptor point corresponding to the primary oracle digit prefix. This scheme can be thought of as computing a set of 1 or 2 digit prefixes for the secondary oracle to cover at least the minimum range and at most the maximum range of outcomes allowed given each primary oracle's digit prefix.

The maximum possible support range is parameterized by a maximum error exponent, maxErrorExp, where all difference more than maxError = 2^maxErrorExp are guaranteed not to be supported.

The minimum supported range is parameterized by a minimum support exponent, minSupportExp, where all differences of up to minSupport = 2^minSupportExp are guaranteed to be supported. It is required that minSupportExp be strictly less than maxErrorExp because this gap is key to the functioning of the following algorithm.

If the two oracles sign outcomes that are between minSupport and maxError apart, then this procedure can provide only probabilistic guarantees. That said, DLC participants can decide in advance whether they wish to maximize the probability of failure or of success in these cases.

With these parameters in mind, we shall now detail the algorithm for computing the secondary oracle's digit prefixes given those of the first.


First, let us define some subprocedures.

  • computePrefixIntervalBinary takes as input a digit prefix corresponding to an outcome interval, and the total number of binary digits to be signed by an oracle, and returns an interval [start, end] which that digit prefix covers.
  • numToVec takes as input an integer representing the left endpoint of a digit prefix's range, the number of binary digits to be signed by the oracle, and a number of digits to ignore/omit, and returns the binary digits corresponding to that digit prefix.

We take as input the number of digits to be signed by the oracle, numDigits, the binary digits of the primary oracle's digit prefix which we wish to cover with the secondary oracle, primaryDigits, maxErrorExp, minSupportExp, and a boolean flag maximizeCoverage which signals whether to maximize the probability of success for outcomes differing by less than maxError and more than minSupport or not (in which case failure is maximized).

Let [start, end] = computePrefixIntervalBinary(primaryDigits, numDigits), let halfMaxError = 2^(maxErrorExp - 1), and let maxNum = (2^numDigits) - 1.

We then split into cases:

