Next.js 14+ 🤝 Tailwind CSS 🤝 Notion as CMS 🤝 notion-x.
🎉 You can read this post to understand the ideas behind and create your own a site like mine.
🧡 If what I do is helpful to you for some reason, please consider supporting me. Thank you!
👉 Version 1 (Jekyll): -- source.
👉 Version 2 (Jekyll): -- source.
👉 Version 3 (Jekyll): -- source.
👉 Version 4 (Gatsby, canceled at 60%): demo of what I did -- source.
👉 Version 5 (11ty): -- source.
🚨 You have to install globally Nodejs >=18 (recommend using nvm) and Yarn first.
# install
# clone submodule notion-x (when installing only)
git submodule update --init --recursive
# ud notion-x
git submodule update --recursive --remote
# or yarn getlib
# dev
yarn dev # port 3003
# build
yarn build
# serve (need to build first)
yarn start # port 3003
# reinstall all
yarn reinstall
# clean
yarn clean
# prettier
yarn prettier
# clear yarn cache (helpful sometimes)
yarn cache clean
Deploy to vercel,
vercel dev # like yarn dev
vercel build
# preview only
vercel deploy
# production
vercel --prod
Modify directly notion-x's components inside this repo.
Overwrite modified files from this repo to notion-x's repo.
Push changes from notion-x.
On dat, make a script and run
# Make sure notion-x and this repo are cloned to the same parent folder. alias checkout_notion-x="cd notion-x && git checkout * && cd -" alias ud_submodules='checkout_notion-x && git submodule update --recursive --remote'
If there are changes from notion-x, cannot merge branch from
or vice verso. We have to force reset one branch to the other!
Enable corepack to use yarn newest version.
- Problem with search? Check and update
. Don't forget to re-deploy on Vercel.