This is the recommend why of building a local development environment that isn't depended on the distro python version.
To run SCT tests locally run following::
sudo ./
# install python3.10 via pyenv
curl | bash
exec $SHELL
# go to:
# and follow the instructions for your distribution, to install the prerequisites
# for compiling python from source
PYTHON_VERSION=`./docker/env/ python --version | cut -d' ' -f2 | tail -n1 | tr -d '\r\n'`
pyenv install ${PYTHON_VERSION}
# create a virtualenv for SCT
pyenv virtualenv ${PYTHON_VERSION} sct-${PYTHON_VERSION}
pyenv activate sct-${PYTHON_VERSION}
pip install uv==0.2.24
uv pip install -r
- set environment variable "SCT_ENABLE_TEST_PROFILING" to 1, or add "enable_test_profiling: true" into yaml file
- run test
After test is done there are following ways to use collected stats:
cat ~/latest/profile.stats/stats.txt
snakeviz ~/latest/profile.stats/stats.bin
tuna ~/latest/profile.stats/stats.bin
gprof2dot -f pstats ~/latest/profile.stats/stats.bin | dot -Tpng -o ~/latest/profile.stats/stats.png
Another way to profile is py-spy:
pip install py-spy
Run recording:py-spy record -s -o ./py-spy.svg -- python3 ...
Run 'top' mode:py-spy top -s -- python3 ...