Recipe files are written in YAML and adhere to the specifications outlined below.
Recipe definition files are placed under recipes/org/<on_host_integration_name>
and should have the following format:
Note: TBD on final format
For example:
TBD - determine naming scheme when the a given recipe can be distro/os agnostic.
# Unique handle
# Example: infrastructure-agent-linuxinstaller
name: string, required
# Friendly name of the integration
# Example: Infrastructure Agent Linux Installer
displayName: string, required
# Example: New Relic install recipe for the Infrastructure agent
description: string, required
# Example:
repository: string, required
# Dependency list for recipes (by name) that must be run successfully prior to attempting
# the current recipe
# ex:
# dependencies:
# - infrastructure-agent-installer
dependencies: list, optional
# Still TBD
# Indicates the target host/runtime/env where user is trying to install (Note: isn't necessarily where you're running the newrelic-cli from)
# See for possible permutations
installTargets: list, required
- type: string (enum), optional # One of [ host, application, docker, kubernetes, cloud, serverless ]
os: string (enum), optional # linux, darwin, windows
platform: string (enum), optional # One of [ amazon, ubuntu, debian, centos, redhat, suse ]
platformFamily: string (enum), optional # One of [ debian, rhel, suse, ... ]
platformVersion: string, optional # "17.10". Supports regex expression, however the regex must be enclosed between parenthesis.
kernelVersion: string, optional # version of the OS kernel (if available). Supports regex expression, however the regex must be enclosed between parenthesis.
kernelArch: string, optional # native cpu architecture queried at runtime, as returned by `uname -m` or empty string in case of error. Supports regex expression, however the regex must be enclosed between parenthesis.
# keyword convention for dealing with search terms that could land someone on this instrumentation project
# Example:
# - Node
# - Node.js
# - Microsoft Azure Web Apps
keywords: list, required
# CLI runs process detection; this is a regex used to filter recipes that are appropriate for matched processes.
# An empty list signifies the recipe will always be run during guided install.
# Example Usage:
# processMatch:
# - apache # matches any processes containing apache in the full process command
# processMatch: [] # this recipe will always run in Guided Install. Supports regex expression
processMatch: list, required
# Matches partial list of the Log forwarding parameters
logMatch: list (object), optional
- name: string, required
file: string, optional # Path to the log file or files. Your file can point to a specific log file or multiple ones by using wildcards applied to names and extensions; for example, /logs/*.log
attributes: object, optional # Custom attributes to enrich data
logtype: string, optional # key/value pair
pattern: string, optional # Regular expression for filtering records.
systemd: string, optional # [LINUX ONLY] Service name. Once the systemd input is activated, log messages are collected from the journald daemon in Linux environments.
# Prompts for input from the user. These variables then become
# available to go-task in the form of {{.VAR_NAME}}
inputVars: list, optional
- name: string, required # name of the variable
prompt: string, optional # message prompt to present to the user
secret: boolean, optional # Indicates a password field. Use true/false (no quotes)
default: string, optional # default value for variable
# DEPRECATED! Use `validationUrl` instead.
# NRQL the newrelic-cli will use to validate the agent/integration this recipe
# installed is successfully sending data to New Relic
validationNrql: string, optional
# A URL for the newrelic-cli to use to validate the agent/integration was successfully installed and is sending data to New Relic
validationUrl: string, optional
# Metadata to support generating a URL after installation success
successLinkConfig: object, optional
type: enum (string), required # One of [ host, EXPLORER ]
filter: string, optional # optional filter value for EXPLORER links
# Optional pre-install configuration items.
# Useful for things like including prompt info on dependencies and what vars could be supplied to the CLI to automate this recipe.
# Can be extended in the future for any pre-install hooks we'd want the newrelic-cli to run.
preInstall: object, optional
info: string, optional # Message/Docs notice to display to the user before running recipe.
# requireAtDiscovery contains a script to be run during the install to determine
# whether or not the recipe should be executed.
requireAtDiscovery: string, optional
# go-task yaml definition
# This spec -
install: string, required
version: '3'
# Silent mode disables echoing of commands before Task runs it.
silent: true
# DO NOT USE: License Key is automatically injected by the newrelic-cli
# env:
- FOO_VAR: foo-value
default: # must have a default task, as the newrelic-cli uses this for an entry point
- task: setup_nr_profile
- task: install_infra
- echo "Setting up NR Profile"
- echo "Installing the Infrastructure agent"
- curl -L {{.NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY}} | sh
silent: true
# Optional post-install configuration items.
# Useful for things like including prompt info on dependencies and what vars could be supplied to the CLI to automate this recipe.
# Can be extended in the future for any post-install hooks we'd want the newrelic-cli to run.
postInstall: object, optional
info: string, optional # Message/Docs notice displayed to user after running the recipe