Public services core functionality and Criminal Record Extract public service
- Public services core is presented by
, it presents list of public services that are passed into it - Criminal Record Extract public service is presented by
Topic | Link | Description |
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine | | The Official homepage of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine |
Diia App | | The Official website for the Diia application |
To install DiiaPublicServices using Swift Package Manager you can follow the tutorial published by Apple using the URL for this repo with the current version:
- In Xcode, select “File” → “Add Packages...”
- Enter
or you can add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Entry point for DiiaPublicServicesCore
that depends on PublicServicesCoreContext
import MVPModule
import DiiaNetwork
import DiiaPublicServicesCore
struct PublicServiceCategoriesListModuleFactory {
static func create() -> BaseModule {
let network: PublicServiceCoreNetworkContext = .create()
let publicServiceRouteManager: PublicServiceRouteManager = .init(routeCreateHandlers: .publicServiceRouteCreateHandlers)
let storage: PublicServicesStorage = PublicServicesStorageImpl.init(storage: StoreHelper.instance)
let imageNameProvider: DSImageNameProvider = DSImageNameProviderImpl()
PublicServiceCategoriesListModule(context: PublicServicesCoreContext(network: network,
publicServiceRouteManager: publicServiceRouteManager,
storage: storage,
imageNameProvider: imageNameProvider))
extension PublicServiceCoreNetworkContext {
static func create() -> PublicServiceCoreNetworkContext {
// Retrieve preconfigured default session from DiiaNetwork.NetworkConfiguration
let session = NetworkConfiguration.default.session
let host = "localhost:443"
// Define base headers for public services API endpoint
let headers = ["App-Version": "1.0.0",
"User-Agent": "user-agent-value"]
return .init(session: session,
host: host,
headers: headers)
private extension Dictionary {
// Returns a specific public service router by type code to provide instructions to PublicServiceOpener how to open the service when called
static var publicServiceRouteCreateHandlers: [ServiceTypeCode: PublicServiceRouteCreateHandler] {
let criminalRecordCode = PublicServiceType.criminalRecordCertificate.rawValue
return [
criminalRecordCode: { items in
// Return an instance that conforms to RouterProtocol
return PSCriminalRecordExtractRoute(contextMenuItems: items)
Entry point for DiiaPublicServices.PSCriminalRecordExtract
that depends on PSCriminalRecordExtractConfiguration
It should be called in PSCriminalRecordExtractRoute
that conforms to RouterProtocol
and is required for the dictionary above.
import DiiaCommonTypes
import DiiaMVPModule
import DiiaNetwork
import DiiaPublicServices
struct PSCriminalRecordExtractRoute: RouterProtocol {
private let contextMenuItems: [ContextMenuItem]
init(contextMenuItems: [ContextMenuItem]) {
self.contextMenuItems = contextMenuItems
func route(in view: BaseView) {
let ratingServiceOpener: RateServiceProtocol = RatingServiceOpenerImpl()
let urlHandler: URLOpenerProtocol = URLOpenerImpl()
let session = NetworkConfiguration.default.session
let host = "localhost:443"
let headers = ["App-Version": "1.0.0",
"User-Agent": "user-agent-value"]
// Make an instance that conforms to ContextMenuProviderProtocol
let baseCMP: ContextMenuProviderProtocol = BaseContextMenuProvider(publicService: .criminalRecordCertificate, items: contextMenuItems)
let config = PSCriminalRecordExtractConfiguration(ratingServiceOpener: ratingServiceOpener,
networkingContext: .init(session: session,
host: host,
headers: headers),
urlOpener: URLOpenerImpl()) CriminalExtractListModule(contextMenuProvider: baseCMP, packageConfig: config))
Adding a new Public Services module to DiiaPublicServices involves several steps to ensure proper integration and functionality. Here is the guideline:
Project Structure: Create a new directory in
for your public service module. For example, if your functionality is calledSomePublicService
, create a directory likeSources/PublicServices/SomePublicService
. -
Swift Files: Add the Swift files for your public service module to the newly created directory. These files should contain the implementation of your service, including service-specific classes, structures, functions, or protocols.
Dependencies: If the public service module depends on external dependencies, list them in the Package.swift file under the dependencies section for
target. Use the Swift Package Manager (SPM) to manage dependencies. -
Public Interfaces: Define which entities (classes, structures, functions, etc.) from your public service module should be accessible outside the module. Declare them as available in their respective Swift files. Define an
entry point module
to which you will pass thecontext
with the required dependencies for service-wide injection. -
Testing: Write unit tests for your public service module. Place these tests in a special directory:
, and make sure they cover the functionality of your new service module. Note: We do not cover View, ViewController, Module, Model and similar ones that contain UI or non-logical files with tests. Need to exclude them by updating theScripts/.xcovignore
file. -
Documentation: Document your public service module using comments if possible. Clear and concise documentation makes it easier for users to understand and integrate your module. Update the file with information about the new public service.
Integration and Usage: Integrate the updated Swift package into projects that require the new public service module as described in the
section above. Use the Swift Package Manager to make sure everything compiles and works properly. DefineSomePublicServiceRoute
that conforms toRouterProtocol
, where infunc route(in view: BaseView)
you need to create a service entry point module with the context and open it in the passedview
. Then this route with its typeCode should be added as a key-value pair to thepublicServiceRouteCreateHandlers: [ServiceTypeCode: PublicServiceRouteCreateHandler]
In order to run tests and check coverage please follow next steps We use xcov in order to run This guidline provides step-by-step instructions on running xcove locally through a shell script. Discover the process and locate the results conveniently in .html format.
- Install xcov
- go to folder ./Scripts then run
- In order to check coverage report find the file
in the folder../../xcove_output
We use Scripts/.xcovignore
xcov configuration file in order to exclude files that are not going to be covered by unit tests (views, models and so on) from coverage result.
It is used SwiftLint to enforce Swift style and conventions. The app should build and work without it, but if you plan to write code, you are encouraged to install SwiftLint.
You can run SwiftLint manully by running
swiftlint Sources --quiet --reporter html > Scripts/swiftlint_report.html.
You can also set up a Git pre-commit hook to run SwiftLint automatically by copy Scripts/githooks into .git/hooks
The Diia project welcomes contributions into this solution; please refer to the file for details
Copyright (C) Diia and all other contributors.
Licensed under the EUPL (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Re-use is permitted, although not encouraged, under the EUPL, with the exception of source files that contain a different license.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Questions regarding the Diia project, the License and any re-use should be directed to