Send and receive messages to / from an AWS SQS queue in your integration tests (using e.g. localstack for AWS) based on AWS SDK v2.
- Release the project using
mvn release:prepare
,mvn release:perform
- Switch to the released tag using git checkout v[version]
- Make sure that you have your sonatype credentials in your maven settings as server id
otherwise you will get HTTP 401 when trying to upload - Depending on your local setup, you might need to help GPG know how to ask you for the passphrase - run this export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
- Build and deploy the artifacts to sonatype
mvn clean deploy -Dgpg.keyname="<name>" -Dmaven.test.skip=true -P publish
- Switch back to master using git checkout master
- Close and release the repository at
- Push the changes to github. Also push the tags (git push --tags).