Small Primary Interval

Large Primary Interval

  • Case Small Primary Interval (end - start + 1 < maxError)
    • In this case we consider the primary oracle's digit prefix's range as it relates to the maxError-sized interval, beginning at some multiple of maxError, which contains the primary interval in question.
      • Note that the primary interval cannot be part of two such maxError-sized intervals as this would imply that there are fewer primaryDigits than numDigits - maxErrorExp which would result in a large primary interval, but we are in the small primary interval case.
    • Definitions
      • Let leftMaxErrorMult be the first multiple of maxError to the left of start.
      • Let rightMaxErrorMult be the first multiple of maxError to the right of end.
      • Let maxCoverPrefix = numToVec(leftMaxErrorMult, numDigits, maxErrorExp).
    • We now split into cases again depending on whether or not the small primary interval is near either boundary of its containing interval [leftMaxErrorMult, rightMaxErrorMult - 1].
    • Case Middle Primary Interval (start >= leftMaxErrorMult + minSupport and end < rightMaxErrorMult - minSupport)
      • In this case, only a single secondary digit prefix is needed to cover all cases in which it agrees with the input primary interval!
      • If maximizeCoverage is true, then maxCoverPrefix is to be used.
      • Otherwise, use the smallest interval which contains [start - minSupport, end + minSupport].
        • This can be computed as the common prefix between the binary digits of those two endpoints.
    • Case Left Primary Interval (start < leftMaxErrorMult + minSupport)
      • In this case, two secondary digit prefixes are needed: leftPrefix and rightPrefix, one on each side of leftMaxErrorMult.
        • Special Case Leftmost Primary Interval (leftMaxErrorMult == 0)
          • In this case only rightPrefix needs to be computed and used
      • If maximizeCoverage is true, then rightPrefix = maxCoverPrefix.
      • Otherwise, rightPrefix is the interval resulting from repeatedly deleting the right half of maxCoverPrefix's interval until any more deletions would no longer result in a right endpoint greater than end + minSupport.
        • This can be computed as taking the first (numDigits - maxErrorExp) binary digits of end + minSupport followed by any additional 0 digits after that.
      • If maximizeCoverage is true, then leftPrefix = numToVec(leftMaxErrorMult - halfMaxError, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1).
        • This prefix has the interval of width halfMaxError covering [leftMaxErrorMult - halfMaxError, leftMaxErrorMult - 1].
      • Otherwise, leftPrefix covers the interval of minimum width containing [leftMaxErrorMult - minSupport, leftMaxErrorMult - 1].
        • This can be computed as the first (numDigits - maxErrorExp) binary digits of start - minSupport followed by any additional 1 digits after that.
    • Case Right Primary Interval (end > rightMaxErrorMult - minSupport)
      • In this case, two secondary digit prefixes are needed: leftPrefix and rightPrefix, one on each side of rightMaxErrorMult.
        • Special Case Rightmost Primary Interval (rightMaxErrorMult == maxNum)
          • In this case only leftPrefix needs to be computed and used
      • If maximizeCoverage is true, then leftPrefix = maxCoverPrefix.
      • Otherwise, leftPrefix is the interval resulting from repeatedly deleting the left half of maxCoverPrefix's interval until any more deletions would no longer result in a left endpoint greater than start - minSupport.
        • This can be computed as taking the first (numDigits - maxErrorExp) binary digits of start - minSupport followed by any additional 1 digits.
      • If maximizeCoverage is true then rightPrefix = numToVec(rightMaxErrorMult + 1, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1).
        • This prefix has the interval of width halfMaxError covering [rightMaxErrorMult + 1, rightMaxErrorMult + halfMaxError].
      • Otherwise, rightPrefix covers the interval of minimum width containing [rightMaxErrorMult + 1, end + minSupport].
        • This can be computed as the first (numDigits - maxErrorExp) binary digits of end + minSupport followed by any additional 0 digits.
  • Case Large Primary Interval (end - start + 1 >= maxError)
    • In this case, we partition the primary interval into three pieces where one secondary prefix is needed for each of the three primary intervals. The three secondary prefixes are a middlePrefix for when both oracles agree that the outcome is within the large primary interval, a leftPrefix for when the secondary oracle is within an acceptable range to the left of the large primary interval, and a rightPrefix for when the secondary oracle is within an acceptable range to the right of the large primary interval.
      • The leftPrefix is paired with a new primary prefix called leftInnerPrefix.
      • The rightPrefix is paired with a new primary prefix called rightInnerPrefix.
      • The middlePrefix is paired with the original (large) primary interval.
    • Special Case Leftmost Large Primary Interval (start == 0)
      • The leftInnerPrefix and leftPrefix do not need to be computed and are not used.
    • Special Case Rightmost Large Primary Interval (end == maxNum)
      • The rightInnerPrefix and rightPrefix do not need to be computed and are not used.
    • The middlePrefix always covers exactly the input primary interval, [start, end].
      • This may actually violate the maxError bound but since this is one large primary interval, it must be the case that even with this larger than maxError difference between the oracles, the payout resulting from either outcome is the same so that this is not an issue.
    • If maximizeCoverage is true,
      • leftInnerPrefix = numToVec(start, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1)
      • leftPrefix = numToVec(start - halfMaxError, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1)
      • rightInnerPrefix = numToVec(end - halfMaxError + 1, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1)
      • rightPrefix = numToVec(end + 1, numDigits, maxErrorExp - 1)
    • Otherwise (maximizeCoverage is false),
      • leftInnerPrefix = numToVec(start, numDigits, minSupportExp)
      • leftPrefix = numToVec(start - minSupport, numDigits, minSupportExp)
      • rightInnerPrefix = numToVec(end - minSupport + 1, numDigits, minSupportExp)
      • rightPrefix = numToVec(end + 1, numDigits, minSupportExp)

n-of-n Oracles with Bounded Error

Just as in the two oracle case, mark one oracle as primary and all others as secondary.

