GoogleHireAutomatedJobPosting this automation development is intended to be use for automating creation and publishing jobs in google hire. The Bot, will read a spreadsheet file hosted in google drive for creating and publishing jobs.
GoogleHireAutomatedJobPosting can help you creating and publishing jobs in google hire in order to increase velocity and minimize erros. Also will save time for spending in more productive things.
- Create Jobs in google hire
- Publishing Jobs in google hire
The spreadsheet file must have the following structure and format. Please check the tamplate:
You can copy the file to your own google drive and specify the URL in the file name: googlehire_credentials.json
You need to share Job Spreeadsheet with the client-email of the file client_secrets.json
All Job Descriptions docs must be share with the client-email
- Windows System
- Google Chrome Version 81
- Install Python
- Install followings Libraries
pip install selenium
pip install requests
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
pip install --upgrade google-auth
- Download the repository in your local machine
- Open windows cmd
- Navigate using cmd to repository folder
- Execute:
In case of any question, please contact me on [email protected]