Send and receive messages to / from an AWS Kinesis stream in your integration tests (using e.g. localstack for AWS) based on AWS SDK v2.
You might need to disable CBOR for usage with localstack. Programmatically, you can do it like that:
System.setProperty(, "false");
Check out the test KinesisTest
and the configuration in CitrusConfiguration
- Release the project using
mvn release:prepare
,mvn release:perform
- Switch to the released tag using git checkout v[version]
- Make sure that you have your sonatype credentials in your maven settings as server id
otherwise you will get HTTP 401 when trying to upload - Depending on your local setup, you might need to help GPG know how to ask you for the passphrase - run this export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
- Build and deploy the artifacts to sonatype
mvn clean deploy -Dgpg.keyname="<name>" -Dmaven.test.skip=true -P publish
- Switch back to master using git checkout master
- Close and release the repository at
- Push the changes to github. Also push the tags (git push --tags).