The simplest method for achieving n-of-n oracle support for n greater than 2 is to run the 2-of-2 algorithm in a slightly modified fashion so that if, on a given primary interval, the algorithm returns 2 secondary digit prefixes, we instead return 2^(n-1) aggregate adaptor points.

For example, if there are two secondary oracles, Omar and Odette, and two digit prefixes, A and B, returned by the 2-of-2 algorithm, then this modified algorithm would return four aggregate adaptor points:

  • Omar signs A and Odette signs A
  • Omar signs A and Odette signs B
  • Omar signs B and Odette signs A
  • Omar signs B and Odette signs B

If the 2-of-2 algorithm returns a single secondary digit prefix then we simply use the aggregate of all oracles signing an event that is covered by that one digit prefix.

However, in the large primary interval case where three digit prefixes are normally returned, we can make some more custom alterations. The middlePrefix case remains the same, but where an aggregate of all oracles signing an event covered by that prefix is used. But from each of the (leftPrefix, leftInnerPrefix) and (rightPrefix, rightInnerPrefix) pairs, we instead generate 2^(n-1)-1 tuples (xPrefix, xInnerPrefix, middlePrefix) (where x is left or right) where xInnerPrefix consists of only the primary oracle (as usual) and where xPrefix and middlePrefix are aggregations of secondary oracles such that

  • All secondary oracles are included in exactly one of xPrefix or middlePrefix and
  • xPrefix is non-empty.

To summarize, for n-of-n oracle support, the 2-of-2 algorithm is run where the primary oracle's

  • Small Middle Primary Intervals result in a single aggregate adaptor point
  • Small non-Middle Primary Intervals result in 2^(n-1) aggregate adaptor points
  • Large Primary Intervals result in a total of 2^n - 1 aggregate adaptor points
    • One aggregate middle point
    • 2^(n-1) - 1 aggregate non-middle points for each side
      • Totaling 2^n - 2 non-middle aggregate points.


Luckily, there are very few large primary intervals in any given DLC. Thus, the primary multiplier to be concerned with is that of small non-middle primary intervals.

If the difference between maxErrorExp and minSupportExp is only one, then all small primary intervals will be non-middle so that additional oracles are guaranteed to lead to exponential growth in this multiplier (though one should note that exponential growth is already likely when using the below t-of-n scheme so that this may not be a primary concern).

If, on the other hand, the difference between maxErrorExp and minSupportExp is larger than one, then the majority of primary intervals are expected to be middle primary intervals with exponentially larger numbers of middle primary intervals the bigger the difference between those two parameters.

Therefore, there is a trade-off between the tightness of error bounds (i.e. the size of the non- guaranteed successes or failures between minSupport and maxError) and the number of adaptor points when using more than two oracles.

It should also be noted that the actual values of minSupportExp and maxErrorExp are not part of this trade-off, only their relative difference. For example, having minSupport=32 and maxError = 128 should yield similar results to having minSupport = 256 and maxError = 1024.

t-of-n Oracles with Bounded Error

Just as in the t-of-n Oracles for enumerated outcomes case, to support a threshold t-of-n oracles for numeric outcomes with allowed (bounded) error, we simply run the t-of-t algorithm above on all of the n C t possible combinations of t oracles.

The only additional work that must be done is that there must be a decision procedure to determine which oracle in a given group of t oracles is primary, and additionally what values should be used for minSupport and maxError for a given group of t oracles (as this can vary between groups).

The simplest candidate would be a negotiated ordered ranking of the oracles where the highest ranking oracle in any group of t oracles is chosen as primary. The values minSupport and maxError can also be computed as some function of the rankings of a group of t oracles, or else they can be set as constant parameters across all groupings.

TODO: Decide how this is done and communicated.

Reference Implementations


Nadav Kohen [email protected]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.