An autostereogram (MagicEye) image generator written in Python.
Takes a grayscale depthmap (where white is closest, black is farthest), and generates a random dot autostereogram (MagicEye) image of the same size.
By default, a random pattern 1/8 the size of the depthmap is repeated and offset to create the effect. There seems to be an art to choosing the right pattern size.
If you string together multiple stereograms, you can make cool "MagicEye" movies!
# Use default settings (1/8 sized pattern)
$ python shark.png -o magic-shark.png
# Make random pattern 1/10 of the depthmap size
$ python -p 10 shark.png -o magic-shark.png
An OpenGL-based depth map generator (used to make frames for a stereogram movie).
Renders frames from an OpenGL scene to a series of depthmaps that can be converted and combined into a stereogram movie. You can make your own movies by modifying the render function inside
# Make depthmap frames with the GLUT teapot
$ python
# Generate an animated GIF of the teapot
$ ./