Releases: digiwombat/TalkerMakerDeluxe
Version 2.1.1
- All-Link rendering is more of a debug mode than anything. It just draws straight lines
- I wanted this to work with the underlying system, but that system isn't tied tightly to the data structures at play here so I did this to save time.
- Adding nodes to a collapsed node would cause some strange behaviors, so now adding a node uncollapses the node.
- XAML for External Link indicator added but currently not using it because it seems like a pain in the ass.
- Added visual indicator for Node ID
- Version to 2.1.1
Version 2.1.0 BREAKING CHANGES, Deleting Stuff, Linking Stuff, and Node Position
v2.0.0 Release Notes
The big change here is all backend stuff. The logic is now C# objects that are strongly typed instead of an extensible XML thing that I was using before. It still exports to a ChatMapper-compatable XML file (for my case, it's for Dialogue System for Unity imports).
- Big UI Cleanup and fixes here and there.
- Code is now cleaner and less horrifying, still not amazing but it's two days of work so whatever.
- Now works by binding to objects and exports to JSON by default.
- Still maintains an old XML export for various importers.
- Undo/Redo still a hot mess
- Anyone who wants to fix Undo/Redo, please go for it.
- Deleting should be trivial to add now. Haven't done it yet though.
- Happy to hear about your ideas for a great coffee drink or accept any pull requests that add missing features or de-shit Undo/Redo
I'll try to get to any bug reports. New features are lower priority since I'm working on my game.
Shouts to everybody in the credits and a bunch of StackExchange WPF advice because WPF is kind of a black-box nightmare but that's my life.
v2.1.0 Release Notes
- Show outgoing links from a given node in a list view
- Add arbitrary outgoing links via the UI above the Link List
- Context Menus added for deleting all current types.
- "Logic Nodes" added. This is basically a checkbox that's used to minimize nodes.
- Dialogue box also no longer shows up unless there is dialogue.
- Added canvasRect to XML export so the node layouts persist when imported Dialogue System for Unity.
- This also saves to the JSON format.
- Version arbitrarily bumped to 2.1.0
Version 1.11.0 Beta (really Alpha, whatever)
Fixed a few things.
- Installer now uses local appdata so the file menu doesn't crash due to modern windows permissions issues. (fixes #6)
- Cleaned up the UI a bit.
- No longer using Mahapps.Metro (credits file not updated yet)
- JSON exporting menu is enabled (forget if it was in older builds).
- It outputs a serviceable (with minor modifications) JSON file, but it's not the prettiest thing. Still uses ChatMapper's basic format, just in JSON format.
- Undo/Redo is still a minefield.
- Still no deletion.
- Still working on my game so this is mostly usability updates for me, sorry.
- Please contribute, :D
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.10.1 Beta
- Version display box.
- Undo/Redo transposition bug.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.10.0 Beta
- Auto-save/backup every five minutes.
- Node undo bug where selecting a node after undoing would still try to recolor the deleted node.
About the auto-save: The auto-save automatically saves any known save location every five minutes. Regardless of whether the file has been saved to a known location (displayed in the title bar), it saves to one of three backup files in the application directory every five minutes. These files are named obviously with autosave_1 being the newest and 3 being the oldest. The auto-saver ONLY executes a save if the file needs saving which is pretty over-aggressive for safety sake and denoted by a * in the title bar. needsSave=false is only set by the auto save if there is a known save location.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.9.2 Beta
- Undo/Redo for the main tree.
Don't really intend to make this global. If I ever get around to doing MVVM hookups, this will be a lot easier to track, but as it is, it's a bit of a pain in general.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.8.2 Beta
- Collapse/Expand All
- Windows size and position saving.
- Bring selected and newly added nodes into view.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.7.13 Beta
- Fixed some visual issues with labels overlapping or causing problems.
- Fixed a saving bug that didn't know tell the program that the file had been saved.
- Added the saved file to the recent files list.
- Added AllowReturn on the Dialogue textbox as it seems like it ought to allow them. All Description boxes are still single line.
- Style change on the ToggleButton and foreground color fix for selected text.
- Fixed some height issues with larger text boxes.
- Changed the margin a bit to give the nodes a little room to breathe.
- Changes to variable display
- Added some extra padding.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.7.4 Beta
I think I'm pretty much there. Clearly, I am awful at properly stopping dev on this to go work on the game, but when you're using a shit app, it's hard to want to use it... if you catch my meaning.
New Features
- Links for conversation looping/dynamic jumps.
- False Condition Behavior selection
- Actor image on node
- Recent file list
- Changed the collapse element to be more readable.
- Ranch dressing
- Fixed a bug with nulling selected items on project load.
- Intelligent hiding for rows on the root node for UX purposes
- Moved opening logic to a set handler like saving.
- Changed out number rotator because the Mahapps one looks like shit and
I hate that is uses and int Value instead of strings OR ints or
whatever. - Some small changed to Textblocks for cleaner handling of long values
- Fixed some initializing errors when adding new nodes that caused a project load crash.
- Dialogue now labelled correctly.
- Saving a file now actually lets the program know what file is open. Herpderp.
- I think that's it.
TalkerMaker Deluxe v1.5.4 Beta
- Node colors.
- AvalonDock customizable layout (saves on exit, loads on load)
- Visual overview (really necessary for larger maps)
- Add on-click move for the overview scroller.
Should be more usable now, especially for larger trees. Now 100% guaranteed to get you women. Or men. Whichever you're into.
v1.5.1-v.1.5.4 have been minor bugfixes and logic changes. Nothing major but worth replacing.